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1918 eae 

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HE proposal to issue an Index to the first twelve volumes 
of the ScoTtisH Historica, Review was made some 
time ago in a circular letter addressed to persons interested in 
the study of Scottish History, and signed by the Earl of Rosebery 
and Midlothian; Mr. Arthur James Balfour; Sir Herbert 
Maxwell, Bart.; Mr. C. H. Firth, Mr. W. P. Ker, and 
Mr. Reginald L.. Poole, Oxford; Professor Hume Brown, 
Edinburgh; and Dr. George Neilson, and Professor R. S. Rait, 
Glasgow. In this it was stated that the primary motive was 
that the Index Volume might serve as an expression of the 
esteem with which the Editor, Mr. James MacLehose, LL.D., 
was regarded by Students of Scottish History. 

The proposal then made met with general approval, and the 
names of the individuals and public libraries who wished to 
further the suggestion are printed over-leaf. 

The Committee desire to thank Mr. Arthur Mill, of the 
Signet Library, Edinburgh, for the care which he has bestowed 
on the preparation of this Index, the issue of which has been 
delayed by causes connected with the war. 

D. B. S., 

Hon. Secy. to the Committee. 

April, 1918. 


LIST of Subscribers to the Inaex Volume suggested in the letter 
signed by the Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebery and others, 
referred to on previous page. 

The Lord Aberconway of Bodnant. 

E. G. Allen and Son, London. 

Arthur R. Anderson, Glasgow. 

John N. Anderson, Stornoway. 

James Annan, Lanark. 

J. Craig Annan, Glasgow. 

The Duke of Argyll, Inveraray Castle. 

Sir Matthew Arthur, Bart., Fullerton. 
Allan F. Baird, Glasgow. 

J. G. A. Baird, Colstoun. 

The Lord Balfour of Burleigh, Kennet. 
Arthur James Balfour, P.C., M.P., Whittingehame. 
C. B. Balfour, Newton Don. 

A. Millar Bannatyne, Glasgow. 

William Beattie, Glasgow. 

C. E. A. Bedwell, Middle Temple. 

Sir James Bell, Bart., LL.D., Montgreenan. 
Colonel William Bell, Stirling. 

Erskine Beveridge, LL.D., Dunfermline, 
Sir William Bilsland, Bart., LL.D., Glasgow. 
Thomas Binnie, Glasgow. 

William George Black, LL.D., Glasgow. 
Robert Blyth, Skelmorlie. 

Muirhead Bone, Petersfield. 

The Boston Book Co., Boston, U.S.A. 

Col. The Hon. R. E. Boyle, London. 



viii List of Subscribers 

A. C. Bradley, LL.D., London. 

R. L. Bremner, Glasgow. 

Professor G. Baldwin Brown, Edinburgh. 

J. Arthur Brown, Glasgow. 

J. T. T. Brown, Cambuslang. 

Professor P. Hume Brown, LL.D., Edinburgh. 
John Bruce, Glasgow. 

Professor Thomas H. Bryce, M.D., Glasgow. 
W. Moir Bryce, Edinburgh. 

Sir John J. Burnet, LL.D., London. 

The Marquess of Bute, Mount Stuart. 

D. Y. Cameron, R.S.A., A.R.A., Kippen. 

Sir Hector C. Cameron, M.D., LL.D., Glasgow. 
The Right Rev. Bishop Campbell, Glasgow. 
The Earl of Cassillis, London. 

James L. Caw, Edinburgh. 

P. McGregor Chalmers, Glasgow. 

W. A. Coats, Dalskairth. 

Very Rev. Professor Cooper, D.D., Glasgow. 
Rev. W. S. Crockett, Tweedsmuir. 

James Curle, Melrose. 

G. W. Currie, M.P., Edinburgh. 

Hon. Hew Dalrymple, M.P., House of Commons, 
Rev. Professor Denney, D.D., Glasgow. 

Lord Scott Dickson, P.C., Edinburgh. 
‘William K. Dickson, LL.D., Advocates’ Library. 
Sir James M. Dodds, K.C.B., Scottish Office. 
T. F. Donald, Glasgow. 

Douglas and Foulis, Edinburgh. 

J. A. Duncan, Bridge of Allan. 

The Hon. Lord Dundas, Edinburgh. 

John Edwards, Glasgow. 

F. C. Eeles, London. 

Samuel Elliott, New York. 

Lee F. English, Chicago. — 

Professor John Ferguson, LL.D., Glasgow. 

List of Subscribers 

Charles H. Firth, Litt.D., Oxford. 

D. Hay Fleming, LL.D., Edinburgh, 
James F. Gibson, Glasgow. 

William Gillies, Glasgow. 

The Lord Glenconner, Glen. 

Gilbert Goudie, Edinburgh. 

Mrs. J. R. Green, London. 

The Hon. Lord Guthrie, LL.D., Edinburgh. 
Sir James Guthrie, P.R.S.A., LL.D., Row. 
T. F. Henderson, LL.D., Bridge of Weir. 
W. & R. Holmes, Glasgow. 

Hugh Hopkins, Glasgow. 

John Hutchison, LL.D., Glasgow. 

John A. Inglis, Edinburgh. 

John A. Irving, Corbridge-on-Tyne. 
Professor A. A. Jack, Aberdeen. 

S. Douglas Jackson, Kilmacolm. 

A. W. Johnston, London. 

Sir Henry Jones, LL.D., Glasgow. 

Miss Theodora Keith, Hamilton. 

J. G. Kennedy, Edinburgh. 

Charles Ker, Glasgow. 

W. Paton Ker, LL.D., Oxford. 

William D. Ker, Glasgow. 

Colonel Charles M. King, Milton-of-Campsie. 

Sir James Knox, Bart., Kilbirnie. 

The Lord Lamington, Lamington. 

Robert Lamond, LL.B., Glasgow. 
Professor Latta, D.Phil., Glasgow. 

W. A. Lindsay, K.C., College of Arms. 
Miss Mary Love, Glasgow. 

William Lowson, Edinburgh. 

Sir Donald MacAlister, K.C.B., Glasgow. 
H. D. MacBeth, Rothesay. 

Sir W. S. McCormick, LL.D., Edinburgh. 

George Macdonald, C.B., LL.D., Edinburgh. 


x List of Subscribers 

James Macfarlane, Glasgow. 

B. B. Macgeorge, Glasgow. 

George Mackay, M.D., Edinburgh. 
William Mackay, Inverness. 

Prof. W. S. McKechnie, D.Phil., Glasgow. 
W. M. Mackenzie, Edinburgh. 

Captain J. D. Mackie, A. & S, Highlanders. 
P. J. Mackie, Corraith. 

Rev. Donald J. Mackinnon, California, U.S.A. 
R. C. Maclagan, Edinburgh. 

Misses MacLehose, Glasgow. 

Norman M. MacLehose, M.B., London. 
Mrs. A. Macmillan, London. 

H. P. Macmillan, K.C., Edinburgh. 

Rev. George F. A. McNaughton, Carsphairn. 
Rev. Professor Main, D.D., St. Andrews. 
Andrew Marshall, Edinburgh. 

W. Law Mathieson, LL.D., Edinburgh. 

Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., P.C., Monreith. 
The Rev. Canon C. H. Mayo, Gillingham. 
Henry W. Meikle, D.Litt., Edinburgh. 
John Menzies and Coy., Edinburgh. 

Sheriff Millar, K.C., LL.B., Glasgow. 

A. H. Miller, LL.D., Dundee. 

Frank Miller, Annan. 

William Miller, Motherwell. 

A. A. Mitchell, Glasgow. 

George A. Mitchell, Glasgow. 

Sheriff Moffat, Falkirk. 

David P. Morris, Stirling. 

Neil Munro, LL.D., Gourock. 

George Neilson, LL.D., Glasgow. 

W. A. Neilson, Cambridge, Mass, U.S.A. 
Mrs. Nimmo, London. 

John B. Orr, Liverpool. 

Alexander Park, Glasgow. 

List of Subscribers 

Colonel J. Smith Park, M.V.O., Glasgow. 
Sir J. Balfour Paul, LL.D., Edinburgh. 
Professor Phillimore, Glasgow. 

Reginald L. Poole, LL.D., Oxford. ! 
Rev. James Primrose, M.A., Glasgow. 

W. L. Pullar, Bridge of Allan. 

Professor Robert S. Rait, Glasgow. 

A. Maitland Ramsay, M.D., Glasgow. 

Sir Charles Bine Renshaw, Bart., Barochan. 
R. Renwick, LL.D., Glasgow. 

The Earl of Rosebery and Midlothian, K.G., K.T. 
Hon. Lord Salvesen, Edinburgh. | 
Sheriff Scott-Moncrieff, Lanark. 

Hon. George A. Sinclair, Board of Trade. 
D. Baird Smith, Glasgow. 

Professor Gregory Smith, LL.D., Belfast. 
J. Guthrie Smith, Glasgow. 

D. Nichol Smith, Oxford. 

J. J. Spencer, Glasgow. 

H.M. Stationery Office, London. 

A. Francis Steuart, Edinburgh. 

J. H. Stevenson, Edinburgh. 

Professor W. B. Stevenson, Glasgow. 
William Stewart, Glasgow. 

Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., Pollok House. 
Captain George Swinton, Melrose. 
Professor Sanford Terry, Aberdeen. 

James Thin, Edinburgh. 

J. Maitland Thomson, LL.D., Edinburgh. 
Professor T. F. Tout, Manchester. 
Alexander Whitelaw, Gartshore. 

A. M. Williams, Glasgow. 

The Rev. Canon Wilson, Dalston. 

James Monte Wilson, Glasgow. 

Frank Wise, Toronto. 

Robert Wylie, Glasgow. 

xii List of Subscribers 

D. Wyllie and Son, Aberdeen. 
Wyman and Sons, London. 
Miss Yule, Tarradale, Ross-shire. 


The University Library, Aberdeen. 
The Public Library, Aberdeen. 
The Public Libraries, Bedford. 

The New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, U.S.A. 

The University of California Library, U.S.A. 
The University Library, Cambridge. 
Trinity College Library, Dublin. 

The Advocates’ Library, Edinburgh. 

The Newberry Library, Chicago, U.S.A, 
The University Library, Edinburgh. 

The Edinburgh Public Library, Edinburgh. 
The Signet Library, Edinburgh. 

The S.S.C. Library, Edinburgh. 

The Church of Scotland Library, Edinburgh. 
The Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. 
The New Club, Edinburgh. 

The Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh. 
St. Benedict’s Abbey, Fort Augustus, 

The University Library, Glasgow. 

The Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. 
The Mitchell Library, Glasgow. 

The United Free Church College, Glasgow. 
The Leeds Library, Leeds. 

The University Library, Liverpool. 

The Public Libraries, Liverpool. 

The British Museum, London. 

The Society of Antiquaries, London. 

The Athenaeum, London. 

The Royal Historical Society, London. 

= a 

List of Subscribers xiii 

The London Library, London. 

The Guildhall Library, London. 

The University Library, Manchester. 

The John Rylands Library, Manchester. 

The University of Minnesota Library, U.S.A. 

The New York Public Library, New York. 

The Public Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

The Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
The Bodleian Library, Oxford. 

All Souls College, Oxford. 

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A. 
The Public Library, St. Louis, U.S.A. 

Royal Academy of Antiquities, Stockholm. 

The University Library, Toronto. 

The University of Washington Library, Seattle. 

The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A. 

Abbots of Dundrennan, III. 241. 

Abbotshall, x11. 82. 

Abbott, William C., Colonel Thomas 
Blood, crown-stealer, 1618-1680, 
IX. 97- 

Abell, Francis, Prisoners of War in 
Britain, 1756-1815, X11. 423. 

Aberconway Abbey, vi. 180. 

Abercorn, James, Earl of, xu. 81, 


Abercrombie, Alexander, of Birken- 
bog, X. 55. 

— — of Glassaugh, II. 472. 

— Elizabeth, daughter of Glas- 
saugh, III. 120. 

— George, of Smirth, x. 55. 

— Hon. John, exploration at Din- 
net, Aberdeenshire, I. 109. 

Aberdeen, battle of, 11. 51; biblio- 
graphy by J. F. Kellas Johnstone, 
X. 432, 434; bibliography of, by 
C. S. Terry, tv. 240; Bridge of 
Dee, by G. M. Fraser, XI. 320; 
Grammar School, rx. 118-9, 127 ; 
Historical Aberdeen, i. 325; 111. 
512; IV. 111; market cross, v. 
175-180; parliamentary broadside, 
vil. 101 ; Sunday salmon fishers 
responsible for an earthquake, 
VIII. 330 ; wells, Iv. 349; woollen 
manufactory, 11. 289. 

Aberdeen Book-Lover, x1. 444. 

Aberdeen Doctors, 1610-1638, by D. 
Macmillan, vt. 313. 

ee Friars, by P. J. Andergon, 

VII. 305. 
Aberdeen Street Names, by G. M. 
' Fraser, viii. 427. 
Aberdeen University, rx. 117, 129; 
kayak in Marischal College, 1x 

Index 1903-1916 

223 ; King’s College two centuries 
ago, Iv. 108. 

Aberdeenshire, by Alex. Mackie, 1x 

Aberdeenshire churches belonging to 
the Hospitallers, rx. 62. 

Aberdonians and other Lowland Scots, 
by G. M. Fraser, x11. 429. 

Aberlady barony, 1. 426 n. 

Abernethy, 11. 174-5, 177; cross, 1. 

— Sir Alexander de, vii. 167. 

— Sir Hugh, vi. 384 and n. 

— Sir Patrick, 11.18 ; vi. 384 and n. 

Abingdon, Abingdon Chronicle, 1x. 
214; History of Abingdon, by 
Townsend, vill. 204; News of a 
Country Town [Abingdon], 1753- 
1835, XII. 193. 

Aboyne, church of the Hospitallers 
at, Ix. 62”. 

Accounting and Accountants, by 
Richard Brown, m1. 230. 

Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer 
of Scotland, tv. 84; Vv. 219; vil. 
309 ; IX. 319; XI. 436. 

Acheson, Sir Archibald, Lord Glen- 
cairney, XI. 186, 288, 290. 

Ackergill, 11. 389. 

* Aconeuz,’ I. 351, 462. 

Acre destroyed by the Saracens, vm. 

Act of Classes, Iv. 57. 

Act of Security, Iv. 255-6, 258. 

Acton, Lord, Lectures on the French 
Revolution, vut. 196; Lectures on 

. Modern History, tv. 318. 

Adair, James, v. 250. 

— Patrick, Scotch preacher i in Bel- 
fast, VI. 221. 

2 Scottish Historical Review 

Adamnan’s Life of St. Columba, x. 

Adams, Charles Francis, Tvrans- 
Ailantic Historical Solidarity, x1. 

— Ephraim D., The Influence of 
Grenville on Pitt's Foreign Policy, 
1787-1798, 11. 329; The Power of 
Ideals in American History, Xt. 

— G. B., Origin of the English Con- 
stitution, X. 318. 

Adamson, James, burgess of Edin- 
burgh, VIII. 329. 

— John, Provincial of the Order of 
Black Friars, 1x. 8. 

—M., review of Parnell’s War of 
the Succession in Spain, Il. 444. 
Adder’s head and peacock’s tail, 111. 

240, 380. 

Addison’s connection with Ireland, 
11. 187. 

Addleshaw, Percy, Sir Philip Sidney, 
VII. 312. 

Adelwald, prior of Nostell, vit. 
146-9, 151-2, 156. 

Adler, Elkan Nathan, Auto de Fé 
and Jew, vil. 296; Itinerary of 
Benjamin of Tudela, v. 349. 

Adrian V., Pope, vi. 22. 

Adulterous marriages and _ the 
General Assembly, 1X. 27-36. 

Adventures of King James II. of 
England, i. 319. 

Aeldve Norske Sprogminder, 1X. 330; 
XII. 197. 

Africa in Transformation, by Nor- 
man Maclean, XII. 209. 

African and Indian Co. See Darien 

Age of Transition, 1400-1450, by 
F. J. Snell, 111. 358. 

Agvarian Problem in the Sixteenth 
Ceniury, by R. H. Tawney, x. 

Agricultural credit in Canada, XI. 


Agriculture, A Short History of 
English Agriculture, by W. H. R. 
Curtler, vii. 311. 

Agnes, St., miraculously clothed, v1. 
285 and 

Ahannay, James, 11. 258. 

Aidie, Andrew, student at Heidel- 
berg, afterwards Principal of 
Marischal College, v. 71. 

Aikenhead, Thomas, hanged for 
blasphemy in 1697, v. 119. 

Ainslie, Douglas, The Song of the 
Stewarts, VIII. 210. 

Air in the realm of law, vi11. 99. 

Aird, Robert, minister in Cumbrae, 
VI. 375, 377: 

— Thomas, I. 344. 

Airlie church granted by Alexander 
II. to Coupar, vill. 326. 

Airy, Osmund, Charles II., 11. 84. 

Aitken, P. Henderson, reviews of 
the Caledonian Medical Journal, 
II. 327; Hay Fleming’s Story of 
the Scottish Covenanters, 11. 201; 
Gilmour’s Samuel Rutherford, 1. 
324; Lumsden and Aitken’s His- 
tory of the Hammermen of Glasgow ; 
Seaton’s Napoleon’s Captivity, 1. 

— Robert, review of Letters of 
Dorothy Osborne to Sir William 
Temple, 1. 336. 

Akinhede, John, Franciscan, 111.185. 

Alane or Alesius, Alexander, II. 127 ; 
his description of Edinburgh, vuI1. 

Alban, III. 395. 

Albany, Countess of, I. 443. 

— Robert Stewart, Duke of, 11. 19. 

Alcuin, 1x. 181, 187. 

Aldborough, William de, Iv. 427. 

Alderman or Earl, 1. 128. 

Aldis, Harry P., List of Books 
printed in Scotland before 1700, 
II. 305. 

Ale tasters, I. 129. 

Aleandro, Girolamo, cardinal, Iv. 

Aleaume, Louis, x11. 276. 

Alengon, le Comte d’, Iv. 200. 

Alexander VI., Pope, I. 427. 

Alexander I. and the establishment 
of Austin Canons at Scone, vil. 
142, 146-149, 157. 

Alexander II., grant by, in favour 
of the Abbots of Citeaux, viII. 


Index 1903-1916 3 

Alexander ITI., 1. 245, 247-8; 111. 
I2; VI. 20, 179, 180, 183-185. 
Alexander, Gavin, notary, x. 304. 

— Thomas, X. 301, 304. 

— Sir William, vim. 287; x1. 186, 
284, 283. 

Alfred in the Chroniclers, by Edward 
Conybeare, XII. 105. 

Alfred the Great, by Charles Plum- 
mer, I. 338. 

Alison, Adam, in Reidpeth, vit. 362. 

— George, in Williamlaw, vil. 362. 

Allane, John, papal notary, 11. 463. 

Allardyce, George, of Allardyce, x. 

Allen, J. Romilly, Celtic Art in 
Pagan and Christian Times, 1. 
216; Early Christian Monu- 
ments of Scotland, 1. 58-61. 

— noteon, V. 135. 

— Jj. W., The Place of History in 
Education, v1. 420. 

—P.S., The Age of Erasmus, x. 

Allerdale, 1. 64 and n., 67 and n. 

Alloa witches, Iv. 40-48. 

Almanacs, The Book of Almanacs, 
by A. de Morgan, Iv. 473; notes 
on early almanacs, I. 344. 

Alnwick, 11. 15. 

America, American History. and 
American Democracy, XII. 434; 
The Department of State of the 
United States, xil. 204; The 
Power of Ideals in American His- 
tory, by E. D. Adams, XII. 97. 

American Chambers of Commerce, 
by Kenneth Sturges, x11. 431. 

American Civil War, Tvans-Atlantic 
Historical Solidarity, x1. 435; 
American Civil War 1775-1778, 
by H. Belcher, 1x. 423. 

American Commonwealth, by James 
Bryce, vill. 425. 

American history and American 
democracy, XII. 434. 

American Revolution, by Sir George 
Trevelyan, I. 434; Wl. 97; V. 

Amie MacRuari, dispensation for 
her marriage with John, Lord of 
the Isles, vi1I. 249. 

Amours, Francis Joseph, Scottish 
Alliterative Poems, t. 296-9 ; Wyn- 
toun’s Chronicle, 1. 237; WU. 441; 
Iv. 364; V. 263; VI. 112. 

— reviews of Baildon’s edition of 
Dunbar’s Poems, v. 109; Col- 
ville’s Studies in Lowland Scots, 
vir. 179; Gordon’s The Fronde, 
11. 508 ; Lang’s Maid of France, 
vi. 299; Lord’s Regency of Marie 
de Médicis, mi. 93; Quinet’s 
France et Allemagne, Vi. 92; 
Soltau’s Duke de Choiseul, vu. 
303; Steuart’s Exiled Bourbons 
in Scotland, v1. 86; The Thistle 
and the Fleur de Lys, U1. 216; 
Wilkinson’s Last Phase of the 
League in Provence, Vil. 309; 
Wood’s Mary, Queen of Scots, tv. 

— note on, VIII. Ior. 

Amyand, C., letter from, to Charles 
Erskine, Lord Justice Clerk, on 
the case of Hugh MacDonald, a 
Romish priest, 111. 121. 

Ancient Britain and the Invasions 
of Julius Ceasar, by T. Rice 
Holmes, v. 340. 

Ancren Riwie modernised by James 
Morton, III. 99. 

Ancrum Moor, battle of, 111. 83. 

Anders’ Shakespeare’s Books, 1. 215. 

Anderson, Mrs., printer in Edin- 
burgh, VII. 245, 247-8, 252 ”., 253, 

— Alan O., Scottish Annals from 
English Chroniclers, vi. 292; 
Wimund, bishop and pretender, 
VII. 29-36. 

— Alexander, student at Heidel- 
berg, v. 71. 

— Andrew, printer, I. 457. 

— David, burgess of Aberdeen, 11. 

— George, printer, I. 457. 

— Sir Gilbert, vu. 362. 

— James, editor of The Bee, 11. 146. 

— James Maitland, The altar of 
St. Fergus at St. Andrews, m1. 
108; The Beginnings of St. 
Andrews University, vill. 225- 
248, 333-360; Handbook to the 

4 Scottish Historical Review 

Anderson, James Maitland—cont. 
City and University of St. Andrews, 
Ix. 204; James I. of Scotland 
and the University of St. Andrews, 
Ill. 301-315; The Matriculation 
Roll of the University of St. 
Andrews, 111. 360. 

— Janet, drowned for fire-raising, 
II. 244. 

— John, “a poore schollar ” 
Andrews, II. 34. 

— Rev. John, notes on Marjorie 
Comyn or Dunbar, 1. 228; and 
on signatures to royal charters, 
III. I19. 

— Joseph, A Roman outpost on 
Tweedside : the fort of Newstead, 
vill. 178-188 ; Treasure Trove, 
1. 74-80; reviews of Romilly 
Allen’s Celtic Art, 11.216; Goudie’s 
Celtic and Scandinavian Antiqui- 
ties of Shetland, 11. 79; Wood’s 
Scottish Pewter Ware and Pew- 
tevers, 11. 438. 

— Peter John, Aberdeen Friars, vit. 
305; Subject Catalogue of the 

_ Phillips Library, 1x. 440 ; reviews 
of Catalogue of Tracts of the Civil 
War ...velating to Wales and the 
Bordey, 1X. 322; Savage’s Old 
English Libraries, 1x. 187. 

—Sir Robert, Sidelights on the 
Home Rule Movement, Iv. 97. 

— William, Narrative of a Journey 
from Edinburgh to Dresden in 
1814, XI. 376-394; XII. 388-407. 

—-— provost of Glasgow, vim. 

Andreas and the Fates of the Apostles, 
ed. G. P. Krapp, v. 225. 

Andreas and St. Andrew, Ill. 245- 
253, 383, 522-3. 

Andrew and Lees’ Roman Forts at 
Castleshaw, IX. 435. 

Andrewes, Lancelot, bishop of Win- 
chester, his Preces. Privatae, 1. 

Angevins and the Charter, 11 54-1216, 
edited by S. M. Toyne, x. 432. 
Anglo-Dutch Rivalry during the first 
half of the Seventeenth Century, 

by George Edmundson, Ix. 321. 

at St. 

Anglo-Norman aaiairine in Ire- 
land, vu. 182. 

Anglo-Roman Relations, 15 ek 565, 
by C. G. Bayne, x1. 221. 

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, tr. by E. E. 
C. Gomme, VII. 194. 

Anglo-Saxon Institutions; by Chad- 
wick, 111. 89. 

Anglo-Saxon poetry, Ill. 245-7. 

Angus, Archibald, 5th Earl of, his 
pilgrimage to Amiens in 1489, I. 

— — 6th Earl of, 111. 360. 

— — 8th Earl of, 11. 22. 

— Gilbert, 4th Earl of, Iv. 35; 1x 
281, 407 and u., x. 182 and m., 

— John, Earl of, Iv. 30. 

— Robert, Earl of, at the battle of 
Bannockburn, vill. 383, 385-7- 

— Thomas, Earl of, Iv. 203, 267. 

— William, The Incorporated Trade 
of the Skinners of Edinburgh, 
XII. 326. 

Anlaf, King of Ireland, defeated by 
Athelstan, vII. 37. 

Annales de Bretagne, V1. 100. 

Annals of the Reigns of Malcolm 
and William, by Sir A. C. Lawrie, 
VI. 189. 

Annandale, The, seized by the Eng- 
lish East India Company, I. 

Annandale, Nelson,,. The Faroes and 
Iceland, 111. 88; review of The 
People of the Faroes, I. 224. 

Anne of Denmark and her con- 
version to Romanism, II. 249-52. 

Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 
Cambridge under Queen Anne, IX. 
317; Queen Anne’s great seal, 
XI. I19. 

Anson, Sir William R., Law and 
Custom of the Constitution, v. 363 ; 
VI. 212; VII. 92; IX. 413. ‘ 

Anthony, St., of Padua, miracles by, 
Vil. 161 and n., 164. 

Antiquarian Notes, by C. Fraser- 
Mackintosh, x. 420. 

Antonine Wall builders, 1. 236. 

Applecross or Abercrossan, VI. 263- — 
266, 271, 276-8, 280. 

Index 1903-1916 

Applinsdene, Sir Ralf de, killed at 
Boroughbridge, 1x. 71. 

Aram, Eugene, The Trial of Eugene 
Avram, ed. by Eric R. Watson, 
XII. 94. 

Arason, Jén, Icelandic poet-bishop, 
XII. 106. 

Arbuthnot, Alexander, Principal o 
King’s College, Aberdeen, v. 68 ; 
IX. 121. 

— — student at Heidelberg, v. 68. 

—- Hugh, charter granted by, in 
1282, 11. 176. 

— -— actor in the murder of Mel- 
ville of Glenbervie, 1421, 11. 16. 

Arbuthnott lands, 11. 180. 

Archaic English in the twelfth 
century, XII. 213. 

Archbishops of St. Andrews, by John 
Herkless and R. K. Hannay, v. 
346 ; VI. 403. 

Architecture, History of French 
Architecture, 1494-1661, by R. 
Blomfield, 1x. 303; Irish Ec- 
clesiastical Architecture, by A. C. 
Champneys, VIII. 290. 

Ardendraught, vi. 250-1. 

Ardgeyth, vi. 251. 

Argentin, Sir Giles de, 
Bannockburn, Ill. 461. 

Argyll, Archibald, 7th Earl of;.In- 
ventory of Castle Campbell, x. 

— — goth Earl of, A Scots Earl in 
Covenanting Times, by John Will- 
cock, v. 492. 

— — toth Earl of, 111. 27, 35. 

— Jean, Countess of, Iv. 459-460. 

— John, Duke of, 11. 301 ; I. 40. 

Argylishive and Buteshive, by Peter 

_ Macnair, x11. 106. 

Argyllshire Highlanders: the first 
Highland regiment, 111. 27-40. 

Arianism, Ix. 302. 

Arintrache, John of, 1x. 346. 

slain at 

Arisaig, church, v1. 264; The Hand’ 

of Prince Charlie, 11. 96. 
Ariuair, 11. 301. 
Armada. See Spanish Armada. 
Armagnac, Count de, Iv. 196. 
Armitage, Ella S., The Early Norman 
Castles of the British Isles, X. 207 ; 


Introduction to English Antiqui- 
ties, II. 224. 

Armitage-Smith’s John of Gaunt’s 
Register, X. 205. 

Armorials of Northumberland, by 
C. H. Blair, vii. 112. 

Armour and Weapons, by Charles 
ffoulkes, vir. 189. 

Armour’s woollen manufactory, 
Glasgow, 11. 287. 

Armstrong, E. C. R., Irish Seal 
Matrices and Seals, XI. 317. 

— Thomas, hung in chains for 
murder, II. 246 

Arnold, W. T., Studies of Roman 
Imperialism, tv. 83. 

Arnot, Archibald, friar, rx. 13. 

— Charles, of that ilk, x11. 80. 

— James, burgess of Edinburgh, 11. 

— John, in Gask, 1. 31. 

— — of Woodmylne, 11. 105. 

— Rachel, 11. 105. 

Arran, The Book of Arran, VIII. 92 ; 
XII. 418. 

— James, Earl of, his evidence as 
to the signing of the will of James 
V., Ill. 411-422. 

Artevelde, Jacob van, Iv. 199. 

Arthur, Thomas, provost of St. 
Andrews, III. 311. 

— William, minister of the West 
Church, Edinburgh, 111. 385. 

Arts in Early England, by G. 
Baldwin Brown, I. 322. 

Arundel, Edmund, Earl of, 111. 462 ; 
IV. 27; IX. 163. 

— Thomas, archbishop of Canter- 
bury, Iv. 147. 

Asser’s Life of King Alfred, 11. 205. 

Aston of Forfar peerage, 111. 482. 

— John, Journal, 1639, X. IIo. 

— Sir William, of Tixall, 11. 208. 

Atcheley, E. G. Cuthbert, History 
of the Use of Incense in Divine 
Worship, vill. 302 ; Ordo Romanus 
Primus, U. 454; The Parish 

' Clerk, 1. 446. 

Athelstan defeats Danes, Scots and 
Irish at Brunanburh, vil. 37-55, 
204, 431-434- 

Athenae Cantabrigiensis, X. 430. 

6 Scottish Historical Review 

Atholl, Duke of, coat of arms, 1. 

— David, Earl of, 11. 458; Iv. 35, 
188 ; Ix. 281 and n., 285, 392, 394, 
398 and n. 

— James, 2nd Duke of, Iv. 20. 

— Jane, Duchess of, letter from, 
on the death of her son, Iv. 20. 
— John, Earl of, 111. 19, 331 and ., 
458; Iv. 186 ”., 190; VIII. 169; 

Ix. 282 and n., 285, 287. 

— Katherine, Countess of, Iv. Igo. 

— Thomas, Earl of, 111. 400. 

— Walter, Earl of, 11. 19 ”., 111. 83. 

Athy, Sir John de, governor of the 
Isle of Man, III. ‘406. 

Atkine, James, bishop of Galloway, 
1680-1687, XII. 135-144. 

Atkinson, Anthony, letter from, to 

_ the Earl of Salisbury, viit. 9. 

— C. T., History of Germany, 1715- 
1815, VI. 192; reviews of Cor- 
bett’s Campaign of Trafalgar, v1u1. 
76; Firth’s Parallel between the 
English and American Civil Wars, 
vill. 193; Fortescue’s British 
Statesmen of the Great War, 1793- 
1814, IX. 305; Fortescue’s His- 
tory of the British Army, Ix. 84; 
x. 98; The Military History of 
Perthshire, v. 459; Muir’s New 
Historical Atlas for Students, 1x. 
188; The Official Diary of Lt.- 
Genl. Adam Williamson, 1722- 
1747, XI. 224. 

' Atteridge’s Joachim Murat, 1x. 206. 

Aubrey, John, 1. 6-11, 13, 16. 

Auchatadownan, II. 301. 

Auchinleck of Auchinleck, Iv. 434. 

— Sir George, x1. 186. 

— James, and the authorship of 
‘Lancelot of the Laik,’ vir. 1; 
and of The Quair of Jelousy, vit. 

— Vidas, supposed author of The 
Quair of Jelousy, VIII. 321-5. 

Auchleuchries, vi. 250-1. 

Auchterarder presbytery register, 
II. 34. 

Auchterlony, James, 
manufacturer, II. 407. 

Auchtermuchty, II. 370. 


Auchtertool kirk and parish, vi. 


Audley, Sir Hugh de, m1. 223; Iv. 
I9l ; Ix. 73 and n. 

— Sir James de, Iv. 426. 

— Sir William de, vi. 183. 

Augustus Caesar, by John B. Firth, 
I. 444. 

Aulard’s La Révolution Francaise, 
I. 339- 

Auld, William, Greenock and tts 
Early Social Environment, v. 343- 

Auldearn, battle of, 11. 49. 

Aungerville, Richard, bishop of 
Durham, Ix. 391 and ., 392; X. 
79; Philobiblon, 1. 86. 

Austin Priories of Nostell and 
Scone, VII. 141-159. 

Australasia, by J. D. Rogers, v. 117. 

Australia, The Making of the Aus- 
tralian Commonwealth, 1889-1900, 
11. 325; The First Decade of the 
Australian Commonwealth, 1901- 
IQIO, IX. 99. 

Austrian Diplomatist in the Fifties, 
VI. 213. ‘ 

Authors, Lives of Authors, 1. 1-18. 

Auto de Fé, vit. 296-7. 

Autun de Bellacombe, John d’, 1x. 
56, 66. 

Averrhéism, XI. 125. 

Avignon, Jacobite papers at, xX. 

Awakening of Scotland, by W. L. 
Mathieson, 1x. 185. 

Aydelotte’s Elizabethan Rogues and 
Vagabonds, XI. 220. 

Aylmar, John, provost of St. Sal- 
vator’s College, St. Andrews, XI. 

Aynsley, William, of Shaftoe, slain 
by Scottish borderers, v. 402. 
Aytoun, Andrew, 01 Logie, x1. 289, 

— David, chamberlain of Dun- 
fermline, II. 20. 

Babylonian devils and evil spirits, 
I. 440. 

Bachok, Sir Robert, 1x. 345. 

Bachull Mor, the pastoral staff of 
St. Moluag, Iv. 106. 

Index 1903-1916 7 

Bacon is Shake-speare, by Sir E. 
Durning-Lawrence, VIII. 207. 

Bacon, Roger, x1. 124; Metaphysica, 
11.99; Part of the Opus Tertium 
of Roger Bacon, by A. G. Little, 
X. 320. 

Bad a’ Mhanaich, vi. 272. 

Bad money in church collections, 
IV. 235. 
Baddeley, John F., Russian Con- 
quest of the Caucasus, VI. 301. 
Badlesmere, Sir Bartholomew de, 
IX. 73 and n., executed, 74. 

Bagot, Josceline, George Canning 
and his Friends, v1. 425. 

Bagwell, Richard, Ireland under the 
Stewarts, 1603-1660, VI. 407. 

Baildon, H. Bellyse, editor of 
Dunbar’s Poems, v. 109. 

Baillie, Hugh, at Padua University, 
Ill. 61. 

— Joanna, VII. 177. 

— Sir William, of Lamington, x1. 
189; x1. 76. 

Baillie-Grohmann, W. A., The Land 
in the Mountains, Vv. 110. 

Bain, Joseph, 1. 105. 

— R. Nisbet, Slavonic Europe, v. 
Baird, Elizabeth, wife of Patrick 
Ogilvie of Lenmay, x. 59 n. ». 
— J.G.A., An Edinburgh Account- 
Book of 200 years ago, VI. 140- 
149; Muirkirk in Bygone Days, 
VII. 424. 

— James, W.S., Depute Clerk of 
Justiciary, x. 58. 

— Robert, Edinburgh Dean of 
Guild, x1I. 371-2. 

— William, a notorious malefactor, 
Ix. 287. 

— — of Auchmedden, 11. 120. 

— Sir William, of Newbyth, x. 58. 

Bairds of Auchmedden and Chester- 
hall, x. 49. 

Balantrodach, v. 16 and n., 19, 22, 
57> 59- . 
Balcarres, Lord, 11. 163 ; a prisoner 

in Edinburgh Castle, 169. 
Balcrystie links, Fife, 1. 20. 
Baldock, Robert de, secular priest, 

IX. 161-4. 

Baldwin, James F., The King’s 
Council in England during the 
Middle Ages, X1. 415. 

Bale, John, Index of British and 
other Writers, 1. 84. 

— Robert, 1x. 196. 

Balfour, Alexander, of Inchrye, Iv. 

— Alison, witch, II. 239. 

— Andrew, minister of Kirknewton, 
IV. 294. 

— Arthur J., on the Fiscal Policy 
of Scotland before the Union, I. 
173, 187 and n., 188. 

— Bartholomew, killed at Killie- 
crankie, 111. 67 and n. 

— Gilbert, of Westray, I. 192; Ix. 

— Henry, priest of Dunkeld, 111. 413. 

— J.A., The Book of Arran, vul. 92. 

— James, advocate and prof. of 
moral philosophy in Edinburgh 
University, Iv. 294-295. 

— — minister of St. Giles, Edin- 
burgh, Iv. 294. 

— John, Bishop of Brechin, I. 426. 

— — in Dundee, Iv. 76. 

— Robert, prof. of Greek at the 
Collége de Guienne, vil. 326. 

— (Bawfour), Thomas, Franciscan, 
Ir. 185. 

Balfour-Melville, Barbara, The Bal- 
fours of Pilrig, tv. 294-297. 

— John, Iv. 295. 

Balfours of Pilrig, by Barbara Bal- 
four-Melville, tv. 294-297. 

Balgove, near St. Andrews, VIII. 234. 

Balgroquhan, I. 460. 

Ball, F. Elrington, editor of Swift’s 
Correspondence. See Swift (Jona- 

Ballads, Ballad of the Border, v. 
402-404; Ballad on the antici- 
pated birth of an heir to Queen 
Mary, etc., Ix. 360-365; Ballad 
on Lord Lovat’s execution, vI. 
360; Ballads of Denmark, v. 
385-401 ; On the Danish Ballads, 
I. 357-378; A New-Year’s Gift for 
the Whigs, vi. 245; Ballads illus. 
the relations of England and Scot- 
land during the 17th century, vi. 

8 Scottish Historical Review 

113-128; Ballads on the Bishop’ s 
wars, 1638-40, II. 257-273; Two 
Ballads on Viscount Dundee, 
vu. 361-5; Ballad history of the 
veigns of Henry VII. and Henry 
VIII., vi. 431; Ballad History 
of the Reign of King James I., 
x. 112; Ballad in Literature, by 
T..F. Henderson, 1x. 443 ; Further 
Essays on Border Ballads, by the 
Hon. Fitzwilliam Elliot, vii. 418 ; 
Border Ballad controversy be- 
tween Andrew Lang and Col. 
Elliot, tv. 87 ; VIII. 108, 190, 220 ; 
Icelandic ballads on the Gowrie 
Conspiracy, v1. 191 ; On the His- 
tory of Ballads, by W. P. Ker, vu. 
425 ; Shirburn Ballads, 1585-1616, 
v. 334; The Two Sisters, vil. 105. 

Ballanton, x. 120. 

Ballard’s British Borough Charters, 
x1. 95; Domesday Boroughs, i. 

Ballargus, Kirriemuir, 11. 72-73, 75- 


Ballinakeille, 11. 301. 

Ballinger’s Catalogue of Tracts of 
the Civil War relating to Wales, 
IX. 322. 

Balliol, Alexander, charter of 1267 
of the land of Thackthwait, v. 

— Edward de, Iv. 37, 38, 187, 180, 
204; IX. 281-288, 392. 

— Sir Henry, 1x. 285 n. 

— John, King of Scotland, m1. 15- 
16, 218, 222; VII. 65-67; VIII. 
24, 162 and n. 

Balmanno, John, vi. 381. 

Balmerino Abbey, foundation 
charter, II. 430. 

Balmuildy excavations, xII. 196. 

Balnagown Baron Court records, 
Vill. 428. 

Balskevie, Aberdeenshire, vil. 248. 

Baltimore, Lord, v. 230. 

Banaster, Sir Adam, beheaded, 111. 

Bank of England, Ix. 179. 

Bank of Scotland, Ix. 179. 

Bann river fishings, X. 424. 

Bannatyne Manuscript, 1. 136. 

Bannatyne, Hector, yr. of Kames, 
Ill. 29 and n. 

— Robert, Abbot of Holyrood, v. 

— Sir William MacLeod, tr. 29 ”. 

Bannerman, Barbara, in old Machar, 
V. 131. 

— George, lawyer in Edinburgh, 
IV. 232. 

— Robert, at Padua University, 
Ill. 56., 61. 

Bannister, O. H.M., Specimen Pages 
of two Manuscripts of the Abbey 
of Coupar-Angus, IX. 97. 

Bannockburn, battle of, 111. 458- 
4601; V. 96, 261, 264; VIII. 384- 
386 ; XI. 204, 233-251 ; Bannock- 
burn, by John E. Morris, x11. 207 ; 
The Battle of Bannockburn, by 
W. M. Mackenzie, x1. 93; Fact 
and Fiction in the Story of Bannock- 
burn, by J. E. Shearer, vii. 190 ; 
Ix. 211; The Site of the Battle of 
Bannockburn, by John E. Shearer, 
XII. 207; The Site of the New 
Park in relation to the Battle of 
Bannockburn, xil. 60-75; Ban- 
nockburn medal, xII. 443 

Baptist Historical Society, vu. 208. 

Baptist Literature, 1648-1673, VII. 

Bar Hill, Roman remains at, 1. 107 ; 
III. 123 ; IV. 335. 

Barbé’s In Byways of Scottish His- 
tory, X. 316, 440; review of 
Wright's Rustic Speech and Folk- 
Lore, XI. 224. 

Barber, Adam, of New Park, x11. 

— Francis, Dr. 
servant, X. 105. 

Barbers and brewers addicted to 
sabbath breaking, Iv. 69. 

Barbour’s The Bruce, ed. by W. M. 
Mackenzie, vil. 75; Textkritische 
von Barbour’s Bruce, XI. 442; 
account of the battle of Bannock- 
burn in the Brus, XI. 243. 

— Thomas, writer, 11. 258. 

— Violet, Privateers and Pirates of 
the West Indies, Vull. 435- 

Johnson’s negro 

Index 1903-1916 9 

Barbreck, 111. 389. 

Barburgh, Robert, seagrieve, vu. 

Barclay, Alexander, Ix. 9. 

— John, author of the Argenis, x1. 

— William, author of De Regno, x1. 
136-163 ; XII. 38-43. 

Bardolf, Sir Robert, v111. 390. 

Bardon Papers ; Documents relating 
to the Imprisonment and Trial of 
Mary Queen of Scots, Vit. 91. 

Barfield’s England in the Middle 
Ages, Vill. 208. 

Barker, Ernest, The Dominican 
Order and Convocation, XI. 213. 
Barnard’s Companion to English 
._ History (Middle Ages), U1. 235. 
Barnave,  Antoine-Pierre-Joseph- 

Marie, Life, by Bradby, x11. 422. 

Barneby, Richard of, vi. 17. 

Baron Court records of Balnagown, 
VIII. 428. 

Baron, John, minister of Gladstone, 
Ix. 28. 

— Dr. Robert, poem to, by Arthur 
Johnston, x. 290. 

Barrestoun, I. 460. 

Barrett, Michael, The Scottish Monas- 
tevies of Old, XI. 227. 

Barrington’s Grahame of Claver- 
house, Viscount Dundee, 1X. 193 ; 
on Claverhouse’s last letter, v. 
505. See also under Dundee, 

Barrington-Bernard Correspondence, 
1759-1774, X- 431- 

Barron, Douglas Gordon, In Defence 
of the Regalia, 1x. 323. 

— Evan Macleod, The Book of the 
County of Inverness, Vi. 214; 
Inverness in the Middle Ages, v1. 
211; Prince Charlie’s Pilot, x. 
428; A New View of the War 
of Independence, vi. 129-139; 
The Scottish War of Independence, 
xm. 185; notes on his War of 
Scottish Independence, by Andrew 
Lang and Sir Herbert Maxwell, 
VI. 324-326; reply of the author, 


— James, The Northern Highlands 

in the 19th Century, vi. 211; XL. 

Barry, Henry, rector of Collace, 
IV. 431. . 

Bart, Jean, X. 430; XI. 322, 330. 

Bartholomew, John, Note on the 
word Kenkynol, Il. 191; and on 
Bonds of Manrent, Ix. 103. 

Barthou’s Mirabeau, x1. 216. 

Bartolus of Sassoferrato, by C. N. S. 
Woolf, x11. 194. 

Barton, John, Dean of Dunkeld and 
Lord of Session, xI. 173. 

— — in Leith, m1. 21. 

Barton-on-Humber, Notes on its 
Earlier History, v. 473. 

Baskerville, Richard de, v. 28. 

Baskett, John, printer, v1. 255-260. 

Bastide, John Henry, his plan of 
the battle of Glenshiel, 1m. 412. 

Baston, Robert, Carmelite friar, 1. 

Bates, Cadwallader John, Letters, 
Ill. 516. 

Bateson, Mary, 11. 209, 467; Medi- 
aeval England, 1066-1350, I. 
441 ; The Medizval Stage, 1. 399- 
406; Records of the Borough of 
Leicester, 111. 84; reviews of The 
Ancient Libraries of Canterbury 
and Dover, tl. 198; Thomas’s 
edition of Richard de Bury and 
Clarke’s edition of the Chronicle 
of Jocelin of Brakelond, 1. 86; 
Kingsford’s Three Chronicles of 
London, 111. 359; M’‘Kechnie’s 
Magna Carta, U1. 229; Oman’s 
Great Revolt of 1381, tv. 213; The 
Letters of Dorothy Wadham, 1609- 
1618, Il. 314; notice of Mary 
Bateson, Iv. 236. 

* Battle of the Spurs,’ 111. 327 and z. 

Battle Abbey charters, x1. 207. 

Baur, Dom. Chr., S. Jean Chrysos- 
tome, V. 244. 

Bax’s Handbook of the History of 
Philosophy, i. 221. 

Baxter Books of St. Andrews, 11. 210. 

Baxter, Andrew, chaplain of the 
Altar of St. Fergus at St. 
Andrews, Ill. rro. 

— James, friar, m1. 186-9; vu. 87. 


Baxter, Richard, chaplain to Charles 
II., 111. 49. 

— Robert, in Glasgow, 111. 188. 

Bayeux Tapesiry, by F. R. Fouke, 
XI. 323. 

Bayne’s Anglo-Roman Relations, 
1558-1565, XI. 221. 

Bealach-na-Spainnteach, Il. 419 m. 

Beancroft, Edward, at Padua Uni- 
versity, III. 61. 

Bear, Philip O’Sullivan, 
under Elizabeth, 1. 335. 
Beard, Charles A. See Robinson 

and Beard. 

Beart, Mary, letters to Prof. Adam 
Sedgwick, x. 112. 

Beaton, Archibald, in the service of 
Queen Mary, I. 353. 

— David,archbishop of St. Andrews, 
Vv. 452-3; the Cardinal and the 
supposed forged will of James V., 
Ill. 410-422; Letters, 1537-1541, 
VI. 150-158. 

— James, archbishopof St. Andrews, 
III. 182; Iv. 400-2, 412, 436; Vv. 
447 and ”., 453; VIII. 426. 

— — Archbishop of Glasgow, v. 456; 
XI. 262-3. 

— —at Padua University, 111. 60. 

— Mary, 1. 348-9, 363-371. 

— Michael, slain by Duncan, Earl 
of Fife, tv. 266. 

— Sir Robert de, II. 174. 

Beatson, Helena, artist, 11. 44 and #., 



— John, 1. 46 and xz. 

Beauchamp, John, captain of Calais, 
IV. 202. 

Beaufort, John, Lord of, vit. 273. 

Beaumont, Sir Henry de, Earl of 
Buchan, Il. 459; Iv. 187-8; VIII. 
383, 385; Ix. 280 and n., 281, 285; 
x. 82, 181 n. 

— Louis de, bishop of Durham, 111. 
463 ; IX. 391. 

— Thomas de, v. 26. 

Beaven, Murray, L. R., Sir William 
Temple, vi. 311. 

Beche, Sir Nicholas de, warden of 
the Tower of London, x. 84. 

Beck or Bek, Antony, bishop of 
Durham, 11. 15, 18, 221, 336; 

Scottish Historical Review 

Vv. 264; VI. 182, 284-286, 430; 
Vil. 61; VIIl. 276; x1. 113; his 
death, 282. 

Beck, Thomas, bishop of St. David’s, 
VI. 30. 

Bede, the Venerable, tx. 181; Ec- 
clestastical History, ed. by A. M. 
Sellar, Ix. 444. 

Beedham, Lucy E., Ruined and 
Deserted Churches, Vi. 312. 

Bee, The, tu. 146. 

Beggars’ badges, 11.32; beggars and 
tramps in Perthshire, 11. 32, 36. 
Begley, Rev. Walter, Nova Solyma, 

II. 203. 

Belcher’s First American Civil War, 
1775-1778, IX. 423. 

Belgium and Germany a hundred 
years ago (1814), x11. 388. 

Belhaven, Lord, I. 216. 

Bell’s English History Source Books, 
X. 214; XI. 443. 

— Dorothy, wife of Patrick Young, 
regent of Glasgow College, 11. 
107 ”. 

— Isabella, wife of John Wilkie of 
Broomhouse, II. 106-7. 

— James, provost of Glasgow, I. 

— John, de Locworward, v. 21. 

— Kenneth, Mediaeval Europe,1095- 
1254, IX. 204. 

— Nancy, review of Davey’s Page- 
ant of London, Iv. 99. 

— Robert, minister at Dalry, vt. 

Bellarmine, Cardinal, note on, x11. 

Bellenden, Adam, minister of Fal- 
kirk, aftw. bp. of Dunblane, 111. 21. 

— Alexander, vil. 359. © 

— John, of Auchinnoull, x. 160. 

— Thomas, of Auchnowle, vil. 359. 

Belloc’s Warfare in England, x. 218. 

Bells, Medieval bells in Berwick- 
shire, XII. 102; bell at Swinton, 
Berwickshire, vitl. 327; bell for 
Gask kirk, 11. 30-31; bell-ringing 
in Gask, 11. 33; bell lore of Oak- 
ham, Ix. 103 ; bell gables of Rut- 
landshire, v. 126; church bells in 
Sweden from 1091, XI. 307. 

Index 1903-1916 II 

Belmont, Louis de, bishop of Dur- 
ham, VIII. 391. 

Belson, Thomas, of Aston Rowant, 
III. 510. 

Bémont, Charles, Mélanges d’His- 
toive offerts 2 M. Charles Bémont 
par ses amis et ses éléves, XI. 437. 

Bene, Joseph, bishopof St. Andrews, 
vir. 8. 

Benedict III., Pope, 11. 336. 

Benedict XI., Pope, vil. 166. 

Benedict XII., Pope, Iv. 197; his 
dispensation for the marriage of 
John, Lord of the Isles and Amie 
MacRuari, VIII. 249. 

Benedict XIII., Pope, tv. 148-158 ; 
papal letter appointing Henry 
Wardlaw to the bishopric of St. 
Andrews, VIII. 232‘and n., 246; 
sanctions the erection of a Uni- 
versity in St. Andrews, Viti. 
337-9 ; deposed, VIII. 351-4. 

Benedict XIV., Pope, tv. 158 and n. 

Benedictine monasteries in Scot- 
land before the Reformation, x1 

Benjamin of Tudela’s Itinerary, v 

Bennett, George, minister of Saint 
Ninians, and an expert witch- 
finder, Iv. 41, 47-48. 

Bente, Walter, guardian of Berite, 
IV. 201. 

Bentham, Jeremy, vi. 417. 

Beowulf, x. 224; burial customs in 
the poem, Ix. 198. 

Bercy, by Lucien Lambeau, vIil. 

Berefield, Sir Roger de, killed at 
Boroughbridge, Ix. 71. 

Berenger, Raymond, grand master 
of the Knights Hospitallers, 1x. 

Berkeley, Sir David de, an adherent 
of Bruce, vI. 135, 137- 

— Sir Walter, sheriff of Banff, v1. 
135- , 
Bernham, David de, bishop of St. 

Andrews, vil. 14, 135; dedica- 
tion of churches by, 218 and n. 
Bernstorff Papers, v1. 307. 
Berry Papers, 1763-1852, XI. 441. 

Berry, Matthew, St. Andrews, 1. 

Berwick-on-Tweed, 1. 465; Il. 15, 
19 and n., 222, 462 ; Iv. 185, 187, 
204; VII. 383-4; VIII. 37, 38, 
392-3, 397-8; Ix. 287-8, 290; 
X. 147; XII. 102. 

Berwickshire, Inventory of Monu- 
ments and Constructions in the 
County of Berwick, vii. 111. 

Betoncourt, Madame de, 11. 348-9. 

Beveridge, Erskine, North Uist : its 
Archa@ology and Topography, 1x 


— Hugh, The Sobieski Stuarts, vt. 

— Rev. J., Lady Anne Bothwell, 
I. 379-388. 

Beverley, John of, vii. 39. 

Bewcastle cross, x11. 198. 

Bewley, Sir Edmund, The Folliots 
of Londonderry, If. 459. 

Beya, St., I. 351. 

Bibles, Catalogue of an exhibition 
of Bibles in Glasgow University 
Library, vill. 431; vernacular 
translations of the Bible during 
the Middle Ages, 1. 261-3; The 
Old English Bible, by Dom 
Gasquet, vI. 94. 

Biblical Law, by H. M. Wiener, 11. 

Bibliography of the Book of Common 
Order and Psalm Book of the 
Church of Scotland, by William 
Cowan, 1556-1644, XI. 297. 

Bibliography of the Scottish Clans, 
v. 246; Bibliography of Scottish 
Family Histories, x11. 332; Lists 
of Fifteenth Century Books in 
Edinburgh Libraries, x1. 297. 

Bibliotheca Celtica, 1x. 213, 444. 

Bickerton, Sir Walter de, defeated 
by Thomas de Gray, near Cupar, 
Ill. 455- 

Bidun, Walter de, bishop of Dun- 
keld, 1. 200. 

Bienville, John de, abbot of Pon- 
tigny, VIII. 352 and n. 

Biggar, William de, rector of Errol, 
XII. 116. 

Bigod, Roger, I11. 334. 


Billie. [? Baillie] or Done, Geills, 
keeper of a public house in Gask, 
II. 32-33. 

Bingham, Hiram, the early history 
of the Scots Darien Co., II. 210- 
217, 316-326, 437-448. 

Binning, Charles, Solicitor-General 
for Scotland, x11. 387. 

— John de, preceptorat Torphichen, 
IX. 56-59, 61, 66-68. 

— Walter, portrait painter, 111. 147. 

— Sir William, of Wallyford, Lord 
Provost of Edinburgh, 1675-1677, 
XII. 369-387. 

Biography, Principles of Biography, 
by Sir Sidney Lee, 1x. 97. 

Birch, Walter de Gray, History of 
Scottish Seals, tv. 326; V. 313. ° 
Birt, Henry N., The Elizabethan 
Religious Settlement, v. 344 ; editor 
of Lingard’s History of England, 

X. 323. 

Bisham priory, Berkshire, 11. 483. 

Bishop’s Loch, crannog, Ill. 127. 

Bishops of Scotland, by John Dow- 
den, D.D., Ix. 411. 

Bishops, appointment of, in Scot- 
land during the middle ages, vil. 
I-20, 130; 132; bishops of Dun- 
keld, from the time of Alexander I. 
to the Reformation, by Dr. Dow- 
den, I. 197-203, 314-321, 421-428. 

Bisset (Byseth), James, prior of St. 
Andrews, Ill. 302, 313 ; VIII. 230, 

— Sir Radulf de, 1. 174. 

Bissets of Torbrex, XII. 61. 

Blacader, Robert, Archbishop of 
Glasgow, Ill. 182; vV. 325; XI. 


Black (Blak), Ann, in Gask, II. 30. 

— Elspett and Jonet, suspected of 
witchcraft, Iv. 43-47. 

— J. B., Elizabeth and Henry IV., 
XII. 202. 

— Robert, in Gask, 1. 31. 

— William, advocate, 11. 290-1. 

— William George, The Civil and 
Ecclesiastical Parish in Scotland, 
Ix. 436; reviews of Hierurgia 
Anglicana, it. 314 ; Wentz’s Fairy 
Faith in Celtic Countries, 1x. 186. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Black Book of Clanranald, 11. 47. 

Black Death of 1348 and 1349, by 
Abbot Gasquet, v. 364. 

Black Friars and the Scottish Uni- 
versities, Ix. 1-9; Blackfriars 
Monastery, Dundee, Iv. 363. 

Blackfriars of Edinburgh, 1x. 332- 

Black Rood of Scotland, by George 
Watson, v. 256. 

Black Watch Episode of the year 1731, 
compiled by H. D. MacWilliam, 
VI. 312. 

Blackburn, William, abbot of Cam- 
buskenneth, 1. 421. 

Blackdub of Touchadam, x1I. 61. 

Blackie, E. M., reviews of Frere’s 
Visitation Articles of the Period of 
the Reformation, vill. 299; The 
Rationale of Ceremonial, 1540- 
1543, VIII. 201. 

Blacklock, Thomas, manuscripts of, 
X. 369-376; unpublished poem 
by, Iv. 205. 

Blackmoor, North Riding, 1x. 76 

Blackwood, Sir William, excom- 
municated, III. 26. 

Blaikie, Walter Biggar, Edinburgh 
during the occupation of Prince 
Charles, vill. 424; The High- 
landers at Macclesfield in 1745, 
VI. 225-244; Jacobite Perthshire, 
v. 461; an appreciation of W. 
B. Blaikie, x1. 114. 

Blain, Mr., town clerk of Rothesay, 
VII. 265 and n., 267, 269, 270. 

Blair of Gartlechane, I. 459. 

—C.H., Armorials of Northumber- 
land, vill. 112. 

— Gardner, Greenock Street Names, 
V. 237. 

— Hugh, D.D., vi. 353- 

— Dr. John, Dundee, Iv. 80. 

— R., reviews of Armitage’s Early 
Norman Castles of the British 
Isles, X. 207; Morris’s Nunburn- 
holme, v. 486. 

— Robert Sterling, 1. 460. 

Blair-nan-Leine, battle of, 1. 299. 

Blanc, Louis, Organisation du pif 
vail, X. 426. 

Blanche, queen of Navarre, vil. 272. 

Index 1903-1916 13 

Blanchet, Adrien, 1. 331; Etude 

_ sur la Décovation des Edifices de 
la Gaule romaine, X1. 106. 

Bland, A. E., The Normans in Eng- 
land, 1066-1154, XII. 106. 

Blandy, Mary,Trial of Mary Blandy, 
ed. by Wm. Roughead, xu, 94. 

Blavet, Abbé, translator of Smith’s 
Wealth of Nations, Il. 115-117. 

Blinseill, William, burgess of Aber- 
deen, VII. 306. 

Bloet or Bluet, Robert, bishop of 
Lincoln, vii. 146. 

Blomfield, R., History of French 
Architecture, 1494-1661, IX. 303. 
Blood, Thomas, Colonel Thomas 
Blood, Crown-Stealey, 1618-1680, 

by W. C. Abbott, rx. 97. 

Blount, Sir Thomas Pope, De Re 
Poetica, 1. 6. 

— Sir William, Ix. 79. 

Blundell, Odo, Kilcumein and Fort- 
Augustus, XII. 91; review of 
Beveridge’s North Uist, tx. 199. 

Blyth, Thomas, vil. 357, 359. 

Board of Manufactures, x. 235. 

— of Trade established, 11. 441. 

Bochaistail, x. 120. 

Bodley, Sir Thomas, 

. Bodleianum, x. 425. 

Boece, Hector, x. 126; XI. 127; 
Cosmography, 1. 35.- 

Bohemia’s historians, 11. 466. 

Bohun, Sir Edward de, drowned 
in the Annan, Iv. 188. 

— Sir Henry de, slain by Robert 
the Bruce, ll. 459 w., XII. 66. 

— Humfreyde. See Hereford, Earl 

— William, created Earl of North- 
ampton, Iv. I9gI-2. 

Bolle, Wilhelm, Englischen Lieder- 
biicher bis 1600, 1. 329. 

Bombay in the Days of George IV. ; 
Memoirs of Sir Edward West, by 
F. D. Drewitt, v. 484. 

Bonapartism, by H. A. L. Fisher, 
v. 480. 

Bonar, Gilbert, in the service of 
Queen Mary, I. 355. 

— Horatius, note on John Knox 

- and Ranfurly, v. 370. 


Bond, R. Warwick, editor of The 
Complete works of John Lyly, 1. 

Bondington, William de, bishop of 
Glasgow, v. 83 ; vil. 136. 

Bonds of manrent, Ix. 103. 

Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury, 
VII. 137. 

Boniface VIII., Pope, vu. 275, 11. 
335-6; his claim to interfere in 
the temporal affairs of England 
not acknowledged by Edward I., 
VIII. 162-3; letter to the Arch- 
bishop of Canterbury on the ex- 
cesses of the prelates, vill. 164; 
his death, 166. 

Bonkill, William, bookbinder in 
Edinburgh, Iv. 434. 

Bonnet Court of Corsehill, v. 488. 

Bonstoun, Bernard, vil. 357, 359- 

Bonvile, Sir John de, rx. 283. 

Bonwicke, Ambrose, IX. 317. 

Book collecting in the middle ages, 
Ix. 187. 

Book of Almanacs, by A. de Morgan, 
IV. 473- 

Book of Arran, Vill. 92; XII. 418. 

Book of Common Order, bibliography 
by Wm. Cowan, XI. 297. 

Book of the Duffs, by A. and H. 
Taylor, x11. 86. 

Book of the Old Edinburgh Club, 
VII. 99; VIII. 423; IX. 332; xX. 
216; XI. 314; XII. 326. 

Book-binding in Scotland, Iv. 430- 

Booksellers of Edinburgh protest 
against Vautrollier selling books 
in the burgh, vit. 271. 

Book-stamps, v. 129. 

Boquhapple, x. 120. 

Border Ballad controversy between 
Andrew Lang, Col. Elliot, etc., 
Iv. 87; VIII. 108, 190, 220. 

Borders, Highways and Byways in 
the Border, by Andrew and John 
Lang, x1. 218; Border tour in 
1816, I. 454. 

Borland, Francis, minister to the 
Darien expedition, I. 417-8. 

Bornholm, Sweden, its cemeteries 
of the Iron Age, Ix. 197-8. . 

14 Scottish Historical Review 

Boroughbridge, battle of, in 1322, 
IX. 71-73. 

Borough Customs, by Mary Bateson, 
Il. 441. 

Boroughs, British Borough Charters, 
1042-1216, XI. 95. 

Borrowstounness and District, by 
T. J. Salmon, 1550-1850, x1. 298. 

Borthwick, David, King’s Advo- 
cate, XI. 175. 

— William, at Padua University, 
III. 61. 

Borwase, Henry de, bishop of Lin- 
coln, IV. IgI-192. 

Bosco, Sir William de, 1. 174-175, 

Boston fire, vi. 287, 289. 

Boswell, James, and his practice at 
the Bar, III. ror. 

Bothwell, Adam, bishop of Orkney, 
I. 387; IV. 437- 

— Lady Anne, I. 379-388; 1. 108. 

— James, Earl of, 11. 21-22 and ., 
23, 28. 

Bothwell Castle, 1x. 403-4. 
Boughton-Leigh’s Memorials of a 
Warwickshire Family, tv. 229. 
Boulogne, a resort for ‘ people of 
all characters, except good ones,’ 

VI. 364. 

Boundary Stone and Market Cross, 
XII. 24-36. 

Bourdin, Gilles, x11. 276. 

Bovo de Clare, vil. 274-5. 

Bower, Walter, abbot of Inchcolm, 
III. 301-2; vil. 8; VIII. 230, 233, 

Bowes, Adam de, Ix. 290. 

Bowmacar, Alexander, Canon of St. 
Andrews, XI. 277. 

Boyd, Robert, of Aberdeen, at 
Padua University, 111. 60. 

— Sir Robert, vil. 279. 

Boyman, Janet, witch, 11. 243. 

Boys, Sir Humphrey de, Ix. 287. 

Boyse, Samuel, his description of 
Edinburgh society, I. 15. 

Brabrook, Edward, review of Hall’s 

Dr. Duncan of Ruthwell, vu. 

Bradby, E. D., Life of Barnave, x11. 


Bradley, A. C., Eighteenth century 
estimates of Shakespeare, 1. 291-5. 

— Henry, review of Bolle’s Eng- 
lischen Liederbiicher bis 1600, I. 

Braglin, Ill. 112 ”. 

Braid, James, chaplain of the altar 
of St. Fergus, St. Andrews, 11. 
262, 478-9. 

Brakelond’s Chronicle, 1. 86. 

Bramston’s Autobiography, X. 331- 

Brand, Alexander, of Baberton, x11. 

— Sir Alexander, of Brandsfield, 
XII. 384. 

— R.H., The Union of South Africa, 
VII. 200. 

Brandl, Alois, The Early North- 
umbrian Poem ‘ A Vision of the 
Cross of Christ,’ rx. 139-147. 

Brandon, Richard, executioner, II. 

Branford’s Interpretations and Fore- 
casts, XI. 324. 

Brasses of Berkshire, 11. 483. 

Brassington, W. Salt, Shakespeare’s 
Homeland, 1. 213. 

Bray, Olive, editor of The Eder or 
Poetic Edda, vi. 306. 

Brechin, David de, 111. 463 ; VI. 132. 

— Cathedral, A Short History of 
Brechin Cathedral, by W. W. 
Coats, II. 221. 

Bremner, Robert L., Note on the 
Scottish islands in the diocese of 
Sodor, 1x. 108. 

Bremond, Henri, L’Inguiétude Re- 
ligieuse, VII. 193- 

Brenstead and Robinson’s Outlines 
of European History, X11. 430. 

Brett, G. S., The Government of Man, 
XII. 320. 

Brézé, Jacques de, Ix. 342. 

Brightman, F.,E., editor of 
The Preces Privatae of Lancelot 
Andrewes, I. 330. 

Brisbane, Thomas, minister of Dun- 
lop, Iv. 235. 

Britain’s first line of defence, and 
the Mutiny of 1797, XII. 311-317- 

British Borough Charters, 1042-1216, 
edited by A. Ballard, x1. 95. 

Index 1903-1916 

British Citizenship, by E. B. Sar- 
gant, X. 217. 

British Statesmen of the Great War, 
1793-1814, by J. W. Fortescue, 
IX. 305. 

Brittany, L’ Administration Finan- 
ciéve des Etats de Bretagne, 1689- 
1715, by F. Quesette, 1x. 318; 
The Land of Pardons, by Anatole 
Le Braz, Iv. 344; the share of 
Brittany in the Conquest of Eng- 
land, vill. 317. 

Brix chateau, Normandy, the home 
of the Bruces, Il. 424-7. 

Brochs, Ix. 247-251. 

Brodie, R. H., Note on the Countess 
of Murray’s letter of 1544, 11.298. 

Brodrick, Hon. George C., The 
Political History of England, 1801- 
1837, IV. 89. 

Brooch of Lorne, I. 351, Il. 110-115. 

Brooke, C. F. Tucker, The Shake- 
speare Apocrypha, V1. 93. 

Broomhouse, Glasgow, II. 105, 106 
and n. 

Broughdearg, vi. 440; VII. 110. 

Brounfeild, John, vit. 357, 359. 

— Thomas, vil. 357, 359. 

Brouns of Colstoun, Iv. 479. 

Brown of West-Horn, tv. 79, 81. 

—or Wilson, Anna, inventory of 
her estate, vi. 141. 

— Charles, of Gleghornie, v1. 140. 

— David, Notes of a Jaunt to London 
by Water, 1808, v. 502. 

— George, treasurer of Dundee, 11.61. 

— Gerard Baldwin, The Aris in 
Early England, 1. 322; reviews 
of Blomfield’s History of French 
Architecture, 1494-1661, IX. 303; 
Champney’s Irish Ecclesiastical 
Architecture, VIII. 290. 

— Grisel, daughter of the laird of 
Horn, tv. 77. 

~— Helen, daughter of the laird of 
Horn, Iv. 81. 

— Horatio F., Studies in the His- 
tory of Venice, v. 355. 

— Hugh, printer, 1. 458. 

—J. A., review of Thomson’s 
Coldingham Parish and Priory, 
vil. 89. 


Brown, James Wood, San Viano: a 
Scottish Saint, rx. 387-389 ; note 
on Scottish Pilgrims in Italy, x. 

— John, The English Puritans, 1x. 

— — of Wamphray, vill. 298. 

— John T. T., the authorship of 
The Quair of Jelousy, vill. 326; 
The Bannatyne Manuscript, 1. 
136-158; on the influence of 
John Lyly, 1. 70-73; reviews of 
The Taill of Rauf Coilyear, u. 
458; The Poetical Works of 
William Drummond of Hawthorn- 
den, XI. 99; Renwick’s Peebles, 
II. 463. , 

— Louise Fargo, The Political Ac- 
tivities of the Baptists and Fifth 
Monarchy Men in England during 
the Interregnum, Xi. 108. 

— Margaret, daughter of the laird 
of Horn, Iv. 79. 

— Mary Croom, Mary Tudor, Queen 
of France, tx. 189. 

— Peter Hume, History of Scotland, 
I. 82; VII. 294; IX. 316; John 
Knox and his Times, tt. 222; 
Scotland in the Time of Queen 
Mary, 1. 221; WW. 443; Register 
of the Privy Council of Scotland, 
Iv. 86, 461; VI. 421; VII. 314; 
VIII. 297; IX. 415; X. 422; XI. 
84; A forgotten Scottish Scholar 
[Volusenus] of the Sixteenth 
Century, X. 122-137; Four Re- 
presentative Documents of Scot- 
tish History, x. 347-359; Intel- 
lectual Influences of Scotland on 
the Continent, xI. 121-135; 
Literature and History, vi. 1-12 ; 
the moulding of the Scottish 
nation, I. 245-259; Scotland in 
the 18th century, vi. 343-356; 
The Scottish Nobility and their 
part in the National History, m1. 
157-170; The Teaching of Scot- 
tish History in Schools, v. 41-51 ; 
The Union of the Parliaments of 
England and Scotland, 1707, Iv. 
121-134; reviews of Anderson’s 
Scottish Annals from English 


Brown, Peter Hume—cont. 
Chroniclers, vi. 292; Paul’s Life 
of Froude, 11. 495; Stoddart’s 
Girlhood of Mary Queen of Scots, 
VI. 200. 

— Richard, note on Mabon, 111. 390. 

——A History of Accounting and 
Accountants, Il. 230. 

— Robert, Notes on the Eavlier 
History of Barton-on-Humber, v. 

— Thomas, of Eastfield, account 
book of, 1702-1712, VI. 145. 

— Walter, I. 147. 

— William, Trial by Combat, XII. 
209; note on Robert de Prebenda, 
bishop of Dunblane, viII. 439. 

Broune, Edw. G., Persian Revolution 
of 1905-1909, VIII. 429. 

— George, bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 

— John, Principal of Glasgow Uni- 
versity, XI. 255. 

—M., colonel in the service of 
Prince Charles, vi. 232 and u., 

— Robert; founder of the Brownists, 
XI. 113. 

— Sir Thomas III. 49. 

— William Hand, The Taill of Rauf 
Coilyear, 11. 458. 

Browning, Andrew, Thomas Osborne, 
Earl of Danby and Duke of Leeds, 
XI. 327. 

— Oscar, Despatches from Paris, 
1784-1790, VII. 423; A History 
of the Modern World, 1815-1910, 
X. 105. 

— Robert, exposition of ‘ Sordello,’ 
by David Duff, Iv. to2. 

Broxap, Henry, Biography of Thomas 
Deacon, the Manchester Nonjuror, 
Ix. 96; The Great Civil War in 
Lancashire, 1642-1651, Vill. 82. 

Bruce, Adam, of Skelton, 11. 426. 

— Alexander, brother of Robert L., 
taken prisoner and hanged, III. 
332-3 5 VII. 169. 

— David, of Clackmannan, Iv. 48. 

— Dorothy, of Pittarthy, wife of 
Sir William Hay of Dey: vI. 
253, 258. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Bruce, Edward de, brother of Robert 
I., VIII. 279, 381, 386, 388 ; at the 
battle of Bannockburn, x1. 71; 
his expedition to Ireland, 111. 461 
and n., 462; defeated and slain 
at Dundalk, viii. 396. 

— James, bishop of Dunkeld, 
aftw. of Glasgow, I. 424-5; Vv. 

— John, historiographer, Ix. 366- 

— Laurence, of Cultmalundie, rv. 

— Margaret, in Dundee, Iv. 76. 

— Michael, poet, 1. 143. 

— Niel or Nigel, brother of Robert 
I., I11,.331 and z., VIII. 169. 

— Peter, paper manufacturer, II. 


— Robert, the Competitor, m1. 16- 
17; VIL. 276-7. 

—— conspirator and spy, XII. 
16 and u., 18 and u., 19, 22 
and n. 

—— King of 
Robert I. 

— Robert, minister at Edinburgh, 
II. 28; V. 239. 

— — of Jesmond, Il. 311. 

— — of Kennett, Iv. 41, 44, 48. 

— Thomas, brother of Robert I., 
taken prisoner and hanged, III. 

— Sir William, 

— — of Kinross, Iv. 441. 

Bruces, owners of the Chateau de 
Brix in Normandy, Il. 424-5. 

Brulart, Noél, x11. 276. 

Brunanburh and Burnswork locality 
of the defeat of Norse and Scots 
by Athelstan, VII. 37-55, 204, 212, 


Been, F. A., Roman Fort at Man- 
chester, VII. 304. 

Bryce, James, The American Coin: 
monwealth, Vit. 425 ;. The Ancient 
Roman Empire and the British 
Empire in India, x1. 439; The 
Diffusion of Roman and English 
Law throughout the World, Xt. 
439. a 

Scotland. See 

of .Earlshall, 1. 

Bryce, Thomas H., On cairns and 
tumuli in Bute, 1. 109; On certain 
points in Scottish ethnology, 1. 
275-286 ; review of Johnson and 
Wright’s Neolithic man in North- 
East Survey, 1. 218. 

— William Moir, The Scottish Grey 
Friars, vu. 84; History of the 
Old Greyfriars’ Church,Edinburgh, 
x. 102; The Black Friars and the 
Scottish Universities, Ix. 1-9; 
Queen Mary’s voyage to France 
in 1548, Iv. 360; note on Bishop 
Wardlaw and the Grey Friars, rx. 
219; review of Robertson’s South 
Leith Records, 1588-1700, IX. 428. 

Bryn Mawr College Monographs, 
V. 476; VIII. 315. 

Buchan, Isabella,Countess of, crowns 
Robert the Bruce at Scone, 1. 
18; II. 330 and n. ' 

— John, Earl of, vir. 384. 

— — of Cairnbulg, x. 58. 

—— The Marquis of Montrose, x1. 

— earldom, 111. 81-82. 

Buchanan, A. W. Gray, notes on 
Denholm of Cranshaws, I. 460; 
and the Lenys of that ilk, I. 102 ; 
review of Gibson’s Lands and 
Lairds of Dunipace, 1. 341. ; 

— Sir Anthony, I. 459. 

— George, Ill. 527; V. 131; Vil. 
86; x. 226; John the Baptist: a 
drama, Ul. 220; birth date, vii. 
192; letter from, to Phil. Marnix 
de Ste Aldegoude, v. 368; alleged 
portrait by Titian, vi. 337-342; 
VII. 106, 286-288 ; W. Carruthers 
on the discovery of a lost portrait, 
vil. 286-8; George Buchanan, a 
memorial, Vv. 115; George Buch- 
anan: Glasgow Quatercentenary 
Studies, v. 220. 

— Gilbert de, 11. 103. 

— John, last of that ilk, mt. 241. 

— Thomas, minister of Tullyallan, 
X. 114. 

— Walter, son of Auchinpryour, an 
‘indurat papist,’ m1. 25. 

Buck, Solon Justus, Travel and 
Description, 1765-1865, XII. 100. 

Index 1903-1916 


Bugge, Alexander, Vesterlandenes 
Indflydelse paa Nordboernes, U1. 
370-4; Vikingerne, tv. 216; the 
Norsemen in Ireland, mr. 123; 
Seafaring and shipping during the 
Viking Ages, vII. 204. 

Bull-baiting in Kirkcudbright 
churchyard, vil. 222. 

Bulloch, John Malcolm, A Hind- 
vance to Genealogy, 1. 46-47. 

— Martha, mother of President 
Roosevelt, 1. 416. 

— family, 11. ror. 

Bullochs of Baldernock, I. 419. 

Bullok, John, bishop of Ross, 11. 
103. ’ 

Bulls sacrificed at Loch Maree, v1. 
271 and x. 

Bunch, Duncan, Regent of Glas- 
gow College, xI. 253, 277-8, 

Burbage and Shakespeare’s Stage, 
by Mes. C. C. Stopes; xI. 102; 
note on, 231. 

Burford, Sir William de, vim. 279. 

Burgage Tenure in Mediaeval Eng- 
land, by M. de Wolf Hemmeon, 
XII. 210. 

Burge, Sir Walter de, m. 174. 

Burgesses’ privileges and responsi- 
bilities, I. 125-135, 222, 275, 281, 

Burgh legislation in Scotland, 1. 
124-135; burghs of barony and 
regality, 1. 283; Burgh Records 
of Scotland, vill. 264-275. 

Burgh, John de, seagrieve, vir. 348. 

— Patrick, 11. 32, 36. 

Burghersh, Bartholomew de, Iv. 

Burgo or Burgh, Henry de, prior 
of Lanercost, vI. 178; VIII. 390; 
X. 15-2; 407. 

Burgundy, Philip, Duke of, founder 
of the Order of the Golden Fleece, 
V. 405, 409; pardons granted by, 
V. 381, 515; VI. 100, 316. 

Burial customs in the poem of 
Beowulf, x. 198. 

Burman, Frans, IX. 317. 

Burnet, George, wig-maker in Dun- 
dee, Iv. 81. 

18 Scottish Historical Review 

Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 
vu. 50; Lives of the Hamilions, 
Iv. 384-398; x. 438; Life of 
Gilbert Burnet, by T. E. S. Clarke, 
V. 472. 

— John, of Aberdeen, in the Vir- 
ginia trade, VI. 32. 

— Margaret, in Dundee, Iv. 81. 

— Thomas, at Padua University, 
Ill. 61. 

Burmey, Frances, The Early Diary 
of Frances Burney, 1768-1778, v. 

Burns, Robert, ‘ Charlie he’s my 
Darling’ and other Burns’ origi- 
nals, I1I. 171-178; on the merits 
of the Mirror, 11. 143-4; Biblio- 
graphy, vil. 316; The Glenrid- 
dell MS., xt. 447; Life by Mac- 
kintosh, mI. 516; notice of, in 
the Edinburgh Magazine, Il. 139. 

— Thomas, D.D., Church Property, 
Ill. 377. 

— Captain William, his discoveries 
of relics of an Armada ship at 
Tobermory, I. Ifo. 

Burnswork. See Brunanburh. 

Burnton, William de, mayor of 
Berwick, IX. 290. 

Burr, G. L., on the death of Luther, 
IX. 103. 

Burrage, Champlin, Early English 
Dissenters, 1550-1641, X. 973 
John Penry, the so-called Martyr 
of Congregationalism, X. 429; 
New Facts concerning John Robin- 
son, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers, 
VIII. 210. 

Burt, Alfred Leroy, Imperial Archi- 
tects, XI. 321. 

Burton, John Hill, Hill Burton in 
Error, by W. L. Mathieson, 1. 

Bury, J. B., The Life of St. Patrick, 
Ill. 77. 

— Richard de. See Aungerville. 

— William, rector of Bury, v. 346. 

Bury St. Edmunds charters, vii. ror. 

‘Bussell, F. W., The Roman Empire, 
VIII. 293. 

Busy, Charles, at Padua University, 
Ill. 58. 

Bute, cairns and tumuli found in, 
I. 109. 

— John, Marquess of, The Early 
Days of Sir William Wallace, and 
David, Duke of Rothesay, x. 218; 
Essays on Home Subjects, 11. 219. 

— John, Marquess of, and John 
Horne Stevenson, The Arms of 
the Baronial and Police Burghs of 
Scotland, 1. 96. 

Butill, Thomas de, vitt. 347. 

Butler and Fletcher’s Historical 
Portraits, 1600-1700, IX. 332. 

— Dugald, The Tron Kirk of Edin- 
burgh, Iv. 329; review of Fergu- 
son’s Ecclesia Antiqua, Ul. 511. 

— George G., Colonel St. Paul of 
Ewart, 1X. 325. 

— J. M., The Passing of the Great 
Reform Bill, X1. 427. 

— Sir John, x. 83. 

— Samuel, III. 49. 

By Bothwell Banks, 11. 464. 

Byrne’s translation of Bear’s Ive- 
land under Elizabeth, 1. 335- 

Byseth. See Bisset. 

Byzantine Empire, by Edward Foord, 
IX. 205. 

Cabinet (The) of Great Britain, x1. 
115; Cabinet Councillors, 229. 

Cabot, Sebastian, vir. 104. 

Cadbury Castle diggings, x11. 108. 

Cade, William, x1. 328. 

Cadell, H. M., Story of the Forth, 
X. 424. 

Cadenhead, James, at Padua Uni- 
versity, III. 61. 

Cadogan, General William, v. 141-2, 
149, 150 and n. 

Cady, Richard, priest of Dunkeld, 
VIII. 233 n. 

Cadzow, David, rector of Glasgow 
University, XI. 254. 

— William, prof.of Sacred Theology, 
Glasgow, XI. 259. 

Caen sacked by Edward III., x. 86. 

Caerlaverock Castle, taken by Ed- 
ward [., 111. 222; VII. 311; VIIt. 

Caesar's Commentaries, by T. R. 
Holmes, vi. 312. 

ee a a 

Index 1903-1916 19 

Caesar's Conquest of Gaul, by T. 
Rice Holmes, 1x. 202. 

Cesar, Julius, an English student, 
murdered at Padua, III. 57. 

Caietanus, James, cardinal, I. 317. 

Caird, Edward, student at St. 
Andrews University, 111. 362. 

Cairnburgh Castle, m1. 31. 

Cairn-cul-ri-Erin, 11. 378. 

Cairns (Kernis), Thomas, rector of 
Seton, III. 110. 

— William, vicar of Glamis, m1. 

— William and Thomas, founders 
of the altar of St. Fergus, St. 
Andrews, II. 261, 264. 

— family history, Iv. 341. 

Cairnsmull or Kyrkynner church, 
I. 423. 

Caithness, the medieval church in 
Caithness and Sutherland, xu. 
433; the Monuments of Caith- 
NESS, IX. 241-252, X. 435; crosses, 
XI. 113; Caithness and Sutherland 
bibliography, vil. 426; History of 
the Province of Cat to 1615, by 
Angus Mackay, XII. 205. 

— Andrew, bishop of, I. 199. 

— George, Earl of, raids Suther- 
landshire, 111. 369. 

— Earldom, 11. 201. 

Calais, siege of, Iv. 200-201. 

Calais under English Rule, by G. A. 
C. Sandeman, vI. 310. 

Calderwood, David, minister of 
Crailing, x. 27. 

Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the 
Exchequer of the Jews, 1273-1275, 
VIII. 301. 

Calixtus II., pope, vil. 155-6. 

Callendar, Thomas, 111. 22. 

Calverley, Hugh de, tv. 422. 

Calvin, John, The Life and Times 
of Calvin, by L. Penning, x. 322. 

Cambo, Sir W. de, 1x. 283. 

Cambridge, Edmund, Earl of, v. 38. 

Cambridge Medieval History, 1x. 

Cambridge Modern History, 1. 111 ; 
Il. 77; UL. 225, 364; Iv. 96; v 
231; Vil. 90, 408; vim. 418; Ix. 

204; X. 112. 

Cambridge under Queen Anne, ed. 
by J. E. B. Mayor, 1x. 317. 

Cambridge University, Proctor’s Ac- 
counts, edited by Mary Bateson, 
I. 209. 

Cambuskeith, 11. 190. 

Camera, John de, v. 21. 

Cameron, Alexander, 
Macronald, Iv. 355. 

— Colonel Allan, his narrative, Feb.- 
April, 1716, Vv. 137-150. 

— Dr. Archibald, 111. 122. 

— Ewen, in Craiguchty, cattle thief, 
X. 114, 117, 118. 

— Ewen, of Lochiel, at the battle 
of Glenshiel, 11. 416. 

— Jenny, vill. 439. 

— John, bishop of Glasgow, Il. 
310 n.; V. 2I1. 

—-—a Scottish protestant theo- 
logian in France, 1579-1625, VII. 

— — student at Heidelberg, aftw. 
Principal of Glasgow University, 
V. 72. 

— Patrick, student at Heidelberg, 
V. 71. 

— William, covenanter, xt. 84. 

Campaign of Trafalgar, by Julian 
S. Corbett, vu. 76. 

Campbell of Finab, 1. 52-53, 417. 

— of Glenlyon, his lands raided by 
Macdonalds, It. 30. 

— oi Ormidale, at Glenshiel, 11. 416, 

Campbell, Alexander, Tour in the 
Scottish Border in 1816, I. 545. 

— — bishop of Brechin, I1. 109. 

— — brother of the Earl of Argyll, 
It. 65. 

—  —clerk of the diocese of Dun- 
keld, 11. 66. 

— — friar, Ix. 9. 

—— minister of Kilcolmonell, 1 

— — of Finab, m1. 37 and m. 

— Angus, of Skipness, II. 301. 

— Archibald, of Barbreck, m1. 29 
and n., 389. 

— — of Torrie, 111. 29 and n. 

— Colin, captain in the Argyllshire 
Highlanders, 1. 37. 

Lament for 

20 Scottish Historical Review 

Campbell, Colin, of Blythswood, 11. Campbell, Niall, principal of Glas- 
301. gow University, Iv. 106, 234. 
—-— of Glendaruel, at Glenshiel, — Niall D., The Castle Campbell 
II. 416. Inventory, X. 299-305; on an 
— — of Ormidale, v. 141. early charter found at Inverary, 
— — of Skipness, 11. 300-4. Vill. 222; the origin of the Holy 
— — of Strachur, tv. 106. Loch in Cowal, x. 29-34; notes 
— Rev. Colin, review of Atchley’s on the Campbells of Ardkinglass, . 
The Parish Clerk, 1. 446; note Ir. 109; Johne of Arintrache, 
on The First Prayer Book of Ix. 346; on an old Tiree Rental 
Edward VI., 1. 232. of 1662, Ix. 343; Saint Maolrubha, 
— Sir Colin; of Lundie, x1. 397. VI. 442; VIII. 109. 
— Donald, abbot of Cupar, and son — Robert, of Glenlyon, at the mass- 
of Archibald, 2nd Earl of Argyll, acre of Glencoe, III. 33-34. 
11. 67-68. _ — William, minister of Kilchrenan, 
— — of Barbreck, 111. 389. II. 109g. 
— Dougall, of Ardcuilour, 11. 109. — — minister of Kilmodan, 11. rog. 
— — of Ederline, tv. 233. Campbells, Clan Campbell: ab- 
— Duncan, captain in the Argyll- stracts of Entries relating to Camp- 
shire Highlanders, 111. 37. bells in the Sheriff Court Books of 
— Sir Duncan, of Auchinbreck, 11. Argyll at Invevavay, XI. 111; 
29 and n. abstracts of Entries relating to 
— Lady Emma, third wife of Sir Campbells in the Sheriff Court 
John McNeill, virt. 95. Books of Perthshive, Xt. 100; 
— George William, note on the note on the Campbell Arms, MI. 
Campbell arms, 111. 388. 388. 
— Hew, of Loudoun, xi. 118. — of Ardeonaig, II. 240. 
— J. F., of Islay, Popular Tales of — of Ardkinglass, I. 455; I. 109. 
the West Highlands, 1. 113. — of Glenurchy, 11. 103. 
— James, yr. of Ardkinglass, 111. — ot Strachur, Iv. 233, 354. 
29 and u., 253. Campion, William, Jesuit, tortured, 
— John, of Airds, 111. 29 and ”., 31. II. 240. 
—-—of Ballimore, major-general, Camprere, Scottish trade with, vi. 
TII. 390. 405. 
— — of Braighghlinne, obtains pos- Canada, Historical Geography : Can- 

session of the brooch of Lorn at 
the sack of Gylen Castle, 111. 112 
and n. 

— — Gregorson, minister of Tiree, 

113; The Green Island, v. rogr- 
202; the Origin of the Fairy 
Creed, vil. 364-376; The Sharp- 
witted wife, x11. 413-417; The 
Story of Conal Grund, 1. 300-5; 
Story of the King of Ireland and 
his two sons, Iv. 1-10; Swupersti- 
tions of the Scottish Highlands, 11. 

— Matthew and David, sugar manu- 
facturers in Glasgow, I. 415. 

— Neil, captain in the Argyllshire 
Highlanders, 111. 37. 

ada, by Hugh E. Egerton, vi. 210; 
The Fall of Canada, 1759-60, by 
G. M. Wrong, xu. 189;,..A His- 
tory of Canada, 1763-1812, by 
Sir C. P. Lucas, vil. 94 ; Canadian 
War of 1812, by C. P. Lucas, Iv. 
224; Lord Durham’s Report on 
the Affairs of British North 
America, X. 412; Lord Elgin in 
Canada, 1847-1854, x. 1-20; The 
Seigniorial System in Canada, Vv. 

Candida Casa. See Whithorn. 
Canfield, Leon Hardy, Early Per- 

secutions of the Christians, X1. 307. 

Canisbay church grot stone, Ix. 

250-2; church records, IX. 215. 


Canning, George, George Canning 
and his Friends, edited by Josce- 
- tine Bagot, vI. 425. 

Canon Law in Mediaeval England, 
by Arthur Ogle, x. 185. 

Cant, Andrew, 1. 100, 391-2. 

Canterbury, The Ancient Libraries 
of Canterbury and Dover, by 
Montague Rhodes James, U1. 

Cape, H. J., Short History of Early 
England, X. 217. 

Car, Isobel, in Dundee, Iv. 76. 

Cardeny, Mariota de, I. 422. 

— Robert de, bishop of Dunkeld, 
I. 422 and n. 

Cardew, I. 67 ; VIII. 10-14. 

Carlaverock Castle. 

See Caerlaverock. 

Carleton, Sir Dudley, ambassador 
at Venice, III. 58. 

Carlisle besieged by Robert the 
Bruce, vit. 388-9; burnt, vit. 
67, 161; lost charters belonging 
to the bishopric, vil. 10; medi- 
eval education at, XI. 39-53; 
the siege of 1745, VI. 242-3; silver 
mine, vil. 154 and ~.; trials for 
treason, XI. I14. 

— Sir Andrew de Harcla, Earl of, 
defeats the Earl of Hereford at 
Boroughbridge, rx. 71 ; raises an 
army against Robert I., 76; on 
learning of Edward’s flight he dis- 
bands his forces and makes peace 
with Robert I., 77; proclaimed 
a traitor, 78; taken prisoner by 


treachery, 79; degraded and 
executed, 11. 469 and m.; Ix. 80 
and 2. 

— Ralph, bishop of, vi. 26-27. 
Carlyle, Alexander, Autobiography, 
' VI. 351-3; X. 356. 
Carmaben, Lanarkshire, 111. 390. 
: Carmelites or White Friars, 111. 335 
and n. 
eager Tae, Alexander, printer, 1. 
— George de, bishop of Glasgow, 
V. 324. 
— John, of Medowflat, the Captain 
of Crawford, tv. 178-184. 

Index 1903-1916 


Carmichael, Katherine, mistress of 
James V., Iv. 179. 

— Mungo, of the Myll, rv. 181-2. 

— Sir Thomas D. Gibson, review of 
Prof. Baldwin Btown’s Arts in 
Early England, 1. 322; note on 
the word ‘ Wrawes,’ 352. 

— William, murdered by the Weirs 
of Nether Newton, Iv. 180. 

Carmont, John, The Kindly Tenants 
of Lochmaben, Vil. 319. 

Carmure, Sir James, VII. 362. 

Carnarvon, Catherine, Marchioness 
of, IX. 343. 

Carnegie, Alexander, at Padua Uni- 
versity, III. 60. 

— David, at Padua University, 111. 

— — Lord, x1. 186. 

— James, of Finhaven, 1. 19 and m. 

Carnes, Thomas de, official of St. 
Andrews, IX. IIo. 

Caroline of Anspach, queen of 
George II., viz. 82. 

Carpentar, Francis, friar, IX. 9. 

Carr, Cecil T., Select Charters of 
Trading Companies, 1530-1707, 

Carrick, Alexander, Earl ot, tv. 186 ; 
IX. 282 n., 289. 
Carron iron works, VI. 350; IX. 213. 
Carron, John de, clerk in the Ex- 

chequer, XII. 116. 

Carruthers, William, on the so- 
called Portraitof George Buchanan 
by Titian, vI. 337-342; VII. 106; 
Discovery of a lost portrait of 
George Buchanan, vit. 286-288. 

Carstaris, Bernard, St. Andrews, 1. 

Cartar, Thomas, in Drygrange, vil. 

Casanova, Sancius de, bishop of 
Oleron, 1. 428. 

Casola, Pietro, Pilgrimage to Jeru- 
salem in 1494, V- 99. 

Cassie, Andrew, notary in Aberdeen, 
V. 132. 

Cassillis, Archibald, Earl of, The 
Rulers of Strathspey, 1X. 92; review 
of The Seafield Correspondence, 
1685-1708, X. 47-59. 

22 Scottish Historical Review 

Cassillis, Gilbert, Earl of, 11. 64; 
VI. 328. 

Castle Campbell Inventory, 1595, 
X. 299-305. 

Castlecary, Roman fort at, I. 452-4. 

Castleshaw, Roman forts at, Ix. 


Castle Stalcaire, 111. 31. 

Casualties, law of, x11. 106. 

Catalogue of a Loan Collection of 
Portraits, Oxford, Iv. 92. 

Catalogue of Oxford Portraits, by 
Lane Poole, x. 191. 

Catholic martyrs of England, 1584- 
1603, VI. 82. 

Catkoyn, John de, v. 20. 

Catslock Hill, 1v. 87. 

Catullus, The Poetry of Catullus, by 
D. A. Slater, X. 215. 

Cauzons, Th. de, La Magie et la 
Sorcellerie en France, X. 309. 

Cave paintings in Sweden, XI. 307. 

Cavendish, George, The Life of Car- 
dinal Wolsey, VI. 95. 

Caw, James L., Portraits of the five 
Jameses, VII. 113-118; reviews 
of Cust’s Life of Benvenuto Cellinz, 
vill. 194; Lane Poole’s Catalogue 
of Oxford Portraits, X. 191. 

Celestine V., II. 335; VII. 273 and 
N., 275. 

Cellini, Benvenuto, The Life of Ben- 
venuto Cellini, by Robert H. H. 
Cust, VIII. 194. 


Bibliotheca Celtica, 1X. 213, 444. 

Celtic and Scandinavian Antiqui- 
ties of Shetland, by Gilbert 
Goudie, 11. 79. 

Celtic Art in Pagan and Christian 
Times, by J. Romilly Allen, 
II. 216. 

Celtic Christianity, viir. 410. 

— church in Ross, vill. 213. 

— civilisation, Ix. 302. 

—  cross-slab at St. Andrews, 

I. 42-45; XII. 443. 

— earldom of Mar, II. 5. 

— fairy folk-lore, 1x. 186. 

Celtic Inscriptions of France and 
Italy, by Sir John H. Rhfs, v. 

Celtic Inscriptions of Gaul: ad- 
ditions, by Sir John H. Rhijs, 
Ix. 206. 
— Latin Hymns, I. 219. 
— ornamentation on sculptured 
stones, I. 60. 
— place-names, II. 378. 
Celtic Review, 11. 96. 
— Scotland’s support for Robert 
the Bruce, VI. 129-139. 
— trews, I. 389; II. 190. 
— union, II. 185. 
Cemeteries of the Iron Age in 
Sweden, 1x. 198. 
Certificate of consecration of a 
‘ College ’ Bishop, 11. 99. 
Cervole, Sir Arnold de, archpriest, 
Iv. 267 and n. 
Ceylon, An Historical Relation of 
Ceylon, by Robert Knox, Ix. 


Chadwick, H. Munro, Studies on 
Anglo-Saxon Institutions, 111. 89. 

Chalize, Robert de, bishop of Car- 
lisle, v1. 26. 

Chalmers, P. Macgregor, The Cathe- 
dral Church of Glasgow, XI. 432; 
Dalmeny kirk, 1. 445 ; The Shrines 
of S. Margaret and S. Kentigern, 
I. 340; note on a sculptured 
stone in St. Andrews, I. 238; and 
on a discovery at Dunfermline 
Abbey, 241; review of Styan’s 
Sepulchral Cross-Slabs,*t. 211. 

— Patrick, at Padua University, 
Ill. 56%. 

Chamberlain, Robert, vi. 287. 

Chambers, David. See Chambre. 

Chambers’ Cyclopaedia of English 
Literature, 1. 336. 

— A. M., A Constitutional History 
of England, vil. 200. 

—E. K., The Mediaeval Stage, 1. 

— Howard, European Entangle- 
ments since 1748, XII. 431. 
Chambre or Chalmers, David, of 
Ormond, Senator of the College 
of Justice, vii. 120 and u. 
Chamier, Daniel, vii. 345. 
Champ, Nicholas de, paper manu- 
facturer, III. 71 n. 

Index 1903-1916 

Champneys, A. C., Irish Ecclesiasti- 
cal Architecture, VIII. 290. 

Chance, J. F., George I. and the 
Northern War, vit. 306. 

Chandler, Mary, poet, 1. 17-18. 

Chapman, Robert, printer, 1. 459. 

Charlemagne, x1. 210; Life, by 
Einhard, x1. 430. 

Charles of Anjou, king of Naples, 
VII. 275. 

Charles I., Emperor, 1. 216. 

Charles, King of Bohemia, Iv. 201 ; 
X. 174 and nm. 

Charles IV. of France, 11. 454 and 
n.; IX. 160. 

Charles I. of England, The Cham- 
pions of the Crown, by Lucy Sealy, 
vit. 419; The Headsman of White- 
hall, by Philip Sidney, mI. 514; 
Conference at Whitehall concern- 
ing Lords of Session, x1. 167-191 ; 
petition of the barons, gentlemen 
and feuars of kirk lands, x11. 76. 

‘Charles II., his connection with art 
and letters, tI. 41-52; creation 
of Scottish baronies, III. 197; 
Military Papers of the reign of 
Charles II., x11. 145-156; Charles 
II., by Osmund Airy, 11. 84; The 
Last Days of Charles II., by R. 
Crawfurd, vit. 189. 

* Charlie he’s my Darling ’ and other 
Burns’ originals, 11. 171-178. 

Charlton, Thomas, bishop of Here- 
ford, Iv. 27. 

Charnay, Geffray, Iv. 201. 

Charteris, A. H., reviews of Baillie- 
Grohmann’s The Land in the 

_ Mountains, v. 110; Drewitt’s 
Bombay in the Days of George IV., 
v. 484; Racial Problems in Hun- 
gary, vit. 96; Elder’s Royal 
Fishery Companies of the Seven- 
teenth Century, IX. 431; Fulton’s 
Sovereignty of the Sea, 1X. £74; 
Keith’s Responsible Government 
in the Dominions, X. 209. 

Chartersborough, Robert de, vi. 176. 

Chartier, Matthieu, xu. 276. 

Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of, 
Chatham and the Whig Opposition, 
by D. A. Winstanley, x. 213; 


Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chat- 
ham, by Basil Williams, x1. 318. 

Chatillon, Isabelle de Montmorency, 
Duchess of, IX. 105. 

Chatto, Richard, sub-prior of Mel- 
TOS€, VII. 357, 359- 

Chauncelery, Hugh del, banished, 
III. 1. 

Cheetnam, Mary, 11. 138. 

Chen, Henry le, bishop of Aberdeen, 
VII. 137. 

Cherleton, Robert, hospitaller, 1x. 

Cheuot, James, friar, rx. 9. 

Cheverstoun, Sir John de, Iv. 417. 

Cheyam, John de, bishop of Glasgow, 
v. 85. 

Cheyne, George, surgeon in Leith, 
XII. 143. 

— James, of Wastoun, x1I. 82. 

— Sir John, xt. 57, 63 and ., 80-86. 

Cheyney, Edward P., A History of 
England from the Defeat of the 
Armada to the Death of Elizabeth, 
XI. 429. 

Chichester, Sir Arthur, I. 95. 

Children’s crusade of 1212, XI. 445. 

China, The Far East, by Archibald 
Little, 111. 376. 

Chisholm, Lady, a suspected papist, 

— Sir James, of Cromlix, a con- 
verted papist, III. 23-4. 

— John, leader of an expedition to 
relieve Edinburgh Castle, 1v. 288, 

— William, bishop of Dunblane, 1 
219; IV. 242-244; XII. 14 and n. 

Choiseul, Duke de, The Duke de 
Choiseul, by Roger H. Soltau, 
VII. 303. 

Christ’s Kirk on the Green, 1.154, 158. 

Christianismi Restitutio, IX. 422. 

Christianity among the Goths, xm. 
112; introduction of, into Wales, 
vir. 416; Celtic Christianity, 
VIII. 410. 

Christians, persecution of, x1. 307. 
Christison (Crystyson) alias Myllar, 
John, in St. Andrews, I. 261. 
Chronica Johannis de Reading, Xil. 



Chronicle of the Brut, 1. 348. 

Chronicle of John of Worcester, v1. 80. 

Chronicle of Lamercost, vi. 13-31, 
174-186, 281-291, 383-392; vil. 
56-68, 160-170, 271-285, 377-389 ; 
VIII. 22-38, 159-171, 276-285, 377- 
399; IX. 69-80, 159-171, 278-290, 
390-410; X. 76-87, 174-184; the 
authorship of the Chronicle, x. 
138-155; the battle of Ban- 
nockburn as related in the Chron- 
ticle, XI. 241; review of the 
Chronicle, by Sir James Balfour 
Paul, x. 405. 

Chronicle of Novgorod, 1016-1471, 
XII. 321. 

Chronicon Ad@ de Usk, i. 214. 

Chronicon Cumbrie, vit. 15 and n. 

Chronos, a Handbook to Chronology, 
x, ta, 

Chrysostom, St., v. 244. 

Church and State in France in 1795, 
IV. 298-308. 

Church and State in the Middle Ages, 
by A. L. Smith, x1. 213. 

Church collections of Montrose con- 
tain 63 pounds weight of bad 
money, Iv. 68. 

Church dedications in Argyllshire, 
VI. 442; in Scotland, . 83; 
Church Dedications in Scotland— 
non-scriptural dedications, by 
James M. Mackinlay, x1I. 323; 
scriptural dedications, by James 
M. Mackinlay, vir. 86. 

Church of Scotland moderators, 
1690-1740, X. 413; Records of 
the Commissions of the General 
Assemblies, 1650-52, VII. 79. 

Church Property, by Rev. 
Burns, Il. 377. 

Churches in the Modern State, by 
J. N. Figgis, x1. 433. 

Cibber, Colley, Lives of the Poets, 
I. I5. 

Cistercian abbey of St. Mary, 
Croxden, IX. 433. 

Cistercians, X. 272-286. 

Citeaux Abbey muniments, Vitti. 

Clan Campbell publications, x1. 111; 
XII. 100. 


Scottish Historical Review 

Clan Lindsay Society, vit. 88; Ix. 
213; XI. 444. 

Clanvowe, Sir John, XI. 55, 75-77. 

Clapham, J H., The Abbé Sieyés, 
K. 23a; 

Clarence, Lionel, Duke of, v. 36, 38. 

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 
vil. 100; History of the Rebellion, 
1. 343; War-Pictures from Claren- 
don, IX. 438. 

Clark, Andrew, The Shirburn Ballads, 
1585-1616, V. 334. 

— Janet, witch, 11. 243. 

— John, reviews of Asser’s Life of 
King Alfred, 1. 205; Plumer’s 
Alfred the Great, 1. 338; Strong’s 
History of Secondary Education 
in Scotland, vit. 313; Young’s 
Histoive de l’ Enseignement ...en 
Ecosse, Vv. 36%. 

See also Clerk. 

Clarke, Sir Ernest, editor of The 
Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond, 
1. 86. 

— Samuel,Lives of Eminent Persons, 

— Thomas E. S., Life of Gilbert 
Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, v. 

Classical education in the Grammar 
Schools of Scotland, 1x. 118-119. 

Claverhouse estate, II. 72-76. 

Clay, Rotha Mary, The Hermits and 
Anchorites of England, x11. 96. 

Clayhills of Invergowrie, Iv. 79. 

Claypotts, II. 73. 

Clayton, Col. Jasper, 1. 413, 418- 
420 ; V. 142-3, 149-150. 

Cleasby, Sir John de, vill. 391. 

Clement, bishop of Rome, Iv. 202. 

Clement V., Pope, Il. 336; VIII. 
166; suppresses the Templars, 
vill. 285; papal bull sent to 
England proposing a two years’ 
truce with Scotland, 392 and m. 

Clement VII., Pope, Iv. 144-5. 

Clement VIII., Pope, tv. 158. 

Clemesha, H. W., History of Preston 
in Amounderness, X. 104. 

Clephan, James, Iv. 77. 

Clére, Colonel, Un Cavalier Léger, 

by Alfred Marquiset, viII. 430. 


Clerical celibacy, 11. 379. 

Clerk, Robert, in Auchterardour, 
excommunicated for incest, 111. 

— family in Sweden, Ix. 268-9. 

See also Clark. 

Clerkyntoun, now Rosebery, v. 19. 

Clifford, Lady de, abducted by John 
the Irishman, II. 467 and n. 

— Henry, secretary to Mary Queen 
of Scots, Iv. 475. 

— Sir Lewis, x1. 55-63, 72, 85. 

— Robert, Lord de, m1. 459, 468; 
vill. 281, 382-3; Ix. 286. 

— Sir Roger de, 11. 10; vi. 183; 
Ix. 69, 71-72, 74 and m. 

Clinking-Stan, 11. 107. 

Clinton, William de, Earl of Hun- 
tingdon, Iv. ror. 

* Clobest,’ I. 350. 

Clochmabenstane. See Lochmaben, 

Cloth and wine gaugers, I. 129. 

' — manufactories in Scotland, I. 

435; IV. 332. 
— trade of Scotland, 1. 175, 186. 

Clouet, Francois, portrait painter, 
Ill. 134, 136, 291. 

Clouston, J. Storer, Records of the 
Earidom of Orkney, 1299-1614, 
XII. 425. 

Coal prices in Scotland about 1720, 
I. 163. 

Coast erosion in England, vil. 346- 

Coats, Walter William, A Short 
History of Brechin Cathedral, 11. 

Cobb, Cyril S., ed. of The Rationale 
of Ceremonial, 1540-1543, VIII. 20T. 

— Howell, correspondence of, xII. 


Cobham, Thomas, bishop of Wor- 
cester, VIII. 381. 

Cochrane, Hon. Jean, wife of 
Graham of Claverhouse, 11. 73. 

— Mungo, distiller, 11. 289. 

Cockburn, Mrs., a friend of Scott, 
vu. 176. 

— Elizabeth, 1. 328. 

— John, yr. of Clerkington, tv. 
291-2; X. 159. 

— Sir John, of Ormiston, rv. 280. 


Index 1903-1916 25 

Cockburn, Sir Richard, of Clerking- 
ton, XI. 169, 186. 

— Robert, bishop of Dunkeld, 11. 63. 

Cockburns of Berwick and Ayton, 
IV. 353- 

Cockermouth, Ix. 159. . 

Cock-fighting, VI. 147; VII. 320. 

Codex Vercellensis, Il. 245. 

Codrington, Thomas, Early Britain : 
Roman Roads in Britain, 1. 87. 

Coins discovered at Lochmaben, 
11. 182; Coins made round, v1. 


Coke, Sir Thomas, Iv. 273. 

Colbert, Jean Baptiste, Colbert and 
the French East India Company, 
VII. 321. 

Colbert’s West India Policy, x. 216. 

Colden, David, succentor of Dun- 
keld, 1. 426. 

Coldingham Priory, 11. 
289 n. 

Coldingham Parish and Priory, by 
A. Thomson, vit. 89. 

Coldstream Priory, vit. 13 2. 

Cole, Arthur Charles, The Whig 
Party in the South, xt. 204. 

Cole Manuscripts, Ix. 334. 

Coles, Elisha, schoolmaster, vr. 148. 
Coiet, John, Dean of St. Paul’s, 
Life, by J. H. Lupton, vi. 417. 

Colethin, 11. 173. 

Colinton church and parish, 11. 342. 

Collate, near Moffat, vr. 218. 

Collectanea Franciscana, Xt. 189. 

College of Justice partly composed 
of ecclesiastics, IX. 12-13; act 
passed excluding clerics, 14. 

Collessie, 11. 177-8. 

Colonial expansion of Holland and 
Denmark, Ix. go. 

Colonising Activities of the English 
Puritans, by Arthur P. Newton, 
XI. 434- 

Colquhoun, Adam, prebendary of 
Govan, v. 448. 

Colt, Oliver, student at Heidelberg, 
v. 67 and n. 

Columba, St., 11. 386, 388; vi. 263; 
Life, by Adamnan, X. 349. 

Columban, St., and the monasteries 
of Brie, I. 215. 

3543 IV. 

26 Scottish Historical Review 

Columbus and the discovery of 
America, literature on, I. 214. 

Colville of Culross, 111. 83. 

— of Ochiltree peerage, 111. 197-8, 
203, 343, 480. 

— Alexander, commendator of Cul- 
ross, II. 25. 

— James, Studies in Lowland Scots, 
vir. 179; the ‘ Diary’ of Sir 
Thomas Hope, Lord Advocate, 
III. 423-436; ed. of Ochtertyre 
Booke of Accomps, 1737-1739, V. 
236; review of Millar’s Literary 
History of Scotland, 1. 204. 

— John, Lord of Session, x1. 173, 

— Peter de, v. 92. 

Coman, Katherine, Economic Be- 
ginnings of the Far West, X. 324. 
Commercial Politics, 1837-1856, by 

R. H. Gretton, x11. 208. 

Commercial Relations of England 
and Scotland, 1603-1707, by Theo- 
dora Keith, vir. 310. 

Commissary Courts, Ix. 17-18. 

Compass, The Rose of the Winds ; 
the Origin and Development of the 
Compass-Card, XII. 107. 

Complaynt of Scotland, 1. 154-158; 
VII. 429. 

Comrie, William, in the ’45, vI. 231 
and n. 

Comyn, Edmund, of Kilbride, 11. 

— John, slain by Bruce, II. 19; 
222-3, 329; VII. 278; VIII. 167, 

— Sir John, killed at Bannockburn, 
VIII. 383, 385. 

— or Dunbar, Marjorie, I. 228. 

— Sir Walter, 1x. 285. 

Confederation of Europe, by W. A. 
Phillips, x1. 421 

Congall, Angus, claims the bishopric 
of Argyll, vil. 17-18. 

Conjurers, VII. ior. 

Consistorial jurisdiction, Ix. 10-36. 

Constables of Everingham, I. 216. 

Constantine, king of Scotland, vu. 

Constitutions for the Diocese of 
London, civca 1215-1222, XII. 433. 

Contin, vi. 268-9. 

Controversial Issues in Scottish His 
tory, by W. H. Gregg, 1x. 98. 
Convention: of the Friends of the 
People in Scotland, 1792, x. 307. 
— of the Royal Burghs of Scotland, 

origin of, X. 384-402. 

Conventions and parliaments, x11. 

Conventual Friaries of Scotland, 
vit. 85. 

Conybeare, Edward, Alfred in the 
Chroniclers, x11. 105; Early Bri- 
tain : Roman Britain, 11. 87. 

Cook, Albert S., Some Accounts of 
the Bewcastle Cross, 1607-1861, 
XII. 198; Layamon’s knowledge 
of Runic inscriptions, XI. 370- 
375; note on Archaic English in 
the Twelfth Century, xII. 213. 

— David, in Dundee, Iv. 79. 

— James, dyer in Dundee, Iv. 79. 

— W. B., review of Fergusson’s 
Logie, 11. 451 ; Il. 234. 

Cooke, G. A., review of Thompson’s 
Devils and Evil Spirits of Baby- 
lonia, 1. 440. 

Cooper, Charles Henry, 
Cantabrigiensis, X. 430. 

— James, Ecclesiastical Titles and 
Designations, 1. 100; The Prin- 
cipals of the University of Glasgow 
before the Reformation, x1. 252- 
265; on ‘ waking’ the dead, v1. 
318; reviews of Alcuin Club Col- 
lections (Nos. 10, 13, 17), VIII. 
302; Atchley’s Ovdo Romanus 
Primus, tl. 454 ; George Buchanan, 
a memorial, v. 115; The Rathen 
Manual, 11. 91; Staley’s ed. of 
The First Prayer Book of Edward 
VI., 1. 88; reply to the review 
by Rev. Colin Campbell, 1. 232; 
The Second Prayer Book of Edwavd 
VI., tI. 97; Stevenson’s Kirk 
and Parish of Auchtertool, v1. 309. 

— Samuel, mayor of Macclesfield, 
VI. 228, 230. 

Cope, Mrs. John Hautenville. See 

Copinger, W. A., Heraldry Simpli- 
fied, vitt. 96. : 


EES ee ee eee 


Index 1903-1916 

Coplande, John, at the siege of 
Roxburgh, tv. 198, 200. 

Coquelle, P., Napoleon and England, 
1803-1813, II. 315. 

Coquina, Robert de, bishop of 
Durham, vi. 20, 23, 182. 

Corbett, Julian S., The Campaign 
of Trafalgar, vi. 76; England 
in the Seven Years War, V. 332; 
Spanish reports and the wreck 

at Tobermory, VIII. 400-404; 
review of Hardie’s Tobermory 
Argosy, X. 94. 

Corbridge [Corstopitum] Roman re- 
mains at, VI. 220; VII. 203; 
vir. 112; The Parish of Cor- 
bridge, by H. H. E. Craster, x11. 
186; Corstopitum: Report on 
the Excavations in 1910, IX. 209. 

— Thomas, archbishop of York, 
VIII. 166 

Corder, Percy, review of Hunt’s 
Political History of England, 1760- 
1801, Ill. 504. 

Corker, Thomas, letter to Walsing- 
ham, concerning Richard Bacon, 
prisoner in the Fleet, 111. 143. 

Cornage and drengage, II. 111. 

Corn-bote, I. 104, 232. 

Cornell, Richard, archdeacon, of 
Lothian and lecturer on the 
Decretals in St. Andrews Univer- 
sity, VIII. 235 and m., 241. 

— Thomas, priest, Iv. 146. 

Cornwall, Edward [The Black Prince] 
Duke of, Iv. 191, 198 n., 203, 262- 
4, 424-6, 429; V. 28, 31, 37-38; 
VII. 125; IX. 280, 403 and n. 

— John, Earl of, tv. 28, 190; Ix. 

— Richard, Earl of, vi. 17 and n. 

Coronation oaths, vir. 98. 

— Stone of Scotland, vu. 223. 

Corriegreenan, X. 120. 

Corsaives Dunkerquois, par Henri 
Malo, X. 430; XI. 322. . 

Corsar, Anne, in Dundee, Iv. 81. 

— Elizabeth, in Dundee, tv. 79. 

— Frederick, in Dundee, Iv. 79, 81. 

Corse, John, linen manufacturer, 
II. 290. 

Corstopitum. See Corbridge. 


Corswall estate, 1. 311 ”. 

Coryat, Thomas, v. 127. 

Cottingham church, vi. 404. 

Cottis, Alexander, Franciscan, 111. 

Coulton, G. G., reviews of Cunning- 
ham’s Growth of English Industry, 
vir. 408; Hodgson’s Venice in 
the Thirteenth and Fourteenth 
Centuries, VIII. 420. 

Council of Constance in 1414, VIII. 
349, 353- 

Coupar, Henry, in Cotter Town of 
Craigie, Iv. 79. 

Coupar-Angus, charter of the abbot 
and convent, 1220, VIII. 172-177 ; 
Original charters of the Abbey, 
1219-1448, X. 272-286; muni- 
ments, VIII. 326; specimen pages 
of two MSS. in the Abbey, Ix. 97. 

Couper, W. J., The Edinburgh 
Periodical Press, v1. 204; James 
Watson, King’s Printer, vil. 244- 

Coupland Castle, 1. 348. 

— John of, at the battle of Neville’s 
Cross, X. 183. 

Courage, Archibald, a bookseller in 
Aberdeen, XII. 434. 

Court (A) in Exile, by the Marchesa 
Vitelleschi, 1. 443. 

Court of Dusty Feet, 1. 274. 

Court of the Lord High Steward, 
Vv. 112. 

Court of Love, vitl. 326, 438. 

Court of Regality, 111. 95. 

— of Session, its early history, 
IX. 12-16. 

— of Star Chamber, xr. 115. 

— of the Four Burghs, 1. 276. 

Court, Jehan de, portrait painter, 
11. 348, 353; Ill. 132, 136, 147- 
148, 154-5, 291 ; VII. 113. 

Courteney, Hugh de, 1x. 165 and n. 

Courthope, W. J., A History of Eng- 
lish Poetry, 1. 194; Ill. 374; VII. 
406. : 

Courtray, battle of, in 1302, vit. 

Coutts, James, History of the Uni- 
versity of Glasgow, 1451-1909, 
vil. 171. 


Covenanters and the Privy Council, 
xl. 84; prisoners taken at 
Rullion Green, Il. 369; cove- 
nanters’ prison in Grey-Friars 
Yard, VIII. 424. 

Coventry, Patrick, Principal of 
Glasgow University, x1. 258. 

Cowan, Andrew Reid, Master-Clues 
in World-History, XIl. 190; re- 
views of Dunoyer’s Fouquier- 
Tinville, and Lenotre’s Bleus, 
Blancs et Rouges, X. 320; 
Lodge’s From the Restoration to 
the Death of William III., vit. 

— Samuel, Lord Chancellors of Scot- 
land, vit. 421; The Royal House 
of Stuart, v. 491; The Ruthven 
Family Papers, X. 108. 

— Wat., slain at Monzievaird in 
1490, I. 219. 

— William, A bibliography of the 
Book of Common Order and Psalm 
Book of the Church of Scotland, 
1556-1644, XI. 297. 

Cowie, George, shipmaster, Iv. 72. 

Cowley, Abraham, III. 49. 

Cox, J. Charles, The Parish Registers 
of England, vit. 89. 

Coxeter, Thomas, I. 15. 

Crab, John, sea pirate, 111. 465 and 
n.3; IX. 285 and xn. 

— Tom, smuggler and tobacconist, 
Iv. 207 and nv. 

Craig or Arnott, Elspate, I1. 105. 

— Sir James, his expedition to the 
Mediterranean, vill. 77-78. 

— John, at Padua University, 11. 

— — reformer, XII. 278-9 and n. 

—or Arnott, Margaret, 11. 105. 

— Sir Thomas, De Unione Regnorum 
Britanniae Tractatus, Vil. 300; 
Sir Thomas Craig,-feudalist, x11. 

— William, 1. 140. 

Craighall, 111. 429. 

Craighead, James, Iv. 80. 

Craigie, Katherine, tried for witch- 
craft, Iv. 462. 

_—W.A., editor of Skotlands Rimur: 

Icelandic Ballads on the Gowrie 


Scottish Historical Review 

Conspivacy, VI. 191; reviews of 
Annandale’s Faroes and Iceland, 
m1. 88; Anders’ Shakespeare’s 
Books, tl. 215. 

Craigingelt, John, minister of Alloa, 
IV. 41. 

— — minister of Dollar, Iv. 41, 44. 
Craigmillar Castle burnt during 
Hertford’s invasion, VIII. 127. 
Craignaught, Glasgow, II. ror and 

N., 192. 

Craigs of Riccarton, Iv. 296. 

Craiguchty, x. 120. 

Crail, Adam of, bishop of Aberdeen, 
VII. 137. 

Cram, John, in Blackford, 1. 33. 

Crambeth, Matthew de, bishop of 
Dunkeld, 1. 315-6; vir. 278, 284. 

Cramond, Dr. William, The Stool 
of Repentance, 1. 112. 

Crannog at Bishop’s Loch, near 
Glasgow, III. 127. 

Cranshaws barony, I. 460. 

Cranston, Alexander, at Padua 
University, 111. 56”. 

— William, at Padua University, 
Ill. 56n. 

Craster, H. H.. E., A History of 
Northumberland, v. 214; vit. 185; 
The Parish of Corbridge, x11. 186. 

Craufurd, J. Walkinshaw, I. 103. 

Craw, Paul, burnt at St. Andrews 
for heresy, VIII. 239, 355- 

Crawford, Archibald, canon of Glas- 
gow, IV. 437. 

— — Lord of Session, XI. 173. 

— David, son of Monorgan, Iv. 

— Henry, of Monorgan, Iv. 75, 77, 
79, 81. 

— John, in St. Andrews, II. 265. 

— Patrick, priest, vu. 358. 

— Sir Reginald de, executed by 
Edward I., viir. 169. 

— Thomas, of Jordanhill, tv. 277. 

Crawfurd, Raymond, The Last Days 
of Charles II., vit. 189. 

‘ Creeping Parliament,’ Iv. 289-290. 

Creggan, II. 301. 

Creighton. See Crichton. 

Crenach, Adam de, abbot of Scone, 
VIII. 237-238. i 

Cressingham, Sir Hugh de, m1. 219 ; 
Vil. 161 ; VIII. 37. 

Crewsel, William de, precentor of 
Moray, VI. 135. 

Creyth, Richard de, precentor of 
Moray, Iv. 154. 

Crichton, Abraham, senator of the 
College of Justice, x. 13. 

— Alexander, in Dundee, Iv. 82. 

— Anna, in Dundee, Iv. 81. 

— Clementina Anna Margareta, in 
Dundee, Iv. 77. 

— David, in Dundee, Iv. 76. 

— Elizabeth, in Dundee, tv. 79, 82. 

— George, bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 
64; VIII. 126. 

—— Principal of Glasgow Uni- 
versity, XI. 256. 

— Henry, in Dundee, Iv. 75. 

— James, at Padua University, 
Ill. 54. 

— — friar, 1. 64; IX. 9. 

— — of Auchingoull, 1. 103. 

— Margaret, wife of George, 4th 
Earl of Ross, 1x. 173. 

— Patrick, of Crunan, Iv. 78, 80. 

— Robert, bishop of Dunkeld, 11. 

— Robert, King’s Advocate, x1. 
175- ‘ 
— Thomas, surgeon apothecary in 

Dundee, Iv. 75, 76, 78-81. 

Crieff, History of Crieff, by Alex. 
Porteous, X. 194. 

Criminals and the protection given 
them by churches in the middle 
ages, VII. 223-9, 231. 

Crispin, Gilbert, Gilbert Crispin, 
Abbot of Westminster, by J. A. 
Robinson, viti. 416. 

Crofton, H. A., How to trace a 
Pedigree, 1X. 438. 

Croiser, William, archdeacon of 
Teviotdale and lecturer in St. 
Andrews University, v. 212; vuil. 
235, 245-6. “ 

Crombech, Matthew de, bishop of 
Dunkeld, 1. 315-6. 

Crombie, William, minister of Spott, 
IV. 211. 

Cromlix, Lady. See Chisholm, Lady. 

Cromwell, Sir John de, viii. 281. 

Index 1903-1916 


Cromwell, Oliver, his massacres in 
Ireland, vi. 408; Cromwell, by Wolf- 
gang Michael, v. 216; Firth’s Last 
Days of the Protectorate, vit. 174. 

— Thomas, II. 112. 

Crookston Castle, by Robert Guy, 
VII. 175. 

Croshauhope, Richard de, v. 17. 

Cross, Arthur Lyon, A History of 
England and Greater Britain, X11. 

Crosse, John, note on David Deuchar, 
seal engraver, XII. 441. 

Croxden, Cistercian abbey of, Ix. 433. 

Croyland Abbey, I1. 331. 

Croyser. See Croiser.. 
Crummye, Patrik, in Carribbin, 
X. 159. 

Crusade manifesto of 1330, v. 262. 

Cruvie, II. 177. 

Cubbe, William, chaplain of the 
altar of St. Fergus, at St. Andrews, 
II. 261, 478 ; Ill. IIo. 

Culdee church and monastery at 
St. Andrews, vil. 226. 

Culgaythe, 1x. 159. 

Cullen (Callen), Francis and Philip, 
at Padua University, 11. 62. 
— J., review of Wiener’s Studies in 

Biblical Law, 11. 312. 

Culley, Matthew, Letters of Cad- 
wallader John Bates, 1. 516. 

Cullochgairtane, x. 120. 

Culloden, reminiscences of, VI. 221. 

Cumberland, Peculiar ordination oi 
a Cumberland Benefice, v. 297- 
303; Cumberland’s first his- 
torian, VIII. 5-21; an English 
letter of Gospatric relating to 
Cumberland, 1. 62-65. 

Cumbernauld Castle, tv. 189. 

Cumdivock, in Dalston, 1. 67 n. 

Cuming, Thomas, student at Heidel- 
berg, v. 74. 

Cumings of Altyre, 1. 188. 

Cumming, Col. Sir John, 1. 103. 

Cumont, Franz, The Mysteries of 
Mithra, u. 85. 

Cumyn, William, bishop of Argyll, 
IX. 4. 

—-— provost of the Keledei of 
St. Andrews, VII. 5. 






Cuninghar, Alloa, Iv. 43, 44, 48%. 

Cunningham, Audrey, reviews of 
British Credit in the Last 
Napoleonic War, vii. 198; Ed- 
mondson’s Anglo-Dutch Rivalry, 
IX. 321; Egerton’s Federations 
and Unions within the British 
Empive, 1x. 191; Home Life of 
the Highlanders, 1400-1746, IX. 
92; Warrack’s Scots Dialect Dic- 
tionary, VIII. 423. 

— David, at Padua University, 
III. 61. 

— James, in Dundee, Iv. 41. 

— Sir James, vil. 288. 

— John, of Drumquhassill, Iv. 282. 

— Peter, Accounts of the Revels at 
Court, 1X. 88-90. 

— William, Growth of English In- 
dustry and Commerce, VIII. 408. 
— Colonel William, his travels in 

France in 1751, VI. 362-372. 

Cunyngham, Sir William, tI. 105- 
107, 343-4, 347, 491; IX. 240. 

Cupar, siege of, in 1336, IX. 400; 
x. 80. 

Curle, Alex. O., Iv. 232-3; XII. 
239; Inventory of monuments, 
etc., in Caithness, IX. 24, 252; 
Inventory of Monuments in Suther- 
land, vil. 428; Report and In- 
ventory of Monuments the 
County of Wigtown, x. 189; John 
Carmichael of Meadowflat, the 
Captain of Crawford, Iv. 178-184 ; 
A Roxburghshire mansion [Wells] 
in 1729, V. 265-272 ; Superstition 
in Scotland of to-day, Ix. 263-267; 
reviews of The Hammermen of 
Edinburgh, tv. 340; Home’s Old 
Houses in Edinburgh, t1. 439; vV- 
123; News of a Country Town, 
x11. 193; The Pedigree of Hunter 
of Abbotshill and Barjarg, by A. A. 
Hunter, ut. 508; Whatmore’s 
Insule Britannica, 1. 314. 

— Gilbert, secretary of Mary Queen 
of Scots, 11. 246-7 ; IV. 475. 

— James, A Roman Frontier Post 
and its People: the Fort of New- 
stead, vill. 178-188; on excava- 
tions at Newstead, wl. 126-7, 

Scottish Historical Review 

471-474; Iv. 443-450; Rhind 
Lectures on the Roman Military 
Station at Newstead, v. 510; 
notes on the pottery of the 
Roman forts at Castleshaw, 1x. 
435; the Scandinavian contri- 
butions of Dr. Stjerna, 1x. 197. 

Curll, Edmund, publisher, 1. 14. 

Currie, James, provost of Edinburgh, 
obtains a monopoly of wool-card 
manufacture, Il. 406, 411. 

— John, gunsmith in Glasgow, II. 

— Margaret A., editor of The Letters 
of Martin Luther, vi. 71. 

Curson de Ketilston, poacher, Xx. 207. 

Curtler, W. H. R., A Short History 
of English Agriculture, Vil. 311. 

Curzon, Lord, Romanes lecture on 
Frontiers, V1. 94. 

Cust, Lionel, mu. 91; Notes on 
Pictures in the Royal Collections, 
IX. 192. 

— Robert H. H., Life of Benvenuto 
Cellini, VIII. 194. 

Customary Acres and their Historical 
Importance, by Frederic Seebohm, 
XII. 207. 

Cuthbert, St., vir. 280 and n. 

Cuthbertson, David, A Tragedy of 
the Reformation, 1X. 422. 

Cynewulf, Anglo-Saxon poet, MI. 


Dagger money, I. 238. 

Dagworth, Nichol de, Iv. 427. 

— Thomas, Iv. 199, 201, 418. 

Dairsie (Dervesin), II. 173. 

Dalgetty, Dugald, and Scottish 
Soldiers of Fortune, XII. 221-237. 

Dalgleish, Alexander, a member of 
the Darien expedition, 1. 417-8. 

Dalhousie, William, Earl of, x11. 82. 

Dallas, James, The Honorific ‘ The,’ 
Xx. 39-46. 

Dalmeny Kirk, by P. Macgregor 
Chalmers, I. 445. 

Dalriada, 111. 395. 

Dalry paper works, III. 71. 

Dalrymple, James Dalrymple Gray, 
of Woodhead, review of The 
Arms of the Baronial and Police 

Burghs of Scotland, by the Mar- 
quess of Bute, etc., 1. 96; notice 
of, V. 377. 

Dalrymple, Sir James, of Stair, his 
rent paid by the Town Council of 
Edinburgh, x11. 377. 

Dalston benefice, ordination of, v. 

Dalswinton, 1. 178. 

Dalton, Charles, The Scots Army, 
1661-1688, VII. 195. 

— Sir John de, Iv. 4109. 

— Thomas of, bishop of Galloway, 
VII. 170. 

Dalzell; an ancient Scottish sur- 
name, VII. 69-72, 215, 324. 

— Sir Robert, x1. 288-9, 291, 294. 

— Thomas, at Padua: University, 
III. 60. 

— — of Binns, XI. 215. 

Dancing at funerals, 1x. 298. 

Dandry and Deyces, v. 367. 

Danes’ skins, VI. 109. 

Danielstoun, Elizabeth, x. 159. 

— James, xX. 159. 

— Robert, x. 159. 

Danish ballads, 1. 357-378; v. 385- 

Darien Company, I. 52, 180-1 and ”., 
182, 185, 416; IV. 252-3, 295; 
VII. 249-250; Vill. 287; early 
history of the Company, III. 210- 
217; organisation in London, 
316-326; investigation by the 
English Parliament, 437-448; two 
letters from the Secretary of 
State to the governor of Virginia, 
111. 102 ; Some Darien letters by 
Lieut. Robert Turnbull, x1. 404- 

Darling, James, merchant in Perth, 
Il. 35. 

Davey, Richard, The Pageant of 
London, tv. 99. 

David, Prince of Wales, hanged, 
drawn and beheaded for rebellion, 
VI. 179-181, 284. ‘ 

David II. King of Scotland, rv. 187, 
198, 200, 266-7; Vv. 32, 38-40; 
VII. 123-4 ; IX. 169, 278, 280, 393 ; 
x. 84, 86, 176-183. 

Davidson, A. B., XIt. 434. 

Index 1903-1916 



Davidson, Alex. L., review of 
Brown’s Political Activities of the 
Baptists ... during the Interreg- 
num, XI. 108. 

— Henry, of Muirhouse, I. 328. 

— John, hanged in chains for 
piracy, 11. 246. 

— John, and Alexander Gray’s 
Scottish Staple at Veere, Vi. 405. 
— — Principal of Glasgow Uni- 

versity, XI. 262. 

— Randall Thomas, abp. of Canter- 
bury, the Ancestry of Randall 
Thomas Davidson, I. 327-9. 

— Robert, provost of Aberdeen, 
killed at Harlaw, Ix. 112. 

— Thomas Randall, minister of the 
Tolbooth parish, Edinburgh, 1. 

— William, merchant in Rotterdam, 
I. 328. 

Davies, Gilbert A., review of 
Wright’s Campaign of Plataea, 
Iv. 464. 

Davis, Davy, marries at 96, II. 

—H. W. C., England under the 
Normans and Angevins,1066-1272, 
Ill. 362 ; editor of Regesta Regum 
Anglo-Normannorum, 1066-1154, 
XI. 205; Select Charters, by W. 
Stubbs, revised by H. W. C. 
Davis, XI. 418. 

— Sir John, attorney-general for 
Ireland, vil. 232-9, 243. 

—M. O., The Story of England, 
Ix. 438. 

Dawkin, Sir Baldwin, Iv. 424. 

Dayvile, Sir Jocelin de, hanged at 
York, Ix. 74. 

Deacon, Thomas, A Biography of 
Thomas Deacon, the Manchester 
Nonjuror, by Henry Broxap, 
Ix. 96. 

Deanesly, Margaret, editor of The 
Incendium of Richard Rolle of 
Hampole, Xi. 421. 

Deans, James and Thomas, rope 
manufacturers at Newhaven, II. 

Dearmer, Percy, Gothic Altars, viit. 


Dedications to St. John, v. 128; 
and St. Sunniva, mI. 520. See 
also Church Dedications. 

Defence of the Realme, by Sir Henry 
Knyvett, Iv. 239. 

Defoe, Daniel, his scheme for the 
collection of Scottish intelligence, 
Iv. 360. 

Deiser, George F., ed. of The Year 
Books of Richard II., 1388-89, 
XII. 95. 

Delattra, Floris, 
Poetry, 1X. 439. 

Delavels of Seaton Delaval, vir. 186. 

Delgaty, a northern baronial house, 
VI. 248-259. 

Delisle, Sir Duncan, vit. 281. 

— Leopold, viir. 318. 

Demonology, vi. 282-3, 291; VII. 
103, 170, 271, 281, 297; VIII. 395; 
La Magie et la Sorcellerie en 
France, by Th. de Cauzon, X. 309. 

De Morgan, Augustus, The Book of 
Almanacs, IV. 473. 

Demperston, Margaret, a witch, 
IV. 43. 

Dempster, George, 
Dundee, Iv. 79, 80. 

— John, of Pitlever, provost of 
Inverkeithing, XII. 125. 

— Thomas, of Muiresk, Ix. ITI. 

Den, Robert de, archdeacon of 
Dunkeld, 1. 319. 

Dendy, Frederick Walter, Jesmond, 
II. 310. 

Denholm, David, of Broadmeadows, 
I. 461. 

— Sir James, of Cranshaws, I. 351, 

— Sir William de, Ix. 290. 

Denina, Carlo, on the progress of 
learning among the Scots, vii. 

Denington, Hugh, a prisoner with 
the Turks, 11. 34. 

Denmark’s colonial expansion in 
the 17th and 18th centuries, Ix. 

Denoun, William de, tv. 31. 

Denton, John, Cumberland’s first 
historian, VIII. 5-21. 

— Sir Richard de, 1X. 79, 159. 

English Fairy 

merchant in 

Scottish Historical Review 

Denton, Thomas, Historical Survey 
of Cumberland, 1687, VIII. 13-14. 
Derby, Henry, Earl of, tv. 198, 


— Mary, Countess of, Iv. 16, 18. 

Derling, Robert, VII. 357, 359. 

— — de, bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 69. 

Desfrenes, Nicolas, epitaph on queen 
Magdalene, I. 37. 

Deskford, Walter, Lord, x. 52-53. 

Desmontiers, Jehan, Summaire de 
lorigine, description & meruilles 
Descosse, 1. 32-38. 

Despenser, Sir Hugh, elder. 
Winchester, Earl of. 

— — younger, IV. 22, 27; Ix. 69, 
70, 159, 161, 164. 

Desportes, Philippe, abbé and poet, 
XII. 303-309. 
Dethe of the Kynge of Scotis [James 

[.], 11. 97. 

Deuchar, Alexander, genealogist and 
seal engraver, XII. 442. 

— David, seal engraver, XII. 332; 
note on, 441. 

Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, 
by R. C. Thompson, I. 440. 

Devorgilla, wife of John Balliol, 
VI. 391; VII. 56-57, 65, 86. 
Dervorgilla, Lady of Galloway, by 
Wentworth Huyshe, XI. 211. 

Dewar, Robert, Burnet on the 
Scottish Troubles, Iv. 384-398; 
review of Clarke’s Life of Gilbert 
Burnet, V. 472. 

— William, in St. Andrews, II. 262. 

D’Ewes, Sir Simonds, Autobiography, 
X. 336. 

Deyncourt, Sir William, killed at 
Bannockburn, Ill. 459; XII. 65. 
Dialect notes from northernmost 
England, 1. 348; English Dialect 
Dictionary, by Prof. Wright, 1. 


Dialogus de Scaccario, 1. 83. 

Diaries, Autobiographies, and Me- 
moirs of the 17th century, X. 

Dick, Sir James, of Prestonfield, 
Lord Provost of Edinburgh, x11. 
382. E 

— Sir William, banker, 111. 426. 


Index 1903-1916 

Dickson, David, at Padua Univer- 
sity, III. 567. 

— John, broken on the wheel for 
parricide, 11. 242. 

— Patrick, secretary to Patrick, 
1st Earl of Marchmont, XI. 30. 
— Richard,minister of West Church, 

Edinburgh, m1. 385. 

— Robert, Jesuit, 111. 21-22. 

— Sir Robert, x11. 384. 

— Thomas, LL.D., notice of, 11. 181. 

— W. P., curator of Glasgow Uni- 
versity Library, vII. 199. 

— William Kirk, review of Terry’s 
Catalogue of the Publications of 
Scottish Historical Clubs, vil. 73. 

Dicon, of the Isle of Man, III. 405 n. 

Digby, Sir John, 1x. 336. 

Dingwall, Andrew Keith, Lord, x11. 

Dinnet, exploration at, I. 109. 

Diodati, Jean, vil. 327-9. 

Diplomacy, A History of Diplomacy, 
by D. J. Hill, v. 123. 

Diplomatic Relations of England and 
France, 1603-1688, by C. H. 
Firth and S. C. Lomas, v. 243. 

Dirleton Castle, v. 39. 

Dishington, Thomas, of Ardross, 
II. 26. 

Divorce and the Reformers, by~D. 
Baird Smith, 1x. 10-36; The 
history of divorce in Scotland, 
by Lord Guthrie, 'vuI. 39-52. 

Dixon, W. Macneile, Thomas the 
Rhymer, 1X. 195; reviews of 
Raleigh’s Six Essays on Johnson, 
vit. 407; Snell’s Age of Transi- 
tion, III. 358. 

Dobell, Bertram, In Memoriam, 
by P. J. Dobell, x11. 431. 

Dobie, Sir Robert, of Stoniehill, 
x11. 82. 

Dodge, Henry, account of his 
bargain made with the Chippewas 
in 1837, IX. 104. 

Dodsley : poet, publisher and pliay- 
wright, by Ralph Straus, vii. 420. 

Doges, election of, vir. 420. 

Doig, David, schoolmaster of Stir- 
ling, VII. 192. 

Dolepen, William, friar, v. 92. 


Dolet, Etienne, epitaph on Queen 
Magdalene, 1. 36-37. 

Dolfin, son of Gospatric, I. 63-64 
and n. 

Dolomites, Through the Dolomites, 
by Alex. Robertson,.1. 89. 

Domesday Book glossary of terms, 
VI. 77. 

Domesday Boroughs, by Adolphus 
Ballard, 11. 209. 

Dominican Order and Convocation, 
by Ernest Barker, x1. 213. 

Dominican system of education, 
IX. I-9. 

Donald, Lord of the Isles, 11. 299. 

—T. F., Britain’s First Line of 
Defence and the Mutiny of 1797, 
XII. 311-317. 

Donaldson’s Edinburgh Gazette, vil. 

— James, Woman: her Position 
and Influence in Ancient Greece 
and Rome, Iv. 471. 

— John, vit. 362. 

— Laurence, in St. Andrews, 11. 262. 

— Walter, student at Heidelberg, 
v. 69. 

Donatus, Aelius, grammarian, XI. 44. 

Done, Matthew, brewer in Gask, 
II. 33. 

Donibristle, The Fight at Doni- 
bristle, 1316, I. 96. 

Donn, Rob., virr. 316. 

Donnan, St., vi. 268, 275; slain by 
Vikings, 276 n. 

Donne, John, dean of St. Paul’s, 
I. 4, 5. 

Donnet, Fernand, Les derniers fidéles 
de Marie Stuart ; La maison des 
dames d’honneur de Marie Stuart, 
IV. 475- 

Donydouer, Stephen de, bishop of 
Glasgow, V. 203. 

Doolittle, Thomas, clergyman, vI. 
144 and m. 

Doring, Matthias, Franciscan, 11. 
186 n. 

Dormeston, Walter de, I. 175. 

Dornock, battle of, rx. 287. 

Dorset, Charles, Earl of, 11. 48. 

Douglas of Spott, leaves Scotland 
on account of a duel, 11. 370. 

34 Scottish Historical Review 

Douglas, of Tilquhillie, 1. 420. 

— Archibald, at Padua University, 
III. 60. 

— Archibald de, Iv. 29, 37, 38, 186; 
IX. 284 and ., 285-6 and u.-289. 

— — 3rd Earl of, Iv. 266 x. 

— — Lord of Session, x1. 173. 

— Sir Archibald, ballad on his being 
defeated in a skirmish near Dur- 
ham, 1640, III. 268-9. 

— Francis, of Borg, 1x. III. 

— Gavin, bishop of Dunkeld, 11. 62. 

— George, of Pittendreich, x11. 118. 

— Sir George, 1. 417-9; The 
Pageant of the Bruce, 1X. 195; 
reviewsof Elliot’s Battle of Flodden, 
Ix. 190; Elliot’s Further Essays 
on Border Ballads, vil. 418; 
Lang’s Highways and Byways in 
the Border, x1. 218; Miller’s 
Poets of Dumfriesshire, VII. 400 ; 
Thomson’s Lauder and Lauder- 
dale, 1. 436. 

— Henry, bishop of Dunkeld, I. 

—J. B., reviews of Baddeley’s 
Russian Conquest of the Caucasus, 
vI. 301; Ferguson’s Linlithgow 
Palace, vit. 417. 

— James, The Status of Women in 
New England and New France, 
IX. 444. 

— — of Drumlanrig, xm. 118. 

— Sir James, 111. 462, 470; Iv. 20- 
30; VIII. 279, 386, 389, 390, 397- 
8; IX. 7, 70, 166-7. 

— Robert, in Leith, 1. 414. 

— — S.J., I. 220. 

— William, at Padua University, 
III. 61. 

——a notorious malefactor, Ix. 

— — beheaded for killing Sir James 
Hume in a duel, 111. 370. 

— Sir William de, dies a prisoner in 
the Tower af London, m1. 220 
and ». 

— — the knight of Liddesdale, rv. 
190 and %., 198, 200; IX. 237, 
240, 397 and ., 401, 408; xX. 76, 
80, 175, 179-183. 

— — of Cavers, x1. 76. 

Douglas, Sir William, of Lochleven, 
Il. 347-8, 353. 

—- Lord of Douglas, slain at 
Halidon Hill, rv. 186. 

— — ist Earl of, 11. 21-22; Iv. 200, 
265-6 and u.; V. 39. 

Douglases, Heraldry of the Douglases, 
by G. Harvey Johnston; tv. 340. 

Doune, Richard, v. 17. 

Dow, Patrick, slain at Monzievaird, 
I. 219. 

Dowden, John, D.D., Bishops of 
Scotland, 1x. 411; The Appoint- 
ment of Bishops in Scotland 
during the Medieval period, vit. 
I-20; notes on the succession of 
the bishops “of Dunkeld from the 
time of Alexander I. to the Re- 
formation, I. 197, 314, 421; II. 
61-71; The Bishops of Glasgow, 
V. 76-88, 203-213, 319-331, 447- 

458; The Charters...of Inch- 
affray, V. 440-446; The Parish 
Church ...during the Middle 
Ages, vil. 217-231; The Scot- 
tish Crown and the Episcopate 
in the Medieval Period, vit. 130- 
140; notes on old Scottish book- 
stamps, Vv. 129, and on the word 
‘ Wrawes,’ I. 235; reviews of 
Bury’s Life of St. Patrick, 11. 77; 
Herkless and Hannay’s Arch- 
bishops of St. Andrews, V. 346; 
VI. 403. 

Doyle, J. A., English in America, 
V. 104. 

Drengage and cornage, II. 111. 

Drewitt, F. D., Bombay in the Days 
of George IV., v. 484. 

Drinking in ale-houses in time of 
sermon, IV. 64, 69. 

Dromana; Memoirs of an Irish 
Family, by Thérése Muir Mac- 
kenzie, IV. 343. 

Druidism in Britain, vm. 209. 

Drummelzier church dedication, v. 

— [Duramenus] David, at Heidel- 
berg, v. 250. 

— Edward, papist, 111. 24-25. 

— Lord Edward, v. 139, 147 ”. 

— Sir Edward, 11. 250-1. 


Drummelzier, George, Lord Provost 
of Edinburgh, x. 216. 

— James, of Inchaffray, 1. 219 n. 

——at Padua University, 111. 60. 

— Captain Thomas, of the Argyll- 
shire Highlanders, tI. 34, 35, 37- 

— William, major-general, II. 449 ; 
letter from, to Lord Rothes, on 
the battle of Rullion Green, 451. 

— — of Cromlix, XI. 215. 

—--of Hawthornden, Poetical 
Works, XI. 99; note on, 231; 
fragments, ed. by Dr. Kastner, 
%. 32. 

Drunkard miraculously cured, vit. 


Drury, Sir William, 11. 68. 

Dryden, John, II. 50. 

— Thomas, VII. 359. 

Drygrange, feuing of, from Melrose 
monastery, VII. 355-363. 

Drysdaill, Duncan, x. 301, 304. 

Duart Castle, III. 31. 

Du Bellay, Jean, bishop of Paris, 
X. 131. 

— Joachim, Les Sources Italiennes 
de la Deffense et Illustration de la 
Langue Frangoise, VIII. 97. 

Dublin, The Story of Dublin, by 
D. A. Chart, v. 121. 

Dublin, by S. A. O. Fitzpatrick, v. 

— John, Archbishop of, vir. 273. 

— Robert de la Provender, bishop 
of, VI. 21. 

Duchill, Margaret, a witch, Iv. 41-43 

Dudden, F. Homes, Gregory the 
Great, Ill. 354. 

Dudhope Castle, 11. 73, 76. 

Dudley, Joseph, governor of Massa- 
chusetts, The Public Life of 
Joseph Dudley, 1660-1715, by 
Everett Kimball, 1x. 207. 

Duel between a young Jew and a 
paralytic blacksmith, v. 380; 
duel between William Douglas 
and Sir James Hume, II. 370; 

_ the Earl of Southesk kills the 
Master of Gray, 11. 1-5; duelling 
in France, 1. 100; duelling trials 
in the 17th century, x1. 211; 
duels on Leith Sands, m1. 370. 

Index 1903-1916 Hae | 

Duff, Adam, of Clunybeg, xr. 

— Alexander, of Keithmore, xu. 
87, 89. - 

— — of Braco, x11. 87. 

— David, An Exposition of Brown- 
ing’s ‘ Sordello,’ tv. 102. 

— E. Gordon, Some Early Scottish 
Book-bindings and Collectors, tv. 

— Hugh, of Muirtown, x11. 89. 

— William, created Earl of Fife, 
x11. 87. 

— — of Dipple, x11. 87. 

— family, The Book. of the Duffs, 
x11. 86. 

Duffield, Nicholas, bishop of Dun- 
keld, 11. 69. 

Duffus barony created by Charles 
II., m1. 197-8. 

Duguid, John, forbidden to work at 
his trade by the magistrates of 
Aberdeen because of adultery, 
IX. 32. 

Dumbarton, a royal burgh about 
I22I, VIII. 268-9. 

Dumfries, History of the Burgh of 
Dumfries, by Wm. McDowall, tv. 

Dumfriesshire poets, VII. 400. 

Dumoulin, Charles, x11. 276. 

Dun, Patrick, student at Heidelberg, 
aftw. Principal of Marischal Col- 
lege, V. 72. 

— Thomas, a Scottish pirate, 111. 

Dunavertie castle taken by the 
English, 111. 331. 

Dunbar, 11. 22-23; burgh charters, 
X. 232; castle, Ill. 19; IV. 192-3 
and m.; VI. 387-8; IX. 405, 410; 

— Agnes, Countess of, x. 77. 

— Alex., of Tarbet, 11. 480. 

— Archibald, Lord of Session, XI. 

— Sir Archibald, Scottish Kings, 
v. 107. 

— Gavin, bishop of Aberdeen, aftw. 
archbishop of Glasgow, I. 238; 
Ill. 416-7, 421; V. 451. 

— Mark, of Durres, 11. 480. 


Dunbar, Patrick, Earl of, vi. 383; 
VIII. 276; IX. 290, 390 and m., 
394, 398, 410; x. 180-1 and nu. 

— Robert, of Burgie, 11. 480. 

— William, 1. 143-151; Poems, ed. 
by Baildon, v. 109. 

— William, review of Strachan- 
Davidson’s Problems of the Roman 
Criminal Law, X. 92. 

Dunblane, 11. 62; The Battle of 
Dunblane Revised, by J. E. 
Shearer, Ix. 211. 

— Robert, bishop of, I. 315; VIII. 

Duncan, A. R., review of Oswell’s 
Sketches of Rulers of India, v1. 

— Adam, Viscount Camperdown, 
VII. 25-26. 

— Andrew, printer to the Uni- 
versity of Glasgow, I." 459; Vv. 
500 ; VI. 218. 

— George, Some Sidelights on the 
History of Montrose’s Campaigns, 
Il. 47-52. 

— Henry, of Ruthwell, founder of 
savings banks, vII. 401. 

— James, printer to the Uni- 
versity of Glasgow, I. 459. 

— John Andrew, of Airdrie, 1. 270. 

— Major Robert, lieut.-col. of the 
Argyllshire Highlanders, at the 
massacre of Glencoe, III. 33 and 
n., 34 and u., 37, 39; killed at 
Valencia de Alcantara, 40. 

— Thomas, Mary Stuart and the 
House of Huntly, Iv. 365-373; 
The Queen’s Maries, Il. 363-371 ; 
The Relations of Mary Stuart 
with William Maitland of Lething- 
ton, V. 151-160; The Relations 
of the Earl of Murray with Mary 
Stuart, vi. 49-57. 

Duncanson, James, chaplain, vii. 

Dundalk, battle of, vii. 396; Ix. 

Dundargue Castle, Iv. 187 and n. 

Dundas, Francis, Lieut.-Colonel, 
VII. 25. 

— Henry, Secretary of State, vu. 
21, 25, 27- 

Scottish Historical Review 

Dundas, Robert, lord advocate, vii. 

— William, x11. 80. 

Dundee baptismal register, 1722-26, 
IV. 73-82. 

— John Graham, Viscount, 11. 163 ; 
discussion on his last letter, v. 
505; VI. 63-70; Two ballads on 
Viscount Dundee, VIII. 361-5; 
Grahame of Claverhouse, by Michael 
Barrington, Ix. 193; Graham of 
Claverhouse, by C. S. Terry, I. 

Dunfallandy, standing cross-slab at, 
I. 60. 

Dunfermline abbey, 1. 
4; XII. 83. 

— Geoffrey, abbot of, I. 200. 

— peerage, III. 196”. 

— Charles, Earl of, x11. 81. 

Dunglow cairn, I. 344. 

Dunheved, Thomas de, a Preaching 
Friar, 1x. 161, 168, 278-9. 

Dunipace, The Lands and Lairds 
of Dunipace, by J. C. Gibson, I. 

Dunkeld, notes on the succession of 
the bishops, from the time of 
Alexander I. to the Reformation, 
I. 197-203, 314-321, 421-428; I. 

— Andrew, dean of, 11. 71. 

— Cormac, bishop of, 1. 198-9. 

— David (or Richard), bishop of, 
I. 203, 314- 

— Duncan, precentor of, I. 318. 

—-—de Strathern, bishop of, 1. 

— Geoffrey, bishop of, 1. 202. 

— Gilbert, bishop of, I. 202, 314. 

— Gregory, bishop of, 1. 199. 

— Hugh, bishop of, 1. 199, 201. 

— John, bishop of, 1. 200, 314, 320; 
VII. 134. 

— Richard of Inverkeithing, bishop 
of, poisoned, VI. 21. 

— William, bishop of, I. 315. 

Dunkirk pirates, x. 430. 

Dunlop, Geoffrey A., The Sources of 
the Idyls of Jean Vauquelin de la 
Fresnaye, X11. 210; John Stewart 
of Baldynneis, x11. 303-310. 

241; VII. 


Index 1903-1916 37 

Dunlop, Robert, Ireland under the 
Commonwealth, X1. 222. 

— William, principal of Glasgow 
University, 11. 289. 

Dunmore, Sir John de, 1x. 283. 

Dunnottar and its barons, 1. 389- 
405; Dunnottar Castle and the 
Scottish Regalia, Iv. 310-311; 
IX. 323. 

Dunollie Castle, 11. 112. 

Dunoyer, A., Fouquier-Tinville, x. 

Dunrobin Castle chapel, Iv. 107. 

Duns Park, near Berwick, III. 220. 

Duns Scotus, Joannes, xI. 125. 

Dunstaffnage Castle, vit. 109. 

Dunvegan charter chest,, II. 356- 

Dupin, Nicholas, founder of linen 
corporations, II. 54-58; and of 
paper-making companies, III. 72. 

Dupont, Etienne, Bibliographie du 
Mont Saint-Michel, 11. 236; 
Le Mont Saint Michel Inconnu, 
x. 109; La Participation de la 
Bretagne a la Conquéte de l’ Angle- 
terre par les Normands, Vill. 317 ; 
Les Pélerinages au Mont St. 
Michel, vit. 318; Les Prisons du 
Mont Saint-Michel, v. 511; Le 
Chateau de Brix, en Normandie, 
Il. 424-7; Recherches... sur les 
Compagnons de Guillaume le Con- 
quérant, V. 241 ; notes on Shaw’s 
Michel de L’Hospital and his 
Policy, 111. 377: Les prisonniers 
Ecossais du Mont Saint-Michel, 
Ill. 506. 

Dupplin, battle of, v. 96; 1x. 282. 

Durham bishopric under Anthony 
Bek, 1283-1311, XI. 113. 

— cathedral, 1. 241. 

— monastery and its lands in Ber- 
wickshire, vil. 89 ; seals, 1x. 210; 
XI. I13. 

— David, student at Heidelberg, 
v. 69. 

— John, Earl of, Report on the 
Affairs of British North America, 
x. 412; Life and Letters, 1v. 220. 

— Michael, physician to James V., 
Ill. 410, 414. 

Durham, Robert de Coquina, bishop 
of, VI. 20, 23 182. 

Durie, Andrew, bishop of Galloway, 
Iv. 436. 

— George, of Grange, III. 200, 343. 

Durisdere, Andrew de, bishop of 
Glasgow, V. 320. 

Durness church, VI. 270, 272. 

Durning-Lawrence, Sir Edwin, 
Bacon is Shakespeare, vill. 207. 

Durward, Alan, hanged at Berwick, 
III. 331. 

Dury, Robert, minister at An- 
struther I. 27. 

Dutch East India Company, Ix. 91. 

— emigrants in Iowa, Ix. 217. 

— fishing in British waters, Ix. 174- 

Dutch Republic and the American 
Revolution, by F. Edler, rx. 211. 

Dutch ships captured in 1667, xII. 

Dutch West India Company, Ix. 91. 

Duthus, St., vit. 178 ; vIIl. 213. 

Du Verger, Jean, abbé of Saint- 
Cyran, IX. 342. 

Dyar, Robert, defeated by Bertrand 
du Guesclin, v. 37. 

Dyer, Henry, review of Little’s Far 
East, 11. 376. 

— Louis, review of Doyle’s English 
in America, V. 104. 

— Thomas Henry, A History of 
Modern Europe, Vv. 239. 

Dymoch, Finley, x. 119. 

Dyngele, John, Hospitaller, rx. 60. 

Earl’s Ferry, I. 14-29. 

Early Britain: Roman Britain, by 
Edward Conybeare, 11. 86. 

Early Britain: Roman Roads in 
Britain, by Thomas Codrington, 
11. 87. 

Early Christian Monuments of Scot- 
land, by J. Romilly Allen, 1. 58- 
61. @ 

Early English Dissenters, 1550-1641, 
by Champlin Burrage, x. 97. 

Early Norman Castles of the British 
Isles, by Ella S. Armitage, x. 207. 

Early Scottish Charters prior to 1153, 
by Sir Archibald Lawrie, 1. 428. 

38 Scottish Historical Review *° 

Earsdon chapelry, Northumberland, 
vil. 185. 

Earthquake at Basle, Iv. 266; at 
Glasgow, VIII. 330. 

Earthworks, 1. 464; reports on 
earthworks and excavations, vI. 
333; earthworks of the moated 
mound type, Iv. 347. 

Eastfield, Midlothian, vi. 145-146, 

East India Company, v. 484; VIII. 
286, 288-9; IX. 367; xX. 196; 
opposes the Scots Darien scheme, 
Ill. 438, 440, 444-5; Calendar of 
the Court Minutes, v. 478; Vii. 
412; X. 20435 XL. 300 
See also English Factories in 

India, Xi. 223. 

East India trading companies, I. 
185 and nu. 

East Lothian, by Charles E. Green, 
v. 116 

East Wemyss, sculptured caves at, 
II. 468. 

Ecclesiastical heraldry in Scotland 
before the Reformation, v. 313- 

— persecution in the 17th century, 
VI. 373-382. 

Ecclesiastical Titles and Designa- 
tions, by Prof. Cooper, II. 100. 
Ecclesiological Essays, by J. Wick- 

ham Legg, III. 510. 

Eccleston, Thomas of, vii. 186. 

Eclipse of the moon in 1316, VIII. 391. 

— of the sun in 1317, VIII. 392. 

Economic condition of Scotland 
under the Commonwealth and the 
Protectorate, v. 273-284. 

— development of Scotland before 
1707, X. 250-271. 

Economic Beginnings in the Far 
West, by Katharine Coman, x. 

Economic History of England, by S. 
Salmon, x. 208. 

Economic Inquiries and Studies, by 
Sir Robert Giffen, 1. 432. 

Edgar, Lady, A Colonial Governor 
in Maryland, 1753-1773, XI. 109. 

Edinburgh, Avmorial Bearings, Ix. 
332; Lislebourg, and Petit Leith, 

I. 19-26; Blackfriars of Edin- 
burgh, by Wm. Moir Bryce, 1x. 
332; XI. 314; Edinburgh in 1544 
and Hertford’s Invasion, vIIl. 
113; reception of James VI. in 
1617, X. 24-27 ; Edinburgh during 
the Provostship of Sir William 
Binning, 1675-1677, XII. 369-387 ; 
riot in 1686 occasioned by the 
public celebration of the mass, 
xX. 50; The Covenanters’ prison 
in Grey-Friars Yard, VIII. 424; 
Edinburgh Account-Book of 200 
years ago, VI. 141-149; Edin- 
burgh society in the 18th century, 
I. 16; an 18th century Edin- 
burgh Betting Club, vill. 424; 
the siege in 1745, VIII. 53-60, 223 ; 
Edinburgh during the occupation 
of Prince Charles, vil. 424; riot 
in 1792, VII. 21-28; Book of the 
Old Edinburgh Club, vil. 99 ; Vii. 
423; IX. 332; %..216 3) Ki. Bras 
XII. 326; The Cannon-Ball House, 
vill. 424; David’s Tower in 
Edinburgh Castle, x11. 326; dra- 
matic performances, I. 309-311; 
Edinburgh to Dresden in 1814, 
XI. 376-394; The Flodden Wall, 
Vill. 424; Friday Club and other 
social clubs in Edinburgh, 1X. 332 ; 
History of the Old Greyfriars’ 
Church, by W. Moir Bryce, x. 102; 
The Royal High School,Edinburgh, 
by J. E. Trotter, 1x. 99; Edin- 
burgh High School, rioting in 1587 ; 
IX.127;curriculumin 1640, Ix. 119; 
Mons Meg, x1. 436; Old Houses 
in Edinburgh, by Bruce J. Home, 
II. 439; Old St. Paul’s Episcopal 
Church, tv. 342; Proclamations 
of the accessions of Kings at 
Edinburgh, x1. 412; Saint Cecilia’s 
Hall in the Niddry Wynd, by D. 
F. Harris, 1x. 202 ; St. Cuthbert’s 
kirk session minutes, II. 385-8 ; 
The Early Days of St. Cuthbert’s 
Church, by George Lorimer, x1I. 
419 ; Sculptured stones, VIII. 424; | 
xX. 216; theSkinners’ Incorporated 
Trade, x11. 326; the Speculative 
Society, XI. 314. 

Edinburgh, Castle, Iv. 116, 288; 
VIII. 22-23, 382; the siege, March- 
June 1689, It. 163-172. 

Edinburgh Eighth-Day Magazine, 11. 

Edinburgh Guilds and Crafts, ed. by 
Sir J. D. Marwick, vir. 270, 

Edinburgh Magazine or Literary 
Miscellany, 11. 139. 

Edinburgh Periodical Press, by W. 
J. Couper, vi. 204. f 

Edler, F., The Dutch Republic and 
the American Revolution, Ix. 

Edmond, J. P, review of Slater’s 
How to collect books, 11. 357. 

Edmundson, George, Anglo-Dutch 
Rivalry during the first half of the 
Seventeenth Century, IX. 321. 

Education at Carlisle in the Middle 
Ages, XI. 39-53; Education not 
a feature of monasticism, XI. 228 ; 
A National System of Education, 
by J. H. Whitehouse, x1. 304; 
Education systematised in Scot- 
land by the Black Friars, rx. 1; 
Education in Scotland, 1560-1872, 
v. 361; the Educational system 
of Scotland, Ix. 115-138;. A 
History of Secondary Education 
in Scotland, by John Strong, vit. 
313; Scottish Education, by Dr. 
Kerr, vil. 415. 

Edward I., m1. 6-19, 218-224, 327- 
338; v. 18 and w.; vi. 20, 31, 
286, 289, 391; vil. 58, 63, 65-67, 

122-123, 273-274, 278, 383-4; 
VIII. 22-23, 27, 28, 33, 159-171, 

Edward II., 111. 453-470; Iv. 24-27; 
VIII. 276-281, 285, 381-385, 394- 
398; IX. 69-73, 76-78, 159-165, 

168; XII. 61-75; The Place of ° 

the Reign of Edward II. in 

English History, by T. F. Tout, | 

xl. 318; Vita Edwardi Secunii, 
XI. 238. 

Edward III., m1. 454-5; Iv. 25-39, 
185-204, 268, 417-429; Vv. 26-40; 
IX. 55 and u., 166-169, 288, 4or ; 
x. 78-86, 174 and n. 

Edward V., vi. 182. 

Index 1903-1916 


Edward VI., vit. 300; The First 
Prayer Book of King Edward VI. 
1. 88, 232; The Second Prayer 
Book of Edward VI., 111. 97. 

Edward, the Black Prince. See 
Cornwall, Duke of. 

Edwards, John, The Grey Friars and 
their first Houses in Scotland, v. 
257: Religious Orders in Scotland, 
Iv. 361 ; Greyfriars in Glasgow, III. 
179-193 ; Hospitallers in Scotland 
in 15th century, Ix. 52-68; Old 
Oaths and Interjections, 1. 55-57 ; 
the Templars in Scotland in the 
13th century, v. 13-25; notes on 
the charter of the Temple lands 
of Tucheen, Renfrewshire, x11. 
330; and on the word ‘ Aconeuz,’ 
I. 462. 

— reviews of P. J. Anderson’s 
Aberdeen Friars, Vit. 305; Bacon’s 
Opus Tertium, by Little, x. 320; 
W. Moir Bryce’s History of the 
Old Greyfriars’ Church, Edinburgh, 
X. 102; W. Moir Bryce’s Scottish 
Grey Friars, vit. 84; Cambridge. 
Modern History, vol. X., V. 2313 
Cambridge under Queen Anne, 
IX. 317; Collectanea Franciscana, 
xl. 189; English Merchants 
and the Spanish Inquisition in 
the Canaries, XI. 311; Little’s 
Tvractatus Fr. Thomae de Eccleston, 
vu. 186; Mackinlay’s Ancient 
Church Dedications in Scotland— 
Non-Scriptural Dedications, xt. 
323; Oxford Historical and Lite- 
vary Studies, XI. 220; Peacham’s 
Compleat Gentleman, Iv. 339; 
Robinson’s The Abbot’s House at 
Westminster, Ix. 426; Robinson’s 
Gilbert Crispin, Abbot of West- 
minster, VIII. 416 ; Tait’s Chronica 
Johannis de Reading, xu. 85; 
Warrick’s Moderators of the Church 
of Scotland, 1690-1740, X. 413- 

— Robert, minister of Murroes, 11. 


Eeles, F. C., Tvaditional Ceremonial 
connected with the Scottish Liturgy, 
VIII. 302; the Altar of St. Fergus, 
St. Andrews, Il. 260-267, 479; 


40 Scottish Historical Review 

Eeles, F. C.—cont. 
the Certificate of Consecration of 
a ‘College’ Bishop, 11. 99-100; 
the English thanksgiving service 
for King James’ delivery from 
the Gowrie Conspiracy, vill. 366- 
376; A Mass of St. Ninian, x. 
35-38; notes on a Recipe for 
making red wax in sixteenth 
century, Ix. 450, and on the 
Swinton bell, vil. 327; reviews 
of Pyreces Privatae of Bishop 
Andrewes, I. 330; Barron’s In 
Defence of the Regalia, 1X. 323; 
Chalmers’ Shrines of S. Margaret 
and S. Kentigern, I. 340; Code 
of Canons of Episcopal Church in 
Scotland, 1x. 430; The Scottish 
Liturgy, 1x. 430; Skilbeck’s JI- 
lustrations of the Liturgy, IX. 417 ; 
Trenholme’s Story of Iona, vit. 

Egerton, Hugh E., Federations and 
Unions within the British Empire, 
IX. 191; Historical Geography : 
Canada, part 2, VI. 210. 

Egglescliffe, John de, bishop of 
Glasgow, V. 204. 

FEgil’s Saga, vil. 40, 46, 49, 52-54, 

Eglinton, Alexander, 8th Earl of, 
x. ‘Sus 

— Hugh, 3rd Earl of, vi. 328. 

Eighteenth century estimates of 
Shakespeare, I. 291-5. 

Eilean-an-t-sagairt, vi. 264. 

Eilean Ma-rui’, in Loch Maree, vt. 

Eilean tigh an t-Sagairt, vi. 273. 

Einhard’s Life of Charlemagne, XtI. 

Eivyspennill: Névreg’s 
Ségur, XII. 428. 

Ekhoff, Emil, Fornudnnen: Med- 
delanden fran K. Vitterhets Historie 
och Antikvitets Akadamien, X. 419. 

Eleanor, queen of Edward I., vii. 
58, 60. 

— queen of Henry III., vi. 63, 66. 

Elcho, David, Lord, A Short Account 
of the Affairs of Scotland, 1744- 

1746, IV. 443-450. 


Elder, John R., Royal Fishery Com- 
panies of the Seventeenth Century, 
IX. 431. 

Elders, the post-Reformation Elder, 
IX. 253-262. 

Elderton, William, ballad-writer, 
X. 220. 

Elewoldschawe, John de, v. 17. 
Elgin, James, Earl of, Lord Elgin 
in Canada, 1847-1854, X. I-20. 
Elias, Edith L., In Stuart Times, 

IX. 439. 

Elie, a burgh of barony, I!. 26-27, 29. 

Elizabeth, queen of Robert the 
Bruce, vill. 387 and n. 

Elizabeth and Henry IV., 1589-1603, 
by J. B. Black, x11. 202. 

Elizabeth and Mary Stuart, by F. 
A. Mumby, xI. 434. 

—A History of England from the 
Defeat of the Armada to the Death 
of Elizabeth, by E. P. Cheyney, 
XI. 429. 

Elizabethan ballads, v. 334. 

Elizabethan (The) Parish in tts 
Ecclesiastical and Financial 
Aspects, by S. L. Ware, vi. 212. 

Elizabethan (The) Religious Settle- 
ment, by Henry N. Birt, v. 344. 

Elizabethan Rogues and Vagabonds, 
by Frank Aydelotte, x1. 220. 

Elliot, Hon. Fitzwilliam, The Batile 
of Flodden and the Raids of 1513, 
1x. 190; The Trustworthiness of 
Border Ballads, 1v. 87; Further 
Essays on Border Ballads, vit. 418. 

— Sir Gilbert, of Minto, I1. 330. 

— — of Stobs, v. 266. 

— William, of Wells, Roxburgh- 
shire, Il. 292; Vv. 265. 

— — [son], v. 266-272. 

Elliots of Minto, Iv. 296. 

Ellis, Annie Raine, editor of The 
Early Diary of Frances Burney, 
1768-1778, V. 125. 

— James, a poetical attorney, 1763- 
1830, XII. 102. 

Ellwood, Thomas, x. 339-341. 

Elphingstone, Alexander, papist, 
III. 24. 

— Gawane, a Scottish conspirator 
in Sweden, I. 193. 

Index 1903-1916 41 

Elphinstone, George, papist, 11. 

— James, x1. 281 and n. 

— John de, Ir. 180. 

— William, bishop of Aberdeen, 
XI. 254. 

Elphinstones of Logie, Iv. 296. 

Elton, Oliver, Frederick York Powell, 
IV. 324; Milton and Party, v1. 

Elwold, John, rector of St. Andrews 
University, VIII. 353-4. 

Embleton, Richard de, 1x. 290. 

Emeldon, Richard, of Jesmond, 1, 

Emigration, A History of Emigra- 
tion from the United Kingdom to 
North America, 1763-1912, by 
Stanley C. Johnson, xI. 322. 

Emigration laws during the Terror, 
Ix. 218. 

Emmet, Robert, and the Irish 
insurrection, I. 214. 

Enge, Sir William de, vill. 279. 

Engham, Rafe de, III. 11. 

England, Adams’ Origin of the 
English Constitution, x. 318; 
Chambers’ Constitutional History 
of England, vil. 200; Guest’s 
Constitutional History of England, 
xr. 208; Maitland’s Constitu- 
tional History of England, vi. 89 ; 
Medley’s Original Illustrations of 
English Constitutional History, 
vil. 422; Cheyney’s History of 
England from defeat of Armada to 
death of Elizabeth, x1. 429 ; Davis’ 
The Story of England, 1x. 438; 
Fletcher and Kipling’s History 
of England, 1x. 324; Pollard’s 
History of England, 1X. 440; 
Welsford’s Sivength of England: 
@ politico-economic history, vil. 
411; Cross’s History of England 
and Greater Britain, x11. 200. 

England and the French Revolution, 
by W. T. Laprade, vi. 81. 

England before the Norman Conquest, 
by Charles Oman, viit. 88. 

England in the later.Middle Ages, 
1272-1485, by K. H. Vickers, 
XI. 325. 

England since Waterloo, by J. A. R. 
Marriott, XI. 424. 

England under the Hanoverians, 
1714-1815, by C. G. Robertson, 
1X. 326. — 

England under the Normans and 
Angevins, 1066-1272, by H. W. C. 
Davis, III. 362. 

England under the Old Religion, by 
Francis Aidan Gasquet, xX. 421. 
England under the Tudors, by A. D. 

Innes, III. 499. 

English Biblical Criticism in the 
13th century, VI. 92. 

— cloth smuggled into Scotland, 
I. 178. 

English Colleges and Convents in the 
Catholic Low Countries, 1558-1795, 
by Peter Guilday, x11. ror. 

English Dialect Dictionary, by Prof. 
Wright, I. 112. 

English East India Company, I. 185 
and n. 

English Economic History, by A. E. 
Bland, XII. 424. 

English Factories in India, 1618- 
1650, Iv. 463; VI. 206; vil. 83; 
VIII. 304; IX. 94; X. 205; XI. 
223; XII. 195. 

English Fairy Poetry, by Floris 
Delattra, Ix. 439. 

English Historical Documents, by 
H. Hall, vir. 18r. 

English Historical Literature in the 
Fifteenth Century, by C. L. Kings- 
ford, x11. 98. 

English History Source Books, x. 
432 ; XII. 106-107, 208. 

English (The) in America, by J. A. 
Doyle, v. 104. 

English Literature : 
W. P. Ker, rx. 440. 

English Merchants and the Spanish 
Inquisition in the Canaries, edited 
by L. de Alberti and A. B. 
Wallis Chapman, XI. 311. 

English merchants in Russia in the 
16th century, Ix. 342. 

English Political Institutions, by 
J. A. R. Marriott, viii. 307. 

English Puritans, by John Brown, 
IX. 439- 

Medieval, by 


English scholarship in the 13th 
century, VI. 92. 

English Society in the Eleventh 
Century, by Paul Vinogradoff, v1. 

English song-books, 1587-1600, 1. 

Episcopal Church in Scotland, Code 
of Canons, 1X. 430. 

Erasmus, Desiderius, The Age of 
Evasmus, by P. S. Allen, x11. 92. 

Eric I1., VII. 379 and ”. 

Errol, Francis, Earl of, m1. 25; vi. 

Erskine, Alexander, son of the Earl 
of Mar, 1. 387; 11. 108. 

— Charles, of Tinwald, 111. 121. 

— Sir Charles, 111. 424-6, 431; Iv. 48. 

— Henry, advocate, x. 223. 

— John, governor of Stirling Castle, 
XI. 404-406. 

— Sir Robert, chamberlain of 
Scotland, 1x. 56 and m. 

— Sir Thomas, Il. 418; VII. 359; 
Ix. 56 and u. 

Esch, Jacques d’, Die Metzer Chrontk 
des Jaique Dex, Iv. 468. 

Esperstoun, v. 17-18. 

Essars, Correspondance de la Famille 
des Essays, par le Comte de St. 
Pol, 11. 326. 

Essays on Home Subjects, by John, 
Marquess of Bute, II. 219. 

Essex, Arthur, Earl of, Selections 
from the Correspondence of Avihur 
Capel, Earl of Essex, X1. 322. 

Esthouse, Richard de, v. 17. 

Ethelred, son of Malcolm Ceann- 

mohr, Il. 17. 

Ethingham, Elys de, 11. 11. 
Ethnology, On certain points in 
Scottish Ethnology, 11. 275-286. 
Etzel, Eric E., notes on Swedo- 
Scottish families, 1x. 268-277. 

Euer, Sir John de, Ix. 74 and n. 

Europe, The Partition of Europe, 
1715-1815, by Philip Guedalla, 
XII. 206. 

European Alliance, 1813-1823, XI. 

European Entanglements since 1748, 
by H. Chambers, XII. 431. 

Scottish Historical Review 

European State Systems, XII. 430. 

Eusebiana: Essays on the Ecclesi- 
astical History of Eusebius, by 
H. J. Lawlor, x. 318. 

Evelyn, John, Diary, x. 331. 

— -— at Padua University, II. 59. 

Evers, Sir Ralph, killed at Ancrum 
Moor, vIII. 129. 

Ewing, James Cameron, Biblio- 
graphy of Robert Burns, Vil. 316; 
review of A Bibliography of the 
Book of Common Order, by 
William Cowan, and Lists of 
Fifteenth Century Books in Edin- 
burgh Libraries, X1. 297. 

Exchequer (The) in the Twelfth 
Century, by Reginald L. Poole, 
x. 33; 

Exchequer tallies, Iv. 482. 

Exiled Bourbons in Scotland, by A. 
F. Steuart, vi. 86. 

Explorers in the New World, by M. 
M. Mulhall, vit. 195. 

Expugnatio Hibernica, tl. 329. 

Eyemouth, by Daniel M‘Iver, v. 241. 

Eyre-Todd, George, Glasgow Poets, 
II. 220; reviews of Sir George 
Douglas’s Pageant of the Bruce, 
and W. M. Dixon’s Thomas the 
Rhymer, 1X. 195; Lang’s Histori- 
cal Mysteries, 1. 313 ; Walpole’s 
History of Twenty-Five Years, 
I. 439 ; VI. 207. 

Eythin, James, Lord, at Marston 
Moor, Ix. 40; in the service of 
Sweden, 41. 

Eyville, Joscelin de, 111. 467 and n. 

Facsimiles, congress on, at Liége, 
II. 254. 

Fain, Baron, Souvenivs de la Cam- 
pagne de France, 1814, XI. 105. 

Fairfax barony, Il. 208. 

Fairs and markets, 1. 275 and %.; 
proclamations of fairs in Glasgow, 
III. IQI-2. 

Fairies, The Origin of the Fairy 
Creed, by Rev. J. Gregorson 
Campbell, vil. 364-376; fairy 
lore, 1x. 266-7; English Fairy 
Poetry, by Floris Delattra, Ix. 

Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, by 
_ W. Y. Evans Wentz, 1x. 186. 

Falconer, Alexander, at Padua Uni- 
versity, III. 57 . 

— Jj. D., reviews of Lucas’s His- 
torical Geography of the British 
Colonies, vols. 3-4, XI. 301. 

— Sir John, of Wallyford, x11. 370. 

Falkiner, C. Litton, Essays relating 
to Iveland, v1. 232; Illustrations 
of Irish History and Topography, 
II. 309. 

— reviews of Anderson’s Sidelights 
on the Home Rule Movement, 
Iv. 97; Fitzpatrick’s Dublin, 
v. 121; Charts’ Story o Dublin, 
v. 121; Genealogical History of 
the Savage family in Ulster, 1v.219; 
Hunt’s Ivish Parliament, 1775, 
Iv. 472; King’s A Great Arch- 
bishop of Dublin, William King, 
D.D., tv. 223; 
of Tuam, Killala, and Achonry, 
ir. 316; Lecky’s Leaders of 
Public Opinion in Ireland, 1. 93; 
Mon grand péve a la Cour de 
Louis XV., Il. 311. 

Falkirk, battle of, 1298, vIII. 159. 

Falkland Palace, dedication of the 
chapel royal, Iv. 106. : 

Famine in 1316, VIII. 391. 

Faraday, L. Winifred, review of 
Olive Bray’s edition of The Elder 
or Poetic Edda, v1. 306. 

Farmer’s Essay on the Learning of 
Shakespeare, 1. 291, 293. 

Faroe islands, 1. 224. 

Faroes and Iceland, by Nelson 
Annandale, 11. 88. 

Farquharson, Dr., superior of the 
Scottish College at Douai, Iv. 

— Peter, yr. of Rochally, v1. 440. 

— William, of Broughdurg, vi. 233 
and ., 440; VII. Ifo. 

Farquharson Genealogies, Xl. 443. 
XII. 2Io. 

Farr church, vi. 270, 273. 

‘ Farthing man,’ I. 129. 

Fast Castle, 111. 255. 

Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, vol. 1, 
XII. 428. \ 


Index 1903-1916 

Knox’s Dioceses 


Faunt, Nicholas, on the office of 
Secretary of State, 1592, III. ror. 

Fawkener, Sir Everard, secretary 
t@ the Duke of Cumberland, v1. 
238 and n. 

Fearn Abbey, 1. 382-3; VI. 272. 

Fea, Allan, The Real Captain Cleve- 
land, 1X. 427. 

— Dr. James, of Clestrain, vu. 

Federations and Unions within the 
British Empire, by H. E. Egerton, 
IX. I9I. 

Felton, William de, UI. 464; Iv. 
266 ; V. 37. 

Fenton, Sir John de, vi. 135. 

Fergus, St., altar of, in St. Andrews, 
II. 478; U1. 108. 

Ferguson, Adam, XI. 134. 

— George, review of Lucas’s His- 
tory of Canada, 1763-1812, VII. 94. 

— James, A Northern Baronial 
House [Delgaty], vi. 248-259. 

— Rev. John, Ecclesia Antiqua, iI. 
511 ; Linlithgow Palace, vil. 417. 

— Robert, of Edinburgh, soldier in 
Venice in 1597, I. 219. 

Fergusson, R. Menzies, Logie: a 
parish history, U. 451; Ul. 2343 
Scottish Social Sketches of the 17th 
Century, Vv. 239; Presbytery and 
Popery in the 16th century, II. 
20-26; The Witches of Alloa, 
Iv. 40-48. 

Ferrars, Henry de, Iv. 35. 

Ferry, John, in St. Andrews, I1. 262. 

Fetteresso, II. 403, 405. 

Fettes, James, in St. Andrews, 1. 

Feudal history in France, vit. 104. 

— law and Sir Thomas Craig, x11. 

Feudalism in England, vill. 99; in 
Scotland, x1I. 106. 

Feuds in the middle ages, v. 515. 

Ffoulkes, Charles, Armour and Wea- 
pons, Vil. 189. 

Fian alias Cunningham,schoolmaster 
at Saltpans, tortured on a charge 
of witchcraft, I1. 239, 243. 

Ficklen, John R., History of Recon- 
struction in Louisiana, Vill, 212. 


Fielding, Henry, inscription on his 
tombstone at Lisbon, 1. 345. 
Fiennes, Sir William de, killed at 
the siege of Roxburgh Castle, 111. 


Fife, Earls of, 11. 17-19; III. 330 
and n. 

— Alex., in Cadgertoun, Iv. 78. 

— Clara, Countess of, 11. 18 x. 

— Colban, Earl of, 11. 17. 

— Constantine, Earl of, 11. 17. 

— David, merchant in Dundee, Iv. 
75, 78. 

— Duncan, Earl of, 11. 17, 18; Iv. 
266; VI. 383-4 and m.; Ix. 239- 
240, 281 and u.; 283-4, 286; x. 

— Gillemichel, Earl of, 11. 17. 

— Isobel, in Cadgertoun, Iv. 78. 

— James, in Dundee, Iv. 75. 

— Malcolm, Earl of, 11. 17; VvItt. 

— Murdac, Earl of, 11. 19. 

— Robert, Earl of, 11. 16. 

— William de Ramsay, Earl of, 
Iv. 266. 

Figgis, John Neville, Churches in 
the Modern Siate, Xi. 433 ; Studies 
of Political Thought, 1414-1625, 
V. 235. 

Fillan, St., 11. 456. 

Financing of the Hundred Years’ 
Way, 1337-1360, by S. B. Terry, 
XII. 191. 

Finbarr, Abbot, 11. 387-8. 

Findlater Castle, King James’s 
charter in 1455 authorising its 
fortification, Il. ror. 

Finlay de Albania, a Dominican 
friar, his mission to Scotland in 
1416, VIII. 350-1. 

— H. B., review of Willson’s 
Ledger and Sword (1599-1874), 

I. 437- 
Finlayson, Dr. James, v. 379. 
Finn-men, VIII. 442 ; IX. 223. 
Firearms in England in the 14th 
_ century, IX. 214, by Prof. Tout. 
Fire-marks, British Five-marks from 
1680, by George A. Fothergill, 
VIII. 415. 
First Book of Discipline, X. 353-5. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Firth, Charles Harding, Edward 
Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, vii. 100 ; 
Ballad History of the Reigns of 
Henry VII. and Henry VIII., 
vi. 431; The Ballad History of 
the Reign of King James I., X. 
112; The House of Lords during 
the Civil War, vit. 410; Last 
Days of the Protectorate, Vil. 174; 
The Parallel between the English 
and American Civil Wars, vill. 
193; Plea for the Historical 
Teaching of History, u. 339; The 
Study of Modern History in Great 
Britain, x11. 209: Ballads on the 
anticipated birth of an heir to 
Queen Mary, etc., IX. 360-365; 
Ballads illustrating the relations 
of England and Scotland during 
the 17th century, VI. 113-128; 
Ballads on the Bishops’ Wars, 
1638-40, Ill. 257-273; A Border 
Ballad, v. 402-404; Jacobite 
Songs, VIII. 251-7 ; A New-Year’s 
Gift for the Whigs : a ballad, v1.’ 
245; A Restoration Duel, mt. 
1-5; Some Seventeenth Century 
Diaries and Memoirs, x. 329-346 ; 
Two ballads on Viscount Dundee, 
Vill. 361-5; editor of Macaulay’s 
History of England, x1. 417; note 
on the caricature of ‘ The Savage 
Man,’ XI. 54. - 

— John B., Augustus Ca@sar, 1. 444. 

Fiscal policy of Scotland before the 
Union, I. 171-190. 

Fischer, Th. A., The Scots in Eastern 
and Western Prussia, 1. 208; The 
Scots in Sweden, Vv. 240. 

Fisher, Herbert A. L., Bonapartism, 
v. 480; Frederick William Mait- 
land: a biographical sketch, vit. 
73; Political Unions, 1x. 212; 
editor of The Collected Papers of 
F. W. Maitland, 1x. 81. 

Fishery rights and the sovereignty 
of the sea, Ix. 174. 

Fishing companies in Scotland be- 
fore the Union, 1. 175; Royal 
Fishery Companies of the Seven-~ 
teenth Century, IX. 431. 

Fitz Alan, Sir Brian, mI. 219. 

Fitzherbert, William, archbishop of 
York, vi. 285 and n. 

Fitzhugh, Sir Henry, ambassador 
to Sweden in 1406, XII. 421. 

FitzRobert, John, 11. ro. 

Fitzwarren, Sir Fulk, 1x. 280. 

Flags, Scottish Flags, by C. Cleland 
Harvey, XII. 105. 

Fleming, Charles, v. 139. 

—D. Hay, i. 254; Historical 
Notes concerning the Coronation 
Oaths, vit1. 98; Howkings in St. 
Andrews Cathedral, 11. 342; The 
Story of the Scottish Covenanters, 11. 
201; The Subscribing ofthe National 
Covenant, X. 102; a Celtic cross- 
slab at St. Andrews, I. 42-45; St. 
Andrews crafts, UU. 334; on 
recent digging in St. Andrews, 
I. 107, 242; John Knox’s birth- 
date, 1. 467; the influence of 
Knox, Il. 131-5; note on John 
S. Gibb, Ix 299; review of 
Coats’ Brechin Cathedral, 1. 221. 

— Malcolm, Lord, vil. 359. 

— Mary, wife of Maitland of Leth- 
ington, H. 349, 363-371; Vv. 

Flemings defeat the French at 
Courtray in 1302, VIII. 165 and %. 

Flemish weavers imported into 
Scotland, 1. 175. 

Flenley’s Six Town Chronicles of 
England, 1x. 196. 

Fletcher, C. R. L., Historical Por- 
tyaits, VI. 401. 

— and Kipling’s History of England, 
IX. 324. 

Flete, John, The History of West- 

minster Abbey, Vi. 418. 

Flintshire, by T. F. Tout, rx. 334. 

Flodden, The Battle of Flodden, by 
the Hon. F. Elliot, Ix. 190; 
Memories of Flodden, v. 259; de- 
scription of the battle with list of 
the slain, Ix. 197. 

Florent V., of Holland, competitor 
for the Scottish crown, V. 304- 

Fog, Sir Thomas, Iv. 427. 

Fogo, John, abbot of Melrose, Iv. 
156; Vill. 239 and m., 354-5. 

Index 1903-1916 


Folk-Lore, The Fairy-Faith in Celtic 
Countries, by W. Y. Evans Wentz, 
1x. 186; Folk-Memory: or, the 
Continuity of British Archaeology, 
VI. 293 ; Rustic Speech and Folk- 
Lore, XI. 224 ; horse-shoe folklore, 
Iv. 348 ; folk-lore of, the Hebrides, 
Vv. Ig1-202; Gaelic folk-lore, I. 
300 ; Il. 457: IV. I; V. Igi-202, 
253; Folk-lore of Ireland, Iv. 164- 
177; The Sharp-witted wife, 
XII. 413-417 ; folk songs of France, 
I. 215; superstition in Scotland 
of to-day, Ix. 263-267: West 
African Folk Tales, 11. 93. 

Folliotts of Londonderry, 11. 459. 

Foord, Edward, Byzantine Empire, 
IX. 205. 

Forbes, Alexander,student at Heidel- 
berg, aftw. bishop of Aberdeen, 
v. 71. 

— Daniel, writer in Edinburgh, rv. 

John, of Corse, prof. of divinity at 
Aberdeen, defends the lawfulness 
of divorce, v. 73. VIII. 50. 

— Jonathan, of Brux, Ix. 299. 

— Robert, of Reres, x11. 76. 

— Thomas, prof. of medicine at 
Pisa, III. 61. 

— Sir William, vit. 177. 

Forest law of England, x1. 438. 

Forfar, riot at St. James’s Fair in 
1671, VIII. 299. 

Forfarshive, by E. S. Valentine, x 

Fork, Robert, of Corsflat, x11. 82. 

Forman, Andrew, prior of the May, 
aftw. abp. of St. Andrews, I. 24, 
62; VI. 403-4; VII. 138. 

Forrester, Sir John, v. 139. 

Forret, Thomas, vicar of Dollar, 
XI. 257-8. 

Forrouss, John, vil. 357, 359- 

Forster, William, in St. Andrews, 
IV. 157- 

Forsyth, Thomas, rector of Glasgow 
University, 11, 182, 188. 

Fortescue, J. W., British Statesmen 
of the Great War, 1793-1814, Ix 
305; A History of the British 
Army, 1X. 84; X. 98. 


Forth and Clyde Canal, vi. 350. 

Foster, Rowland, raids the lands of 
the Lethingtons, Iv. 283. 

— William, English Factories in 
India, 1618-1650, Iv. 463; VI. 
206 ; VII. 83; VIII. 304; IX. 94; 
X. 205; XI. 223; XII. 195; John 
Bruce, historiographer, 1745-1826, 
Ix. 366-375; James Mill of Leaden- 
hall Street, x. 162-173. 

Fotherdoun, II. 390. 

Fothergill, George A., British Fire- 
Marks from 1680, VIII. 415. 

Fotheringham, Archibald, of Drum- 
lochie, Iv. 79. 

— David, M.D., Iv. 78, 80. 

— George, of Banden, Iv. 75, 78. 

— James, merchant in Dundee, Iv. 
77, O2. 

— Robert, in Dundee, Iv. 77. 

— Thomas, Il. 243. 

Fotheringhay, Sir John de; Iv. 420, 

Fouke, F. R., The Bayeux Tapesiry, 
KI. 323. 

.Foulden and its owners, II. 105. 

Foulis, Andrew and Robert, printers 
in Glasgow, I. 458-9; VI. 337-8. 

— George, of Woodhall, 1. 139. 

— James, of Colinton, VII. 359; 
6 Me Aa 

— Sir John, of Ravelston, 11. 57. 

— William, archdeacon of St. 
Andrews, VIII. 244. 

— — keeper of the Privy Seal, 111. 
3123 VIII. 235. 

Foundations »f Modern Europe, by 
E. Reich, II. 206. 

Fouquier-Tinville, by A. Dunoyer, 
X. 320. 

Fournier, Daniel, engraver, fiddler 
and shoemaker, 1. 306. 

Fowler, W. Warde, Rome, IX. 440. 

Fowlis. See Foulis. 

Fox, Charles, George the Third and 
Charles Fox, by Sir G. O. Tre- 
velyan, IX. 313 ; XII. 200, 

Foxcroft, H. C., Life of Gilbert 
Burnet, V. 472. 

Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles, Treatise 
on the law concerning Names and 
Changes of Name, Iv. 475. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Fox-Strangeways, Lady Susan, her 
runaway marriage with O’Brien 
the actor, Il. 43. 

Framisden, John, friar, tI. 179; 
IV. 147. 

France, by Cecil Headlam, x. 418. 

France and the Vatican, x. 421. 

France et Allemagne, by Edgar 
Quinet, v1. 92. 

France, Anatole, Viede Jeanned’ Arc, 
V. 411-439; VI. 99; VII. Ioo. 

Francis, John, a sabbath-breaker, 
VI. 384. 

Francis, St., vI. 288 ; vil. 58; vItt. 
28, 30-31, 33; X- 324. 

Franciscans or Grey Friars, vit. 186, 
21I; IX. 0, 210, 447; X. Zaye 
Franciscans in Scotland, x. 102; 
The Scottish Grey Friars, by W. 
Moir Bryce, vi. 84; Franciscan 
Order in Spain, x1. 448; Collec- 
tanea Fvranciscana, XI. 189; 
British Society of Franciscan 
Studies, v1. 110; Grey Friars and 
their first Houses in Scotland, by 
John Edwards, v. 257; Grey- 
friars in Glasgow, III. 179-193. 

Franco-Scottish League in the 14th 
Century, VII. 119-129. 

Franco-Scottish words, 11. 216. 

Fraser (Frisel), Alexander, adherent 
of Robert the Bruce, II. 456. 

—G. M., Aberdeen Siveet Names, 
vill. 427; The Aberdonians and 
other Lowland Scots, XII. 429; 
The Bridge of Dee, X1. 320; His- 
torical Aberdeen, 11. 325 ; Ill. 512; 
Iv. 111; The Lone Shieling, etc., 
vi. 429; The Market Cross of 
Aberdeen, v. 175-180. 

— Gilbert, 1. 175. 

— Hugh, in Gask, II. 36. | 

—Sir Simon, a confederate of 
Robert Bruce, executed, vIit. 
168. : 

— William, bishop of St. Andrews, 
vI. 28. 

— Sir William de, Ix. 283. 
Fraser-Mackintosh, Charles, Avnti- 
quarian Notes, X. 420. 
Freebairn, Robert, bookseller in 

Edinburgh, vil. 255-257. 

Index 1903-1916 

Freedom of the Press in Egypt, by 
K. Mikhail, x1. 443. 

French Revolution (Cambridge 
Modern History), 111. 364; Bleus, 
Blancs et Rouges, by G. Lenotre, 
x. 320; Laprade’s England and 
the French Revolution, vit. 81; 
Fouquier-Tinville, by A. Dunoyer, 
x. 320; Lectures on the French 
Revolution, by Lord Acton, vim. 
196; Select documents illus. of 
the History of the French Revolu- 
tion, 111. 507; Scotland and the 
French Revolution, by H. W. 
Meikle, x. 306; French Revolu- 
tion of 1848 in its Economic 
Aspect, edited by J. A. R. 
Marriott, x. 426; Politics of 
the French Revolution, x. 212; 
Two Glasgow merchants in the 
French Revolution, vil. 149-158. 

French weavers settle in Edinburgh, 
Il. 54. 

Frendraught, vi. 252-3. 

Frere, Walker Howard, Visitation 
Articles of the Period of the Refor- 
mation, VIII. 299. 

Freykult och djur Kult, xt. 325. 

Friars Preachers. See Black Friars. 

Fronde (The), by G. S. Gordon, ur 

Frontiers, by Lord Curzon, vi. 94. 

Froude, James Anthony, Life, by 
Herbert Paul, m1. 494. 

Fugitives from law and places of 
sanctuary, VII. 225-8. 

Fullarton, Lady, Iv. 79. 

Fuller, Oliver, v. 21. 

— Thomas, I. 4, 7; Il. 49. 

Fulton, T. W., Sovereignty of the 
Sea, IX. 174. 

Functions of Criticism, by Nichol 
Smith, vi. 430. 

Furness Abbey, vit. 3 

Fyfe, John, Siteenian of Aberdeen 
University, x. 221. 

Gaelic folk-lore, I. 300; WU. 457; 
IV. I; V. I9I-202, 253. 
Gaffarel, P., the evidences for the 
massacres of the Vaudois in 1545, 
“IX. 104. 


Gainsborough, William of, bishop 
of Worcester, 111. 13; VIII. 162, 
170, 278. 

Gairdin woollen manufactory, 11. 

Gairdner, Grisel, witch, 11. 243. 

Gairloch church, vi. 271. 

Galbraith, James L., The Curator 
of Glasgow University Library, 
{Prof. W. P. Dickson], vil. 199. 

Galfrid, necromancer, VIII. 35. 

Galightly, Patrick, 1. 16. 

Galloway, dispute as to the election 
of a bishop in 1235, vil. 18-20; 
invaded by the followers of 
Robert the Bruce, vit. 280; 
History of the Lands and their 
owners in Galloway, by P. H. 
M‘Kerlie, Iv. 222. 

— Gilbert, bishop of, vit. 18-19. 

— Henry, bishop of, vu. 170, 359. 

— James, notary, vII. 355-6, 362. 

— Patrick, minister, 11. 23. 

— Walter, bishop of, vir. 136. 

Gamon, Philip, a scoffer at bishops, 
VI. 433- 

Gardenstone, Lord, II. 147. 

Gardiner, James, elegy on, 
VI. 357- 

Gardner, Percy, Gold Coinage of 
Asia before Alexander the Great, 
VI. 96. 

— Robert, a priest of St. Andrews, 
VIII. 239 and . 

Garibaldi’s Defence of the Roman 
Republic, by G. M. Trevelyan, 
IV. 465. 

Garibaldi and the Thousand, by G. 
M. Trevelyan, vit. 187. 

Garibaldi and the Making of Italy, 
by G. M. Trevelyan, Ix. 2or. 

Garnier, Count Germain, translator 
of Smith’s Wealth of Nations, 11. 

Garrachel, x. 120. 

Garrol Wood, stone circle at, 111. 128. 

Gartfarran, X. 120. 

Gartlechane or Barrestoun, I. 459. 

Garveorline, II. 301. 

Garvock, Il. 403. 

Gask, church charity box, Il. 30-37 ; 
churchyard trees sold, 36. 

48 Scottish Historical Review 

Gasquet, Francis Aidan, Black Death 
of 1348 and 1349, Vv. 364; Eng- 
land under the Old Religion, x. 
421; Henry the Third and the 
Church, i111. 226; Henry VIII. and 
the English Monasteries, Iv. 102 ; 
Last Abbot of Glastonbury, v1. 92 ; 
Old English Bible and other Essavs, 
VI. 94. 

Gaveston, Piers de, Ill. 332, 456-7 ; 
VIII. 277, 280, 282-285, 377, 381. 

Geddes, Christina, II. 261. 

Geikie, Sir Archibald, review of 
Lansdale’s Scotland, 1. 81. 

Gemmell, William, reviews of Story 
of Provand’s Lordship, VIII. 199 ; 
and Harris’s Saint Cecilia’s Hall, 
IX, 202. 

Genealogy, How to trace a Pedigree, 
by H. A. Crofton, Ix. 438. 

General Assembly’s early activities, 
IX. 27-36. 

Genesis of Lancaster, 1307-1399, 
by Sir James H. Ramsay, XI. 

Geoffrey of Monmouth, The His- 
tovia Britonum, Il. 341; Geoffrey 
of Monmouth and Shakespeare’s 
sources, II. 461. 

George, St., patron Saintof England, 
I. 100; IV. 474. 

George I. and the Northern War, 
1709-1721, by J. F. Chance, vil. 

George III., A Chapter in the politi- 
cal history of the veign of George 
III., 1760-1766, by D. A. Win- 
stanley, VII. 421. 

George the Third and Charles Fox, 
by Sir G. O. Trevelyan, Ix. 313; 
XII. 200. 

George, H. B., Historical Evidence, 
VII. 193. 

Gerard, Alexander, Aberdeen 
University, XI. 134. 

German printing presses of the 15th 
century, I. 264. 

Germany, History of Germany, 1715- 
1815, by C. T. Atkinson, vi. 

Germany in the Early Middle Ages, 
476-1250, by Wm. Stubbs, vi. 79. 

Germany in the Nineteenth Century, 
by A. S. Peake, xII. 429. 

Gib or Gibb, Barbara, in Dundee, 
Iv. 81. 

— James, of Carribder, x. 159. 

— John, in Dundee, Iv. 77. 

— John S., Helenore, or the Fortunate 
Shepherdess, by Alexander Ross, 
IX. 291-300. 

— Peter, his two dogs Calvin and 
Luther hanged at the market 
cross of Aberdeen, v. 180. 

— Robert, tailor in Dundee, Iv. 77, 

Gibbons, Grinling, wood-carver, II. 


— Philip Arnold, Ideas of Political 
Representation in Parliament, 
1660-1832, XII. 208. 

Gibbs, Vicary, note on Catherine, 
Marchioness of Carnarvon, Ix. 
343 ; reviews of The Scots Peerage, 
Ill. 79, 84; V. IOL; VI. 408; 
1X. 172 5 \XiT. ol. 

Gibson, J. P., reviews of Cumont’s 
Mysteries of Mithra, il. 85; and 
Mills’ Great Days of Northumbria, 
Ix. 180. 

—and F. G. Simpson, The Mile- 
castle on the wall of Hadrian at the 
Poltross Burn, IX. Iol. 

— John, book-binder to James VI., 
Iv. 438. 

—w—prebendary of Renfrew, v. 

Gibson, John C., The Lands and 
Laivds of Dunipace, 1. 341; The 
Lands and Lairds of Larbert and 
Dunipace, vi. 305; Henry Ward- 
law, Founder of Saint Andrews 
University, 1X. 208; The Ward- 
laws in Scotland, 1X. 420. 

Gibsons of Durie, Iv. 296. 

Giffard, John, kills Llewelyn, Prince 
of Wales, 111. 10. 

— Sir John, 1x. 73 and 2. 

— Walter, archbishop of York, vi. 

27, 29. 

Giffen, Sir Robert, Economic In- 
quiries and Studies, 1. 432. 

Gilbert, St., 1. 388. 

— Sir Humphrey, v. 229. 


, eee 

Index 1903-1916 49 

Gilbert, Sir John T., Life, by Rosa 
M. Gilbert, 111. 513. 

Gilbertson, Sir Walter, warden of 
Bothwell Castle, vii. 385 and x. 

Gilds and Companies of London, 
by George Unwin, vI. 411. 

Giles, St., 111. 382. 

Gilkie, James, writer in Edinburgh, 
I. 461. 

Gill, Alexander, master of St. Paul’s 
School, vi. 429. 

— John, lecturer in St. Andrews 
University, VIII. 235, 243. 

Gillesland, x. 152-3. 

Gilmour, Robert, Samuel Rutherford, 
Il. 324. 

Gisburn church burnt, vi. 287. 

Gladstone, William, a rebel in the 
Bass, X. 52. ' 

— William Ewart, as seen in Paul’s 
History of Modern England, tv. 
333-4; Imperialism and Mr. 
Gladstone, 1876-1887, edited by 
R. H. Gretton, X. 203. 

Glamis, George, 5th Lord, 11. 479. 

— John, 4th Lord, I. 479. 

— — 6th Lord, I. 479. 

Glantoun, John de, archdeacon of 
Richmond, II. 13. 

Glasgow, list of the bishops . of 
Glasgow, by John Dowden, v. 
76-88, 203-213, 319-331, 447-458 ; 
siege of the Castle, vil. 310; 
cathedral, 1. 466; Il. 110; in- 

scription in the cathedral, vi. 
441 ; riot in the cathedral in 1543, 
Vv. 453-4; The Cathedral Church 
of Glasgow, by P. M'‘Gregor 
Chalmers, XI. 432; earthquakes 
in Glasgow, vill. 330; Greyfriars 
in Glasgow, Ul. 179-180; II. 
86-87 ; grammar school, Ix. 119 ; 
History of the Hammermen of 
Glasgow, by Lumsden and Aitken, 
x. 198; Mediaeval Glasgow, XI. 
211; Glasgow merchants in the 
French Revolution, vit. 149-158 ; 
preparations against the Jacobite 
rising of 1715, VII. 265-6; The 
Story of Provand’s Lordship, by 
William ell, VIII. 199 ; rope 
works, Il. 295; soap works, I. 

408; sugar houses, I. 411; Ix. 
179; the preservation of the 
Tolbooth Steeple, xII. 354-368 ; 
Records of the Trades House of 
Glasgow, 1605-1678, edited by 
H. Lumsden, vit. 84; weavers 
in 1667, VII. 315; woollen manu- 
facturers, 11. 287-9. 

Glasgow, Florence, bishop of, v. 82 ; 
VII: 136. 

— Herbert, bishop of, 1. 199; v. 78. 

— Ingelram, bishop of, I. 79, 92; VII. 

— Joceline, bishop of, I. 199; Vv. 
79; VII. 3, 133- 

— John, bishop of, v. 77. 

— Walter, bishop of, viI. 134 and m., 

— William, bishop of, I. 202. 

Glasgow Archeological Society, 1. 227, 
346; I. 183-4, 341. 

Glasgow Burgh Records, 1663-1738, 
Il. 443 ; VIII. 264. 

Glasgow Cathedral, vicars of the 
Choir, II. ro. 

Glasgow Exhibition of 1901 and the 
portraits of Mary Queen of 
Scots, III. 130, 142. 

Glasgow Juridical Society, 1. 467. 

Glasgow Memorials, v. 482. 

Glasgow Poets, edited by George 
Eyre-Todd, 11. 220. 

Glasgow University founded by 
Bishop Turnbull, 1x. 117; 
Early University Institutions at 
St. Andrews and Glasgow, XI. 
266-283 ; The Principals of the 
University of Glasgow before the 
Reformation, X1.252-265; Glasgow 
University and the teaching of 
Andrew Melville, rx. 120; His- 
tory of the University of Glasgow, 
1451-1909, by James Coutts, vit. 
17i£; the University printers, 1. 
457 3 V. 369, 500; VI. 218. 

Glasgow University Historical 
Society, I. 224; 1. 183. 

Glass, Thomas, sentenced to strangu- 
lation for uttering base coin, 11. 

Glastonbury Abbey, IX. 445; X. 
433; XII. 108. 


Gledenmore. See Dupplin. 

Glencairn Peerage, 111. 204. 

— Regiment, 11. 31 and . 

Glendenwin, Matthew de, bishop of 
Glasgow, III. 179; V. 209. 

Gleghornie, vi. 140. » 

_ Glencoe massacre, III. 31-35. 

Glenelg, dispute as to ownership, 
II. 361. 

Glenogilvie, 11. 73, 75. 

Glenshiel, battle of, 11. 
III. 120. 

Glenskippell, 11. 301. 

Glimpses of Old Scots Parish Life, 
IV. 63-72. 

Gloog, George, in Gask, I. 33. 

Gloucester, Gilbert, Earl of, 111. 16- 
17, 458; V. 264; Vu. 169, 378; 
VIII. 281, 383-4. 

— Hugh, Earl of, 1x. 403. 

— Humphrey, Duke of, v1. 208. 

— Joan, Countess of, 111. 333-4. 

— Ralph, Earl of, 11. 333. 

Godred, King of Man, 111. 398. 

Godred II., 111. 399. 

Godsal, P. T., The Storming of 
London .. . by the Angles, V1. 427. 

Golagros and Gawane, 1. 296. 

Gold Coinage of Asia before Alex- 
ander the Great, by Percy Gardner, 
VI. 96. 

Gold ornaments. discovered in 
Londonderry, I. 74; and at 
Mountfield, near Hastings, 77. 

Goldman, Barbara, in Dundee, Iv. 77. 

— James, minister in Dundee, Iv. 

412-423 ; 


Goldsmith, John, Principal of Glas- 
gow University, x1. 258. 

Golf and Sir Walter Scott, xm. 215. 

Gomme, E. E. C., The Anglo-Saxon 
Chronicle, Vil. 194. 

Gondomar, Conde de, Spanish Am- 
bassador to James VI., vi. 403. 
Gooch, G. P., History and Historians 

in the Nineteenth Century, X. 407. 
Goodwyn, Thomas, Hospitaller, pre- 
‘ceptor at Balantrodach, 1x. 56-57, 
64, 66-68. 
Gordon, Adam de, III. 331, 465-6. 
— Alexander, bishop of Glasgow, 
V. 455- 

Scottish Historical Review 

Gordon, Alexander, of Auchintoul, 
Vv. 138. 

— E. O., Saint George, Iv. 474. 

— George, Duke of, governor of 
Edinburgh Castle in 1689, 11. 163, 

— George Stewart, The Fronde, 11. 
508 ; review of Marshal Turenne, 
V. 357: 

— Henrietta, Duchess of, letter 
from, to Lady Nairne, Iv. 19. 

— James, of Lochinvar, x11. 118. 

— John, of Glenbucket, v. 288. 

— Sir John, of Lesmore, x1. 397. 

— — son of Huntly, tv. 368-370. 

— Nathaniel, at the battle of Aber- 
deen, II. 51. 

— Patrick, author of Britanes Dis- 
temper, Il. 47-49. 

—-— of Auchleuchries, vr. 
XI. 215. 

— Robert, seaman, II. 36. 

— William, bishop of Aberdeen, Iv. 

Gordons’ allegiance to the Stuarts, 
Iv. 365-373- 

Goslinton, 11. 189. 

Gospatric’s charter, 1. 62-69, Lol, 
105, 240, 353; Il. 340. 

Gothic Altars, by Percy Dearmer, 
VIII. 302. 

Gothic Architecture in England and 
France, by G. H. West, Ix. 203. 

Gothrasoune, Thomas, chaplain, vir. 

Gotland’s old churches, XII. 325; 
Gothland sculpture in North Ger- 
many, XII. 423. 

Goude, Gherit Vander, Booklet of the 
Mass, 1. 207. 

Goudie, Gilbert, The Celtic and 
Scandinavian Antiquities of Shet- 
land, 11. 79; reviews of Aeldre 
Norske Sprogminder, 1X. 330; 
Antikvarisk Tidskrift for Sverige, 
x. 105; Dat Arnamagnaenske 
Haandskrift, etc., IX. 329; XII. 
197; Bugge’s Vesterlandenes Ind- 
fiydelse paa Nordboernes, 11. 373- 
4; Bugge’s Vikingerne, Iv. 216; 
Eirspennill, x11. 428; Fornvadnnen, 
etc., XI. 307; XII. 325, 423; 


ed vl 

Jakobsen’s Etymologisk Ordbog, 

VIII. 422; Jakobsen’s Paul Nolsée, 

x1. 109; Orkney and Shetland 

Old-Lore, Iv. 342. 

Gougaud, Louis, Les Chrétientés 
Celtiques, v1tI. 410. 

Goulas, Jacques, x11. 276. 

Gouston of Cashlie, x. 114, 120. 

Govan, Donald, printer, 1. 458. 

Government of England, by A. L. 
Lowell, v1. 189. 

Government of Man, by G. S. Brett, 
XII. 320. 

Gow, John, pirate, 1x. 427. 

Gowrie, John, Earl of, 1.220; 11. 55. 

Gowrie Conspiracy, 1. 28; The 
English thanksgiving service for 
King James’ delivery from the 
Gowrie Conspiracy, VIII. 366-376 ; 
the Gowrie Conspiracy in Ice- 
landic ballads, vi. 191; The 
Ruthven Family Papers, x. 108. 

— family memorial, xI. 119. 

Graden tower, v. 189 and n. 

Graham, a name of evil omen, I. 
244, 461. 

—of Barvas takes Donald Mac- 
aulay prisoner and is caught and 
beheaded, vi. 443. 

— Alexander, in Borland, x. 120. 

— — in Dundee, Iv. 75, 78. 

— Andrew, bishop of Dunblane, 11. 

— Anna, in Dundee, tv. 81. 

— Charles David, in Dundee, Iv. 76. 

— Clementina, in Dundee, Iv. 78. 

— David, of Duntrune, tv. 73, 78, 


— — vintner in Dundee, Iv. 75. 

— Sir David, of Kincardine, rx. 283. 

— Elizabeth, in Dundee, tv. 79. 

— — Lady, 111. 25. 

— E. Maxtone, The Charitie of the 
Boxe [of Gask parish church], 1. 
30-37; Margaret Nairne: A 
bundle of Jacobite letters, Iv. 

— Col. F. W., 1. 103. 

— George, in Dundee, Iv. 80. 

— Grisel, in Dundee, Iv. 80. © 

— Henry Grey, Life in a country 
manse about 1720, I. 159-172. 

Index 1903-1916 gr 

Graham, J. M., 1. 234. 

— James, brother of Lord Fintray, 
I. 220. 

— John, at Padua University, m1. 

— John, in Ballanton, x. 119. 

— — in Dundee, Iv. 75, 79. 

— — surgeon in Paisley, 1. 103. 

— — of Claverhouse. See Dundee, 

— Sir John, 11. 25, 122. 

— Patrick, in the ’45, v1. 230 and m., 

— — Abp. of Brechin, v. 347. 

— — in Middle Gartfarran, x. 120. 

— R. B. Cunninghame, Loose and 
Broken Men, xX. 113-121. 

— Robert, in Ballanton, x. 119. 

—-— commissioner of Caithness, 
IX. 31. 

— Robert C., On a Legend from the 
Island of Tiree, 1. 112; note on, 
352; review of J. Romilly 
Allen’s Early Christian Monu- 
ments of Scotland, 1. 58-61. 

— Rose, An Essay on English 
Monasteries, XI. 113. 

— Walter, in Dundee, Iv. 75, 79, 

— Sir William, of Claverhouse, 11. 
73> 75: 

Grailli, Sir Jehan de, tv. 424 and n. 

Grammar Schools of Scotland, rx. 
116, 118, 127-9. 

Grammars in use in Scotland from 
the 15th century to 1714, Ill. 255. 

Grandison, John, bishop of Exeter, 
IV. 27. 

Grange, Lady, her abduction, xt. 


Granger, James, minister of Kinneff, 
IV. 311, 317. 

Grant, A. J., History of Europe, x. 

— Alastair, torturedand condemned 
to death for theft, 11. 245. 

— James, The Old Scots Navy, 1689- 
1710, XI. 426. 

— — ensign, killed by John M‘Neill, 
VI. 312. 

— Janet, witch, I. 243. 

— Ludovic, accountant, III. 231. 


Grant, Ludovic, writer, 111. 231. 

— Peter, of the Scottish College at 
Rome, Il. 41 and u., 42. 

— W.L., The Colonial Policy of 
Chatham, 1x. 218. 

— Lairds of, and Earls of Seafield, 
IX. 92. 

Gray, The Master of, killed in a 
duel, 111. 1-5. 

— Alexander, The Old Schools and 
Universities in Scotland, Ix. 113- 

— Sir Alexander, at the siege of 
Berwick, tv. 186. 

— George and Robert, in Haghill, 
Glasgow, III. 187. 

— James, his list of Murrays slain 
at Monzievaird in 1490, I. 218. 
— — in the Cotter Toun of Craigie, 

IV. 79. 

— — in Old Machar, quaker, v. 131. 

— John, Master of Arts of Paris in 
1374, VIII. 348 and x. 

— — notary public, x. 161. 

— Sir John, vit. 32. 

— Muriel, the authorship of The 
Quair of Jelousy, VIII. 321-325; 
review of Lawson’s Kingis Quair 
and the Quare of Jelusy, VIII. 305. 

— Sir Thomas, father of the author 
of the Scalacronica, Ill. 219, 223-4; 
464-466; IV. 197%.; IX. 290; 
warden of Cupar Castle, 111. 455-6; 
taken prisoner at Bannockburn, 
III. 459, 460 ”. ; XII. 65. 

‘—-_— [son], taken prisoner when 
warden of Norham Castle and 
confined in Edinburgh Castle 
where he compiled the Scala- 
cronica, 11.6; v.95; The Scala- 
cronica, Ill. 9-19, 218-224, 327- 
338, 453-470 ; IV. 24-39, 185-204, 
262-273, 417-429; V. 26-40; the 
account of the battle of Bannock- 
burn as given in the Scalacronica, 
xI. 242; Sir J. Balfour Paul’s 
review of the Scalacronica, v. 95. 

— William, at Padua University, 

" 111. 61. 

— — of Dupplin, 1. 36. 

— — of Hayston, viir. 299. 

— — of Pittendrum, Itt. 1. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Great Britain and her American 
Colonies, by E. L. S. Horsburgh, 
Il. 327. 

Great Seals of Scotland, tv. 326. 

Greater Rome and Greater Britain, 
by Sir C. P. Lucas, x. 307. 

Green, Captain, of the Worcester, 
p Ey 

— Alice Stopford, Irish Nationality, 
vil. 424; The Making of Ireland, 
vI. 194; reply to Lawlor’s review 
of The Making of Iveland, V1. 319 ; 
The Irish Parliament in the 17th 
century, VII. 232-243; review of 
Rooseboom’s Scottish Staple t in the 
Netherlands, Vil. 70. 

— Charles E., East Lothian, v. 116. 

Greenhill, George, in Dundee, Iv. 

— Helen, in Dundee, Iv. 77. 

— Patrick, of Banchrie, Iv. 77. 

Green Island, by Rev. J. Gregorson 
Campbell, v. 191-202. 

Greenland Fishing and Soap Works 
Company, I. 407. 

Greenlaw, Gilbert, bishop of Aber- 
deen, VII. 12. 

Greenock, a baronial burgh in 1635, 
VIII. 268. 

Greenock and its Early Social En- 
vironment, by William Auld, v. 


Greenock Street Names, by Gardner 
Blair, v. 237. 

Greenrig, William, 

Greenwood, Alice Drayton, Lives of 
the Hanoverian Queens of England, 
vil. 82; IX. 331. 

Gregg, William H., Controversial 
Issues in Scottish History, 1x. 98. 

vegetarian, vI. 

Gregorovius, Ferdinand, Roman 
Journals, 1852-1874, V. 227; 
Siciliana, Xi. 326. 

Gregory the Great, Il. 355; 
VI. 92. 

Gregory the Great, by F. Homes 
Dudden, 111. 355. 

Gregory VII., vit. 131. 

Gregory IX., vil. 132. 

Gregory X., VI. 15. 

Gregory XI, Iv. 149; VIII. 352. 

Index 1903-1916 53 

Gregory, Lady, The Kiltartan 
Moliére, vitt. 315. 

Greif, Patrick, in Blainslie, vit. 362. 

Greig, Captain, in the service of 
Sweden, I. 193. 

Grelley family, 11. 321. 

Grenefeld, William de, Archbishop 
of York, virr. 391. 

Grenville,Sir Richard, of the Revenge, 
III. 226. 

— William, Lord, x11. 97. 

Gretna Green and iis Traditions, 
Ill. 125; note on, by Sir Herbert 
Maxwell, 242, 

Gretton, R. H., Commercial Politics, 
1837-1856, x11. 208. 

Grey Friars and their first houses in 
Scotland, by John Edwards, v. 
257. See also Franciscans. 

Greystanes, Robert of, elected bishop 
of Durham, Ix. 391-392. 

Greystoke barony, I. 64-65. 

Grierson, Isobel, witch, 11. 243. 

— J. G. Hamilton, reviews of 
Histoive de  JWHistoriographie 
Moderne, x1. 198; Newton’s 
Colonising Activities of the English 
Puritans, Xi. 434; The Trial of 
Eugene Avram, Xt. 94. 

— James, of Dalgoner, at the Pent- 
land Rising, x. 223. 

—Sir Philip J. Hamilton, The 
Boundary Stone and the Market 
Cross, XII. 24-36. 

Griffith, John, tv. 421. 

Grimani, Marco, papal legate in 
Scotland in 1543, XI. 1-26. 

Growth of English Industry and 
Commerce during the Early and 
Middle Ages, by Wm. Cunning- 
ham, viti. 408. 

Growth of the Manor, by Paul Vino- 
gradoff, 11. 431. 

Grynerig, William, x. 151. 

Gude and Godlie Ballatis, 1. 145. 

Guest, George, A Constitutional 
History of England, x11. 208. 

Guilday, Peter, English Colleges and 
Convents in the Catholic Low 
Countries, 1558-1795, XII. 101. 

Guilds, 1. 132-5; guilds of Poitiers 
and their patron saints, vit. 436. 

Gulioun, Rainald de, governor of 
Paris, IV. 423. 

Gunn, Clement B., A  Doctor’s 
Thoughts, 11. 467. 

Gunning’s Last Years, X. 112. 

Gunpowder, outline of the history 
of, vil. 206; gunpowder manu- 
factory at Powderhall, Edinburgh, 
IV. 295. 

Gunpowder Plot, 111. 102; A His- 
tory of Gunpowder Plot, by Philip 
Sidney, 1. 450. 

Gunwardby, William, 
Dunkeld, 11. 69. 

Gurley, Norman, X. 157. 

Guthrie, Charles J., John Knox and 
his House, 111. 100; The history 
of Divorce in Scotland, vi11. 39-52. 

— Christian, in Dundee, Iv. 77. 

— George, in Dundee, Iv. 79. 

— Harie, minister of Kilspindie, tv. 

— James, in Dundee, Iv. 76. 

— John, in Dundee, Iv. 77, 79. 

Guy, Robert, Crookston Castle, vu. 
175. 6 

Gylen Castle burnt, m1. 112. 

Gynes, the Lady de, Ix. 286 and n. 

Gypsy Lore Society, v. 378. 

bishop of 

Hadden, J. Cuthbert, review of 
Leland’s Itinerary in Wales, 1536- 
1539, Ill. 375- 

Haddingtonsacked and burnt during 
Hertford’s invasion, VIII. 127-8; 
A sixteenth century rental of 
Haddington, x. 377-383. 

— Thomas, 6th Earl of, x1. 34 and 

N., 35. 

Hadrian’s Wall, 1x. 102. 

Haghill, near Glasgow, II. 106; III. 
187; vit. 87. 

Haile, Martin, James Francis Edward, 
the Old Chevalier, v. 465- 

Haldane, Nichol, slain at Monzie- 
vaird in 1490, I. 219. 

Haldenston, James, prior of St. 
Andrews, Ill. 311; IV. 156; VIII. 
234, 241-2. | 

Hales, Robert de, prior of the 
Knights Hospitallers in England, 
IX. 55. 

54 Scottish Historical Review 

Haliburton of Dirleton, v. 103. 

— Henry de, 111. 220. 

— John de, at the battle of 
Methven, III. 331. 

— Thomas, at Padua University, 
III. 60. 

Halidon Hill, battle of, 1. 18, 483 ; 
Iv. 186; VII. 124-5. 

Halifax, Charles Montagu, Earl of, 
V. 351-2. 

Halkerston, David, of that ilk, vit. 

— Galfrid de, v. 18. 

— Hugh de, v. 17. 

Hall, H. R., The Ancient History of 
the near East, X. 431. 

— Hubert, A Select Bibliography 
... of English Medieval Economic 
History, Xi. 432; Studies in 
English Official Historical Docu- 
ments, VII. 181. 

— Sir James, of Dunglass, xI. 34 
and %., 35. 

— Sophy, Dr. Duncan of Ruthwell, 
VII. 401. 

Halliday, W. R., review of Lucas’ 
Greater Rome and Greater Britain, 
X. 307. 

Halton, John de, bishop of Carlisle, 
VII. 161. 

Haltwhistle, burnt by Robert the 
Bruce, VIII. 284. 

Halywell, James, chaplain of Mel- 
rose, VII. 357. 

Hamilton, a royal burgh in 1548, 
VIII. 270. 

— Captain, of Stanehouse, defends 
the Castle of Edinburgh against 
Hertford, 111. 124. 

— Alexander, in the service of 
Sweden, Ix. 50. 

— — regent of Glasgow University, 
XI. 262. 

— Sir Alexander, of Redhouse, x11. 

— Lord Anne, his marriage with 
Mary Edwards, v. 103. 

— Daniel, writer in Edinburgh, v1. 

— Francis, of Silvertonhill, v1. 438. 

— James, 1st Duke of, tv. 384-398. 

— — 4th Duke of, tv. 256-7, 260. 

Hamilton, James, 2nd Marquis of, 
III. 391. 

—— government agent in the 
Glencoe massacre, Ill. 33 and 4%., 


— — of Little Earnock,papermanu- 
facturer, Ill. 72. 

— Sir James, of Finnart, x. 156-8. 
— -—of Kincavil and the General 
Assembly of 1563, X. 156-161. 

— — of Silverton Hill, 11. 189. 

— John, bishop of Dunkeld, 11.65-71. 

— — of Barr, VI. 375. 

— — of Broomhill, mu. 189. 

— — of Newton, 11. 189. 

— Sir John, x1. 169, 186. 

— Katherine, accused of heresy, 
x. 'T $7. 

— Matthew, of Torrance, VI. 440. 

— Patrick, martyr, xX. 156, 160; 
XI. 261. 

— Sir Patrick, x11. 80. 

— Robert, merchant in Edinburgh, 
VI. 329. 

— Thomas, King’s Advocate, XI. 
173, 175, 179- 

— William, of Hombye, xX. 159. 

Hamiltons, The Heraldry of the 
Hamilions, by G. Harvey John- 
ston, VI. 198. 

— of Airdrie, Iv. 296. 

— of Cambuskeith, 11. 190. 

Hammermen of Edinburgh, 1494- 
1558, edited by John Smith, Iv. 

Hammermen of Glasgow, edited by 
Lumsden and Aitken, x. 198. 

Hannay, Robert K., The Arch- 
bishops of St. Andrews. See 
Herkless, John. 

-— The College of St. Leonard, 11. 
84; editor of The Statutes of the 
Faculty of Arts and the Faculty 
of Theology, [St. Andrews Uni- 
versity], vill. 431; Early Uni- 
versity Institutions at St. Andrews 
and Glasgow, x1. 266-283; Letters 
of the Papal Legate in Scotland, 
1543, XI. 1-26; note on bridges 
at Dunkeld, x11. 439; review of 
Sir James Ramsay’s Genesis of 
Lancaster, XI. 203. 

Index 1903-1916 55 

Hanoverian Queens of England, by 
Alice D. Greenwood, vi. 82; Ix. 

Harald Haarfager, 111. 396. 

Harbottle Castle, vir. 393. 

Harcla, Andrew de. See Carlisle, 
Earl of. 

Harcourt, Godfrey de, Iv. 270. 

—L.W. Vernon, His Grace the 
Steward and Trial of Peers, v. 112. 

Hardie, R.P., The Tobermory Argosy, 
X. 94. 

Harding, Robert, friar, Iv. 155-6; 
VIII. 352-5. 

—T. W., Tales of Madingley, x. 

Hardman, Wm., Malia during the 
... French and British Occu- 
pations, 1798-1815, vit. 198. 

Hardy, B. C., Arbella Stuart, x. 428. 

— E. G., Roman Laws and Charters 
tvanslated, X. 314; Six Roman 
Laws, 1x. 319; Studies in Roman 
History, ut. 514. 

Harlaw, battle of, rx. 111. 

Harlay, Achille de, bishop of St. 
Malo, author of Mémoires de 
Richelieu, 1. 224. 

Harper, Carrie Anna, The Sources 
of the British Chronicle History 
in Spenser's Faerie Queene, VIII. 

— William, episcopal minister in 
Edinburgh, Iv. 342-3. 

Harp-playing in Orkney in the 12th 
century, IX. 152. 

Harris, David Fraser, Saint Cecilia’s 
Hallin the Niddry Wynd, 1x. 202. 

Harrison, Col. Henry, at the battle 
of Glenshiel, 11. 413. 

Hart, R. J., Chronos: a Handbook 
of Chronology, X. 112. 

— James, printer, 1. 458. 

Harvey, C. Cleland, Scottish Flags, 
XII. 105; Military Papers of the 
time of Charles the Second, x1. 
145-156; Overtour for setling ye 
Highlands, x11. 218; A Sixteenth 
Century Rental of Haddington, 
X. 377-383; notes on Dutch 
prizes of 1667, xII. 442; the 
great seal of William the Lion, 


XI. 337; and Queen Anne’s Great 
Seal, XI. 119. 

Hassall, Arthur, editor of Stubbs’s 
Germany in the Early Middle 
Ages, VI. 79; and of Stubbs’ 
Lectures on Euvropean History, 
I. 431. 

Hastings, G. W., A Vindication of 
Warren Hastings, Vi1. 196. 

— John de, 111. 15, 16. 

— Robert de, warden of Roxburgh 
Castle, III. 222. 

— Warren, A Vindication of Warren 
Hastings, by G. W. Hastings, vit. 

Haswell, James, abbot of Newbattle, 
VIII. 329. 

Haverfield, Francis John, Ancient 
Town-Planning, XI. 302; Roman 
Britain in 1913, XII. 1096; 
Romanization of Roman Britain, 
i. SIRS EK. 107; XIN. Mae: 
Roman Scotland, 1x. 100; eulo- 
gium on Mommsen, I. 343. 

Hawdaen, George de, rector of 
Ratho, Iv. 153. 
Hawick Archaeological Society’s 

jubilee celebration, [v. 120. 

Hawley, Donald and John, slain at 
Monzievaird in 1490, I. 218. 

Hay, Alexander, of Auchleuchries, 
VI. 251. 

——of Delgaty, vi. 251-252. 

— Andrew, monument to, in the 
Scottish College at Paris, Iv. 415. 

— — parson of Renfrew, XI. 264. 

— George, in the service of Sweden, 
Iv. 376. 

— Gilbert de, an adherent of Robert 
the Bruce, vi. 136. 

——a student in St. Andrews, 
VIII. 228. 

— — of Delgaty, vi. 250. 

— — of Dronlaw, vi. 250. 

— Helinor. See Livingstone, Lady. 
— James, at the battle of Aberdeen, 
Il. 51. 

— — of Moirefauld, vi. 254. 
— John, in Newtoun, Il. 102. 
— — S.J., VI. 251-2. 

— Sir John, of Moorie, Iv. 75. 
— Robert, vil. 359. 


Hay, Thomas, abbot of Glenluce, v1. 

—-—city chamberlain of Edin- 
burgh, I. 103. 

— Sir Thomas, of Erroll, v1. 250. 

— Walter, of Bothans, x. 377. 

— William, of Ardendraught, v1. 

— Sir William de, 11. 174; VI. 135. 

—-—of Delgaty, vi. 248-9, 251; 
at the ‘ Trot of Turriff,’ vi. 253 ; 
his lands forfeited, 254; joins 
Montrose, 255; executed, 256-7. 

— family in Sweden, Ix. 269. 

Hazlitt, William, Collected Works, 
ed. by Waller and Glover, 1. 331 ; 
Iv. 226. 

Headlam, Cecil, France, x. 418. 

Healy, T. M., Stolen Waters: a 
Page in the Conquest of Ulster, 
X. 424. 

Hearnshaw, F.1.C., English History 
in Contemporary Poetry, No. 4; 
Court and Parliament, 1588 to 
1688, x1. 321; A Short History of 
Southampton, VIII. 211. 

Heatley, D. P., Studies in British 
History and Politics, X1. 327. 
Hebrew inscriptionin Glasgowcathe- 

dral, VI. 441. 

Hebrides, an archeological pil- 
grimage to the Hebrides, 11. 223. 

Hegate, William, principal of the 
College of Guienne, 11. 189; 
VII. 326. 

V. 67-75, 250. 

Helenore, or the Fortunate Shep- 
herdess, by Alexander Ross, 1x. 

Helmsdale, Pictish tower at, vit. 

Henderson, Alexander, minister of 
Leuchars, 1. 426; Alexander 
Henderson, the Covenanter, by J. 
P. Thomson, x. 218. 

— Bernard W., Life of Nero, 1. 

—Ermest F., A Lady of the Old 
Régime, vit. 180. 

— George, Norse Influence on Celtic 
Scotland, vil. 426; reviews of 

Scottish students in, . 

Scottish Historical Review 

The Northern Highlands in the 
19th Century, vi. 211; Rhys’s 
Celtic Inscriptions of France and 
Italy, v. 466. 

Henderson, George, 
Banks, i. 464. 

— H.F., The Religious Controversies 
of Scotland, 111. 515. 

— John, actor, I. 306-313. 

— — in Dundee, Iv. 81. 

— T. F., The Ballad in Literature, 
IX. 443; The Royal Stewarts, xu. 
195; ‘Charlie he’s my Darling’ 
and other Burns originals, 11. 
171-178; Lang’s criticism of his 
Mary Queen of Scots, v. 1-12; 
Mr. Lang and the Casket Letters, 
Vv. 161-174; on reviews of The 
Bardon Papers, vitl.91 ; P. Hume 
Brown’s History of Scotland, 1. 82 ; 
Catalogue of Portraits exhibited 
at Oxford, 11. 90; Catalogue of a 
Loan Collection of Historical Por- 
traits, IV.92; Vl. 88; Russell’s 
Maitland of Lethington, X. 201. 

— Thomas, in Dundee, Iv. 81. 

Henley, Rev. John, vi. 244. 

Henry I., vi. 430. 

Henry III., v1.18; Henry the Third 
and the Church, by Francis Aidan 
Gasquet, 111. 226; The Minority 
of Henry the Third, by Kate 
Norgate, X. 403. 

Henry V., The First English Life of 
King Henry the Fifth, 1x. 328; 
The Reign of Henry the Fifth, by 
J. H. Wylie, x1. 413. 

Henry VII. accused of having 
forged legal documents, v. 113; 
The Reign of Henry VII., by A. 
F. Pollard, x1. 419. 

Henry VIII., by A. F. Pollard, 
Im. 499; X. 427; Henry VIII. 
and the English Monasteries, by 
Francis Aidan Gasquet, Iv. 102. 

Henry IV. of France, Elizabeth and 
Henry IV., by J. B. Black, xu. 

Henryson, Alexander, II. 426-7. 

— Robert, 1. 147-150. 

Henzo, Peter, slain at Monzievaird 
in 1490, I. 219. 

By Bothwell 

Index 1903-1916 57 

Hepburn, James, bishop of Dun- 
blane, I. 426. 

— John, prior of St. Andrews, 1. 
62; 111. 85-86. 

— Sir John, 1x. 46-49; XII. 230-2. 

— Patrick, bishop of Moray and 
prior of St. Andrews, 111. 87}; Iv. 

—  — parson of Kynnoir, I. 40-41. 

— Robert, of Bearford, 11. 137. 

— Samuel, in the service of Sweden, 
I. 193. 

Heraldry, Heraldic notarial mark, v. 
514; Scottish Heraldry made easy, 
by G. Harvey Johnston, x. 218. 

Heraldry in Scotland, by J. H. 
Stevenson, XI. 409. 

Heraldry of the Hamiltons, by G. 
Harvey Johnston, vi. 198. 

Heraldry of the Johnstons, by G. 
Harvey Johnston, III. go. 

Heraldry Simplified, by W. A. 
Copinger, VIII. 96. 

Heralds and Pursuivants of Scot- 
land, 11. 182. 

Herbert, Edward, of Cherbury, Life, 
X. 334- 

— George, I. 5. 

Herbertsoun, Robert, chaplain in 
Glasgow cathedral, 111. 187-8. ° 
Hereford, Elizabeth, countess of, 

III. 334. 

— Humphrey, Earl of, 111. 332, 458, 
468; v. 88; vill. 281, 385-7; 
IX. 69-71 ; XII. 75. 

— Nicholas, x1. 55. 

— Symon of, the King’s Justiciar, 
Ix. 280. 

Heriot, Thomas, bookseller in Edin- 
burgh, vir. 260. 

Heriots of Trabroun, Iv. 231; VI. 

Herkless and Hannay’s Archbishops 
of St. Andrews, Vv. 346; VI. 403; 
vill. 426; The College of St. 
Leonard, 111. 84. . 

Herle, Robert, guardian of Brittany, 
V. 27. 

Herluin, founder of Bec, vu. 417. 

Hermistoun, Adam de, v. 20. 

Hermits and Anchorites of England, 
by Rotha Mary Clay, x11. 96. 

Heroc, Walter, dean of Moray, vi. 

Herries of Terregles, 111. 82. 

Hervey, William, in Padua Uni- 
versity, III. 59. 

Hesilrig, William de, [Andrew de 
Livingstone], sheriff of Clydesdale, 
killed by Wallace, 111. 219 and n. 

— family, Vil. 111. 

Heslop, R. Oliver, dialect notes 
from northernmost England, I. 
348; reviews of Brown’s Barton- 
on-Humber, Vv. 473; and Sidney’s 
History of Gunpowder Plot, 11. 450. 

Hewison, J. King, reviews of The 
Book of Arran, Vill. 92; and 
Essays on Home Subjects, by the 
Marquess of Bute, 11. 220. 

Hexham priory, ll. 19 and ”., VII. 
143, 385; Roman inscription, 
Ix. 181. 

Heywood, Thomas, I. 3. 

Hierurgia Anglicana, Il. 314. 

High Commission, The Rise and 
Fall of the High Commission, by 
Roland J. Usher, x11. 208. 

Highlanders, Home Life of the High- 
landers, 1400-1746, IX. 92; The 
Scottish Highlander, by J. L. 
Morison, IX. 214. 

Highlands and Islands, lawlessness 
in the 16th and 17th centuries, 
11. 356-9; The Northern High- 
lands in the Nineteenth Century, 
by James Barron, vI. 211; XI. 
303 ; Overtour for setling ye High- 
lands, 1664, X11. 218 ; Mackenzie’s 
Short History of the Scottish High- 
lands, Iv. 226. 

Highways and Byways in the Border, 
by Andrew and John Lang, xI. 

Hildebrand, Hans, xt. 325. 

Hill, Alex., cordiner in Dundee, Iv. 

— David Jayne, A History of 

Diplomacy, v. 123. 

— Jean, in Dundee, tv. 81. 

— Colonel John, governor of Fort- 
William, 111. 32 and x. 

—S. C., Yusuf Khan: 
commandant, XII. 189. 

the rebel 

58 Scottish Historical Review 

Hilton, Sir Reginald, x1. 55, 87. 

Hinde, John Hodgson, the early 
historians of Cumberland, vir. 

Histoivedel’ Historiographie Moderne, 
x11. 198. 

Historical Evidence, by Rev. H. B. 
George, VII. 193. 

Historical Geography of the British 
Colonies, by Sir C. P. Lucas, x1. 

Historical Geography of Scotland, by 
W. R. Kermack, x1. 438. 

Historical MSS. Commission, v. 134; 
Index, by C. S. Terry, vi. 73. 

Historical Monuments, protection 
of, II. 339. 

Historical Mysteries, by Andrew 
Lang, Il. 313. 

Historical Portraits, 1600-1700, by 
H. B. Butler and C. R. L. 
Fletcher, 1x. 332. 

History, Oman’s The Study of 
History, 1. 378; The Place of 
History in Education, by J. W. 
Allen, vi. 420; Synopsis of the 
Leading Movements in Modern 
History, by F. R. A. Jarvis, 1x. 

History and Historians in the Nine- 
teenth Century, by G. P. Gooch, 
X. 407. 

History of English Journalism, by 
J. B. Williams, vi. 410. 

History of Modern Liberty, by James 
MacKinnon, Iv. 94. 

History of the Modern World, 1815- 
t910, by Oscar Browning, X. 105. 

Hittite Problems, by D. G. Hogarth, 
IX. 437. 

Hoan island, Loch Erribol, vi. 272. 

Hobbes, Thomas, I. 7 ; Ill. 49. 

Hodgkin, Thomas, xI. 112; Politi- 
cal History of England, il. 501 ; 
review of Henderson’s Life of 
Nero, I. 334- 

Hodgson, F. C., Venice in the Thir- 
teenth and Fourteenth Centuries, 
VIII. 420. 

— John Crawford, History of North- 
umberland, 11. 317; editor of the 
Journal of John Aston, 1639, X. 

110; William Elderton, Eliza- 
bethan ballad-writer, x. 220; 
review of Wilson’s Rose Castle, 
X. 200. 

Hog, William, of Harcarse, 11. 290. 

Hogarth, D. G., Hittite Problems, 
Ix. 437; Ionia and the East, v1. 

Hogg, John, student at Heidelberg, 
Vv. 73- 

Hoggart, John, vil. 357, 359- 

Holand, Sir Robert de, rx. 74 and n. 

Holden, Robert, collector of customs 
in Carolina, VI. 39. 

— — Mackenzie, The first Highland 
Regiment: the Argyllshire High- 
landers, III. 27-40. 

Holland’s colonial expansion in 
the 17th and 18th centuries, Ix. 

go. ‘ 

Holland, John, founder of the Bank 
of Scotland, 11. 295. 

— Otis de, v. 26. 

— Sir Thomas de, Iv. 423. 

Holles, Denzil (1599-1680), XI. 116. 

Holliedeane, x11. 83. 

Holm Cultran monastery plundered 
by Robert I., 1x. 7. 

Holmes, T. Rice, Ancient Britain 
and the Invasions of Julius Cesar, 
Vv. 340; Caesar's Commentaries, 
VI. 312; Ca@sar’s Conquest of 
Gaul, IX. 202. 

— William Gordon, The Age of 
Justinian and Theodora, v. 490. 
Holy Loch, in Cowal, Argyll, x. 


Holyrood and the privilege of 
Sanctuary, VII. 225 and u., 226; 
Official Guide to Holyroodhouse, 
IV. 455- 

Holy wells, vi. 267, 271. 

Home Life of the Highlanders, 1400- 
1746; IX. 92. 

Home manufactures protected 
against foreign competition, I. 
177, 181, 183; retaliation by 
England, 184. 

Home, Bruce J., Old Houses in 
Edinburgh, 11. 439; V. 123. 

— Henry, Lord Kames, XI. 133. 

— John, epigram, 1x. 346, 448. 

i Y 

Index 1903-1916 

Homes of the Claverhouse Grahams, 
Il. 72-76. 

Honorific ‘ The,’ x. 39-46. 

Honorius IV., vi. 183. 

Hooker, Richard, I. 5. 

Hope, Alexander, son of Sir Thomas, 
TI. 428. 

— Sir John, of Craighall, 11. 430 
and n. 

— Sir Thomas, Lord Advocate, his 
Diary, 1633-45, Ill. 423-436. 

Hoppringill, David, vil. 357, 359- 

— — surgeon in Edinburgh, II. 102. 

— Jonet, prioress of the Cistercian 
nuns of Coldstream, VII. 13 n. 

Horn of West Hall, 1. 420. 

Horncliff, Robert de, 11. 464. 

Horne, E. A., Labour in Scotland in 
the 17th Century, Ill. 100. 

Horsburgh, E. L. S., Great Britain 
and her American Colonies, II. 

Horse-shoe folklore, tv. 348. 

Horton chapelry, Northumberland, 
vir. 185. 

Hospital of the English at Rome, 
Iv. 362. 

Hospitallers, vit. 198 ; Hospitallers 
in Scotland in the 15th century, 
Ix. 52-68. , 

Hospitals, The Medieval Hospitals 
of England, by Rotha Mary Clay, 
VII. I9I. 

Hotham [Hopume], Wiliam de, 
archbishop of Dublin, vi. 391. 
Hotman, Frangois, x11. 273 and n., 

294 and v., 296 and n. 

Houghteryth, Sir Thomas de, gover- 
nor of Perth, x. 80. 

House of Commons. 

House of Lords during the Civil 
War, by C. H. Firth, vir. 410. 
House of Lords in the Reign of 
William ITI.,by A. S. Turberville, 

XI. 221. 

Household Books—An Edinburgh 
Account-Book of 200 years ago, 
VI. 141-149 ; Household expendi- 
ture of Rev. James Lawrie, 1720, 
I. 159-172; Ochtertyre Booke of 
Accomps, 1737-1739, V. 236; 

See Parlia- 


Household book of Wells, Rox- 
burghshire, v. 265-272. 
Household of a Norse king, v. 514. 
Housesteads excavations, I. 349. 
Houston, John, regent of Glasgow 
University, XI. 262. 
—or Duthie, Jonet, in Alloa, a 
victim of witchcraft, Iv. 42. 
— Sir Patrick, of that ilk, tv. 284. 
Hoveden, Roger of, X. 141-143. 
Howden church, vi. 16. 
Howe, Samuel Burnett, Essentials 
in Early European History, X. 431. 
Howel the Good, vit. 78. 
Howies of Lochgoin, I. 231. 
Howitson, IV. 354. | 
Hoy, Adam, v. 17. 
— William, vil. 357. 
Hudsoun, Radulphus, vil. 357, 359. 
Hudton, John, abbot of Cupar, 1. 


Hughes, Arthur, editor of the 
Dialogus Scaccario, 1. 83. 

— Thomas, History of the Society of 
Jesus in North America, v. 229, 
362 ; vir. 308. 

Hume, colonel, governor of Chester 
Castle, I. 103. 

— Alexander, of Manderstone, Iv. 
278, 282, 289 n. 

— David, XI. 131. 

— Sir James, of Eccles, killed in a 
duel, III. 370. 

— Patrick, Lieut.-Col. in the Argyll- 
shire Highlanders, 111. 38 and n. 
— Robert, at Padua University, 

Ilr. 60. 

— family, 1. 103. See also Home. 

Humphrey, Ozias, miniature painter, 
II. 46. 

Hundred years’ war, Terry’s Finan- 
cing of the Hundred Years’ War, 
1337-1360, XII. 191. 

Hungary, Racial problems in Hun- 
gary, by Scotus Viator, vit. 96. 
Hungary in the Eighteenth Century, 

by Henry Marczali, vir. 308. 

Hunnis, William, x11. 329. 

Hunt, Gaillard, The Department of 
State of the United States, X11. 204. 

— William, The Irish Parliament, 
1775, IV. 472; The Political 

60 Scottish Historical Review 

Hunt, William—cont. 

History of England, 1760-1801, 
III. 504. . 

Hunter, Andrew Alexander, The 
Pedigree of Hunter of Abbotshill 
and Barjarg, etc., 111. 508. 

— John, in Corriegreenan, x. 120. 

— Sir William Wilson, The India 
of the Queen, Il. 93. 

Hunter-Blair, D. O., review of 
Dudden’s Gregory the Great, 354. 
Huntingdon, A Calendar of the Feet 
of Fines relating to the County of 
Huntingdon, 1194-1603, X. 417. 

— David, Earl of, 111. 16. 

— Henry, Earl of, 11. 321. 

— William, Earl of, 1x. 403, 409. 

Huntly, George, 4th Earl of, Iv. 

Huseflete, John de, preceptor at 
Balantrodach, 11. 103. 

Hussites, Iv. 470 ; VII. 320. 

Hutcheson, Francis, Prof. of Moral 
Philosophyin Glasgow University, 
XI. 130. 

Hutchison, Rev. James, his sermon 
on witchcraft in 1697, VII. 390- 

— John, review of Donaldson’s 
Woman ...%in Ancient Greece and 
Rome, Iv. 471. 

— M. B., reviews of Manuscripts of 
Westminster Abbey, and Flete’s 
History of Westminster Abbey, 
VI. 418. 

Hutton, W. H., The Teaching of 
Indian History, Xt. 328. 

Huyshe, Wentworth, Dervorgilla, 
Lady of Galloway, XI. 211. 

Hyndford, John, Earl of, 1. 139. 

Icelandic ballads on the Gowrie con- 
spivacy, VI. I9l. 

Icelandic Sagas, Dat Arnamagnenshe 
Haandskvrift, 1x. 329. See also 
under Faroes, Norse, Scandinavia. 

Ideals of Science and Faith, by Sir 
Oliver Lodge, I1. 199. 

Illustvations of Ivish History and 
Topography, by C. Litton Fal- 
kiner, II. 309. 

Imagination in History, viI. 320. 

Imperial Architects, by A. L. Burt, 
XI. 321. 

Imperial Gazetteer of India, vi. 203. 

Imperialism and Mr. Gladstone, 
1876-1887, edited by R. H. 
Gretton, X. 432. 

In Byways of Scottish History, by 
Louis A. Barbé, x. 316. 

Incendium of Richard Rolle of Ham- 
pole, edited by Margaret Deanesly, 
XII. 421. 
Incense in Divine Worship, by E. 
G. Cuthbert Atchley, viii. 302. 
Inchaffray Abbey charters, v. 440- 

Inchcolm, 1. 202, 314. 

Inchecostin, I. 173. 

Inchinnan, church of the Hospital- 
lers, Ix. 62 n. 

Inchkeith or Isle aux Chevaux, 
1. 22. 

Inchmartin, John de, III. 19; Ix. 283. 

India, The Early History of India, 
by Vincent A. Smith, vi. 89; 
English Factories in India, 1618- 
1650, Iv. 463; VI. 206; VII. 83; 
VIII. 304; IX. 94; X. 205; XI. 
223; XII.195; The Fundamental 
Unity of India, x11. 104; Im- 
perial Gazetteer of India, V1. 203 ; 
India of the Queen, by Sir W. W. 
Hunter, m. 93; The Oxford 
Student’s History of India, by 
Vincent <A. Smith, VI. 212; 
Sketches of Rulers of India, by 
G. D. Oswell, v1. 304; Studies in 
Ancient Hindu Polity, by Nar- 
endra Nalli Law, xu. 105; The 
Teaching of Indian History, by 
W. H. Hutton, x1. 328. 

Infantry, A Review of the History of 
Infantry, by E. M. Lloyd, vi. 74. 

Influence of the Pre-Reformation 
Church on Scottish Place-Names, 
by J. M. Mackinlay, 11. 82. 

Ingleborough, Old Ingleborough, by 
H. M. White, 11. 222. 

Inglis, Alexander, bishop of Dun- 

keld, 1. 427-8. 

— -— treasurer of the Franciscans 
in Glasgow, It. 185. 

— or L’Anglois, Esther, 1. 19. 


Index 1903-1916 61 

Inglis, John, at Padua University, 
IiI. 61. 

— John A., Edinburgh during the 
Provostship of Sir William Bin- 
ning, 1675-1677, XII. 369-387; 
A Seventeenth Century Bishop: 
James Atkine, Bishopof Galloway, 
1680-1687, XII. 135-144. 

— William, of Eist Schiell; 11. 105. 
— Sir William, receives a grant of 
the barony of manor, VIII. 273. 
Inglys, Nicholas, rector of Fredere- 

solk, Iv. 157. 

Ingram, Mary E., A Jacobite Strong- 
hold of the Church, Iv. 342. 

Innerleithen church and the right 
of sanctuary, VII. 227. 

Innerpeffray, Malcolm of, canon of 
Dunkeld, 1. 318 and n. 

Innes, Alex. Taylor, John Knox, 
11. 466. 

— Arthur D., England Under the 
Tudors, 111. 499; A Service Book 
of English History, X. 323. 

— Lewis, rector of the Scottish 
College in Paris, Iv. 404-5, 413. 

Innis Ma-rui’, Loch Shin, vi. 270. 

Innocent III., vir. 316; Innocent 
the Great, by C. H. C. Pirie- 
Gordon, v. 339. 

Innocent V., vi. 22. 

Innocent VIL., IV. 149. 

Inquest of service in 1212, I. 64. 

Inquisition in Franceand itsCatholic 
historians, Ix. 446. 

— of Spain, vil. 296; XI. 447; 
English Merchants and the Spanish 
Inquisition in the Canaries, XI. 
311; Lea’s History of the Inquisi- 
tion of Spain, Iv. 322. 

Intellectual influences of Scotland 
on the Continent, x1. 121-135. 

Interdict (The), its History and its 
Operation, 1198-1216, by Edward 
B. Krehbiel, viz. 316. 

International Incidents, by Fyof. 
Oppenheim, vi. 201. 

Interpretations and Forecasts, by 
Victor Branford, x1. 324. 

Inveraray, XU. 130; a royal burgh 
in 1649, VIII. 269; Inveraray 
charter of lands in Fife, v1. 222. 

Inveresk, 11. 179. 

Inverkeithing, worship of Priapus 
at, vI. 177; dancing and obscene 
practices in the churchyard, vit. 

— John of, a canon of Holyrood, 
vii. 238. 

— Richard of, bishop of Dunkeld, 

I. 314-5. 
Inverlethan church charter, XII. 
Inverness bibliography, x1I. 328; 

The Church in Inverness, x. 420 ; 
Jacobite exhibition, I. 111. 
Inverness in the Middle Ages, by 
Evan M. Barron, vI. 211. 
Inverness-shire, The Book of the 
County of Inverness, V1. 214. 
Iona’s connection with Ireland, 

VIII. 262; statutes, 11. 467; The 
Story of Iona, by E. C. Trenholme, 
VII. 99. 

Ionia and the East, by D. G. 
Hogarth, VI. 421. 

Iowa code, x. 226. 

Ireland, Ancient Legend and 

Modern Poetry in Ireland, Iv. 
164-177; Irish Gold ornaments 
discovered at Broighter, London- 
derry, 1. 74-80; Irelandinfested by 
Norsemen, vil. 38; The making 
of Ireland, 1200-1600, by Alice 

Stopford Green, vI. 194, 319; 
Irish parliament in the 17th 
century, VII. 232-243; the 

Speaker’s Chair and Mace of the 
Irish House of Commons, II. 95 ; 
the use of torture, 11. 246-7; the 
volunteer movement, 1779-1793, 
vil. 427; The War in Ireland, 
1689-1691, X. 321. 

Iveland under the Commonwealth, 
ed. by Robert Dunlop, XI. 222. 
Iveland under Elizabeth, by Don 
Philip O’Sullivan Bear, I. 335. 
Iveland under the Normans, by G. 

H. Orpen, 1x. 182. 
Ireland under the Stewarts, 1603- 
1660, by Richard Bagwell, v1. 407. 
Ireton, Ralph de, bishop of Carlisle, 
VI. 26, 30, 31, 181; VIL. 66-68 
and #.; xX. 148-9. 

62 Scottish Historical Review 

Irish Bards, 1200-1500, xX. 434. 

Irish Ecclesiastical Architecture, by 
A. C. Champneys, virI. 290. 

Irish historical and archzological 
societies, I. 225. 

Irish Nationality, by Alice Stopford 
Green, VIII. 424. 

Irish Parliament, 1775, ed. by W. 
Hunt, Iv. 472. 

Irish Seal Matrices and Seals, by 
E. C. R. Armstrong, XI. 317. 

Iron industry of Stirlingshire, 1x. 213. 

Irvine created a burgh by Alexander 
II., vir. 268. 

Irvine of Cults, 1. 420. 

— J. M., review of the Records of 
the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire, 
vol. i., III. 93. 

— Janet, of Drum, I. 103. 

Isabella, queen of Edward II., u1. 
4535 IV. 25-26, 31-33; IX. 161-3, 

Islands of Scotland in the diocese 
of Sodor, viII. 258-263. 

Isle de Chevaux, or Inchkeith, 1. 22. 

Isle des Vaches, in the Firth of 
Forth, I. 22. 

Isle of Man, x11. 440; The con- 
nexion between Scotland and 
Man, III. 393-409 ; Manx crosses, 
v. 247; Manx Names: or the 
Surnames and Place Names of the 
Isle of Man, by A. W. Moore, 
II. 197, place names, VIII. 258- 
263; sculptured stones, Iv. 218. 

Isle of Thanet, sea-wall, vir. 346. 

Isobel, wife of Eric of Norway, vit. 
170 and n. 

Italy in the fifth century, Ix. 302. 

Ives, George, A History of Penal 
Methods, Criminals, Witches, Lun- 
atics, XII. 104. 

Jackson’s Oxford Journal ; extracts, 
XII. 193. 

Jackson or Arnott, Agneta, I. 105. 

— Robert, Lieut.-Col. in the Argyll- 
shire Highlanders, 111. 36-37. 

Jacob, Giles, Poetical Register, 1. 14. 

Jacobite drinking glasses, 11. 183 ; 
exhibition at Inverness, I. III; 
Jacobite letters of the Atholl and 

Nairne families, Iv. 11-23; 
Jacobite papers at Avignon, x. 
60-75 ; Jacobite songs, vil. 132- 
148, 251-257. 

Jacobite Extracts from the Parish 
Registers of St. Germaine-en-Laye, 
VIII. 209 ; X. 215. 

Jacobite, A, Stronghold of the Church, 
by Mary E. Ingram, Iv. 342. 
Jahncke’s Guilielmus Neubrigensis, 

IX. 422. 

Jakobsen’s Etymologisk Ordbog, v1. 
205; Vill. 422; Paul Nolsée 
Livséga og Irkingar, XI. 109. 

James I., King of Scotland, one of 
the founders of the University of 
St. Andrews, III. 301; VIII. 230 
and .; grants permission for 
pilgrimages to Candida Casa, II. 
403; the supposed author of 
The Kingis Quair, vit. 306; 
note on portrait, by J. Hamilton 
Wylie, 1x. 106; The Dethe of the 
Kynge of Scotis, 11. 97. 

James II., 111. 119; charter author- 
ising the fortification of Findlater 
Castle, 11. 101; his monument 
in Paris, Iv. 413. 

James III., his suite at Avignon in 
1716, X. 61. 

James IV., Life of James IV., by 
I. A. Taylor, x1. 208; Scotland 
under James IV., by Eric Stair- 
Kerr, 1x. 334; James IV. and 
the national development of Scot- 
land, 254-5; note on his armour 
at Flodden, x11. 332. 

James V., I. 256-7; II. 380-2; his 
illegitimate descendants, I. 231 ; 
matriages, I. 28-31; Iv. 84; at 
the battle of Solway Moss, 11. 
372-7; Cardinal Beaton and the 
King’s will, 111. 410-422; letter 
to the Pope on behalf of Sir James 
Hamilton, x. 157-8. 

James VI., interview at Falkland 
with Andrew Melville, 11. 473; 
James VI. and the Papacy, 1. 
249-252; James VI., the centre 

of Roman Catholic intrigues, x11. 

1-23; A Secret Agent of James 
VI., Ix. 376-386; The Ballad 


Index 1903-1916 63 

History of the Reign of King 
James I., by Prof. Firth, x. 112 ; 
The English thanksgiving service 
for King James’ delivery from 
the Gowrie Conspiracy, vill. 366- 
376; Irish praises of King James 
VI., XI. 331-336; The Scottish 
progress of James VI., x. 21-28. 
See also Gowrie Conspiracy. 

James II. of England, The Adven- 
tures of King James II.of England, 
Il. 319. 

James, J. G. Wallace, note on some 
abbots of Newbattle, vitl. 329. 
— Montague Rhodes, The Ancient 
Libraries of Canterbury and Dover, 
11. 198; review of Dr. Murray’s 

Museums, Il. 307. 

— Thomas, minister to the Darien 
expedition, I. 417. 

Jamieson, Alexander, minister in 
Govan, VI. 374. 

Jane, L. Cecil, From Metternich to 
Bismarck, vit1. 206. 

Japan, The Full Recognition of 
Japan, by R. P. Porter, rx. 438. 

Jardine, Sir Humphrey de, 1x. 287. 

— Dr. John, minister of the Tron, 
IV. 354. 

— Thomas, in Byrnok, tv. 181. 

Jardines and Bayleys, Iv. 354. 

Jarvis, F. R. A., Synopsis of the 
Leading Movements in Modern 
History, 1x. 98. 

Jean de Bretagne, Comte de Richmond, 
by Inna Lubimenko, vi. 199. 

Jeanne d’Arc, v. 411-439; L’Armure 
et les Letives de Jeanne d’Arc, by 
Charles Roessler, vi1. 302; Jeanne 
@’ Arc, by Anatole France, vi. 99 ; 
La Jeanne d’Arc de M. Anatole 
France, by Andrew Lang, vu. 
100; The Maid of France, by 
Andrew Lang, vi. 299. 

Jeannin, Pierre, his portrait mis- 
taken for that of Geo. Buchanan, 
VI. 338-341 and n. 

Jedburgh Abbey foundation, xu. 

Jenkinson, Hilary, Palgography and 
the practical study of Court Hand, 
XII. 427. 

Jennings, Frances, Duchess of Tyr- 
connell, monument to, in the 
Scottish College at Paris, Iv. 416. 

— J. G., Select Passages on Duty to 
the State, x1. 325. 

Jerdon, Archibald, factor of Wells, 
Roxburghshire, v. 266. 

Jerusalem, pilgrimage to, in 1494, 
V. 99. 

Jesmond, Adam of, 11. 311. 

Jesuit missions of Paraguay, VII. 

Jesuits of Arragon in the 18th 
century, XI. 330. 

Jeudwine, J. W., First Twelve 
Centuries of British History, x. 

Jew’s impiety punished, vit. 57. 

Jewish Historical Society of England, 
Calendar of the Plea Rolls, 1273- 
1275, VIII. 301. 

Jews and the Auto de Fé, vit. 296; 
crucify a boy in Lincoln, vi. 18 ; 
hanged for clipping coins, 27; 
expelled from England by Edward 
I., m1. 12 ; in Roumania, XII. 111. 

Jews of To-Day, by Arthur Ruppin, 
4h 1r0. 

Joan, Queen of Scotland, v. 38. 

Joanna II., Queen of Navarre, II. 
454 and n. 

John the Baptist assists ata massnear 
Shrewsbury and explains the un- 
avoidable absence of S. Francis, 
vir. 28; his head in Amiens 
cathedral, 1. 217. 

—de Argadia, admiral of the 
Western Seas, III. 406. 

— of Gaunt, Iv. 195 and n.; John 
of Gaunt’s Register, X. 205. 

— King of Bohemia, II. 337; Iv. 
200, 468-471. 

— lord of the Isles, 111. 409; dis- 
pensation for his marriage with 
Amie MacRuari, 1337, VIII. 249. 

John II., King of France, a prisoner 
in England, tv. 266-8. 

John XX., Pope, 11. 334 and n. 

John XXI., Pope, vi. 22. 

John XXII., Pope, 11. 336; vill. 
393-394. and .; IX. 159-160, 
170-1, 394. 


John XXIII., Pope, vitt. 352, 357. 

John Gilpin, popularity of, in Edin- 
burgh, I. 310-311. 

Johnson, Alexander Duff, Inverness, 
II. 358. 

— Arthur H., The Disappearance of 
the Small Landowner, vil. 311. 

— Bartholomew, of Northbar, 
charter in his favour of the Temple 
lands of Tucheen, 1472, XII. 330. 

— John, Franciscan friar, 111. 184-5. 

— Reverdy, lawyer, U.S.A., Life of 
Reverdy Johnson, by B. C. Steiner, 
XII. 206. 

— Dr. Samuel, his ancestry, Iv. 101; 
his friendship for John Henderson, 
actor, I. 311; his Lives of the 
Poets, 1. 18; Johnsonian Glean- 
ings, Vil. 200; Six Essays on 
Johnson, by Sir Walter Raleigh, 
VIII. 407. 

— Stanley C., A History of Emigra- 
tion from the United Kingdom to 
North America, 1763-1912, XI. 

— Walter, Folk-Memory, vi. 293; 
Johnson and Wright’s Neolithic 
Man in North-East Surrey, i. 218, 

Johnston of Elsiesheills, 11. 189; XII. 

— Alfred W., MRagnardk and 
Orkney, 1x. 148-158; Some 

Medieval House-Burnings by the 
Vikings of Orkney, XII. 157-165 ; 
Orkney and Shetland Records, 
XII. 203. 

— Arthur, Principal of King’s Col- 
lege, Aberdeen, Il. 59; Vv. 69; 
Arthur Johnston in his Poems, 
by T. D. Robb, x. 287-298. 

— Gavin, of Esby, 11. 189. 

— George Harvey, The Heraldry of 
the Douglases, Iv. 340; The 
Heraldry of the Hamiltons, vt. 
198; The Heraldry of the John- 
stons, 111. 90; Scottish Heraldry 
Made Easy, 1. 212; xX. 218. 

— James, ‘ at the back of Powrie,’ 
Iv. 78. - 

— — writer in Dundee, tv. 82. 

— James B., Place Names of Scot- 
land, I. 319. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Johnston, Jean, in Dundee, rv. 81. 

— John, student at Heidelberg, 
aftw. prof. of Divinity in St. 
Andrews, v. 67. 

— R.M., Mémoirvede Marie Caroline, 
Reine de Naples, X. 216. 

— Thomas, review of The History 
of Kirkintilloch, vit. 430. 

— William, in Dundee, tv. 78. 

— — student at Heidelberg, v. 70. 

Johnstone, Hilda, A Hundred Years 
of History, 1216-1327, IX. 333; 
review of Townsend’s, History 
of Abingdon, VIII. 204. 

— James F. Kellas, a bibliography 
of the history of Aberdeen, x. 
432, 434- 

— John, of Elshieshields, x11. 124. 

— Patrick, poet, 1. 148. 

— Walter, letter from, to Sir James 
Johnstone, of Westerhall, 1. 449. 

Johnstones of Gretna, Il. 124, 

Joint-Stock Companies, by W. R. 
Scott, vill. 286 ; 1x.178; xX. 196. 

Jollie, Alison, witch, 11. 243. 

Jonah and the whale redivivus, 1. 

Jones, H. Lang, Songs of a Buried 
City, XI. 327. 

— H. Stuart, Companion to Roman 
History, X. 193. 

— Henry, reviews of Arnold’s 
Studies of Roman Imperialism, 
Iv. 83; Ideals of Science and 
Faith, by Sir Oliver Lodge, 11. 
200 ; Sociological Papers, Il. 440 ; 
Turner’s History of Philosophy, 
1. 87. 

— W. Garmon, York and Lancaster, 
1399-1485, XII. 107. 

Jonson, Ben, tombstone, I. 9. 

Jordan, Humfrey. See Morris and 

Journey to Edenborough, by Joseph 
Taylor, I. 440. 

Judicial Torture in England and 
Scotland, 11. 225-248. 

Julliac, Robert de, Grandmaster of 

the Knight’s Hospitallers, 1x. 55. 
Justiciary Records, 1661-1669, Il. 
128, 368. 

so “ 

Justinian, The Age of Justinian and 
Theodora, by W. G. Holmes, v. 

Karle, Sir John de, 1m. 174. 

Kastner, L. E., History of French 
Versification, 11. 193; editor of 
the Poetical Works of Drummond 
of Hawthornden, xI. 99, 231. 

Kayak in Marischal College, Aber- 
deen, IX. 223. 

Keith of Duffus, 11. 402. 

— or Keth of Ma-Rui’, vi. 270. 

— Andrew, at Padua University, 
Ill. 55- 

— Sir Andrew, in the service of 
Sweden, I. 191-3. 

— Arthur B., Responsible Govern- 
ment in the Dominions, X. 209. 

— James, v. 139. 

— — field marshal, 1. 417. 

— James Francis Edward, XI. 215. 

— Robert de, III. 222; vi. 136. 

—— bishop of Fife, 1. 
Catalogue of Bishops, 1. 197. 

— — of Whytriggs, 11. 392, 405. 

— Sir Robert, at the battle of 
Bannockburn, XII. 72. 

— Theodora, Commercial Relations 
of England and Scotland, 1603- 
1707, VIII. 310; Economic Con- 
dition of Scotland under the 
Commonwealth and the Protec- 
torate, v. 273-284 ; The Influence 
of the Convention of the Royal 
Burghs of Scotland on the Eco- 
nomic Development of Scotland 
before 1707, X. 250-271; The 
Origin of the Convention of the 
Royal Burghs of Scotland, x. 
384-402 ; Scottish trade with the 
Plantations before 1707, VI. 32-48; 
reviews of The Bernstorff Papers, 
vi. 307; Bland’s English Eco- 
nomic History, x11. 424 ; Chance’s 
George I. and the Northern War, 
vit. 306; Clay’s Medieval Hos- 
pitals of England, vit. 191; 
Cunningham’s British Credit in 
the Last Napoleonic War, vi11. 198 ; 
Davidson and Gray’s Scottish 
Staple at Veere, v1. 405; Hall’s 


Index 1903-1916 


Select Bibliography of English 
Medieval Economic History, xt. 
432; Morgan’s History of Parlia- 
mentary Taxation in England, vit. 
417; Salmon’s Introductory Eco- 
nomic History of England, x. 208 ; 
Scott’s Joint-Stock Companies, 
vil. 286; 1x. 178; x. 196; 
Tawney’s Agrarian Problem in the 
Sixteenth Century, X. 317; Terry’s 
Financing of the Hundred Years’ 
War, x11. 191; Welsford’s Strength 
of England, vit. 411. 

Keth, William de, v. 39; rx. 398. 

— Sir William, I. 220; . 390; 
Iv. 185-6. 

— — of Ludquharn, at the Trot of 
Turriff, v1. 253. 

Keith-Marischal barony, 11. 389. 

Keledei of St. Andrews, vit. 4-5. 

Kellie, William, W.S., 11. 105. 

Kellow, Richard de, bishop of Dur- 
ham, VIII. 391. 

Kelman, John, The Interpreter’s 
House, tlt. 100. 

Kelso, charter from the Liber de 
Calchou, of the church of Inver- 
lethan, XII. 437. 

— Richard of, bishop of Durham, 
VIII. 282. 

Keltic Researches, by E. W. B. 
Nicholson, 111. 366. 

Kemp of Thomastown, III. 414. 

Kenkynol, 11. 190. 

Kennedy, Alexander, of Bargany, 
x1r. 118. 

— Francis, of Dunure, letters to 
Baron Kennedy relative to the 
siege of Edinburgh in 1745, vIIl. 
53-60, 223- 

— James, at Padua University, 
Ill. 61. 

— -— bishop of Dunkeld, aftw. of 
St. Andrews, 1. 422-3; VIII. 

— — of Blairquhan, xu. 118. 

— John, The Tevioidale Regiment, 
I. 345- 

— Nathaniel, at Padua University, 
Ill. 61. 

— Quentin, Abbot of Crossraguel, 
XI. 262. 


Kennedy, Thomas, of Dunure, Baron 
of Exchequer, letters to, from 
Francis Kennedy on the siege of 
Edinburgh in 1745, VIII. 53-60. 

— Sir Thomas, xl. 384-5. 

—W. H., The ‘ Interpritations’ 
of the Bishops, V1. 312. 

Kennoway, Thomas, VI. 245 n. 

Kent, Edmund, Earl of, Il. 334; 
IV. 25, 32; IX. 160, 163, 278-9. 

Kentigern, St., 1. 340. 

Ker or Kerr, Andrew, of Graden, 
v. 181-182 n. 

_ — George, VII. 254. 

— Henry, of Graden, v. 181-190; 
vu. 78. 

— J. Graham, review of Russell’s 
North America, Ul. 231. 

— Mrs. Jean, v. 187. 

— John, Scottish Education, vil. 415. 

— Robert, of Newbattle, at Padua 
University, II. 55-6. 

— Sir Robert, of Ancrum, I. 194. 

— W. P., English Literature, Medi- 
eval, 1x. 440; The Philosophy of 
History, vi. 331; On the History 
of Ballads, 1100-1500, VII. 425; 
Sturla, the historian, Iv. 238; 
Tennyson, Vil. 201; On Danish 
Ballads, 1. 357-378; vV- 385-401. 
Reviews of Etymologisk Ordbog, 
vI. 205; Krapp’s edition of 
Andreas, and the Fates of the 
Apostles, v. 225; Lang’s Sir 
Walier Scott and the Border Min- 
strelsy, vuI. 190 ; Millar’s Scottish 
Prose of the Seventeenth and Eigh- 
teenth Centuries, x. 88; Saints- 
bury’s History of English Prosody, 
Iv. 214; Skotland’s Rimur: Ice- 
landic Ballads on the Gowrie Con- 
spivacy, VI. 191. 

— Walter, of Cessford, x11. 118. 

— Sir Walter, of Cessford, 11. 68. 

— William, town clerk of Kelso, v. 
186 and n., 187. 

— William D., reviews of Copinger’s 
Heraldry Simplified, vit. 96; and 
Macdonald’s Scottish Armorial 
Seals, 11. 205. 

Kermack, W. R., Historical Geo- 
graphy of Scotland, x1. 438. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Ketell, William, a clerk of Beverley, 
VII. 39. 

— Dr. Ralph, president of Trinity 
College, Oxford, I. 9-10. 

Keymor, John, 1. 174-5. 

Khull, Edward, printer to Glasgow 
University, I. 459; V. 500; VI. 

Kid, Clementina Dugalla, tv. 75. 

Kiel, John, in Dundee, Iv. 78. 

Kilatrow church, Islay, vi. 264. 

Kilbathock, church of the Hospital- 
lers, IX. 62 n. 

Kilcumein and Fort-Augustus, by 
Odo Blundell, O.S.B., x11. 91. 

Kildrummie Castle, 11. 332. 

Kilkenny Archeological Associa- 
tion, I. 226. 

Killiecrankie described by an Eye- 
Witness, 111. 63-70, 517. 

Kilmalrew, Craignish, vi. 264. 

Kilmarnock barony, I11. 82. 

Kilmarow church, Killean, vi. 264. 

Kilmun, x. 30-34 and n. 

Kilpont, Lord, murder of, I. 50. 

Kilwardby, Robert de, archbishop 
of Canterbury, 11. 335; vi. 18, 
20, 25. 

Kilwhiss (Kalcos), 11. 174. 

Kimball, Everett, The Public Life 
of Joseph Dudley, 1660-1715, IX. 

Kincardine Castle, 11. 390. 

Kindrummie Castle, besieged by 
King David, v. 39. 

King, General, x11. 232 and n. 

— Sir Charles S., A Great Arch- 
bishop of Dublin, William King, 
D.D., Iv. 223. 

— Hugh B., A Short History of 
Feudalism in Scotland, x11. 106. 
— William, Archbishop of Dublin, 

IV. 223. 

King’s Council in England during 
the Middle Ages, by J. F. Baldwin, 
XI. 415. 

King’s Evil, x. 223. 

Kingis Quaiy and the Quare of 
Jelusy, by Prof. Lawson, vim. 

Kings of Newmill, 

family of, 1. 
468. z 

Index 1903-1916 

Kingsford, C. L., English Historical 
Literature in the Fifteenth Century, 
xu. 98; English History in Con- 
temporary Poetry : Lancaster and 
York, 1399 to 1485, XI. 321; 
editor of Stow’s Survey of London, 
vi. 294; Three Chronicles of 
London, 1189-1509, III. 359. 

Kinloch of Kilrie, rv. 80. 

— Cicil, in Dundee, Iv. 75. 

— David, doctor and poet, v. 379. 

— Sir Francis, Lord Provost of 
Edinburgh, x1. 371, 381. 

— James, in Dundee, Iv. 8o. 

— Sir James, a prisoner in Perth, 
v. 185. 

— John de, 11. 173-4, 178-9. 

—— Ix. 64. 

— — M.D. in Dundee, Iv. 75, 78, 80. 

— Morin de, 11. 179. 

— William de, I. 173. 

— arms, I. 178. 

Kinloquhy, Patrick, minister of 
Linlithgow, xX. 159. 

Kinloss Abbey, VIII. 213. 

Kinmont Willie, rx. 218. 

Kinnaird, Alexander, of Culbin, x. 

‘Kinnoull, George, Earl of, Lord 
Chancellor of Scotland, x1. 402. 

Kinsleith (Kyndesleue), 11. 173. — 

Kintore, Earl of, x. 51; his claim 
against the Ogilvies of Barras as 
to the guardianship of the Regalia, 
IV. 309-317. 

Kirk, Alexander, in Blairhill, x. 301. 

— — bailie of St. Andrews, v. 318. 

— James, notary, X. 301, 304. 

— Robert, minister of Aberfoyle, 
Il. 452; X. 117. . 

Kirkby, John of, bishop of Carlisle, 
IX. 391, 406-8. 

Kirkcaldy, James, VII. 359; 
arrives from France with money 
and arms for Edinburgh Castle, 
Iv. 288. 

— Sir William, of Grange, mI. 414 ; 
a prisoner in Mont Saint Michel, 
Ilr. 506. 

Kirkinner church, 1. 70, 471. 

Kirkintilloch, History of Kirkin- 
tilloch, vil. 430. 


Kirkmichael, 1. 159. 

Kirk Sessions’ claims and powers, 
IX. 22-25; Iv. 63-67; Kirk 
Sessions’ action in the rising 
against the crown in 1639, III. 

Kirkwood, Gilbert, of Pilrig, iv. 

— James, schoolmaster in Lin- 
lithgow, VI. 147. 

— John, in Beltone, 11. 102. 

Kluit, professor, at Leyden, v. 311 
and n. 

Knaresborough Castle, 111. 468. 

Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. 
See Hospitallers. _ 

Knights Templars. See Templars. 

Knollis, Sir William, charter by, 
of the Temple lands of Tucheen, 
Inchinnan, 1472, XII. 330. 

Knollys, Robert de, v. 27. 

Knox, Eleazer, vicar of Clacton 
Magna, VII. 77. 

— Hubert Thomas, Notes on the 
Early History of the Dioceses of 
Tuam, Killala, and Achonry, 1. 

Knox, John, birth-date, 1. 467; 
denounces the lampoon on the 
Regent Moray, Iv. 279-281; his 
interview with Queen Mary at 
Holyrood, Iv. 457; on the duties 
of Elders, 1x. 255; Knox as 
historian, Il. 113-130; Andrew 
Lang on a disputed passage in 
Knox’s History, 111. 380-2; Knox 
as seen by Hill Burton, tf. 
48; the influence of Knox, 1. 
131-5; John Knox and Ranfurly, 
v. 370; John Knox and his Times, 
by P. Hume Brown, 1. 222; 
John Knox and his house, by C. J. 
Guthrie, 111. 100; John Knox, by 
A. Taylor Innes, 11. 466. 

— Robert, An Historical Relation 
of Ceylon, IX. 95. 

— Thomas, student at Heidelberg, 
aftw. bishop of the Isles, v. 74. 
Knyvett, Sir Henry, The Defence of 

the Realme, 1596, Iv. 239. 

Koebel, W. A., South America, x1. 


68 Scottish Historical Review 

Krapp, George Philip, The Andreas 
and St. Andrew, 111. 522; editor 
of Andreas and the Fates of the 
A bpostles, Vv. 225. 

Krehbiel, Edward B., The Interdict : 
its History and its Operations, 
1198-1216, VII. 316. 

Kringelen, Scots slain at the battle 
of, Iv. 376-378. 

Kréger, Ernst, Die Sage von Macbeth 
bis zu Shakspere, il. 461. 

La Bene, John Louis de, captain 
in the Argyllshire Highlanders, 
Ill. 37. 

Labour in Scotland in the 17th 
Century, by E. A. Horne, 111. roo. 

Lacy, Henry de, vil. 145. 

— Ilbert de, vil. 145. 

— Robert de, vil. 144-5. 

La Fforde, William de, Hospitaller, 
IX. 61. 

Laidlaw, William, in Hoselaw-hill, 
v. 188 and m. 

Laidler, Josephine, A History of 
Pastoral Drama in England until 
1700, III. 239. 

Laing, David, Antiquary and Biblio- 
grapher, XI. 345-369. 

— John, bishop of Glasgow, III. 
181-2, 188; Vv. 323; XI. 255. 
La Jessé, M. de, secret agent of 

James VI., 1x. 376-386. 

La Marche, Thomas de, Iv. 422. 

La Marliére, Collger de, Ix. 105. 
Lambart, Henry de, duel with 
Alexander de Olifard, Iv. 481. 
Lambeau, Lucien, Bercy, viii. 201 ; 
Histoive des Communes annexées 

@ Paris en 1859, XI. 442. 

Lambert family, v. 89. 

Lamberton, Sir Alexander de, Ix. 

— Williamde, BishopofSt. Andrews, 
Ii. 173; Ul. 332, 458 and w.; vu. 
15; Vil. 168. 

Lambley, Randolf de, bishop of 

' Aberdeen, VII. 135. 

Lambley-upon-Tyne convent de- 
stroyed by Scots, vil. 385. 

Lambton, John George. See Dur- 
ham, Earl of. 

Lamont, Archibald, of Lamont, m1. 
29 and %.; VI. 374. 

— Sir John, of that ilk, x. 34. 

Lancashire, The Great Civil War in 
Lancashire, by E. Broxap, vItt. 

Lancaster burnt by Robert I., rx. 7. 

— Edward, Earl of, m1. 13. 

— Henry, Duke of, 11. 457; Iv. 
27, 201, 267-8, 273, 417 N., 423-5; 
Ns. 3%, 36. 

— John, Duke of, v. 38. 

— Thomas, Earl of, 111. 332, 467, 
469; VII. 273; VIII. 282, 285, 
377, 387, 391-2, 397; IX. 69-72. 

Lancelot of the Laik, authorship of, 
VIII. 1-4, 321. 

Landels, Sir J. de, vit. 390. 

— Thomas, student at Heidelberg, 
v. 69. 

Landess, Rev. Robert, of Robroy- 
ston, VII. 215; his account of 
ecclesiastical persecution in the 
17th century, vI. 373-382. 

Lands and Lairds of Dunipace, by 
J. C. Gibson, I. 341. 

Lanercost. See Chronicle of Laner- 

Lang, Andrew, Historical Mysteries, 
11. 313; History of Scotland, 11. 
308; v.118; The Maid of France, 
VI. 299; vil. 104; Portraits and 
Jewels of Mary Queen of Scots, 
Iv. 135-143; Prince Charles 
Edward Stuart, 1. 90; Short His- 
tory of Scotland, 1x. 434; Sw 
George Mackenzie, vi. 393; Sir 
Walter Scott and the Border Min- 
strelsy, vil. 190; The Valet’s 
Tragedy, 1. 210; The Cardinal 
and the King’s Will, 111. 410-422 ; 
The Casket Letters, v. 1-12; 
The household of Mary Queen of 
Scots in 1573, Il. 344-355; Jaco- 
bite Songs, vill. 132-148; M. 
Anatole France on Jeanne d’Arc, 
V. 411-439; vu. 100; Knox as 
historian, 11. 113-130; Letter from 
William Stewart to ye Regent, 1569, 
I. 39-41; Letters of Cardinal 
Beaton, 1537-1541, VI. 150-158; 
Portraits and Jewels of Mary 

Index 1903-1916 69 

Stuart, 1. 129-156, 274-300. Latin hymns in the Celtic Church, 

Notes on Barron’s War of Scottish 
Independence, Vi. 324, 328; a 
disputed passage in Knox’s His- 
tory, I. 380-2; a casket of 
Queen Mary, 1. 471; the minia- 
tures of Mary Stuart, 1. 469. 
Reviews of Elliot’s Trustworthiness 
of Border Ballads, 1v. 87; Roess- 
ler’s Jeanne d’Arc, Vil. 302; 
Elliot’s reply to Lang on the 
Border Ballad controversy, and 
Lang’s rejoinder, vIII. 108, 220 ; 
Mr. Lang and the Casket Letters, 
by T. F. Henderson, v. 161-174. 

Lang, Andrew and John, Highways 
and Byways in the Border, Xi. 

— — and A. Shield’s The King over 
the Water, v. 465. 

Langbaine, Gerard, Account of Eng- 
lish Dramatic Poets, 1. 6. 

Langkipe, 11. 189. 

Langlois or Inglis, Nicolas, teacher 
of French in Edinburgh, I. 20. 
Langton, Walter de, bishop of 
Coventry and Lichfield, vir. 164, 


Lannoy and Vander Linden’s His- 
toive de l’ Expansion colonial des 
Peuples Européens, 1X. 90. 

Lansdale, M. Hornor, Scotland, His- 
toric and Romantic, 1. 81. 

Lant, A. C., Pathfinders of the West, 
III. 515. 

La Pole, Sir Griffin de, rx. 280. 

Laprade, W. T., England and the 
French Revolution, v1. 81. 

Larbert and Dunipace, by John C. 
Gibson, vI. 305. 

Largs, battle of, m1. 401. 

Lart, C. E., Jacobite Extracts from 
the Parish Registers of St.Germain- 
en-Laye, VII. 209; X. 215. 

Last Abbot of Glastonbury, by Francis 
Aidan Gasquet, VI. 92. 

Lathom, siege of, vu. 83. 

Latimer, Sir Thomas de, x. 83; 
XI. 55, 63 and m., 70-73: 

— William, v. 92. 

Latin and Teutonic Naiions, by 
Leopold von Ranke, vi. 428. 

II. 219. 

La Trémoille, Duc de, Mon grand 
pére a la Cour de Louis XV., 
II. 311. 

Latta, R., review of The College of 
St. Leonard, by Herkless and 
Hannay, 11. 84. 

Lauder and Lauderdale, by A. Thom- 
son, I. 436. 

Lauder (Lawedre) Alexander de, 
bishop of Dunkeld, I. 423 u., 424; 
V. 211. 

— Henry, King’s Advocate, XI. 175. 

— — of St. Germans, Ix. IIT. 

— John, notary, VI. 403. 

— Sir Robert, of the Bass, I. 428; 
II. 23; X. 76. 

— Thomas, bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 
425 and n., 426 and u.; II. 70. 

— — vicar of Erskyn, v. 211 %. 

— William de, bishop of Glasgow, 
IV. 150; V. 210. 

— — book-binder in Perth, Iv. 441. 

Lauderdale, John, Duke of, Iv. 
385-388 ; x1. 169, 186; xu. 81, 
83, 408 and n. 

Laundel, Sir John de, 1x. 283. 

Laurencekirk, 11. 147. 

Laurie. See Lawrie. 

Law and Custom of the Constitution : 
Parliament, by Sir Wm, Anson, 
VII. 92. 

Law, Alice, the site of the battle of 
Brunanburh, vil. 431; reviews 
of Allen’s Age of Evasmus, XII. 
92; Clay’sHermits and Anchorites 
of England, xt1. 96. 

— Ernest, Shakespeare as a Groom 
of the Chamber, vit. 314; Some 
supposed Shakespeare Forgeries, 
1x. 88; More about Shakespeare 
‘ Forgeries,’ X11. 320. 

— George, the Earl’s Ferry, 1. 14- 
29; note on the altar of St. 
Fergus, in St. Andrews, 11. 478. 

— John, minister of Campsie, x. 

— Thomas Graves, Lislebourg and 
Petit Leith, 1. 19-26; The New 
Testament in Scots, 1. 237-260; 
Essays and Reviews, 1. 465; Queen 

70 Scottish Historical Review 


Mary Stewart, 11. 225; notes 
on the meaning of ‘ Wrawes,’ 
I. ror, and ‘Schott out,’ 102; 
review of Goude’s Booklet of the 
Mass, 1. 207; presentation to, 
by members of the Scottish His- 
tory Society, I. 225; note on T. 
G. Law, I. 355. 

Lawlor, Hugh Jackson, Eusebiana, 
xX. 318; reviews of Gordon- 
Pirie’s Innocent the Great, Vv. 339; 
Green’s Making of Ireland, vt. 
194, 319. 

Lawrence, Lt.-Col. Herbert, at the 
battle of Glenshiel, 11. 413. 

Lawrie, Sir Archibald Campbell, 
Annals of the Reigns of Malcolm 
and William, 1153-1214, VII. 189; 
Early Scottish Charters, u. 428, 
475; notes on a charter from the 
Liber de Calchou, x11. 437; the 
charter of the abbot and convent 
of Cupar, vii. 174; the founda- 
tion of Nostell and Scone, x. 229 ; 
Dr. Wilson’s ‘ Scottish trial by 
Combat Charter of 1167,’ v. 91; 
Reviews of Barrett’s Scottish 
Monasteries of Old, XI. 227; 
Charters relating to the Abbey of 
Inchaffray, Vv. 440-446 ; Dunbar’s 
Scottish Kings, v. 107; Justiciary 
Court Records, 1661-1669, I11. 368 ; 
Regesta Regum Anglo-Norman- 
norum, 1066-1154, XI. 205; Ren- 
wick’s Peebles, 1. 89; Report and 
Inventory of Monuments . . . in the 
County of Wigtown, x. 189, 325; 
In memoriam, XII. 113. 

— Dr. George, of Loudon, I. 172. 

— James, Colonel, 1. 172. 

— — minister of Kirkmichael, note- 
book of, I. 159-172. 

— John, minister of Auchinleck, 
I. 159. 

Lawson, Alex., The Kingis Quair 
and the Quare of Jelusy, VUII. 305 ; 
.on the authorship of the Quair of 
Jelousy, Vut. key 

— — friar, Ix. 

— John or William, at Leith Wynd, 
IV. 290. 

Lawson, Robert, of Humbie, x. 377 
and . 

—  — in St. Andrews, 11. 261. 

— Sir Willfryd, vit. 9-10, 12. 
Lawtor, H. C., History of the Family 
of Cairnes, IV. 341. 
Lawyers’ Merriments, 

Murray, X. Igo. 

Lay of Havelok the Dane, 1. 446. 

Layamon’s Knowledge of Runic 
inscriptions, XI. 370-375. 

Layton, Sir Brian, killed at Ancrum 
Moor, VIII. 129. 

La Zouche, William de, Archbishop 
of York, defeats David II. at 
Neville’s Cross, x. 178-9, 182. 

Lea, Henry Charles, vit. 320; His- 
tory of the Inquisition of Spain, 
IV. 322; vil. 296; Ethical values 
in History, I. 342. 

— Sir Richard, of Sopwell, plunders 
the Abbey Church of Edinburgh, 
VIII. 125. 

Leach, A. F., Milton, as Schoolboy 
and Schoolmaster, v1. 429; note 
on Liestél’s Ballad of the Two 
Sisters, VII. 105. 

Lead mining in Iowa, XII. 435. 

Learmonth of Dairsie, III. 414. 

— George, in the Polish service, 
Ill. 524. 

—Sir James, of Balcomby, XI. 
189; XII. 76. 

— Sir Patrick, of Dairsie, 1. 337. 

— Peter, in the Polish service, m1. 

Learning of the Scots in the 18th 
century, VII. 289-293. 

Leask, W. Keith, Thomas M‘Lauch- 
lan, III. 99. 

Lebaud, Pierre, sheriff of Edinburgh, 
hanged by Robert the Bruce, m1. 

Le Braz, Anatole, The Land of 
Pardons, Iv. 344. 

Leck, John de, archbishop of Dublin, 
I. 316-7. 

Lecky, W. E. H., Historical and 
Political Essays, v1. 209; Leaders 
of Public Opinion in Ireland, I. 

by David 

Ledal, John, 1x. 64. 

Index 1903-1916 71 

Ledger and Sword, or the Hon. 
Company of Merchants . . . trad- 
ing to the East Indies, by Beckles 
Willson, 1. 437. 

Lee, Sir Sidney, Principles of Bio- 
graphy, 1X. 97. 

Leeds, Duke of, Thomas Osborne, 
Earl of Danby and Duke of Leeds, 
XI. 327. 

Le Feron, N., x11. 276. 

Leffingen, the behaviour of the 
Scots troops at the Battle of, 1. 

Legal Practice in Ayr and the West of 
Scotland, by D. Murray, vit. 413. 

Legg, J. Wickham, Ecclesiological 
Essays, il. 510. 

— L. G. Wickham, editor of Select 
Documents illustrative of the French 
Revolution, I1l. 507. 

Leicester borough records, 111. 84. 

— Henry, Earl of, rx. 163-4. 

Leighton; Alexander de, prior of 
Torphichen, Iv. 154; IX. 61-68. 

— Henry de, bishop of Aberdeen, 
Ix. 63. 

— Robert, archbishop of Glasgow, 
Il. 452. 

Leightons of Usan, I. 456. 

Leishman, James Fleming, A .Son 
of Knox, vil. 77; Henry Ker of 
Graden, v. 181-190. 

— William, Principal of Glasgow 
College, vil. 77. 

Leitch, David and John, Latinists, 
Ill. 517. 

Leith sail-cloth manufactory, 1. 
295; wool-card manufactory, II. 
406; South Leith Records, 1588- 
1700, by D. Robertson, rx. 428. 

Leith, Henry, at Padua University, 
Ill. 56, 61. 

Leland, John, Itinerary, 1535-1543, 
ed. by Lucy T. Smith, 1m. 375; 
v. 98, 478; VI. 294; VIII. 195. 

Lely, Sir Peter, m1. 43. 

Lennox, Malcolm, Earl of, tv. 186 ; 
IX. 289. 

— Matthew, Earl of, tv. 288-290, 

Lenétre, G., Bleus, Blancs et Rouges, 
X. 320. 

Lenys of that ilk, I. ror, 353. 

Lepers burnt, rx. 69. 

Lerwick foreshore dispute, 11. 185. 

Lesley, John, Bishop of Ross, 11. 
152; IV. 292; XII. Ir and u.; 
on the state of Glasgow before 
the Reformation, 111. 1go. 

— Norman, a prisoner in Mont 
Saint Michel, 111. 506. 

Leslie, Sir Alexander, IX. 39-45. 

— — of Auchintoul, x1. 215. 

— David, Lord Newark, It. 425. 

— George, of Burdsbank, x. 54. 

— Henry, at Padua University, 111. 

— Walter, Principal of Glasgow 
University, XI. 256. 

— William, at Padua University, 
III. 60. 

— — of Balquhain, vi. 251. 

Lesmaghow church and the rights 
of sanctuary, vil. 226 and n. 

Letham, John de, I1. 175. 

Lewyn, a Welsh traitor, vIII. 23. 

Leyden, John, v. 244. 

L’Hospital, Michel de, 111. 377. 

Liber de Calchou, x11. 436. 

Liber Insule Missarum, 1. 430. 

Liberty of conscience in France, 
1598-1905, VI. 413. 

Libraries in England during the 
middle ages, 1x. 187. 

Liddel fortress taken by the Scots, 
X. 175. 

Liddell, John, vit. 359. 

— Robert, vit. 357, 359- 

Lidhous, Adam, vit. 362. 

Liestél, Knut, on the ballad of 
The Two Sisters, vil. 105. 

Life in a country manse about 1750, 
I. 159. 

Life in the Medieval University, by 
R. S. Rait, 1x. 443. 

Lile, Robert, friar, rx. 8. 

Lilleburn, John de, 111. 468. 

Lincoln, A Subsidy collected in the 
Diocese of Lincoln in 1526, VII. 

— Henry, Earl of, vit. 25, 280-2. 

Lindifferon (Lediferine), 11. 173. 

Lindores abbey, II. 122 ; VIII. 236-7 
and n. 


Lindores, Guido, abbot of, 1. 200. 

— Laurence of, first rector of St. 
Andrews University, 111. 267, 311, 
313; VIII. 235-241, 355-6 #., 358. 

Lindsay, Sir Alexander de, viii. 

— Christian, Ill. 517. 

— David, of Pitslandy, x11. 80. 

— Sir David, Lyon King, x11. 166- 

— — of Glenesk, vit. 88. 

— Henry, at Padua University, 
III. 60. 

— James, at Padua University, 
III. 55. 

— Sir James, Il. 251-2. 

— John, The Publications of the 
Clan Lindsay Society, vii. 88. 
— — bishop of Glasgow, v. 204-5. 
— — lieut.-col., in the service of 

Sweden, Ix. 50. 

— — of Menmure, Ix. 377. 

— Patrick, bishop of Ross, aftw. 
archbishop of Glasgow, v. 71; 
xI. 186. 

— Sir Philip, vir. 280. 

— Thomas de, Master of the Hos- 
pital of St. John of -Jerusalem in 
Scotland, charter by, to Robert, 
son of Alexander Symple, of 
Haukerstoun, v. 17, 23. 

— Thomas Martin, A Literary Relic 
of Scottish Lollardy, 1. 260-273. 
Reviews of Lord Acton’s Lectures 
on Modern History, Iv. 318; 
Casola’s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 
1494, V. 99; Smith’s Luther’s 
Table Talk, v. 342; Currie’s ed. 
of The Letters of Martin Luther, 
vi. 71; In memoriam, xil. 114. 

— William de, drowned during the 
Welsh revolt in 1282, 111. 10. 

— Sir William, of Symington, 111. 
82, 83. 

Lindsay-Paton, Janet, in Airnoch, 
Il. 336. 

Lindsays of Fairgirth, 1x. 213. 

Linen manufacture, I. 175, 179, 
184, 187, 189; Il. 52; VI. 350. 

Lingard’s History of England, 
abridged, by Dom H. N. Birt, 
X. 323. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Linlithgow, wage roll for work at 
the Peel in 1302, 1. 183; The 
Story of St. Michael’s, Linlithgow, 
by Rev. John Ferguson, m1. 511. 

Linlithgow Palace, by Rev. John 
Ferguson, VII. 417. 

Linlithgows of Drygrange, vil. 355- 

Liquor legislation of Iowa, vi. 216. 

Lisle, Thomas de, bishop of Ely, 
Iv. 268. 

Lislebourg and Petit Leith, 1. 19-26. 

List of Books printed in Scotland 
before 1700, by Harry P. Aldis, 
II. 305. 

Literary Blunders of the Author of 
Waverley, by George Watson, XII. 
108. : 

Literature and History, vi. 1-12. 

Litstar, John, lecturer on Canon 
Law in St. Andrews University, 
IV. 156; VIII. 235 and u., 241-2. 

— Marjory, in St. Andrews, viii. 

Little, A. G., Opus Tertium of 
Roger Bacon, X. 320; Tvactatus 
Fr. Thomae de Eccleston, vit. 186. - 

— Archibald, The Far East, 111. 376. 

— Robert, m1. 518. 

Littlejohn, David, Records of the 
Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire, 
III. 93. 

Liturgies, I//ustrations of the Liturgy, 
by Clement O. Skilbeck, 1x. 417 ; 
The Rathen Manual, 11. 91; The 
Scottish Liturgy, 1x. 430; The 
Second Prayer Book of Edward 
VI., 11. 97; A Mass of St. 
Ninian, x. 35-38. 

Lives of Authors, 1. 1-18. 

Livingstone, Lady, an obstinate 
Catholic, 111. 20-23, 26. 

— Alexander, Lord, II. 20-23. 

— — in Burnsyd, m1. 21. 

— Andrew de. See Hesilrig, William 

— Christian, a witch, Il. 243. 

— James, rector of Forteviot, aftw. 
bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 426. 

— John, of Salem, 1. 188. 

— Mary, wife of Lord Sempill, 1. 

Livingstone, Mary, second wife of 
Sir William Binning, x11. 387. 

— Matthew, Guide to the Public 
Records of Scotland, 111. 98. 

— Thomas, abbot of Dundrennan, 
aftw. bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 423 ; 
II. 69. 

— Sir Thomas, 
III. 32 and n. 

Lizet, Pierre, President of the Par- 
liament of Paris, XII. 277 n. 

Llewellyn, Prince of Wales, III. 10 ; 
vi. 178, 180. 

Lloyd, E. M., A Review of the 
History of Infantry, v1. 74. 

— John Edward, A History of 
Wales, VII. 415. 

— Thomas, The Making of the 
Roman People, xt1. 188. 

Local history, Introduction to the 
study of Local History and Anti- 
quities, by Morris and Jordan, 
VIII. 412. 

Loch of the Cross, vi. 272 and m. 

Lochearron, vi. 268. 

Loch Leven priory, VIII. 232-3. 

Lochmaben, coins discovered at, 
11. 182; 1s. 124; The Kindly 
Tenants of Lochmaben, vil. 319. 

— Castle, vil. 311; xX. 85. i 

Lockhart, George, at Padua Uni- 
versity, II. 55. 

— Sir James, of Ley, x1. 189; XII. 

Lodge, Sir Oliver, Ideals of Science 
and Faith, 11. 199. 

— Richard, From the Restoration to 
the Death of William III., vii. 
203; review of Porritt’s Un- 
reformed House of Commons, I. 95. 

Logan, lands of, Wigtownshire, v1iI. 
I7I n. 

Logan of Restalrig, 11. 255. 

— Alexander, regent of Glasgow 
University, x1. 262. 

Logie, a parish history, by R. Menzies 
Fergusson, Il. 451 ; Ill. 234. 

Logie, Alexander, of Kirkwall, letter 
book, 1782-1784, xX. 361-8. 

— Gavin, regent of St. Leonard’s 

- College, St. Andrews, 111. 86-87. 

— John, hanged in Perth, 11. 463. 


Index 1903-1916 


Lollard Knights, x1. 55-92. 

Lollardy and the Reformation in 
England, by James Gairdner, x1. 

Lollardy at Colchester, x1. 328; in 
Scotland, 1. 260-273. 

London gilds and companies, vi. 
411; The Pageant of London, by 
Richard Davey, Iv. 99; The 
Storming of London... by the 
Angles, by Major P. T. Godsal, 
vi. 427; Three Chronicles of 
London, 1189-1509, II. 359. 

London East India Company, 1. 182. 

Lonsdale, W. H., The Arms of the 
Baronial and Police Burghs of 
Scotland, 1. 96. 

Lord, Arthur Power, The Regency 
of Marie de Médicis, 1610-1616, 
III. 93- 

Lord Advocates of Scotland, Second 
Series, 1834-1880, by G. W. T. 
Omond, XI. 440. 

Lord Chancellors of Scotland, by 
Samuel Cowan, VIII. 421. 

Lords of the Articles, Iv. 54-56, 

— of Session, the subject of a con- 
ference at Whitehall in 1626, x1. 

Loreto legends, Iv. 350. 

Lorimer, George, The Early Days 
of St. Cuthberi’s Church, Edin- 
burgh, x1. 419; The Scottish 
Church Militant of 1640-3, m1. 

Lothian, Alexander and William, 
in Lumlocht, 1. 460. 

Loudoun Hill, battle of, in 1307, 
IIl. 333- 

Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, siege of, 
XI. 438. 

Lounger, The, II. 143-5. 

Lovat, Amelia, Lady, letter to 
Murray of Ochtertyre, Iv. 16. 

— Simon, Lord, ballad on his 
execution, VI. 360. 

Lovat-Fraser’s John Stuart, Earl of 
Bute, X. 219. 

Love, Mary, reviews of Barthou’s 
Mivabeau, x1. 216; Beaven’s Sir 
William Temple, v1. 311; Lady 


Love, Mary—cont., 

Edgar’s Political Governor in 
Maryland, 1753-1773, XI. 109; 
The First English Life of King 
Henry the Fifth, 1x. 328; Lam- 
beau’s Bercy, vi11.201; Lambeau’s 
Histoive des Communes annexées 
@ Paris en 1859, XI. 442; Lums- 
den’s Dawn of Modern England, 
1509-1525, VIII. 296. 

— Peter, hanged in chains for 
piracy, Il. 246. 

Loveday, John, the contents of the 
royal vault in Holyrood, iv. 

Low, Christian, in Dundee, Iv. 76. 

— Sidney, The Reign of Victoria, 
1837-1901, V. 353- 

Lowe, Sir Hudson, 1. 444; v. 485. 

Lowell, A. Lawrence, The Govern- 
ment of England, v1. 189; review 
of M‘Kechnie’s The New Demo- 
cracy and the Constitution, XI. 

Lowis, Patrick de, burgess of Edin- 
burgh, Iv. 431. 

Lowland Scots language, VII 179. 

— tartans, VI. 105. 

Lowrie, Patrick, burnt for sorcery, 
II. 243. 

Lowtfut, Peter, slain at Monzievaird 
in 1490, I. 219. 

Lowther, Sir Hugh de, Ix. 79, 159. 

Loyola, Ignatius, Iv. 321. 

Lubimenko, Inna, Jean de Bretagne, 
Comte de Richmond, vi. 199. 

Lucas, Sir C. P., The Canadian War 
of 1812, Iv. 224; Greater Rome 
and Greater Britain, X. 307; 
History of Canada, 1763-1812, 
vil. 94; Historical Geography of 
the British Colonies, 1v. 229; XI. 
301; editor of Lord Durham’s 
Report on the Affairs of British 
North America, X. 412. 

Lucy, Sir Antony de, vill. 385-7; 
Ix. 78, 159, 287-8, 401, 406-8. 

— Margaret, Shakespeare and the 
Supernatural, il. 515. 

Lumlocht, 1. 460. 

Lumphanan, battle of, 11. 15. 

Lumsdaill, Sir James, x11. 80. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Lumsden, Andrew, secretary to 
Prince Charles, 11. 39 ; vi. 229 and 
N., 234. 

— Carlos B., The Dawn of Modern 
England, 1509-1525, VII. 296. 
— H. W., on the interview between 
James VI. and Andrew Melville, 
II. 473; the Scots at Leffingen, 

1600, II. 268-274. 

—- Harry, The Records of the Trades 
House of Glasgow, 1605-1678, VIII. 

—w—nd Aitken’s History of the 
Hammermen of Glasgow, X. 198. 

— Isabella, 1. 38. 

— Colonel James, in the service of 
Sweden, Ix. 47. 

Lundie, James, of Spittle, 1. 461. 

— John, ensign in the Argyllshire 
Highlanders, 111. 34. 

— Katherine, 1. 460-1. 

— Sir Walter de, 1x. 283. 

— William de, II. 219. 

Lunt, W. E., on the ‘ Annat,’ x. 

Lupton, J. H., Life of John Colet, 
D.D., Vi. 417. 

Luther, Martin, Letters of Martin 
Luther, vi. 71; Luther's Table 
Talk : a Critical Study, v. 342. 

Luther’s Werke in Auswahl, X. 217. 

Luttrell, Narcissus, Diary, X. 330. 

Lutzow, Count, Historians of Bo- 
hemia, 1. 466. 

Luxembourg, chronicle of the House 
of, 1308-1437, Iv. 468. 

Lyall, Alexander, in St. Andrews, 
II. 261. 

Lyell, James, of Gairdin, 1. 291. 

Lyll, Francis, chirurgeon in Had- 
dington, II. 102. 

Lyly, John, On the Influence of 
John Lyly, 1. 70-73. 

Lynam, C. C., The Abbey of St. 
Mary, Croxden, IX. 433; Teview 
of Stapleton’s Post-Reformation 
Catholic Missions in Oxfordshire, 
III. 509. 

Lyndsay. See Lindsay. 


Lyon, F. H., Diego de Sarmiento de 

Acuna, Conde de Gondomar, vil. 

Index 1903-1916 75 

Lyon, Fr. of Brigtoun, x11. 80. 

— James, merchant in Dundee, Iv. 

— Sir John, 1. 479. 

— Susanna, in Dundee, Iv. 80. 

Lyons of Glenogil, 11. 479. 

Lyra Historica, 61-1910, selected by 
M. E. Windsor and J. Turral, 1x. 

Lythonn, Duncan, student at Heidel- 
berg, v. 67. 

Lyttel, Edward S., Sir William 
Temple, Vi. 213. 

Macadam, J. H., The Baxter Books 
of St. Andrews, U1. 210. 

— John, in Gartmore, x. 119. 

M‘Alayne, Kenneth, of Glenelg, 1. 

— Ronald, 1. 361. 

M‘Alon, Alexander, vicar of Kil- 
birny, XI. 254. 

M‘Aulay, Allan, The Safety of the 
Honours, Iv. 344. 

— Archibald, of Ardincaple, 111. 29. 

— Donald, Domhnull Cam Mac- 
Cumhail, how he was outwitted 
by Grahame of Barvas, VI. 443. 

— Robert, captain in the Argyll- 
shire Highlanders, 111. 37. 

— Thomas Babington, The History 
of England, edited by C. H. Firth, 
XI. 417. 

Macbain, Alexander, review of 
Nicholson’s Keltic Researches, 11. 

Macbean, Lachlan, The Story of Pet 
Marjorie, X11. 107. 

Macbedh Mac Finlach, King of 
Scots, II. 15. 

Macbeth, the sources of Shake- 
speare’s Macbeth, 11. 461. 

— Adam D., The Rationale of Rates, 

_ X. 218; The Seal of the Burgh of 
Rothesay, VII. 263-270. 

MacCall (Makcall), David, merchant 
in Edinburgh, Iv. 331. 

M‘Callum, Alexander, Midlothian, 
IX. 441. 

— Duncan, II. 303. 

— Thomas, x. r19. 

M‘Caws of Garrachty, vi. 216. 

M‘Clellan, W. S., Smuggling in the 
American Colonies, X. 324. 

Macclesfield, The Highlanders at 
Macclesfield in 1745, v. 285-296; 
VI. 225-244. 

M‘Cluckey or Carrick, Isabell, her 
farm of Gouston raided by broken 
men from the Highlands, x. 114. 

MacColl, Norman, review of Bras- 
sington’s Shakespeare’s Homeland, 
I. 213. 

M‘Coy or Coy family, 111. 324. 

MacCulloch, Duncan, minister of 
Glen Urquhart, Ix. 260. 

— J. A., Early Christian Visions of 
the Other World, x. 218; The Misty 
Isle of Skye, Ul. 465; Vil. 424. 

— Magnus, of Tain, I. 146 n. 

— William, of the East India Co., 
X. 163-167 and n. , 

MacCunn, F. J., The Contemporary 
English View of Napoleon, xt. 

— Florence, Sir 
Friends, vit. 176. 

Macdonald of Glenaladale, 111. 122.; 

— Alastair, [(Colkitto], v1. 435. 

— — of Keppoch, mI. 369; Iv. 355. 

-—— Alastair Dubh, of Glengarry, 11. 
69 and n., V. 140-149. 

— Sir Alastair, son of Colla Ciotach, 
11. 48. 

— Angus, of the Isles, 11. 206. 

— Archibald, of Barrisdale, 111.69 n. 

— Coll, of Keppoch, m1. 30, 65. 

— Donald, of Glengarry [1602], 1. 

— Sir Donald, of Clanranald, v. 
140-1, 146 ., 147 n. 

— — of Sleat, 111. 64-65, 69 and m. 

— George, The Origin and Develop- 
ment of Coin Types, 1. 484; The 
Roman Forts on the Bar Hill, tv. 
335; The Roman Wall in Scot- 
land, Vil. 323; Vill. 405; Two 
Hoards of Edward Pennies recently 
found in Scotland, X. 432; on 
discoveries of coins at Lochmaben 
and Bar Hill, 11. 124. 

Reviews of Blanchet’s Etude 
sur la’ Décoration des Edifices 
de la Gaule Romaine, x1. 106; 

Walter Scott's 


Macdonald, George—cont. 

Bruton’s Roman Fort at Man- 
chester, Vil. 304; Ephemeris 
Epigvaphica, xX. 411; Firth’s 
Augustus Cesar, 1. 444; Hardy’s 
Roman Laws and Charters trans- 
lated, X. 314; Hardy’s Six Roman 
Laws, 1X. 319; Haverfield’s 
Ancient Town-Planning, XI. 302 ; 
Haverfield’s Romanization of 
Roman Britain, il. 511; X. 107; 
XII. 427; Hogarth’s Jonia and 
the East, v1. 421; Holmes’ Ancient 
Britain and the Invasions of 
Julius Cesar, v. 340; Holmes’ 
Cesar’s Conquest of Gaul, IX. 202 ; 
Jones’s Companion to Roman 
History, X. 193; Pelham’s Essays, 
VIII. 292 ; Ward’s Romano-British 
Buildings and Earthworks, and 
his Roman Eva in Britain, Ix. 

— Hugh, a popish priest, banished, 
Ill. 121. 

—TIain Lom, his poems on the 
battle of Killiecrankie, 111. 63-70. 

— — Og, at Killiecrankie, 111. 69 
and n. 

— Sir James, of Sleat, obtains a 
commission of fire and sword 
against the murderers of Mac- 

_ Donald of Keppoch, 111. 369. 

— John, Lord of Isla, 111. 403. 

— — Moydartach, Captain of Clan- 

' ranald, 11. 48-49. 

— Sir John H. A., Fifty Years of 
it; the Experiences of a Volunteer 
of 1859, vil. 183 ; Power Traction 
in Peace and War, XII. 333-353- 
Reviews of Broxap’s Great Civil 
War in Lancashire, vit. 82; 
Corbett’s England in the Seven 
Years War, v. 332; Lloyd's Re- 
view of the History of Infantry, 
v1. 74; Sir John Moore’s Diary, 
I. 429. 

— William Rae, Scottish Armorial 
Seals, 11. 205. 

M‘Donalds, Dispensation for the 
marriage of John, Lord of the 
Isles, with Amie Mac Ruari, vit. 


Scottish Historical Review 

Macdouall or MacDowall, Dugald’ 

de, IX. 393. 

— — of Galloway, vil. 169, 171. 

— Duncan, holds Rushen Castle 
against Robert the Bruce, I. 
405 and un. 

— William, History of the Burgh of 
Dumfries, IV. 343. 

MacDougall, Iain, on the history of | 

the brooch of Lorn, II. 110-115. 
MacDougalls of Lorn, II. 111-113. 
Macduff, Earl of Fife, 11. 15, 17 

and n. 

M‘Ewen (McKewyne), David, notary 

public, 1. 460. 

M‘Gie, Andrew, VI. 422. 

MacGill, David, Lord Advocate, 
XI. 173, 1375, 39793 .-XiL @en 
and n. 

— James, of Rankeillour, v. 158; 
X. 160. 

— W., Old Ross-shire and Scotland, 
VII. 177; Vl. 428; note on 
King’s College, Aberdeen, two 
centuries ago, Iv. 108. 

Macgillivray, Duncan, Our Native 
Land, vu. 317. 

M‘Gregor or Campbell, Alexander, 
an informer, X. 118-119. 

— Dougal Ciar Mor, x. 119 and m. 

— Duncan, The Rathan Manual, 

— Ewan, woolcard manufacturer, 
II. 410. 

— James, dean of Lismore, 1. 64. 

— or Grierson; Jane, I. 103. 

— Patrick Roy, tortured, 111. 369. 
— Rob Roy, at the battle of Glen- 
shiel, 11. 416, 419-422 ; X. I20. 

— Robert Dhu, x. 114, 117, 120. 

— William, of Balhaldie, v. 145 
and . 

M‘Tilewraith, Anne, 1. 234. 

M‘Iver, Daniel, Eyemouth, v. 241. 

— Evandar, paper manufacturer, III. 
76; VII. 254. 

M‘Ivor, Finlay, Breadalbane’s piper, 
Ill. 34 ”. 

Mackay, Alexander, 
Sannox, XII. 418. 
— Angus, The History of the Pro- 

vince of Catto 1615, XII. 205. 

minister of 

Index 1903-1916 77 

Mackay, Sir Donald, of Strathnaver, 
in the service of Sweden, Ix. 41. 

— Hugh, of Scourie, 1. 166; 111. 
63, 70. 

— William, note on Captain George 
Scot, I. 104. 

M'‘Kechnie, W. S., Magna Carta, 
Ill. 2290; XI. 427; The New 
Democracy and the Constitution, 
x1. 98 ; The Constitutional neces- 
sity for the Union of 1707, Vv. 
52-66; Thomas Maitland, Iv. 

Reviews of Adams’ Origin of 
the English Constitution, x. 
318; Adams’ Tvans-Atlantic 
Historical Solidarity, x1. 435; 
Anson’s Law and Custom of the 
Constitution, Vv. 363; VII. 92; 
IX. 413 ; Chadwick’s Anglo-Saxon 
Institutions, 111. 89; Craig’s De 
Unione Regnorum’ Britannia 
Tractatus, vil. 300; Curtler’s 
Short History of English Agri- 
culture, Vil. 311; Déialogus de 
Scaccario, 1. 83; Figgis’s Studies 
of Political Thought, 1414-1625, 
Vv. 235; Harcourt’s His Grace the 
Steward and Trial of Peers, v. 
112; Hill’s History of Diplomacy, 
Vv. 123; Hodgkin’s Political His- 
tory of England, 11. 501; John- 
son’s Disappearance of the Small 
Landowner, vil. 311; Lowell’s 
Government of England, vi. 189; 
Mackinnon’s History of Modern 
Liberty, 1v. 94; Vv. 476; Maitland’s 
Constitutional History of Eng- 
land, vi. 89; Marriott’s English 
Political Institutions, vit. 307 ; 
Marriott’s Second Chambers, vit. 
495 ; May’s Constitutional History 
of England, 1x. 413 ; Montague’s 
History of England, 1603-1660, 
v. 225; Orpen’s Iveland under the 
Normans, 1X. 182; Pasquct’s 
Essai sur les Origines de la 
Chambre des Communes, XII. 201 ; 

- Petit-Dutaillis’ Studies and Notes, 
vi. 296; Poole’s The Exchequer in 
the Twelfth Century, x. 313; 
Robertson’s Select Charters, 11. 

326; Seton-Watson’s Southern 
Slav Question and the Habsburg 
Monarchy, 1X. 315; Stubbs’ Lec- 
tures on Early English History, 
Im. 501 ; Stubbs’ Select Charters, 
revised by H. W. C. Davis, x1. 
418; Vickers’ Humphrey, Duke of 
Gloucester, v1. 208; Vinogradoff’s 
English Society in the Eleventh 
Century, NI. 76; Vinogradoff’s 
Growth of the Manor, UU. 431; 
Vinogradoff’s Records of the Social 
and Economic History of England 
and Wales, xt1. 184; Wingfield- 
Stratford’s History of English 
Patriotism, x1. 308 ; Winstanley’s 
Personal and Party Government, 
1760-1766, VII. 421. 

Mackenzie, SirGeorge, of Rosehaugh, 

Sir George Mackenzie, by Andrew 
Lang, VI. 393- 

— Henry, Il. 140-4, 148. 
— John, of Avoch, at the battle of 

Glenshiel, 11. 415. 

— Sir John, of Coull, at the battle 

of Glenshiel, 11. 416, 419, 421. 

—R. J., War-Pictures from Claren- 

don, IX. 438. 

— Roderick, secretary of the Scots 

Darien Company, III. 316, 319, 
322, 439, 446. 

— Thérése Muir, Dromana: Me- 

moivs of an Ivish Family, tv. 

— W. C., A Short History of the 

Scottish Highlands, tv. 226. 

— W. M., The Battie of Bannock- 

burn, XI. 93; 233-251; The 
Book of Arran, Xt1. 418; Outline 
of Scottish History from Roman 
Times to the Disruption, v. 488. 
Reviews of Allen’s Place of History 
in Education, v1. 420; Bagwell’s 
Ireland under the Stewarts, V1. 407; 
Barrington’s Grahame of Claver-/ 
house, 1X. 193; Browning’s His- 
tory of the Modern World, X. 105 ; 
Cowan’s Lord Chancellors of Scot- 
land, vit1. 421 ; Huyshe’s Dervor- 
gilla, Lady of Galloway, XI. 211; 
Macgill’s Old Ross-shire, vil. 177 ; 
Maclagan’s Perth Incidentof 1396; 


Mackenzie, W. M.—cont 
Squire’s Mythology of the British 
Islands, and Campbell’s Super- 
stitions of the Scottish Highlands, 
Il. 455; Seaton’s Theory of 
Tolevation under the Later Stuarts, 
Vill. 414; Shearer’s Battlefields 
around Stirling, x1. 308; Watson’s 
Place-Names of Rossand Cromarty, 
Il. 322; Winstanley’s Lord Chat- 
ham and the Whig Opposition, 
«. 253. 

M'‘Kerlie, P. H., History of the 
Lands and theiy Owners in Gallo- 
way, IV. 222. 

Mackie, Alex., Aberdeenshire, 1x. 

—J. D., Dugald Dalgetty, and 
Scottish Soldiers of Fortune, x11. 
221-237; Scotlandand the Spanish 
Armada, xt. 1-23;  A_ secret 
agent of James VI., 1x. 376-386; 
notes on Cabinet Councillors, x1. 
229; the will of Mary Stuart, 
XI. 338; reviews of Brett’s 
Government of Man, xl. 320; 
Jeudwine’s First Twelve Centuries 
of British History, X. 314; Phillips’ 
Confederation of Europe, X1. 421; 
Stevens’ Journal, containing @ 
Brief Account of the War in Ire- 
land, 1689-1691, X. 321. 

—R. A., The Story of King Robert 
the Bruce, XI. 326. 

M‘Killiam, A. E., Chronicle of the 
Popes, 1X. 435. 

Mackinlay, James Murray, Ancient 
Church Dedications in Scotland, 
vill. 86; xl. 323; Influence of 
the Pre-Reformation Church on 
Scottish Place-Names, uu. 82; 
notes on the dedication of Kirk- 
inner church, Il. 472; dedica- 
tions to St. Sunniva, II. 520; 
St. Giles and children, 111. 382; 
and Solomon’s Even in Shetland, 
Ill. 524. 

Mackinnon, James, A History of 
Modern Liberty, v. 94; Vv. 476; 
The Franco-Scottish League in 
the 14th Century, vil. I19-129. 
Reviews of Maury’s La Liberté de 

Scottish Historical Review 

Conscience en France, Vi. 413; 
and Stahlin’s Sir Francis Wal- 
singham, vi. 398. 

Mackintosh, A. M., Farquharson 
Genealogies, XI. 443; XII. 210; 
Mackintoshes and Clan Chattan, 
II. 201; note on Rob Stene, 11. 

— Duncan, brother of Borlum, m1. 

— John, at the battle of Glenshiel, 
Il. 415. 

— Lachlan, of Dunnachtane, 

— William, of Borlum, at the 
battle of Glenshiel, 11. 416. 

Mackintoshes and Clan Chattan, by 
A. M. Mackintosh, 11. 201. 

Mackintoshes of Corrybrough, Iv. 

Mackkynrick, John, murdered by 
Carmichael, the Captain of Craw- 
ford, Iv. 182. 

Mackworth, Sir Humphrey, manager 
of the Company of Mine Ad- 
venturers, VIII. 289. 

M‘Lachlin, Walter and John, in 
Blairwosh, x. 118. 

Maclagan, Robert Craig, The Perth 
Incident of 1396, 11. 455; Religio 
Scotica, V1. 308. 

M‘Laren, Alexander and Dugald, x. 

M‘Lauchlan, Thomas, LL.D., 

Maclean, Donald, his story of 
Donald Macaulay and Graham 
of Barvas, VI. 443. 

— Sir Hector, of Duart, Iv. 452. 

— Sir John, 11. 31. 

— Sir Lauchlan (1581), VIII. 403. 

— — of Duart, 11. 64. 

— Magnus, review of The Mac- 
kintoshes and Clan Chattan, by 
A. M. Mackintosh, 11. 201. 

— Norman, Africa in Transforma- 
tion, XII. 209. 

MacLehose, James, printer to the 
University of Glasgow, I. 459; 
V. 501. 

— Robert, printer to the University 
of Glasgow, Vv. 501. 



es = 

Index 1903-1916 | 79 

MacLehose, Sophia H., From the 
Monarchy to the Republicin France, 
1788-1792, 11. 218; Separation of 
Church and State in France in 
1795, Iv. 298-308. Reviews of 
Aulard’s Za Révolution Frangaise, 
I. 339; Henderson’s A Lady of 
the Old Régime, vu. 180; La- 
prade’s England and the French 
Revolution, vu. 81; Wickham 
Legg’s Select Documents illustra- 
tive of the History of the French 
Revolution, 111. 507; Mandach’s 
Le Comte Guillaume de Portes, 
1750-1823, U1. 320; Saint-Pol’s 
Correspondance de la Famille des 
Essars, 1. 326. 

Maclellan, Thomas, lawyer, XII. 
281 and n. 

Maclennan, Roderick, student at 
Heidelberg, v. 75. 

MacLeod, Alexander, of Dunvegan, 
letters of apprising issued against 
him in 1527, II. 356. 

— Donald, of Gualtergill, x. 428. 

— Kenneth, review of Mackenzie’s 
Short History of the Scottish High- 
lands, Iv. 226. 

— Marie, in the service of Queen 
Mary, II. 359. } 
— Mary, of Dunvegan, wife of 
Campbell of Castle Swinney, 1. 


— Moir, wife of the Captain of 
Clanranald, 11. 360. 

—R. C., Side Lights from Dun- 
vegan charter chest, Il. 356- 

— Rory, his tailor’s bill in 1661, 11. 

petite of Dunvegan, fined for piracy, 

II. 358. 

— — Mor, I. 359-360. 

Macmillan, Donald, Aberdeen Doctors, 
1610-1638, VIII. 313; George 
Buchanan, a biography, 111. 527. 

— Thomas, x. 120. 

M'‘Millans admitted members of the 
Buchanan Society, 11. 470. 

M‘Murdo, John, Iv. 205. 

— William, merchant in Dumfries, 
X. 370. 

Macnair (Maknair), James, Iv. 47. 

— Peter, Argylishive and Buteshire, 
XII. 106. 

Macnaught, Alex., Iv. 206 x. 

Macnaughton, Donald, bishop of 
Dunkeld, 1. 422. 

Macneill, Janet, x. 119. 

— Sir John, Memoir of the Right 
Hon. Siy John M‘Neill, G.C.B., 
VIII. 94. 

— Rorie, of Barra, imprisoned for 
deforcing the King’s messenger, 
Il. 357: 

Macnicol, D. C., Master Robert 
Bruce, Minister in the Kirk of 
Edinburgh, v. 239. 

— Nicol, in the Brae of Glenurchy, 
X. 120. 

Macphail, Andrew, parson of Croy, 
II. 202. 

— Jj. R. N., Hamilton of Kincavil 
and the General Assembly of 
1563, X. 156-161. 

Macpherson, D., note on the Mac- 
phersons abroad, Ix. 448. 

— Dugald and Duncan, in Craig- 
uchty, X. 114. 

— James, translator of Ossian, vt. 
355; XI. 133. 

Macrae, David, Scottish History in 
our Schools, tv. 239. 

— clan, chiefship, x1. 412. 

MacRitchie, David, Shelta, the 
Cairds’ Language, 1. 467; Il. 
120; notes on the Celtic trews, 
I. 389; UU. 190; Chorhye and 
Tiree, 1x. 108; the Finn-Men, 
VIII. 442; IX. 223; review of 
Barron’s Northern Highlands in 
the Nineteenth Century, XI. 303. 

M'‘Ure, John, Ancient and Modern 
State of Glasgow, vitl. 266. 

M‘Watt alias Forrester, Walter, 
cattle thief, x. 114, 119-120. 

MacWilliam, H. D., A Black Watch 
Episode of the year 1731, VI. 312; 
Official Records of the Mutiny of 
the Black Watch, viit. 206. 

Madingley, Tales of Madingley, by 
T. Walter Harding, x. 108. 

Madison, Robert and Thomas, in 
Dundee, Iv. 81. 


Maddock and Morgan, Welsh rebels, 
hanged, III. 13. 

Maelrubha, St., missionary to the 
Picts, VI. 260-280, 442 ; VII. 226; 
VIII. 109, 213. 

Magdalen, Queen of Scotland, 1. 

Magic and Sorcery, La Magie et la 
Sorcellerie en France, by Th. de 
Cauzons, X. 309. 

Magistrates of royal burghs, 1. 130-1. 

Magna Carta, by W. S. M‘Kechnie, 
III. 229; XI. 427. 

Magna Carta re-read, Il. 10T. 

Magnus, King of Man, II. 401. 

Mahomet and Islam, XI. 210. 

Maid of France, by Andrew Lang, 
VI. 299. 

Maiden, John, in Craigie, tv. 81. 

Main, Archibald, The Emperor Sigis- 
mund, 1.213. Reviews of Papers 
of the American Society of Church 
History, Second Series, X11. 199; 
Pearce’s Sion College and Library, 
XI. 104; Ruppin’s Jews of To- 
Day, x1. 110; Tatham’s Puritans 
in Power, 1640-1660, XII. 192. 

Maitland, Elizabeth, wife of Wm. 
Douglas of Whittinghame, Iv. 

— Frederick William, XI. 327; 
Collected Papers, 1X. 81; The 
Constitutional History of England, 
vi. 89; Frederick William Mait- 
land, by H. A. L. Fisher, viii. 73 ; 
Frederic William Maitland, by 
A. L. Smith, vi. 88; notice of, 
IV. 237. 

— Helen, wife of John Cockburn of 
Clerkington, Iv. 275. 

— John, chancellor of Scotland, Iv. 
274-5; XI. 173. 

— Sir John, as he appears in Rob 
Stene’s Dream, Il. 253, 256-7. 

— — of Thirlestane, x1. 83. 

— Margaret, wife of James Heriot 
of Trabroun, Iv. 275, 280. 

— Mary, wife of Alex. Lauder of 
Hatton, Iv. 275. 

— Sir Richard, tv. 283, 289. 

— Robert, Dean of Aberdeen and 
Lord of Session, XI. 173. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Maitland, Thomas, sonof Sir Richard 
Maitland of Lethington, Iv. 274- 

— William, of Lethington, 1. 48; 
IV. 274-5, 278, 284-5; The Re- 
lations of Mary Stuart with 
William Maitland of Lethington, 
v. 151-160; Maitland of Lething- 
ton, by E. Russell, x. 201. 

Major, John, Principal of Glasgow 
University, XI. 125, 260. 

Makcap, John, Ix. 9. 

Makdorod, John, friar, Ix. 9. 
Makison, André and Robert, in the 
service of Queen Mary, II. 353. 
Makmorone, Janet, a witch, Iv. 182. 

Malcolm III., 111. 398. 

Malcolm IV., vil. 227; grant of 
the church of Inverleithen to 
Kelso, x11. 436; Annals of the 
Reigns of Malcolm and William, 
1153-1214, by Sir A. C. Lawrie, 
VIII. 189. 

Malcolm Macbeth, tf. 398-9; vil. 
39, 32, 34, 35- 

— Mac Duncan Ceannmohr, King 
of Scots, Il. 15. 

— Mac Kenneth, III. 397. 

Malet, Baldwyn, v. 29. 

Maleuille. See Melville. 
Malherbe, Gilbert, hanged in Perth, 
Ill. 463. . 

— William, 1. 173. 

Malo, Henri, Les Corsairs Dunker- 
quois, X. 430; XI. 322. 

Malta during the... French and 
British occupations, 1798-1815, by 
W. Hardman, vit. 198. 

Malvoisine, William, bishop of 
Glasgow, aftw. of St. Andrews, 
v. 81; VII. 133, 136-7. 

Malwyn, John, St. Andrews, I. 261. 

— William, chaplain of the altar of 
St. Fergus, St. Andrews, I. 262, 
478 ; Ill. IIo. 

Man. See Isle of Man. 

Man, Robert, merchant in Dundee, 
Iv. 82. 

Manchester, Mediaeval Manchester, 
by James Tait, 1. 320; Roman 
fort, VII. 304. : 

— Hugh of, 11. 13. 


Index 1903-1916 

Mandeville, Richard de, 111. 407. 

— Simon de, archdeacon of Glasgow, 
VIII. 347. 

— Thomas de, v. 92. 

Mangot, Jacques, x11. 276. 

Manipulus Curatorum, by Guido de 
Monte Rocherii, vi. 404. 

Manners, Robert de, Keeper of 
Norham Castle, Iv. 30, 193, 198; 
IX. 166. 

Manx Names, or the Surnames and 
Place Names of the Isle of Man, 
by A. W. Moore, 1. 197. 

Maps and Map-Makers of Scotland, 
by John E. Shearer, 11. 377. 

Mar, Alexander, Earl of, v. 39; 1x. 63. 

— David de, treasurer of Moray, - 

TX. 54-55- 

— Donald, Earl of, Iv. 26, 35, 37; 
IX. 166, 280, 282. 

— Isabel, Countess of, II. 430. 

— John, Earl of, x1. 170, 184. 

Marcel, Etienne, Iv. 270 and n., 
beheaded, 271. 

March, George, Earl of, 11. 22 ; 

— Patrick, Earl of, 11. 15, 223, 
401-2; Iv. 30, 187-8, 197, 203; 
VIII. 387 ; IX. 240. 

— Roger de Mortimer, Earl of, 
III. 10; IV. 25-26, 28, 31-33, 34, 
424-5, 427; IX. 163-4, 279, 283. 

Marchby priory, vi. 290. 

Marchmont, Patrick, first Earl of, 
his last days, death, and funeral, 
XI. 27-38. 

Marczali, Henry, Hungary in the 
Eighteenth Century, vil. 308; 
Procés de Félicien Zéh, 1330, 1x. 



Margaret, St., of Scotland, vr. 19-20; 
her Chapel in the Castle of Edin- 
burgh, x1. 314; Life, by Turgot, 
X. 351; The Shrines of S. Margaret 
and S. Kentigern, by P. Macgregor 
Chalmers, 1. 340. 

Marie de Bourbon, I. 30-31. 

— de Médici, 1610-1616, 11. 93- 

Marie Caroline, Reine de Naples, by 
R. M. Johnston, x. 216. 

Mariota, St., and her provostry in 

East Lothian, v. 128. 


Marischal, George, 5th Earl, founder 
of Marischal College, 11. 391-2, 396, 
402, 405. 

— — 1oth Earl, 1. 416-7, 421. 

— William, 4th Earl, 1. 392. 

— — 6th Earl, 11. 392. 

Marjory, St., 1. 188. 

Market Crosses, The Boundary Stone 
and the Market Cross, by Sir P. J. 
Hamilton Grierson, XII. 24-36. 

Marmion, Sir William, 111. 465. 

Marolin de Juan, Captain, pilot- 
general of the Armada, vitI. 400. 

Marriage law of French Calvinists, 
Ix. 218. 

Marriott, J. A. R., England since 
Waterloo, x1. 424; English Politi- 
cal Institutions, vi11. 307 ; French 
Revolution of 1848 in its Economic 
Aspect, X. 426; Second Chambers, 
VII. 405. 

Marser, Thomas, VII. 357, 359. 

Marshall, Andrew, reviews of 
Barbé’s In Byways of Scottish 
History, X. 316; Belcher’s First 
American War, 1775-1778, Ix. 
423; Black’s Elizabeth and Henry 
IV., xt1. 202; The Cambridge 
Modern History, vit. 90, 408; 
Cowan’s Master-Clues in World- 
History, xt1. 190; Duff’s Exposi- 
tion of Browning’s ‘ Sordelio,’ tv. 
to2; Headlam’s France, x. 418; 
The Imperial Gazetteer of India, 
vi. 203 ; Lloyd’s History of Wales, 
VIII. 415; Low’s Reign of Victoria, 
Vv. 353; Marczali’s Hungary in 
the Eighteenth Century, vit. 308 ; 
Marriott’s England since Waterloo, 
XI. 424; Marvin’s The Living 
Past, x1. 309; Paul’s History of 
Modern England, tt. 445; Itt. 
375; IV. 333; Pollard’s Political 
History of England, 1547-1603, 
vol. vi., VIII. 294; vol. xi., Iv. 89; 
Reich’s General History of Western 
Nations, vit. 84; Robertson’s 
England under the Hanoverians, 
Ix. 326; Robinson and Beard’s 
Development of Modern Europe, 
Vv. 479; Webster’s General His- 
tory of Commerce, I. 92. 


Marshall, James and John, at Padua 
University, 111. 61. 

— Stephen, author of ‘ Smectym- 
nuus,’ III. 425. 

Marsilliers, Pierre de, teacher of 
Greek in Montrose Grammar 
School, rx. 118. 

Martin IV., Pope, vi. 174. 

Martin V., Pope, Iv. 155-6; VIII. 
351, 353-8. 

Martin, Jean, in Logie, Iv. 76. 

— Stapleton, Izaak Walton and his 
Friends, 1. 342. 

Martini de Torrellas, Pascal, prior 
of Montressa, Ix. 56. 

Marvell, Andrew, Il. 50. 

Marvin, F. S., The Living Past, x1. 

Marwick, Sir James D., Il. 443-4; 
Vill. 267-8 ; The Municipal Insti- 
tutions of Scotland, I. 123-135, 
274-290; reviews of Clouston’s 
Records of the Earldom of Orkney, 
1299-1614, XII. 425; Records of 
the Borough of Leicester, 111. 84; 
Terry’s The Pentland Rising, 11. 
448; Taylor’s Journey to Eden- 
borough, 1. 441. 

Mary, mother of Jesus, sends a 
letter to Edward I., vii1. 26; and 
appears at a mass near Shrews- 
bury, 30. 

— of Guise, II. 115-130. 

— Queen of Scots, Queen Mary’s 
voyage to France in 1548, Iv. 
360; dispensation for her mar- 
riage with Darnley, Iv. 241-8; 
The household of Mary Queen of 
Scots in 1573, IJ. 344-355; Mary 
Stuart and the House of Huntly, 
Iv. 365-373; The Relations of 
Mary Stuart with William Mait- 
land of Lethington, v. 151-160; 
Mary Queen of Scots, and her 
brother, 1. 150-162; The rela- 
tions of the Earl of Murray with 
Mary Stuart, vi. 49-57; The 
Casket Letters, by Andrew Lang, 
v. 1-12; Mr. Lang and the 
Casket Letters, by T. F. Hender- 
son, Vv. 161-174; Bardon Papers : 
Documents relating to the Im- 

Scottish Historical Review 

prisonment and Trial of Mary 
Queen of Scots, vil. 91; Mary 
Queen of Scots and the Prince 
her Son, ed. by R. McClure, 
x. 432; Scotland in the Time 
of Queen Mary, by P. Hume 
Brown, Il. 441; La maison des 
dames d’honneur de Marie Stuart, 
par F. Donnet, Iv. 475; Les 
derniers fidéles de Marie Stuart, 
par F, Donnet, Iv. 475; Mary 
Queen of Scots, by A. H. Millar, 
mI. 96; Elizabeth and Mary 
Stuart, by F. A. Mumby, XI. 434; 
The Girlhood of Mary Queen of 
Scots, by Jane T. Stoddart, vi. 
200; Mary Queen of Scots, by 
Walter Wood, Iv. 338; book- 
bindingsof Mary Queen of Scots, Iv. 
437-8; Miniatures of Mary Stuart, 
2, 469; Portraits and Jewels of 
Mary Stuart, ml. 129-156, 274- 
300; IV. 135-143; The Queen’s 
Maries, II. 363-371; mote con- 
cerning Marie Stuart, XII. 217; 
on a casket of Queen Mary, 11. 
471; note on her will, x1. 338. 

Mary Tudor, Queen of France, by 
Mary Croom Brown, Ix. 189. 

Maryculter, church of the Hospital- 
lers, Ix. 62 and u. 

Maryland, A Colonial Governor in 
Maryland, 1753-1773, by Lady 
Edgar, XI. 10g. 

Maryland under the Commonwealth, 
1649-1658, by Bernard C. Steiner, 
IX. 337. 

‘ Mascellum,’ vil. 323. 

Mass, The, The Booklet of the Mass, 
1507, 1. 207; Mass of St. Ninian, 

X. 35-38. 

Master-Clues in World-History, by 

A. R. Cowan, XII. 190. 
Mastertons in Sweden, Ix. 271. 
Mathew, David, dyer in Dundee, 

Iv. 78. 

— Grisel, drowned for theft, 11. 244. 

— Janet, in Dundee, tv, 78. 

— Patrick, in Dundee, Iv. 75. 

Mathieson, W. Law, The Awakening 
of Scotland, 1x. 185; Politics and 

Religion in Scotland, 1550-1695, 

11. 459; Scotland and the Union, 
1695-1747, 1. 501; Hill Burton 
in Error, 1. 48-54; The Scottish 
Parliament, 1560-1707, Iv. 49-62 ; 
The Union of 1707: its story in 
outline, Iv. 249-261; reviews of 
Buchan’s Marquis of Montrose, 
x1. 107; Life and Letters of the 

First Earl of Durham, by Stuart ° 

J. Reid, tv. 220. 

Maudent, Sir Thomas, 1x. 74 and m. 

Mauld, Patrick, of Panmure, obtains 
a monopoly of soap making, 1. 408. 

Maules in Sweden, rx. 270. 

Mauley, Sir Edmund de, killed at 
Bannockburn, vir. 383, 385. 

Maumbury Rings, excavations at, 
X. 435- 

Maurice, Sir Frederick J., editor of 
Sir John Moore’s Diary, 1. 429. 

— Jean, in Dundee, Iv. 76. 

Maury, Gaston Bonet, La Liberté de 
Conscience en France, 1598-1905, 
vi. 413; A Scottish protestant 
theologian in France [John 
Cameron], 1579-1625, VII. 325- 

Maxwell, Sir Eustace de, rx. 284, 
405; X. 76. 

— Sir Herbert Eustace, x11. 238; 
Early Chronicles relating to Scot- 
land, 1x. 418 ; Official Guide to... 
Holyroodhouse, Iv. 455; The 
Battle of Bannockburn, x1. 233- 
251; notes on Barron’s War of 
Scottish Independence, vi. 326; 
the author’s reply, 328; Dalzell 
as placename and surname, vII. 
215; Gretna Green and its Tradi- 
tions, UI. 242; John Home’s 
epigram, 1x. 448; The Honorific 
“ The,” x. 230; on Sir A. C. 
Lawrie’s criticism of the Report on 
the Monuments of Wigtownshire, 
X. 325; orthography in the 17th 
century, I. 107. See also 
Chronicle of Lanercost and Sir 
Thomas Gray’s Scalacronica. 

— John, chancellor of Moray, x1. 

—Sir John Stirling, The Royal 
Scottish Academy, xX. 233-249. 

f Index 1903-1916 


Maxwell, Thomas, priest, v. 514. 

— William, of Carruchan, 11. 82. 

— — of Everingham Park, m1. 82. 

May, John, bishop of Carlisle, vir. 
ro, 18, 19. 

— Sir Thomas Erskine, The Constitu- 
tional History of England, 1x. 413. 

Mayflower, 1. 222. 

Mayler, Paul, at Padua University, 
Ill. 61. 

Measone, Umphra, captain of Dun- 
nottar Castle, 11. 392. 

Meburne, Sir Robert de, prior of 
Lanercost, VIII. 390. 

Meckingham, Joban de, m1. 11. 

Medieval church in Caithness and 
Sutherland, x1. 433; medieval 
churches and the rights of 
sanctuary, VII. 225-231; Church 
and State in the Middle Ages, by A. 
L, Smith, x1. 213; bibliography of 
Medieval economic history, XI. 
432; Medieval Education at 
Carlisle, XI. 39-53; Burgage 
Tenure in Mediaeval England, by 
Dr. Morley de Wolf Hemmeon, 
XII. 210; Medieval libraries in 
England, 1x. 187; Medieval 
politicaltheory, x1.329; The Endof 
the Middle Ages, by Ward, vil. 93; 
medieval English armies, x11. 109 ; 
medizval house-burnings by the 
Vikings of Norway, XII. 157-165. 

Mediaeval England, by Mary Bate- 
son, II. 441. 

Mediaeval Europe, 1095-1254, by 
Kenneth Bell, rx. 204. 

Mediaeval Glasgow, by James Prim- 
rose, XI. 211. 

Medieval Love from Bartholomew 
Anglicus, 11. 466. 

Mediaeval Manchester, by James 
Tait, 11. 320. 

Mediaval Stage, by E. K. Chambers, 

I. 399. 

Medical knowledge of the High- 
landers, IX. 94. 

— prescriptions in 1720, I. 170-I. 

Medieval Hospitals of England, by 
R. M. Clay, vil. 191. 

Medley, Dudley J., Original Illus- 
trations of English Constitutional 


Medley, Dudley J.—cont. 
History, vil. 422; reviews of 
Barnard’s Companion to English 
History (Middle Ages), Ul. 235; 
The Cambridge Modern History, 
Il. 77-79; Ill. 225-6; 364; 
Rannie’s Student’s History of 
Scotland, Ill. 233. 

Medoflatt, Glasgow, 111. 189. 

Megeth, Thomas de, v. 17, 20. 

Meikle, Henry W., Scotland and the 
French Revolution, x. 306; The 
King’s birthday riot in Edinburgh 
in 1792, VII. 21-28 ; The Learning 
of the Scots in the 18th century, 
vil. 289-293; Two Glasgow 
merchants in the French Revolu- 
tion, VIII. 149-158; review of 
Gooch’s History and Historians 
in the Nineteenth Century, X. 407. 

Mein or Meane, John, merchant in 
Edinburgh, vi. 329. 

— Thomas, VII. 357, 359- 

Melanchthon, Philip, Iv. 320-321. 

Melandra, excavations at, VII. 304. 

Meldrum, Andrew, Knight Hospit- 
aller, 1x. 64, 65. 

— David, canon of Dunkeld, 1. 426. 

— James, session clerk of Alloa, 
Iv. 41. 

— William, 1x. 238. 

Mell, Davis, violinist, I. 12. 

Melrose monastery and the feuing 
of Drygrange, VII. 355-363. 

— Thomas, Earl of, x1. 169-174, 184. 

Meltoun, William de, Archbishop of 
York, viii. 391, 397; xX. 82. 

Melville (Maleuille), Andrew, I. 53, 
466; Iv. 275-6; XI. 129; inter- 
view at Falkland with James VI., 
Il. 473; subjects taught by him 
in Glasgow University, Ix. 120. 

— James, prof. of Hebrew in St. 
Andrews, Il. 27. 

— Sir James, xit. 80, 82. 

— John de, of Glenbervie, 11. 16. 

— — student at Heidelberg, v. 67. 

— Lewis, The Berry Papers, 1763- 
1852, XI. 441. 

—R. D., The use and forms of 
Judicial Torture in England and 
Scotland, 11. 225-248. 

Scottish Historical Review. 

Melville, Robert de, 11. 175. 

— Thomas, student at Heidelberg, 
V. 74, 250. 

Memoirs as a Source of English 
History, by L. Rice-Oxley, xm. 

Mendicant friars, 111. 186-7. 

Menteith, Alexander, Earl of, 111. 19. 

— Andrew, slain at Monzievaird in 
1490, I. 219. 

— Joanna, 111. 83. 

— John, Earl of, 111. 222; Iv. 200; 
IX. 239; X. 181 and z., 183. 

— — student at Heidelberg, v. 67. 

— Murdoch, Earl of, 111. 463; Iv. 
186 ; Ix. 282, 289. 

— William, Earl of, x1. 167-8; his 
claim to the Earldom of Strath- 
earn, XI. 284-296, 396-403. 

——of Powmawth Miln, captain 
of Castle Campbell, x. 301, 304. 

Menzies, Alexander, of Coulterallers, 
XII. 387. 

— Family, The Red and White Book 
of Menzies, 111. 378. 

Mercer, F. W., note on the family of 
Hume, I. 103. 

— Robert, of Innerpeffray, rx. 54,55. 

Mercian Kings in England, x1. 210. 

Méré, Poltrot de, Ix. 105. 

Mertoun, John de, rector of Cam- 
buslang, Iv. 145. 

Merz, Teresa, The Junto, v. 351. 

Meschin, Ranulf, a Norman ruler of 
Cumberland, 1. 64. 

Metcalfe, W. M., review of Mac- 
kinlay’s Influence of the Pre- 
Reformation Church on Scottish 
Place-Names, 11. 82. 

Methodism, by H. B. Workman, 
IX. 443. . 

Methuen, Paul, 11. 118. 

Methven, battle of, in 1306, 111. 331. 

Metyngham, Sir John de, vi. 27. 

Metz, Die Metzer Chronik des Jaique 
Dex, tv. 468. 

Meyer, Arnold O., review of Pollen’s 
Unpublished Documents relating 
to the English Martyrs, vi. 82. 

Meyn. See Mein. : 

Michael, Wolfgang, Cromwell, v. 

Index 1903-1916 

Michens, Sir William de, v1. 287. 

Middle Ages. See Medizval. 

Middleton, Gilbert de, plunders two 
cardinals and is hangedin London, 
III. 463-4 ; VIII. 391-2. 

Midlothian, by Alex. M‘Callum, 1x 

Midside Maggie’s Girdle, I. 437. 

Midsummer fires, 111. 21-22. 

Milburn, Richard, at the battle of 
Glenshiel, 11. 413 and n. 

Milecastle on the Wall of Hadrian, 
by J. P. Gibson and F. Gerald 
Simpson, IX. Ior. 

Military History of Perthshire, edited 
by the Marchioness of Tullibar- 
dine, V. 459. 

Military Papers of the time of 
Charles the Second, xII. 145-156. 

— service proposals underElizabeth, 
IV. 239. 

Mill, George Grote, x. 171. 

— James, James Mill in Leaden- 
hall Street, 1819-1836, x. 162-173. 

— John Stuart, x. 166. 

— Walter, martyr, Il. 114. 

Millar, Alexander H., Mary Queen 
of Scots, 111. 96; Bishop Norie’s 
Dundee baptismal register, Iv. 
73-82; Killiecrankie described 
by an Eye-Witness, I11. 63-70 ; 
Scotland described for Queen 
Magdalene, 1. 27-38 ; The Scottish 
ancestors of President Roosevelt, 
I. 416-420; note on the adder’s 
head and peacock’s tail, 111. 389 ; 
review of Tait’s Medieval Man- 

chester, 11. 320. 
— Cecilia, of Walkinshaw, I. 103, 

— John, minister of Logie, 111. 22. 

— John Hepburn, A Literary His- 
tory of Scotland, 1. 204; Scottish 
Prose of the Seventeenth and Eigh- 
teenth Centuries, x. 88; review of 
Shadwell’s Enactments in Parlia- 
ment specially concerning the Uni- 
versities of Oxford and Cambridge, 
x. 89. 

— Jonet, in Tullibodie, tv. 45. 

— Margaret, in Dudhope, tv. 80. 

— William, of Walkinshaw, I. 234. 


Miller, Alexander, printer, 1. 458. 

— Christian, in Dundee, rv. 76. 

— David, in Dundee, Iv. 75. 

— Frank, The Poets of Dumfries- 
shire, vil. 400; An unpublished 
poem by Dr. Blacklock, Iv. 205- 
212; Dr. Blacklock’s Manu- 
scripts, x. 369-376. 

— Frank, note on ‘O, Kenmure’s 
on and awa, Willie,’ x. 231; 
review of Cuthbertson’s Tragedy 
of the Reformation, IX. 422. 

— James, in the Cottar Town of 
Diddup, tv. 80. 

— Robert, in Logie, tv. 78. 

—S. N., review of Haverfield’s 
Roman Britain in 1913, XI. 196 

— Thomas, The site of the New 
Park in relation to the Battle of 
Bannockburn, x11. 60-75. 

Milligan, George, review of Lawlor’s 
Eusebiana, x. 318. 

Mills, J. Travis, The Great Days of 
Northumbria, 1x. 180. 

Miln, Alex., chirurgeon in Linlith- 
gow, III. 22. 

Milne, John and Margaret, Sabbath- 
breakers, Iv. 64-65. 

— Patrick, in Boyndie, 11. 103. 

Milton, John, m1. 49; his tercen- 
tenary, VI. 222. 

Milton and Party, by Elton, v1. 

Milton as Schoolboy and School- 
master, by A. F. Leach, vi. 429. 
Mims, Stewart L., Colberi’s West 

India Policy, x. 216. 

Miniatures of Mary Stuart, 11. 469. 

Mivrabeau, by L. Barthou, x1. 216. 

Miracle plays, I. 341. 

Miracles of healing, vil. 103; 
miracles wrought at the shrine 
of Anthony of Padua, vu. 161- 

Miranda, Francisco de, and the re- 
volutionizing of Spanish America, 
VII. 197. 

Mirbt, Carl, Quellen zur Geschichte 
des Papsthums und des Semnisolions 
Katholizismus, X. 104. 

Mirror, 1. 141-5. 

Mirror Club, Edinburgh, 11. 140. 

Mitchell, A. Gordon, John the 
‘Baptist, a drama, by George 

Buchanan, transl. by A. Gordon 
Mitchell, 11. 220. 

— Sir Andrew, of Westshore, I. 

—E. Rosslyn, review of Mac- 
Cunn’s Contemporary English view 
of Napoleon, XI. 319. 

— James, covenanter, VI. 396. 

— John Oswald, I. 356. 

— Sidney Knox, Studies in Taxation 
under John and Henry III., Xit. 

— Thomas, of Coldon, Iv. 41, 44. 

Mitford castle, v1II. 393. 

Moated mounds, x. 207. 

Moderatism, VI. 347-354. 

Moderators of the Church of Scotland, 
1690-1740, by John Warrick, x. 

Moeller, Ch., Les Béchers et les Auto- 
da-fé de VInquisition depuis le 
moyen age, XI. 447. 

Moffat (Muffet), Isabel, in Balgay, 
Iv. 80. 

— Nicholas, bishop of Glasgow, v. 
85, 86; X. 145. 

— William, in Balgay, Iv. 77, 80. 

Moir, Andrew, of Otterburn, v. 187. 

— William, attorney in London, 

Molay, Jacques de, grand master 
of the Templars, on the rivalry 
between Dominicans and Fran- 
ciscans, III. 184. 

Molinos, Miguel de, mystic, 111. 379. 

Moluach, St., Iv. 106. 

Mommsen, Theodor, eulogium on, 
I. 343- 

Monasteries in Scotland before the 
Reformation, x1. 227; An Essay 
on English Monasteries, by Rose 
Graham, XI. 113. 

Monasticism, IX. 302. 

Moncreif, John, of Randerstoun, 

. xu. 80. 

Moncrieff, W. G. Scott, Records of 
the Proceedings of the Justiciary 
Court, 1661-1669, 111. 368. Re- 
views of Lord <Acton’s French 
Revolution, vit. 196; TBarron’s 

: gts ¥ 

Scottish Historical Review 

Scottish War of Independence, x11. 
185; Brown’s Mary Tudor, Queen 
of France, 1x. 189; Lang’s Sir 
George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, 
VI. 393; Lang’s History of Scot- 
land, vol. iv., v. 118 ; Sir Herbert 
Maxwell’s Early Chronicles re- 
lating to Scotland, 1x. 418 ; Merz’s 
The Junto, v. 351; Omond’s 
Lord Advocates of Scotland, Second 
Series, XI. 440; Shield’s Henry 
Stuart, Cardinal of York, vi. 187 ; 
Stubbs’ Lectures on European 
History, 1. 432; Trevelyan’s 
George the Third and Charles Fox, 
2X; 315 5. E11. 300; 

Mondion castle and parish, VII. 321. 

Monington, Walter de, of Glaston- 
bury, Ix. 214. 

Monmouth, James, Duke of, On the 
Left of a Throne: a personal study 
of James, Duke of Monmouth, by 
Mrs. Evan Nepean, XII. 104. 

Monod, Gabriel, Ix. 447. 

Monro. See Munro. 

Montague, Col. Edward, at the 
battle of Glenshiel, 11. 413 and m. 

—F. C., The History of England 
from the Accession of James I. to 
the Restoration, Vv. 225. 

— Violette M., The Scottish College 
in Paris, Iv. 399-416. 

— William de. See Salisbury, Earl 

Montefeltro, Count Guido da, vii. 

Montelius, Oscar, 
stones, XII. 423. 

Montelon, Frangois de, XII. 277. 

Montgomeries in Sweden, Ix. 271. 

Montgomery, John, builder of the 
market cross of Aberdeen, v. 178. 

— Robert and James, sugar manu- 
facturers in Glasgow, I. 414. 

— Marion, 111. 83. 

Montrose Grammar School, 1x. 118 ; 
Kirk-session records, Iv. 63-72. 

— Marquis of, v. 177; VI. 257; 

Swedish rune- 

IX. 311; Some sidelights on the — 

History of Montrose’s campaigns, 
Il. 47-52; The Marquis of Mon- 
tvose, by Buchan, XI. 107. 

Index 1903-1916 

Mont Saint-Michel, Bibliographie, 
Ill. 236; prisons, v. 511; Les 
Pélerinages au Mont St. Michel, 
by E. Dupont, vir. 318; Mont 
Saint Michel Inconnu, by Etienne 
Dupont, x. 109. 

Monymusk teinds, 11. 62. 

— Michael de, bishop of Dunkeld, 
I. 320-1 and m.; I. 71. 

Monypenny, David, of Pitmillie, 
a prisoner in Mont Saint Michel, 
III. 506. 

— James, Iv. 376. 

— Sir James, xm. 80. 

— Patrick and Robert, of Pilrig, 
V. 514. 

Monzievaird, battle of, in 1490, 
I. 218. 

Moore, Arthur W., Manx Names, 
II. 197; The connexion between 
Scotland and Man, 111. 393-409. 

— James Carrick, of Corswall, 1. 
311 #. 

— Sir John, Diary, ed. by Sir F. J. 
Maurice, I. 429. 

Moray, Countess of, letter to Mary 
of Guise, 11. 298. 

— Alexander de, 1. 16; III. 19. 

— Sir Andrew: de, Guardian. of 
Scotland, Iv. 37-38, 191; 1x. 284 
and n., 285, 398; X. 77. 

— Angus, Earl of, vii. 33. 

— David, bishop of, founder of the 
Scottish College in Paris, tv. 399, 
412; VI. 130-132, 135. 

— Francis, Earl of, 111. 362. 

— James, Earl of, tv. 278-280, 368- 
9; letter to, from Sir William 
Stewart, 1. 39; his relations with 
Mary Stuart, vi. 49-57; political 
lampoon on, Iv. 279. 

— John, bishop of, tv. 400. 

— John de, vir. 390. 

— John, Earl of, tv. 198, 200; Ix. 
239, 284, 397; xX. 181, 183 and n. 

— Maurice de, 1x. 398-9. 

— Sir Robert, x. 438. 

— Thomas de, Iv. 267. 

— Sir Thomas Randolph, Earl of, 
Ill. 331, 405 and n., 407, 458-9; 
IV. 30, 35; VI. 138; VIII. 397-8; 
IX. 7, 78, 159, 166, 280; x1. 64. 


Morcell, Adam, v. 20, 22. 

— Patrick, v. 21. 

— Robert, v. 21. 

More, Sir Thomas, Utopia, ed. by 
George Sampson, VIII. 211; Sir 
Thomas ,More in his English 
works, VI. 159-173. 

Morgan, A. S., The History of Parlia- 
mentary Taxation in England, 
VIII, 417. 

Morgann’s Essay on... Falstaff, 
I. 291, 294-5 and n. 

Moriceby, Sir Hugh de, rx. 78, 158. 

Morison, Alexander, Lord Preston- 
grange, x1. 186. 

— — chaplain of the Star of Beth- 
lehem, IX. III. 

— John L., The Scottish Highlander, 
Ix. 214; Ancient legend and 
Modern Poetry in Ireland, Iv. 
164-177 ; Lord Elgin in Canada, 
1847-1854, X. I-20; Sir Thomas 
More in his English works, v1. 
159-173. Reviews of Lord Dur- 
ham’s Report on the Affairs of 
British North America, X. 412; 
Macdonald’s Fifty Years of it, 
vir. 183; Mathieson’s Politics 
and Religion in Scotland, 11. 459; 
Napoleon (Cambridge Modern 
History), v.96 ; Oman’s England 
before the Norman Conquest, vitl. 
88; The Shirburn Ballads, 1585- 
1616, v. 334; Trevelyan’s Ameri- 
can Revolution, 1. 434; Ill. 97; 
v. 359; Ward’s End of the Middle 
Ages, VIl. 93. 

— William, of Prestongrange, XII. 

Morley, Thomas, I. 329-330. 

Mornay, Carolus de, enrols Scots 
soldiers for Sweden, I. I91; 
beheaded for conspiracy, 192. 

Morris, David B., review of Stair- 
Kerr’s Stirling Castle, XI. 304. 

— John E., Bannockburn, X11, 207 ; 
review of Tout’s Place of the Reign 
of Edward II. in English History, 
XII. 318. 

—-—and Jordan, Humfrey, Intro- 
duction to the Study of Local 
History and Antiquities, VI. 412. 


Morris, M. C. F., Nunburnholme, iis 
History and Antiquities, v. 486. 
Morrison of Ness, Judge of the 

Lewis, VI. 444. 

Mort cloth of Gask, 11. 35. 

Mortimer, Edmond de, 111. 10. 

— Katherine de, v. 32. 

— Sir Roger de. See March, Earl 

Morton, James, The Nun’s Rule, tt. 
— James Douglas, 4th Earl of, 11. 21. 
— John Maxwell, Earl of, vi. 409. 

Morville, Hugh de, vill. 24. 

Moryson, Fynes, Travels, v. 462. 

Mosaic pavements, Ix. 183. 

Motes and early fortifications in 
Ireland, 1x. 183; motes and 
Norman castles in Ireland, Iv. 

Motley’s account of the Scots at the 
battle of Leffingen, 11. 268-271. 
Mouatt, Andrew, of Hovland, 1. 386. 

Moubray. See Mowbray. 

Mouhermere, Sir Thomas de, x. 83. 

Mounier, A., St/houettes, 1X. 337. 

Mountfield, gold ornaments dis- 
covered at, I. 77. 

Mounth, The, 11. 390. 

Mousa broch, 1X. 247. 

Mowat, John, Bibliography of Catth- 
ness and Sutherland, vii. 426. 

—R. B., Select Treaties and Docu- 
ments to illustrate the development 
of the Modern European Sitate- 
System, XII. 430; review of 
Russell’s Roman Empire, vii. 293. 

Mowbray, Alexander de, II. 464; 
Iv. 189. 

— Christian de, 11. 18. 

— John de, Iv. 35. 

— Sir John de, vil. 167; at the 
battle of Neville’s Cross, x. 178, 
183; hanged at York, 1x. 69-74 
and n. 

— Sir Philip de, keeper of Stirling 
Castle, 111. 458 ; X11. 63-64 and m., 

—— Roger de, III. 463. 

Muckairn, vi. 264. 

Mihleisen, Wilhelm, Texthritische 
... von Barbour’s Bruce, Xi. 442. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Muir, Ramsay, New Historical Atlas 
for Students, 1x. 188. 

— Thomas, transported for sedition, 
VIII. 154 and #., 157 and m. 

Muirhead, Andrew, bishop of Glas- 
gow, Il. 110. 

Muirkirk in Bygone Days, by J. G. 
A. Baird, vit. 424. 

Mulhall, Marion M., Explorers in 
the New World, vil. 195. 

Mullechner, Johannes, vill. 347and n. 

Multan, Margaret, wife of Ralph de 
Dacre, VIII. 382. 

— Sir Thomas de, lord of Gillesland, 
VI. 284; VII. 276; VIII. 382; 
X. 152-3. 

Mumby, F. A., Elizabeth and Mary 
Stuart, XI. 434. 

Mundell, James, printer to the 
University of Glasgow, v. 500. 
Municipal institutions of Scotland, 

I. 122-135, 274-290. 

Munnu, St., x. 30 and %., 33. 

Munro, Finlay, sergeant in Sempill’s 
regiment, II. 303. 

— George, of Davochgartie, 11. 202. 

— — of Newmore, Iv. 108. 

— Neil, 111. 516. 

— Robert, in the service of Sweden, 
IX. 47, 50. 

— Robert, Munro, his Expedition, 
XII. 223 and m., 229, 234-5 
and x. 

— — M.D., The Royal Commission 
on the Ancient and Historical 
Monuments and Constructions of 
Scotland, x11. 238-246; Treasure 
Trove, I. 214. 

— William Bennett, The Seigniorial 
System in Canada, V. 112. 

Murat, Joachim, Joachim Murat, 
by A. H. Atteridge, 1x. 206. 

Murdoch, W. G. Blaikie, The 
National Gallery of Scotland, X1. 
111; The Royal Stewarts in theiy 
connection with Art and Letters, 

vi. 425; The Spirit of Jacobite. 
Loyalty, v. 361; Charles II., his. 

connection with art and letters, 
III. 41-52. Reviews of Crawfurd’s 
Last Days of Charles II., vu. 
189; Cust’s Notes on Pictures in 

. -~ eae 
—— eS 


—— eC OU 

Index 1903-1916 89 

the Royal Collections, IX. 192; 
The First Duke and Duchess of 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Vill. 202 ; 
Greenwood’s Hanoverian Queens 
of England, vu. 82; Sealy’s 
Champions of the Crown, VIII. 
419; Steuart’s News Letters of 
1715-16, vit. 86; Straus’s Robert 
Dodsley, vil. 420. 

Mure, John, friar, rx. 8. 

Murray, Earls of. See Moray. 

— Mrs. Anne, a friend of Scott, vir. 

— David, in Stirling, 111. 21. 

——LL.D., Lawyers’ Merriments, 
x. 190 ; Legal Practice in Ayr and 
‘the West of Scotland, vil. 413; 
Museums : theiy History and their 
Use, 11. 307; Earthquakes in 
Glasgow, VIII. 330; on some 
French translations of Smith’s 
Wealth of Nations, Ul. 115-119; 
grammars in use in Scotland from 
the 15th century to 1714, Ill. 255; 
David Laing, Antiquary and 
Bibliographer, x1. 345-369; The 
Preservation of the Tolbooth 
Steeple of Glasgow, x1l. 354-368. 
Reviews of American Historical 
Association report, 11. 8d; Brown’s 
History of Accounting and Ac- 
countants, 111. 230; Fraser- Mack- 
intosh’s Antiquarian Notes, x. 

— Sir Edwin, of Elibank, Iv. 183. 

— Lord George, IV. 453-4; V- 147, 
461; at the battle of Glenshiel, 
II. 414-5, 417 2.-423. 

— James, at Padua University, 111. 

— Sir JamesA. H.,notes on the word 
** Whig,” x. 328, and on Adder’s 
head and Peacock’s tail, 111. 240 ; 
banquet to Dr. Murray at Hawick, 
Iv. 120. Oxford English Dic- 
tionary, I. 112. 

— John, in Dundee, tv. 76. 

— — in Gask, 11. 30. 

— — of Broughton, vi. 231 and 2., 

—— RN, v. 251. 

— Sir John, of Blackbarony, rv. 183. 

Murray, Keith W., review of The 
Publications of the Clan Lindsay 
Society, vit. 88. 

— Lady Mary, letter from, to Lady 
Nairne, Iv. 22. 

— P. Keith, The old crown cushion 
at Edinburgh Castle, Iv. 116; 
the saving of the Regalia in 1652, 
IV. 309. 

— Sir Robert, of Eastfield, v1. 146. 

— Thomas, in St. Andrews, 11. 261. 

— — student at Heidelberg, v. 68. 

— William, of Touchadam, x11. 61. 

— William Vans, letters from, to 
John Quincy Adams, 1797-1803, 
XII. 327-8. 

— Lord William, aftw. Lord Nairne, 

Murrays in Sweden, Ix. 273; 
massacred at Monzievaird, 1. 218. 

Muschett, Archibald, minister of. 
Gargunnock, Iv. 41, 47-48. 

Museums, their History and their 
Use, by Dr. Murray, 1. 307. 

Musical Antiquary, vit. 207. 

Musselburgh woollen manufactory, 
II. 288. 

Mutiny in the Navy in 1797, x1I. 

Mutiny of the Black Watch, by W. 
D. MacWilliam, virt. 206. 

Mutschmann, Heinrich, Phonology 
of the North-Eastern Scotch Dia- 
lect, VI. 430; VulI. 208. 

Myagh, Thomas, tortured, 11. 247. 

Myln, Alexander, abbot of Cambus- 
kenneth, 11. 64; IV. 432, 434. 

— Robert, provost of Linlithgow, 
XII. 378, 383-4. 

Mysteries of Mithra, 
Cumont, 11. 85. 

Mytens, Daniel, portrait painter, 
IX. 192. 

Mythology of the British Islands, by 
Charles Squire, 1. 455. 

Mytton, battle of, m1. 468; vuutt. 
397-8 and n. 

by Franz 

Naillac, Philibert de, grand master 
of the Knights Hospitallers, rx. 
53°54: 56, 59 n., 65. 
airne, Lady, Iv. 23 and n. 

go Scottish Historical Review 

Nairne, David, student at Heidel- 
berg, v. 73. 

— Margaret, Lady, Iv. 11-23. 

— Robert, of Strathord, tv. 11. 

— William, Lord, Iv. 12, 14, 15, 17. 

Names and changes of name, Iv. 475. 

Napier, Sir Alexander, x1. 186. 

— John, of Merchiston, x1. 129. 

— Robert, at Padua University, 
Ill. 56. 

— William, of Wrichtishouses, 111. 
385, 387. 

Napoleon I., The Contemporary 
English View of Napoleon, by F. 
J. MacCunn, x1. 319; British 
Credit in the Last Napoleonic War, 
by Audrey Cunningham, viii. 198; 
The Personality of Napoleon, by 
J. Holland Rose, x.323; Napoleon 
(Cambridge Modern History), tv. 

Napoleon and England, by P. 
Coquelle, 1803-1813, II. 315. 

Napoleon’s Captivity, by R. C. 
Seaton, I. 444. 

Napoleonic Studies, by J. Holland 
Rose, Ill. 513. 

National Gallery of Scotland, by W. 
G. Blaikie Murdoch, xr. 111. 

National System of Education, by 
Whitehouse, XI. 304. 

Nationalities, growth of, vit. go. 

Nauntun, Sir Yvo de, II. 174. 

Navigation Act of 1660, vI. 33. 

Navy of Scotland from 1689 to 
1710, ed, James Grant (Navy 
Record Society), XI. 426. 

Negro (The) in Pennsylvania, 1639- 
1861, by E. R. Turner, x. Iog. 

Neil, Robert, in Gask, 11. 32. 

Neilson, George, George Buchanan : 
Glasgow Quatercentenary Studies, 
edited by George Neilson, v. 220 ; 
Brunanburh and Burnswork, vit. 
37-55, 435; The feuing of Dry- 
grange fiom the Monastery of 
Melrose, vit. 355-363 ; The Monu- 
ments of Caithness, IX. 241-252; 
the pills of pope Alexander, viii. 
106 ; Roderick Dhu : his poetical 
pedigree, vi1I. 61-69 ; Scot’s Trew 
Relation, XI. 164-191, 284-296, 

394-403; XII. 76-83, 174-183, 
408-412 ; Scottish Burgh Records, 
VIII. 264-275; a sermon on 
witchcraft in 1697, VII. 390-399; 
Rob Stene : a court satirist under 
James VI., 11. 253-9, 481. Notes 
on the Scottish Trial by Combat 
charter of 1167, v. 93; The Dethe 
of the Kynge of Scotis, i. 97. 
Notices of books, I. 217-218; 
11. 183, 441. Reviews of Accounts 
of the Lord High Treasurer for 
Scotland, Iv. 84; V. 219; VIL. 
309; 1x. 319; Adler’s Auto de 
Fé, vit. 296; Bale’s Index of 
British and other writers, 1. 84; 
Buchanan’s John the Bapitist, 
transl. by A. G. Mitchell, 11. 220 ; 
A Calenday of the Feet of Fines 
relating to the County of Hunting- 
don, X. 417; Cauzon’s La Magie 
et la Sorcellerie en France, X. 309 ; 
Chronicon Ad@ de Usk, i. 214; 
Coutts’ History of the University 
of Glasgow, v1I. 171 ; De Morgan’s 
Book of Almanacs, tv. 473; Ein- 
hard’s Life of Charlmagne, XII. 
430; Flenley’s Six Town Chron- 
icles of England, 1x.196; Fletcher’s 
Historical Portraits, VI. 401; 
Hall’s Studies in English Official 
Historical Documents, vit. 181 ; 
The Incendium of Richard Rolle 
of Hampole, xi1. 421; Jahncke’s 
Guilelmus Neubrigensis, IX. 422; 
Jenkinson’s Palaeography, xt. 
427; John of Gaunt’s Register, 
x. 205; Johnston’s Place Names 
of Scotland, 11. 319; Keith’s Com- 
mercial Relations of England and 
Scotland, 1603-1707, VIII. 310; 
Kréger’s Die Sage von Macbeth 
bis zu Shakspere, 11. 461; Lea’s 
History of the Inquisition of 
Spain, IV. 322; vil. 296; Lea’s 
Inquisition in the Spanish Depend- 
encies, Vil. 296; Lubimenko’s 
Jean de Bretagne, v1. 199; Mac- 
donald’s Roman Forts on the Bar 
Hill, tv. 335; Mackenzie’s Out- 
line of Scottish History, v. 488; 
M‘Kerlie’s Lands and their Owners 



se OO ST 

Index 1903-1916 | gt 

in Galloway, IV. 222; Moore’s 
Manx Names, 1. 197; Morris’s 
Introduction to the Study of Local 
History and Antiquities, Vil. 412 ; 
Notestein’s History of Witchcraft 
in England, x. 409 ; Nova Solyma, 
Ir. 203; Orkney and Shetland 
Records, vol. i., X11. 203 ; Perrett’s 
Story of King Lear, Ul. 461; 
Powicke’s Loss of Normandy, X1. 
423 ; Register of the Privy Council 
of Scotland, tv. 86, 461 ; VI. 421 ; 
VEIh) 907°; 1X.. 4h5; (<tr. 54; 
Rice-Oxley’s Memoirs as a Source 
of English History, Xt. 100; 
Schmidt’s Margareta von Anjou 
vor und bei Shakespeare, Vv. 234; 
Shearer’s Fact and Fiction in the 
Story of Bannockburn, vil. 190 ; 
Smith’s Frederick William Mait- 
land, vi. 88; Traver’s Four 
Daughters of God, v. 476; Ward’s 
Peeps into the Past, vi. 416; 
Weaver’s ed. of The Chronicle of 
John of Worcester, v1. 80; Wol- 
fram’s Die Meizer Chronik des 
Jaique Dex, Iv. 468; Woolf’s 
Bartolus of Sassoferrato, X11. 194 ; 
Year Books of Richard II., xu. 


Nelson, Lord, and the battle of 
Trafalgar, viiI. 76. 

Neolithic Man in North-East Surrey, 
by W. Johnson and W. Wright, 
II, 218. 

Nepean, Mrs. Evan, On the Left of a 
Throne: a personal study of James, 
Duke of Monmouth, x1. 104. 

Nesbitt, H. A., reviews of The 
Chronicle of Novgorod, 1016-1471, 
XII. 321; Cross’s History of Eng- 
land and Greater Britain, x11. 200 ; 
Lloyd’s Making of the Roman 
People, x11. 188. 

Ness, of Leuchars, 11. 174 and n. 

Nether Houdane, x11. 82. 

Netherlands’ trade relations with 
Scotland, 1292-1676, vitI. 70. 

Nevill, Alexander de, v. 92. 

— — archbishop of York, rv. 147. 

— Sir John de, Iv. 33, 34, 428. 

— Sir Rafe de, x. 178, 182, 184. 

Nevill, Robert de, 11. 462. 

— Sir William, x1. 55, 77-80. 

Nevill’s Cross, battle of, Iv. 200; 
VII. 124-5; X. 178-183. 

Newall, David, shepherd in Claver- 
house, Iv. 73- 

Newark peerage, III. 202, 480-3. 

— Henry of, archbishop of York, 
VIII. 161. 

Newbattle abbots, vir. 329. 

Newburgh, William of, rx. 422. 

Newburn barony, II. 20. 

Newcastle craftsmen in I515, Ix. 

— Duke of, vu. 202; letter to, 
from prince Charles, II. 42. 

Newcastle-upon-Tyne flood in 1339, 
x. 80. 

New (The) Democracy and the Con- 
stitution, by Wm. S. M‘Kechnie, 
x1. 98. 

New Historical Atlas for Students, 
by Ramsay Muir, rx. 188. 

New Mills cloth manufactory, 1681- 
1703, I. 175-179, 186; Il. 59, 60 x., 
290, 296, 408-9, 435. 

New Park and the battleof Bannock- 
burn, XII. 60-75. 

New Testament in Scots, I. 237, 260. 

‘New Year’s Gift for the Whigs,’ 
VI. 245, 439- 

New Zealand, Democracy in New 
Zealand, by A. Siegfried, x1. 326. 

Newett, M. Margaret, editor of 
Casola’s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 
1494, V- 99. 

News of a Country Town, [Abingdon], 
1753-1835, XII. 193. 

Newstead excavations, UI. 126-7, 
471; IV. 364, 443-450; V. 372, 
511; A Roman Frontier Post and 
its People, by James Curle, vuil. 

Newton, Arthur P., The Colonising 
Activities of the English Puritans, 
XI. 434- 

— George de, dean of St. Andrews 
University, vItl. 240. 

— John, at Padua University, 111.61. 

— Sir Richard, x1. 35. 

Nichol, John, Tables of European 
History, vu. 194. 


Nicholas III., Pope, vi. 23. 

Nicholas IV., Pope, vi. 286; vit. 
61 and u., 160. 

Nicholas V., Pope, 1x. 171; founder 
of Glasgow University, xI. 252. 
Nicholson, E. W. B., Keltic Re- 

searches, 111. 366. 

Nicoll, James, in Alloa, Iv. 47. 

Nicolson, John, advocate, x11. 82. 

— Thomas, of Cockburnspath, Iv. 

— Sir Thomas, Iv. 390. 

Nield, J., Guide to the best historical 
novels and tales, 11. 90; IX. 99. 
Nightingale, B., The Ejected of 1662 
in Cumberland and Westmorland, 

IX. 429. 

Ninian, St., 11. 390, 396; Il. 394 
and m.; Nynia in Northern Pict- 
land, 11. 378-388. 

Nisbet, John, of Hardhill, cove- 
nanter, I. 260 n. 

— Margaret, hanged for forgery, 
II. 243-4. 

— Murdoch, of Hardhill, The New 
Testament in Scots, 1. 237, 260. 

— Sir Patrick, of Dean, xII. 420. 

— Sir William, of Dean, 111. 387-8. 

Nisbets in Sweden, Ix. 274. 

Nithsdale earldom, 111. 82. 

Nobility of Scotland and their part 
in the National History, 11. 157- 

Nonconformity in Cumberland and 
Westmorland, Ix. 429. 

Nonjurors of Manchester, 1x. 96. 

Norfolk defences against inroads by 
the sea, VII. 351-2. ; 

— Thomas, Earl of, 111. 334. 

Norgate, Kate, The Minority of 
Henry the Third, X. 403. 

Norham parliament of 1291, III. 15. 

Norie, Robert, bishop of Glasgow, 
his Dundee baptismal register, 
1722-26, IV. 73-82. 

Norman Castles of the British Isles, 
by Ella S. Armitage, x. 207. 

Normandy under Henry L., vi. 430 ; 
Normandy under Henry II., x11. 
434; The Loss of Normandy, 
1189-1204, by F. M. Powicke, 
XI. 423; Normandy invaded by 

Scottish Historical Review 

English adventurers, Iv. 269-272 ; 
Normandy and the Reformation, 
XI. 330. 

Normans in England, 1066-1154, 
by A. S. Bland, x11. 106. 

Norris, Sir William, of Speke, rv. 
432, 435- 

Norse attempt on Erin, Iv. 485; 
Norse duel, vir. 43 and m., 47; 
Norse king’s household, v. 514; 
Norse language in Shetland, vit. 
422; Norse law of land tenure, 
11. 185; Norse place names in 
Arran, XII. 419; Early Norse 
visits to North America, XI. 446; 
Norse mythology: Ragna-rék 
and Orkney, 1x. 148-158; Norse 
shipbuilding and nautical terms, 
III. 515; Norsemen defeated by 
Athelstan ‘at Brunanburh, vit. 
37; Norsemen in Ireland, m1. 
123; Norsemen in Argyle and 
on the Clyde, I1. 95. 

Norse Influence on Celtic Scotland, 
by George Henderson, vit. 426. 
North America, by Prof. Russell, 

III. 231. 

North Berwick, 1. 
nunnery, 20-21. 

North Uist: its Archeology and 
Topography, by Erskine Beveridge, 
IX. 199. ‘ 

Northampton, William de Bohun, 
Earl of, Iv. 199, 204; IX. 403, 
409; x. 78. 

Northern Highlands in the toth 
Century, by James Barron, VI. 
211; XI. 303. 

Northern Notes and Queries, Ill. 125. 

Northmills cloth manufactory, Aber- 
deen, II. 290-1. 

Northumberland armorials, viii. 
112; A History of Northumber- 
land, ed. H. H. E. Craster, v. 
214; vil. 185; x11. 186. 

— Countess of, Iv. 285-6. 

— Sivard, Earl of, 1. 64, 69. 

Northumbria, The Great Days of — 
Northumbria, by J. T. Mills, 1x. 
180; Northumbrian poem, ‘A 
vision of the Cross of Christ,’ 1x. 

20-23, 29; 

Index 1903-1916 93 

Norval, Ro., 1. 144. 

Norwegian Historical Manuscripts 
Commission, XII. 197, 428. 

Norwich cathedral burned, vi. 28. 

— Everard, bishop of, vu. 144. 

Nostell priors, 11. 430; Nostell and 
Scone foundation, vil. 141-159; 
xX. 228. 

Notarial heraldic mark, v. 514. 

Notaries, 1. 129-130; degraded for 
forgery, Iv. 462. 

Notes on Pictures in the Royal Col- 
lections, by Lionel Cust, Ix. 192. 
Notestein, Wallace, History of Witch- 
craft in England, 1558-1718, x. 


Nova Scotia baronets, vi. 32; VIII. 
287; original minutes of H.M. 
Council at Annapolis Royal, 1720- 
1739, VII. 199. 

Nova Solyma, 11. 203. 

Novels, Guide to the Best Historical 
Novels and Tales, by J. Nield, 
II. 90. 

Novgorod, The Chronicle of Nov- 
gorod, 1016-1471, XII. 321. 

Noysiac, Symon de, parson of 
Locres, II. 174. 

Nunburnholme, its History and Anti- 
quities, by F. M. C. F. Motfris, 
v. 486. 

Nutoune, William, in Maines of 
Dowler, x. 301. 

Nynia [St. Ninian], in Northern 
Pictland, 11. 378-388. 

Oakeley, Sir Charles, 11. 45. 

Oakham Castle, 1x. 215. 

Oaths and interjections, 1. 55-57. 

O’Boyle, James, Life of George 
Washington, X11. 429. 

O’Brien, William, elopes with the 
daughter of the Earl of Ilchester, 
Il. 43. 

Observant Franciscans established 
in Scotland, 11. 180-181, 188, 

Ochterlonie Family of Scotland, by 
W. K. Watkins, 1. 98. 

Ochterlony of Guynd, 1. 73-74. 

— John, bishop of Brechin, 11. 99. 

Ochtertyre Booke of Accomps, 1737- 
1739, V. 236. 

Ockham, William of, 1x. 171. 

Odel, Anders, poem on the murder 
of Major Malcolm Sinclair, tv. 
374, 379-383. 

Officers of State, It. 4. 

Ogg, David, reviews of Clapham’s 
Abbé Sieyés, X. 212; Dunlop’s 
Iveland under the Commonwealth, 
XI. 222; Pollard’s Reign of 
Henry VII., Xt. 419. 

Ogham inscribed stones, II. 384-5. 

Ogier the Dane’s Saga, I. 345. 

Ogilvie of Newhall, tv. 81. 

— Lady, a prisoner in Edinburgh 
Castle, I. 449. 

— Alexander, of Boyne, 1. 370. 

— Andrew, of Temple Hall, 1v. 76. 

— David, of Coull, v1. 233 and z. 

— George, of Barrass, 11. 392. 

— Sir George, of Dunlugus, Iv. 364. 

— Henry de, Iv. 151 and z. 

— — bearer of bulls from Benedict 
XIII. to St. Andrews University, 
VIII. 341-2. 

— — of Temple Hall, tv. 78, 81. 

— — priest in St. Andrews, III. 303. 

— James, shipmaster, III. 122. 

— John, S.J., tortured, 11. 239. 

— — of Pourie, Il. 250. 

— Margaret, in Dundee, Iv. 77, 81. 

— Patrick, of Lenmay and Inch- 
martin, X. 59 n. 

— Thomas, in Dundee, tv. 78. 

— Sir Walter, of Deskford, charter 
of James II. authorising the forti- 
fication of Findlater Castle, 11. 

— — of Dunlugus, Iv. 363. 

— Sir William, of Barras, dispute 
with the Earl of Kintore as to the 
guardianship of the Regalia, Iv. 

Ogle, Arthur, Canon Law in 
Mediaeval England, x. 185. 

— Robert de, Iv. 190; X. 179. 

O’Keefe, John, Irish dramatist, 1. 

*O, Kenmure’s on and awa, Willie,’ 
note on, by Frank Miller, x. 231. 

Olaf the White, 111. 396. 

Old Oaths and Interjections, I. 



Old English Libraries, by Ernest A. 
Savage, Ix. 187. 

Old Schools and Universities in 
Scotland, rx. 113-138. 

Oldcastle, Sir John, 111. 236; XI. gr. 
Oldrieve, William T., recent ex- 
cavations at Holyrood, x. 216. 

Oldys, William, 1. 15. 

Olifard, Sir Alexander de, duel with 
Henry de Lambert, Iv. 481. 

— David, v. 89, 92. 

— Osbert, 11. 180. 

— Walter, 11. 174-5, 180. 

— William de, v. 93. 

Oliphant, Andrew, notary, x. 160. 

— John, in Gask, 11. 30-31. 

— Sir John, of Kellie, vi. 404. 

— Laurence, Iv. 22-23. 

— Peter, in Gask, 11. 33. 

— Sir William, governor of Perth, 
III. 224, 458; VIII. 381. 

— — Lord Newton, x1. 169, 186, 

Oman, Charles, England before the 
Norman Conquest, vii. 88; The 
Great Revolt of 1381, tv. 213; The 
History of England, 1. 362, 499; 
Lecture on the Study of History, 
Ill. 378. 

Omond, G. W. T., The Early His- 
tory of the Scottish Union Question, 
Iv. 345; Lord Advocates of Scot- 
land, Second Series, 1834-1880, 
XI. 440. 

Ontario, Bureau of Archives for the 
Province of Ontario, 1X. 436. 

Oppenheim, L., International In- 
cidents, VII. 201. 

Orde or Wilkie, Dorothy, 11. 107. 

Order of the Golden Fleece, v. 405- 

Order of the Star of Bethlehem, 
IX. 109. 

Ordination of a Cumberland Bene- 
fice, V. 297-303. 

Ordo Romanus Primus, I. 454. 

‘ Oripilatio’ and ‘ Mascellum,’ vit. 

Origin of the English Constitution, 
by G, B. Adams, x. 318. 

Ovigines Politiques des Guerres de 
Religion, by Lucien Romier, x1. 
105, 315. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Orkney, the Finn-men of Orkney, 
VIII. 442; poets and authors, Ix. 
152-154; Ragna-rék and Orkney, 
Ix. 148-158; Records of the Earl- 
dom of Orkney, 1299-1614, ed. 
J. Storer Clouston, XII. 204, 425; 
The trade of Orkney at the end 
of the 18th century, xX. 360-368. 
Orkney and Shetland Old-Lore, 
IV. 342; V. 247. 

Orkney and Shetland Records, xt. 
329; XII. 109, 203. 

— William, bishop of, vi. 21. , 

— William Sinclair, Earl of, 11. 374. 

Orkneyinga Saga, authorship of, Iv. 

Orleans, Elizabeth, Duchess of, vit. 

Orleton, Adam de, bishop of Here- 
ford, Ix. 165. 

Ormiston, Joseph, silk manufacturer, 
II. 292, 295. 

Ormond peerage, III. 198. 

Ormsby, John of, rx. 288. 

— William de, justiciar of Scotland, 
III. 219; VII. 161. 

Ormulum, its author and date, Iv. 

Orpen, G. H., Iveland under the 
Normans, 1X. 182. 

Orr, Robert, of Milnbank, vi. 377- 

Orrock, Alexander, of Sillebawbye, 
V. 220. 

— Elizabeth, scourged for alleged 
child-murder, II. 241. 

Osborne, Dorothy, Letters to Sir 
William Temple, 1652-54, 1. 336. 
O’Sheridan, Captain Owen, v. 147 

and n. 
Ossianic fragment, Vv. 253. 

Oswald, Alexander, minister of 
Stirling, x. 159. 

—Sir Henry, ex-communicated, 
III. 26. 

Oswell, G. D., Sketches of Rulers of 
India, Vi. 304. 

Otterburn, Sir Adam, of Redhall, 
provost of Edinburgh, vit. 122, 
130-1 ; XI. 175. . 

Oudry, P., portrait painter to Queen 
Mary, Il. 148-153. 

Index 1903-1916 

Outlines of European History, by 
Brenstead and Robinson, x11. 

Oxenford barony, 11. 198. 

— Robert, Viscount, 111. 353. 

Oxenmalbenshaw, Iv. 181, 

Oxford and Cambridge Universities 
and the Acts of Parliament con- 
cerning them, x. 89; Exhibition 
of Portraits, 11. 90; X. I9gI. 

— John, Earl of, x11. 109. 

— Robert, Earl of, at the battle of 
Falkirk, 1298, 111. 221. 

Oxford, by Fulleylove and Thomas, 
11. 89; History of the Oxford 
Museum, vit. 198. 

Oxford Degree Ceremony, by J. 
Wells, Iv. 103. 

Oxford English Dictionary, 1. 112. 

Oxford Historicaland Literary Studies, 
XI. 220-1. 

Oxford Historical Society, 11. 90. 

Oxford University Press, Vv. 492. 

Oxfordshire post-reformation Catho- 
lic missions, III. 509. 

Padua University, Scottish students 
at, Ill. 53-62. 

Pageant of the Bruce, by Sir George 
Douglas, Ix. 195. 

Pages, Bastien, valet de chambre 
of Queen Mary, I. 346-7, 353. 

Paine, Thomas, vill. 154 and n. 

Paisley, a burgh of barony until 
1658, VIII. 268. 

Paisnel, Agnes, wife of Robert 
Bruce, 11. 426. 

Palaeography and the practical study 
of Court Hand, by H. Jenkinson, 
XII. 427. 

Palpla, Thomas, tortured, 11. 241. 

Paniter, Patrick, abbot of Cambus- 
kenneth, Iv. 432. 

Panton, Rev. W., 11. 330. 

Papal infallibility, m1. 356. 

— schism of 1378, Iv. 144-158. ~ 

— supremacy in England, 111. 227-8. 

Paper manufactories in Scotland, 
Il. 71 and n.-76. 

Papists dealt with in the 16th 
century, III. 20-26, 

Parallel between the English and 


American Civil Wars, by C. H. 
Firth, vit. 193. 

Parbroath (Partebrothoc), 11. 173. 

Pardons granted by Philip, Duke of 
Burgundy, vI. 100, 

Parent, Louis, x11. 276. 

Paris despatches, 1784-1790, VII. 

— University, VIII. 229, 345-9,351 %.; 
student life in the 13th century, 
II. 223. 

Parish churches during the Middle 
Ages, VII. 217-231. 

— clerks, 1. 446. 

—life as seen in Kirk-session 
records, IV. 63-72. - 

Parish Registers of England, by J. C. 
Cox, vil. 89. 

Parish schools of Scotland, rx. 116, 
117, 128, 135. 

Parishes, The Civil and Ecclesias- 
tical Parish in Scotland, by Ww. G. 
Black, 1x. 436. 

Park, Alexander, The Roman Forts 
on Bar Hill, tv. 335. 

— Mungo, in the Westhaw, Iv. 181. 

— Robert, 11. 175. 

Parker, Martin, ballad writer of the 
17th century, III. 262. 

Parland or M‘Muir, Elizabeth, x. 120. 

Parliament, Essai sur les Origines 
de la Chambre des Communes, par 
D. Pasquet, x11. 201 ; Parliament 
of the Four Burghs, I. 278; meet- 
ing of parliament in St. Andrews 
in 1309, VI. 136, 138; meeting of 
parliament in Inverness in 1312, 
v1. 138; Parliament of Scotland, 
1344, IX. 235-240; The Scottish 
Parliament, 1560-1707, IV. 49- 
62; The Scottish Parliament, 
1603-1707, by C. S. Terry, m1. 
497; Parliament of Ireland in 
the 17th century, VII. 232-243. 

Parliamentary Representation in 
Scotland, XII. 115-134, 247-270; 
Ideas of Political Representation 
in Parliament, 1660-1832, by 
Philip A. Gibbons, x1I. 208; 
Parliamentary Taxation in Eng- 
land, by S. A. Morgan, vil. 417. 
See also House of Lords, 


Parnell, Hon. Arthur, The War of 
the Succession in Spain,1702-1711, 
Il. 444. 

— Charles Stewart, as he appears 
in Paul’s History of Modern Eng- 
land, IV. 334. 

Parry, Edward Abbott, editor of 
Dorothy Osborne’s Letters to Sir 
William Temple, 1. 336. 

Partition of Europe, 1715-1815, by 
Philip Guedalla, x11. 206. 

Pasquet, D., Essai sur les Origines 
de la Chambre des Communes, XII. 

Pasquier, Etienne, x11. 275-278. 

Past (The) at our Doors, by Walter 
W. Skeat, 1x. 96. 

Pastoral Drama in England until 
1700, by Josephine Laidler, m1. 

Paterson, Alex. N., reviews of 
Chalmers’ Cathedral Church of 

Glasgow, XI. 432; West’s Gothic 
Architecture, IX. 203. 

— Bartie, burnt for sorcery, II. 243. 

— Helen, hanged for forgery, 11. 

— Hugh, printer and _ surgeon- 
apothecary in Edinburgh, vit. 

— William, founder of the Bank of 
England, Ill. 212, 446-7 ; IV. 252; 
letters to the Lord Provost of 
Edinburgh on the organising of 
the Darien Co., III. 316-320. 

Pateshull, Peter, friar, x1. 55, 67, 

Pathfinders of the West, by A. C. 
Lant, Ill. 515. 

Paton, Bessie, a witch, Iv. 43-46. 

— Henry, review of Bradby’s Life 
of Barnave, XIl. 422. 

— James, bishop of Dunkeld, 11. 

— — minister of Catness, Iv. 76, 78, 

— John, of Meadowhead, 11. 335. 

— — in Middiltoun, x. 301, 304. 

Patonsoun, Richard, VII. 357. 

Patrick, St., Bury’s Life of St. 
Patrick, 11. 77; Patrick’s Pur- 
gatory in Lough Derg, v. 382. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Patrick, David, editor of Chambers’ 
Cyclopaedia of English Literature, 
I. 336; review of Reich’s Foun- 
dations of Modern Europe, 11. 206. 

Patriotism, History of English Patriot- 
ism, by Esmé Wingfield-Strat- 
ford, x1. 308. 

Paul the Deacon’s History of the 
Langobards, Vv. 125. 

Paul the First of Russia, by K. 
Waliszewski, x. 322. 

Paul, Elizabeth, Sabbath breaker, 
Iv. 65. 

— Herbert, A History of Modern 
England, Ul. 445; Wl. 375; Iv. 
333; Life of Froude, 111. 495. 

—Sir James Balfour, Accounts of 
the Lord High Treasurer of Scot- 
land, Iv. 84; V. 219; VII. 309; 
IX. 319; XI. 436; The Scots 
Peerage, Ill. 79; V. 101; Vi. 408; 
IX. 172; XII. 91; Edinburgh in 
1544 and Hertford’s Invasion, 
VIII. 113-131; The Last Days, 
Death, and Funeral of Patrick, 
First Earl of Marchmont, x1. 27- 
38; The Order of the Golden 
Fleece, v. 405-410; The Post- 
Reformation Elder, 1x. 253-262; 
notice of Thomas Dickson, LL.D., 
II. 181. Reviews of J. Maitland 
Anderson’s Matriculation Roll of 
St. Andrews University, 1747- 
1897, 111. 360; Armstrong’s Irish 
Seal Matrices and Seals, Xi. 317; 
The Balfours of Pilrig, tv. 294- 
297; The Book of the Duffs, x11. 
86; Butler’s Tvon Kirk of Edin- 
burgh, Iv. 329; Chronicle of 
Lanercost, X. 405; Johnston’s 
Heraldry of the Hamiltons, vt. 
198; Johnston’s Heraldry of the 
Johnstons, u1. 90; Leishman’s 
A Son of Knox, vu. 77 ; Lorimer’s 
Early Days of St. Cuthbert’s Church, 
Edinburgh, xt1. 419; Salmon’s 
Borrowstounness, X1. 298; Scala- 
cronica, V. 95; Stevenson’s Her- 
aldry in Scotland, x1. 409; Tay- 
lor’s Life of James IV., x1. 208; 
Terry’s Graham of Claverhouse, 
I. 453; Terry’s Index to the 


Papers relating to Scotland 

the Historical MSS. Commission 
Reports, vi. 73 ; Terry’s Scottish 
Parliament, 111. 497. 

Paul, William, executed for rebellion 
in 1716, VIII. 251, 254. 

Paulet, Hercules, at Padua Uni- 
versity, 111. 58. 

Pavely, John de, prior of the 
Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 
IX. 60. 

Peace and Reform, 1815-1857, X. 432. 

Peacham’s CompleatGentleman, 1634, 
IV. 339. 

Peacock, Thomas Love, x. 163-7, 

Pearce, E. H., Sion College and 
Library, XI. 104. 

Pearl (The), 11. 337. 

Pears, Edwin, The Destruction of the 
Greek Empire, 1. 211. 

Peasants’ revolt of 1381, Iv. 21r3. 

Pease, Howard, Magnus Sinclair, 
II. 325. 

Peche, Sir John, x1. 55, 87. 

Peckham, John, archbishop of Can- 
terbury, III. 10, 193, 335; VI. 25, 
285; Vil. 67, 170. 

Pecock, Reginald, 1x. 102. 

Pedy, James, at Padua University, . 
III. 60. 

Pedigrees, How to trace a Pedigree, 
by H. A. Crofton, rx. 438. 

Pedro the Cruel, v. 32. 

Peebles, by Robert Renwick, 1. 89 ; 
The Burgh of Peebles, 1604-52, 
by Robert Renwick, x. 107; 
Extracts from the Records of the 
Burgh of Peebles, 1652-1714, VIII. 
272; Some Sources of the Tales 
of The Thrie Priests of Peblis, 
XI. 192-202. 

Peebles during the reign of Queen 
Mary, by Robert Renwick, 11. 463. 

Peebles, Hugh, minister at Barr, 
VI. 375-6. . 

— John de, bishop of Dunkeld and 
chancellor of Scotland, 1. 321 and 
n., 4603; Il. 71; VIII. 233. 

— Thomas, to be hanged and be- 
headed for uttering base coin, 
Il. 243. 

‘Index 1903-1916 


Peerage, The Peerage of Scotland, 
II. 1-13; The Scots Peerage. See 
Paul, Sir James Balfour. 

— Union Roll, m1. 207-9. 

Pelham, Henry Francis, 
VIII. 292. 

Pembroke, Countess of, 
on, Iv. 476. 

— Aymer, Earl of, governor of Scot- 
land, II. 224, 330, 333, 462; VIII. 
167, 276 n., 377-8, 385; IX. 159. 

Penal methods, x11. 104. 

Pencaitland church dedication, Iv. 

Penning, L., Life and Times of 
Calvin, X. 322. 

Penry, John, tried for defaming 
Queen Elizabeth, x. 429. 

Pentland Rising, 11. 449-452; Iv. 
114, 235; VI. 3143; X. 223. 

Pentland Rising and Rullion Green, 
by C. S. Terry, 11. 448. 

Pentland, Margaret, Iv. 330. 

Pepys, Samuel, Diary, x. 332-3. 

Percy, Sir Henry de, warden of 
Scarborough Castle, 111. 15 ; vItit. 
285 ; IX. 290; X. 178-9, 182. 

— Sir Walter de, m. 18; executed 
for the murder of the Earl of 
Fife, v1. 384 and n. 

Perigord, cardinal, Iv. 263, 268. 

Periodical literature of the 18th 
century, II. 136-149. 

— press of Edinburgh, vi. 204. 

Perrett, Wilfrid, The Story of King 
Lear, 11. 461. 

Persian Revolution of 1905-1909, by 
E. G. Browne, VIII. 429. 

Personal and Party Government, 
1760-1766, by D. A. Winstanley, 
VII. 421. 

Perth Incident of 1396, by R. C. 
Maclagan, II. 455. 

Perth, James Drummond, Duke of, 
his monument in Paris to James 
II., Iv. 413-415. 

— Mary, Duchess of, Iv. 415. 

Perthshire, A Military History of 
Perthshire, by the Marchioness of 
Tullibardine, v. 459. 

Pestilence and famine in 1316, vItt. 




Petbaudoc, Il. 174. 

Petclokyn, 11. 173-174. 

Petglassyn, Sir Patrick, 11. 174. 

— Walter de, 11. 174. 

Petit, Duncan, archdeacon of Whit- 
horn, Iv. 145. 

Petit-Dutaillis, Charles, Studies and 
Notes, v. 381, 515; VI. 296, 316; 
XII. 327. 

Petrifying wells, 1. 35-36. 

Pettie, George, Pallace of Pleasure, 
I. 72, 73- 

Pettigrew, James, provincial of the 
Franciscan Order in Scotland, 
11. 184 and n. 

Petty, Sir William, 1. 8. 

Pewter exhibition in Glasgow, vI. 
335; Scottish Pewter Ware and 
Pewterers, by L. I. Wood, 11. 438. 

Peyrat, Alphonse, v. 513. 

Philip IV. of France, vil. 272; 
does justice on the lovers of his 
sons’ wives, III. 453-4. 

Philip V. of France, Il. 454-5. 

Philip II. of Spain and his designs on 
the throne of England, xi. 1-23. 

Philip, Adam, The Ancestry of 
Randall Thomas Davidson, Arch- 
bishop of Canterbury, 1. 327. 

Philiphaugh, battle of, 1v. 88. 

Philippa of Hainault, queen of 
Edward III., rx. 168. 

Phillimore, J. S., reviews of Elton’s 
Frederick York Powell, tv. 324; 
Pears’ Destruction of the Greek 
Empire, 11. 211; Robertson’s 
Through the Dolomites, 11. 89. 

Phillips, Edward, Life of John 
Milion, 1.6; Theatrum poetarum 
Anglicanorum, I. 5. 

— Walter Alison, The Confederation 
of Europe, X1. 421. 

Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1 

Philp, William, vil. 357, 359. 

Phinn, John, wigmaker in Edin- 
burgh, Iv. III. 

— Thomas, burgess of Edinburgh, 
Iv. I10. 

Phonology of the North-Eastern Scotch 
Dialect, by Heinrich Mutschmann, 
VI. 430; VIII. 208. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Pibrac, M. de, x11. 276. 

Pictland and St. Ninian, 1. 378- 

Picts, 11. 456-7; Iv. 226; Pictish 
tower at Helmsdale, vir. 425. 

Pierpoint, Edmund, v. 29. 

Pike, L. O., Public Records, v. 241. 

Pilche, Alexander, adherentof Robert 
the Bruce and governor of Inver- 
ness Castle, VI. 134. 

Pilgrimage to St. Patrick’s Purga- 
tory, Lough Derg, v. 382; pil- 
grimages of children, Iv. 362. 

Pills of Pope Alexander, vim. 106. 

Pilmor, Richard de, bishop of 
Dunkeld, 1. 318. 

Pilrig and its owners, Iv. 294-5. 
Pinnington, Edward, Glimpses of 
old Scots Parish Life, Iv. 63-72. 

Pipe, James de, Iv. 421; v- 26. 

Pirie-Gordon, C. H. C., Innocent 
the Great, V. 339. 

Pistapolis, an unpublished poem by 
Dr. Blacklock, Iv. 205-212; X. 

‘ Pit and gallows,’ vii. 178. 

Pitcairn, Henry, abbot of Dun- 
fermline, x11. 174, 408-412. 

Pitt, William. See Chatham, Earl 

—— William Pitt and National 
Revival; William Pitt and the 
Great War, xX. 415; The 
Influence of Grenville on Pitt's 
Foreign Policy, 1787-1798, by 
E. D. Adams, XII. 97. 

Pius II., Pope, 111. 179-180. 

Place-names of the west of Scotland, 
11. 378; Aberdeen Street Names, 
by G. M. Fraser, vill. 427; 
Greenoch Street Names, by Gardner 
Blair, v. 237. 

Place-Names of Ross and Cromarty, 
by W. J. Watson, II. 322. 

Place Names of Scotland, by J. B. 
Johnston, I. 319 

Plague in England, Iv. 201. 

Plantations and Scottish trade be- 
fore 1707, VI. 32-48. 

Plea for the Historical Teaching of 
History, by C. H. Firth, 1. 339. 

Plumland, Thomas of, 1x. 288. 


Plummer, Charles, Alfred the Great, 
I. 338. 

_ Plunket, Ierne L., The Fall of the 

Old Order, vit. 195. 

Poets of Dumfriesshive, by Frank 
Miller, v1. 400. 

Poitiers, battle of, 1v. 263-6; XI. 204. 
Poland and Russia from 1447 to 
1796, by R. N. Bain, v. 489. 

Pole, William del, x. 84. 

Police burghs, 1. 288. 

Political History of England, 11. 
501, 504; Iv. 89; Vv. 225, 353; 
VIII. 294. 

Political Institutions of England, 
VIII. 307. 

Political Prophecy in England, by 
Rupert Taylor, x. 421. 

Political Unions, by H. A. L. 
Fisher, 1x. 212. 

Politics and Religion in Scotland, 
1550-1695, by W. L. Mathieson, 
II. 459. 

Pollard, A. F., The Political History 
of England, 1547-1603, VIII. 294; 
The Reign of Henry VII., Xt. 419; 
Henry VIII., X. 427. 

Pollen, J. Hungerford, S.J., The 
Dispensation for the marriage of 
Mary Stuart with Darnley, Iv: 
241-8; Unpublished Documents 
velating to the English Martyrs, 
vol. i., v1. 82; note on the corre- 
spondence of Marco Grimani, 
papal legate in Scotland, x1. 25. 

Polwarth (Palwrth), Ada de, 11. 175, 

Pont, Robert, provost of Trinity 
College and senator of the College 
of Justice, x. 14. . 

— Thomas, minister of St. Cuth- 
bert’s Church, Edinburgh, xu. 

Poole, Reginald Lane, The Ex- 
chequer in the Twelfth Century, 
X. 313 ; his edition of Bale’s Index. 
1. 84; Scottish Islands in the 
Diocese of Sodor, vim. 258-263. 
— Mrs. Reginald Lane, Catalogue 
of Oxford Portraits, x. 191. 

Popes, A Chronicle of the Popes, by 

_ A. E. M’Killiam, rx. 435. 

Index 1903-1916 99 

Porritt, Edward, The Unveformed 
House of Commons, 1. 95. 

Porteous, Alexander, History of 
Crieff, X. 194. 

Porter, Hayward,reviewofChambers’ 
Cyclopedia of English Literature, 
I. 336. 

— Robert P., The Full Recognition 
of Japan, 1x. 438. 

Porterfield, George, provost of Glas- 
gow, fined for exporting herring, 
VIII. 298. 

Portes, Le Comte Guillaume de 
Portes, 1750-1823, par C. de 
Mandach, It. 320. 


Catalogue of a Loan Collection 
of Portraits of Historical Person- 
ages, 1625-1714, vii. 88. 

Catalogue of a Loan Collection 
of Portraits, Oxford, 11. go. 

Catalogue of Oxford Portraits, 
by Mrs. Reginald Lane Poole, 
x. 191; Portrait exhibition in 
Paris, Iv. 488; Portraits of the 
five Jameses, viI. 113-118. 

Portraits in Parliament House, 
Edinburgh, v. 242. 

Portraits of— 

Aubrey, John, t. 8. 

Boyd, Zachary, vil. 174. 

Buchanan, George, v. 224; VII. 
286, 288. 

Burton, Robert, m1. 88. 

Colet, John, Dean of St. Paul’s, 
VI. 416. 

Darnley, Lord, and his brother, 
IX. 229. 

Dowden, John, bishop of Edin- 
burgh, VII. 217. 

Elphinstone, William, bishop 
of Aberdeen, vii. 172. 

Gibbon, Edward, Iv. 92. 

Hamilton, James, Marquis of, 
III. 390. 

Henderson, John, 1. 308. 

Home, Henry, Lord Kames, 
X. 424. 

Jeannin, Pierre, vi. 338, 340, 

IX. 40. 

James, Lord Eythin, 


Portraits of—cont. 
Lawrie, Sir A. C., x1. 113. 
Lindsay, Thomas Martin, D.D., 
XII. 114. 
Macpherson, Andrew, of Cluny, 
I. 388. 
Marischal, Earl, 1. 208. 
Mary, Queen of Scots, 11. 128 ; 
Ill. 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 148, 
150, 152, 274, 280, 292. 
Milton, John, 11. 88. 
Montrose, Marquis of, 11. 48. 
Nicholas V., Pope, XI. 210. 
Ruthven, Patrick, Earl of Forth 
and Brentford, 1x. 44, 48. 
Saville, Sir Henry, x. 192. 
Sidney, Sir Philip, vi. 400. 
Stuart, Charles Edward, v1. 
236 ; IX. 230. 
Swift, Jonathan, Iv. 96. 
Walton, Isaak, I. 4. 
Watt, James, vil. 176. 
William the Lion, v. 248. 
Wood, Anthony 4, I. 12. 
Powderham, John of, claims the 
throne of England, vIII. 394-5. 
Powell, Frederick York, Life and 
_ Letters, by Oliver Elton, 1v. 324. 
Power of Ideals in American History, 
by E. P. Adams, x11. 97. 
Power Traction in Peace and War, 
XII. 333-353- 
Power, William,review of Primrose’s 
Mediaeval Glasgow, X1. 211. 
Powicke, F. M., The Loss of Nor- 
mandy, 1189-1204, XI. 423; Sara- 
cen mercenaries of Richard I., 
vill. 104. Reviews of Baldwin’s 
King’s Council in England during 
the Middle Ages, XI. 415; Bal- 
lard’s British Borough charters, X1. 
95; Cambridge Medieval History, 
IX. 301; XI. 209; Cheyney’s 
History of England from the Defeat 
of the Armada to the Death of 
Elizabeth, x1. 429; Firth’s House 
of Lords during the Civil War, 
vit. 410; Norgate’s Minority of 
Henry the Third, X. 403; Rose’s 
William Pitt, x. 415; Williams’ 
Life of William Pitti, Earl of 
Chatham, Xt. 318. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Poyning, Sir Thomas de, Iv. 194; 
x. 83. 

Poynings’ law, vil. 239-242. 

Prayer Book of Edward VI., 1. 88. 

Preces Private of Bishop Andrewes, 
I. 330. 

Pre-historic forts on North Uist, 
IX. 200. 

Prendergast, Sir William de, at the 
siege of Berwick, tv. 186. 

Presbyterian Historical Society, vt. 

Presbyterianism criticised by Adam 
Smith, 1x. 131. 

— in England, Ix. 20. 

— in Ireland, vi. 221. 

Presbyters and Elders, 1x. 254. 

Presbytery and Popery in the 16th 
century, III. 20-26. 

Presidents of the Court of Session 
to have their house-rents paid by 
the town, XII. 377. 

Preston, A History of Preston, by 
H. W. Clemesha, xX. 104. 

— Sir John, of Airdrie, x1. 189; 
XII. 76. 

— Martha, of Barnsley, dies in her 
124th year, 11. 138. 

— Thomas de, canon of Dunkeld, 
I. 316. 

Prestonpans, battle of, Iv. 453. 

Priapus, rites of, at Inverkeithing, 
VI. 177: 

Primrose, Sir Archibald Foulis, of 
Dunipace, I. 342. 

— Gilbert, of Dalmeny, vil. 327, 
331-3, 340. 

— James, Mediaeval Glasgow, Xt. 

Pringle, Mark, consul at San Lucar, 
Vv. 190 and #. 

Printerstothe Universityof Glasgow, 
I. 457- 

Prisoners of War in Britain, 1756- 
1815, by F. Abell, x11. 423. 

Privateers and Pirates of the West 
Indies, VIII. 435; privateers on 
the English coast in 1808, v. 

Privy Council and the foundati 
of the Commissary Courts, Ix. 

_ —— 

Index 1903-1916 

Problems of the Roman Criminal 
Law, by J. L. Strachan-Davidson, 
X. 92. 

Procés de Félicien Zéh, 1330, 1x. 

Proclamations made at market 
crosses, V. 176-7; proclamations 
of the accessions of kings at 
Edinburgh, x1. 412. 

Protestant preaching responsible 
for wrecking of churches, II. 115- 
116; protestant reform at Bor- 
deaux, X. 226; protestants mas- 
sacred at Vassy, IV. 319-320. 

Prothero, George Walter, Select 
Statutes illus. of the Reigns of 
Elizabeth and James I., tv. 345. 

Provence, The Last Phase of the 
League im Provence, 1588-1598, 
by Maurice Wilkinson, vir. 309. 

Provincial orthography in the 17th 
century, VI. 107-8. 

Prynne, William, 1. 7. 

Pryson, James, friar, Ix. 9. 

Pulteney, Sir John de, x. 84. 

Punishments inflicted at market 
crosses, V. 176, 180. 

Purgatory of St. Patrick, v. 382. 

Puritans’ colonising activities, xr. 

Puritans in Power, 1640-1660, by 
G. B. Tatham, x11. 192. 

Purves, George and William, tenants 
of Place-Graden, v. 187 n. 

— Quintigernus, VII. 357, 359- 

Pyot, Patrick, friar, 1x. 110. 

— Thomas, preceptor of the Star 
of Bethlehem, rx. 110. 

— William, authorised to take the 
name of Graham, Ix. III. 

Quaiy of Jelousy, its authorship, 
VIII. 305-6, 321. 

Quaker wedding in Old Aberdeen 
in 1737, V. 131. 

Queensberry, James, Duke of, tv. 
254-6, 258, 260. 

Quesette, F., L’Administration 
financiére des Etats de Bretagne 
de 1689 @ 1715, IX. 318. 

Quesnel, Pierre, portrait painter, 

VII. 113. 


Quiggin, E. C., Later Irish Bards, 
1200-1500, X. 434. 

Quincy, Roger de. 
Earl of.. 

Quinet, Edgar, France et Allemagne, 
VI. 92. 

See Winton, 

Raban, Edward, I. 457. 

Race problems, Ix. 213. 

Racial Problems in Hungary, vu. 

Rae, James, The Deaths of the Kings 
of England, xX. 429. 

— William, bishop of Glasgow, v 

Rae Press at Kirkbride and Dumfries, 
by W. Stewart, Iv. 346. 

Rafford church, vi. 270. 

Ragna-rék and Orkney, Ix. 

Rainy, Catherine, a witch, Iv. 43-45, 



Rait, David, in Wallace of Craigie, 
Iv. 79, 81. 

— George, doctor in Dundee, Iv. 

77> 79- 
— John, in Wallace of Craigie, Iv. 


— Robert S., Life in the Medieval 
University, 1x. 443; The Making 
of the Nations : Scotland, 1x. 308 ; 
Parliamentary Representation in 
Scotland, xm. 115-134, 247-270. 
Reviews of Martin Haile’s James 
Francis Edward, the Old Chevalier, 
v. 465; Macaulay’s History of 
England, ed. by Prof. Firth, xt. 
417; MacCunn’s Sir Walter Scott’s 
Friends, vu. 176; Mathieson’s 
Awakening of Scotland, 1x. 185; 
Meikle’s Scotland and the French 
Revolution, x. 306; Shield and 
Lang’s The King over the Water, 
Vv. 465. 

Raleigh, Sir Walter, Six Essays on 
Johnson, vi11. 407; On the lives 
of authors, I. 1-18. 

Ramsay, Alexander, of Dalhousie, 
IV. 193 %., 198. 

—w— jin the service of BAN eral 
194 ; IV. 375-6. 

— — student at Heidelberg, v. 71. 


Ramsay, Sir Alexander, murdered 
by Douglas of Liddesdale, 1x. 237, 

— Andrew, in the service of Sweden, 
I. 194; IV. 375-6. 

— Sir Andrew, of Abbotshall, Lord 
Provost of Edinburgh, x11. 371. 

— Allan, vi. 346. 

— Charles, at Padua , University, 

— George, at Killiecrankie, 111. 67 
and n. 

— — Lord, x1I. 82. 

—  — merchant in Dundee, tv. 80. 

— Henry de, Iv. 154. 

— James, in Dundee, tv. 81. 

— — in Gask, II. 32. 

— Sir James, in the service of 
Sweden, Ix. 44. 

— Sir James H., Genesis of Lan- 
caster, 1307-1399, XI. 203, 337. 
— William de, created Earl of Fife, 


— — of Templehall, v. 189. 

— — priest, Iv. 146. 

—-— principal of St. Salvator’s 
College, St. Andrews, Iv. 438. 

— Sir William de, at the battle of 
Neville’s Cross, x. 181 and . 

— — of Dalhousie, 111. 6. 

—Sir William M., The Imperial 
Peace, X1. 327. 

Ramshorn, Glasgow, establishment 
of Franciscan friars at, 111. 182. 
Ranald MacGodfrey, King of the 

Isles, III. 397. 

Randall, David, merchant in Hol- 
land, I. 327. 

— Thomas, minister of Inchture, 
I. 327-8. 

Randolph, Edward, collector and 
surveyor for New England, v1. 

— Sir Thomas. See Moray, Earl of. 

Ranke, Leopold von, History of the 
Latin and Teutonic Nations, v1. 

Rannie, David W., Studeni’s His- 
tory of Scotland, 111. 233. 

Rathen Manual, 111. 91. 

Rathold, Sir Lawrence, pilgrimage 
to St. Patrick’s Purgatory, v. 382. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Rationale of Ceremonial, 1540-1543 
(Alcuin Club), virt. 201. 

Ratisbon conference, Iv. 321. 

Raulston, John, bishop of Dunkeld, 
I. 424. 

Read, Alexander, of Turfbeg and 
Logie, 11. 38. 

— Conyers, The Bardon Papers, 

— Katherine, court painter, 11. 

— William, in Madras, tt. 45. 

Reade, Aleyn Lyell, In Johnsonian 
Gleanings, VII. 200; X. 105; 
Reades of Blackwood Hill, tv. tot ; 
VII. 200. 

Reading, John of, 1346-1367, X11. 85. 

Reay, George, Lord, contract of 
mutual friendship with the Earl 
of Sutherland in 1745, Iv. 159-163- 

Rebellion of 1715, Col. Allan 
Cameron’s Narrative, V. 137-150; 
News Lettcrs of 1715-16, vil. 86. 

Rebellion of 1745, Contract of 
mutual friendship between the 
Earl of Sutherland and Lord 
Reay, Iv. 159-163 ; The Highland 
army at Macclesfield, v. 285-296; 
VI. 225-244; Letters from Francis 
Kennedy relative to the siege of 
Edinburgh in 1745, VIII. 53-60; 
reminiscences of Culloden, v1. 
221; The Spirit of Jacobite 
Loyalty, by W. G. B. Murdoch, 
Vv. 361. 

Rebuffus, Petrus, XII. 274 ”., 295 n. 

Records of the Social and Economic 
History of England and Wales, 
ed. by Vinogradoff and Morgan, 
XII. 184. 

Records of the Trades House of 
Glasgow, 1605-1678, ed. by Hay 
Lumsden, vitt. 84. 

Red Book of Clanranaild, 1. 47. 

Red and White Book of Menzies, 
by D. P. Menzies, 111. 378. 

Reform Bill, The Passing of the 

Great Reform Bill, by J. M. 

Butler, x1. 427. 

Reformation (The) and the Renais- 
sance, 1485-1547, edited by F. 
W. Bewsher, X. 432. 

ee ee ee as ee 

Index 1903-1916 

Reformation (The) in England, 1509- 
1525, by C. B. Lumsden, vit. 296. 

Reformation (The) in Normandy, 
XI. 330. 

Reformers and divorce, 1x. 10-36. 

Regalia in Edinburgh Castle, rv. 
116; Saving the Regalia in 1652, 
Iv. 309-317; In Defence of the 
Regalia, by D. G. Barron, 1x. 
323; The Safety of the Honours, 
by Allan M‘Aulay, Iv. 344. 

Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum, 
1066-1154, XI. 205. 

Reginald I., King of Man, 111. 400. 

Register of the Privy Council of 
Scotland, 1v. 86, 461; VI. 421; 
VII. 314; VIII. 297; IX. 415; X. 
422; xi. 84. 

Registers of Sasines, 11. 26. 

Reich, Emil, Foundations of Modern 
Europe, t1. 206; General History 
of Western Nations, from 5000 B.c. 
to 1900 A_D., VI. 84. 

Reid, Alexander, in Cults, vit. 306. 

— James, in Leith, viz. 216. 

— — minister of the West Church, 
Edinburgh, 111. 385. 

— Robert, bishop of Orkney, tv. 
434; 437- : 

— Stuart J., Life and Letters of the 
First Earl of Durham, tv. 220. 

— Thomas, parish clerk of Melrose, 
TX. 345. 

Reids claim descent from S. Maol- 
rubha, vi. 280 and n. 

Relics of the Cross, v. 31; vi. 180, 
419; relics of saints in St. 
Andrews, I. 263. 

Religio Scotica, by R. C. Maclagan, 
VI. 308. 

Religious Controversies of Scotland, 
by Henry F. Henderson, 111. 515. 
Religious liberty in France, 1598- 

1905, VI. 413. 

Religious Orders in Scotland, by 
John Edwards, trv. 36r. 

Rellach, John, a 15th century trans- 
lator of the Bible into German, 
I. 264. 

Rendall, Vernon, note on Sir Walter 
Scott and golf, x11. 215. 

Renfrew, a royal burgh, vii. 268-9. 


Renwick, Robert, Glasgow Me- 
morials, Vv. 482; Peebles, 1. 89; 
Peebles during the reign of Queen 
Mary, 1. 463; The Burgh of 
Peebles, 1604-52, X. 107; note on 
John de Peblis, 1. 463. Reviews 
of The Baxter Books of St. 
Andrews, U1. 211; Guy’s Crook- 
ston Castle, vi. 175; Lumsden 
and Aitken’s History of the Ham- 
mermen of Glasgow, xX. 1098; 
Murray’s Legal Practice in Ayr, 
vil. 413; Porteous’ The History 
of Crieff, x. 194; Records of the 
Trades House of Glasgow, 1605- 
1678, vit. 84 ; Unwin’s Gilds and 
Companies of London, vi. 411. 

Reresby, Sir John, Memoirs, x. 331. 

Resby, James, burnt for heresy, 
I. 267-8 and n. 

Responsible Government in the Do- 
minions, by A. B. Keith, x. 209. 

Restalrig and St. Triduana’s Well, 
VI. 334- 

Révolution (La) Frangaise et les 
Congrégations, by A. Aulard, tf. 

Reynolds, Walter, archbishop of 
Canterbury, vill. 381; Ix. 165. 
Rhind (Rind, Rynd), David, in 
Balgay, Iv. 80. 

— — curate of Leuchars, 11. 263. 

— Grisel, in Balgay, tv. 80. 

— William, at Padua University, 
Ill. 55-56. 

Ribaut, Jean, and Queen Elizabeth, 
I. 447. 

Ricardo, David, vitt. 434. 

Rice-Oxley, L., Memoirs as a Source 
of English History, xt1. 100. 

Richard, treasurer of England, his 
Dialogus de Scaccario, 1. 83. 

— of St. Victor, Augustinian monk, 
XI. 123. 

Richard I., his Saracen mercenaries, 
VIII. 104. 

Richard II., Year Books 1388-1389, 

XII. 95. 
Richardson (Rychartson), Andrew, 
in St. Andrews, II. 261. 
— George, printer to the University 
of Glasgow, I. 459; V. 501. 



Richardson, Robert, canon of Cam- 
buskenneth, 1x. 111. 

Richie, George and Peter, in Pit- 
carrow, Iv. 80. 

Richmond, John, Earl of, Jean de 
Bretagne, Comte de Richmond, by 
Inna Lubimenko, vi. 199. 

— Thomas de, III. 462. 

Riddock, James, collector of customs 
at Kirkwall, x. 367. 

Rig, Hugh, advocate, II. 24, 25. 

Rigg, J. M., Calendar of the Plea 
Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, 
1273-1275, VIII. 301. 

Riley, Athelston, Pontifical Services, 
VI. 87. 

Rind. See Rhind. 

Ringhoffer, Karl, Bernstorff Papers, 
VI. 307. 

Riot in Edinburgh in 1792, vu. 

Rismaraduc of Wales, drawn and 
hanged for treason, vi. 287; VII. 

Rizzio, David, v. 154; VI. 53-54- 

Robb, James, Student Life in St. 
Andrews before 1450, IX. 347-360. 

— T. D., Arthur Johnston in his 
poems, xX. 287-298 ; Some Sources 
of the Tales of the Thrie Priests 
of Peblis, X1. 192-202. 

Robert de Coquina. See Durham, 
bishop of. 

Robert I. slays John Comyn, m1. 
329-330; VIII. 167; crowned at 
Scone, III. 330; VIII. 167; de- 
feated at Methven, 111. 331; vVImI. 
168 and .; his brothers taken 
and hanged, mI. 332; defeats 
Pembroke at Loudoun Hill, 333; 
raids into Yorkshire, II. 470; 
VIII. 393 ; excommunicated, vIzI. 
280, 392, 396, 399; the battle of 
Bannockburn, 111. 458-461 ; vItri. 

384-386; xt. 60-75; invades 
Ireland, viii. 387, 391; dies a 
‘leper, Iv. 35; IX. 167, 278; 

_.. Robert the Bruce and his forces 

in the War of Independence, v1. 
129-139; Robert the Bruce and 
the brooch of Lorn, II. 111-113 ; 
charter by, of the lands of Torbrex, 

li te ies 
‘ Naa ‘sgt 

Scottish Historical Review 

x11. 61; grant of Cromarty to 
Sir Hugh of Ross, 1x. 102; sex- 
centenary at Dumfries, Il. 391 ; 
Barbour’s Bruce, ed. by Mac- 
kenzie, vil. 75; The Pageant of 
the Bruce, by Sir George Douglas, 
Ix, 195; The Scottish War of 
. Independence, by S. M. Barron, 
x1. 185; The Story of King 
Robert the Bruce, by R. A. Mackie, 
XI. 326. 

Robert II, at the battle of Neville’s 
Cross, x. 182 and n. 

Robertson of Cults, x. 328. 

— Agnes, in Dundee, Iv. 80. 

— Alex., Through the Dolomites, 1. 
89; note on Sir R. Moray and 

the ‘ Lives of the Hamiltons,’ 
x. 438. 

—-—oowner of Parsonsgreen, I. 

—cC. Grant, England under the 
Hanoverians, 1714-1815, IX. 326; 
Select illustrate 
English Constitutional History, i. 

—D., South Leith Records, 1588- 
1700, IX. 428. 

— Duncan, sheriff clerk of Argyle, 

XII. 144. 

— George, writer in Edinburgh, 1. 

— Gilbert, of Whitehouse, his 

woollen manufactory at Mussel- 
burgh, 11. 288. 

— James, reviews of Adler’s Ben- 
jamin of Tudela’s Itinerary, Vv. 
349; Burrage’s Early English 
Dissenters, X. 97. 

— — student at Heidelberg, v. 68. 

— Major Patrick, at the battle of 
Glenshiel, 11. 414. 

— Stewart A., Two Voices: Verses 
in Scots and English, 1X. 210. 

— William, at Padua Univeisity, 
III. 61. 

—  —slain at Monzievaird in 1490, 
I. 219. 

— — historian VI. 353. 

— William Spence, Francisco de 
Miranda and the revolutionizing 
of Spanish America, VI. 197. 

v 4" 

Robieson, W. D., on The Life of 
Charles, Third Earl Stanhope, x11. 

Robinson, Henry, bishop of Carlisle, 
vit. 8, 10-12. 

— J. Armitage, The Abbot’s House 
of Westminster, 1x. 426; Gilbert 
Crispin, Abbot of Westminster, 
vir. 416; Manuscripts of West- 
minster Abbey, vi. 418. 

— James H., and Charles A. 
Beard’s Development of Modern 
Europe, V. 479. 

— John, pastor of the Pilgrim 
Fathers, VIII. 210. 

Robroyston, vi. 374. 

Rochefort, Pierre de, x11. 276. 

Rochester, John, Earl of, 11. 47. 

Roderick Dhu: his poetical pedi- 
gree, VIII. 61-69. 

Rodney family, vir. 208. 

Rodom, Gilbert de, Iv. 423. 
Roessler, Charles, L’Armure et les 
Lettres de Jeanne d’ Arc, Vil. 302. 

Roger, David, vil. 357, 362. 

Rogers, George, M.D., 111. 60. 

— J. D., Australasia, v. 117. 
Régnvald, Earl, founder of St. 
Magnus cathedral, rx. 153, 157. 
Rogues and vagabonds in Eliza- 

bethan England, x1. 220. 

Rokeby, Sir Thomas de, Iv. 29 and 
n.; X. 178, 183. 

Roll of the Scottish Parliament, 
1344, IX. 235-240. 

Rolle, Richard,of Hampole, x11. 421. 

Rollo of Duncrub, barony created 
by Charles II., 197-8. 

Rollock, John and Sandy, slain at 
Monzievaird in 1490, I. 219. 

— Peter, bishop of Dunkeld, 11. 68. 

— Sir William, 11. 51; Iv. 234. 

Roman Catholic Church’s influence 
in Scotland, rx. 116-117. 

Roman Britain in 1913, by Prof. 
Haverfield, x11. 196. 

Roman Criminal Law, by J. L. 
Strachan-Davidson, x. 92. 

Roman (The) Empire, by F. W. 
Bussell, v11I. 293. 

Roman Eva in Britain, by John 
Ward, Ix. 183. 

Index 1903-1916 105 

Roman Imperialism, by W. T. 
Arnold, tv. 83. 

Roman Journals of Gregorovius, 1852- 
1874, V. 227. 

Roman Law, Hardy’s Six Roman 
Laws, IX. 319. 

Roman Laws and Charters, trans- 
lated by E. G. Hardy, x. 314. 

Roman Remains— 

Roman occupation of Scotland, 
IX..100-I0I ; excavations at Bar 
Hill, 1. 346-349; Wl. 123; Iv. 
335; Roman fort at Castlecary, 
I. 452-4; and at Castleshaw, rx. 
435; Roman remains at Cor- 
bridge, v. 261 ; VI. 220; vil. 203; 
VIII. 112; IX. 209; XI. 112; XII. 
187; Early Britain: Roman 
Roads in Britain, by T. Codring- 
ton, 11.87; Roman Station near 
Croy, I. 346; Roman remains at 
Maumbury Rings, Dorchester, vi. 
426; in Dorsetshire, vi. 333; 
Roman earthworks in Dumfries- 
shire, VII. 50-51 ; Roman fort at 
Manchester, vil. 304; Roman 
remains at Newstead, 1. 126-7, 
471-4; IV. 364, 443-450; V. 372, 
510; a Roman outpost on 
Tweedside: the fort of Newstead, 
by Dr. Joseph Anderson, vutr. 
178-188; Rough Castle, near 
Falkirk, 111. 526. 

Roman Wall at Limestone Bank, 
x1. 112; The Builder of the Roman 
Wall, 1x. 209. 

Roman Wall in Scotland, by George 
Macdonald, vil. 323; Vill. 405: 
The Builder of the Roman Wall, 
IX. 209. 

Romanes, John, in Blainslie, vu. 

Romanization of Roman Britain, by 
F. Haverfield, mr. 511; X. 107; 
XII. 427. 

Romano-British Buildings and Earth- 
works, by John Ward, rx. 183. 
Romayne, John, archbishop of York, 

vi. 286, 383 and m. ; vit. 60. 

Rome, by W. W. Fowler, 1x. 440; 
Companion to Roman History, 
by H. S. Jones, x. 193; Greater 



Rome and Greater Britain, by Sir 
C. P. Lucas, x. 307; The Making 
of the Roman People, by T. Lloyd, 
xi. 188. 

Romier, Lucien, Les Origines Poli- 
tiques des Guerres de Religion, Xt. 
105, 315. 

Ronaldson, Elspet, in Gask, 11. 36. 

Rooseboom, M. P., The Scottish 
Staple in the Netherlands, vil. 70. 

Roosevelt, Theodore, his Scottish 
ancestors, I. 416; Theodore Roose- 
velt, Dynamic Geographer, by 
Frank B. Vrooman, vii. roo. 

Rope works of Glasgow, II. 295. 

Rose, D. Murray, on King Duncan 
II., 1v. 347; Mary, Queen of Scots 
and her brother, II. 150-162. 

— Jj. Holland, William Pitt and 
National Revival: William Pitt 
and the Great War, X. 415; 
Napoleonic Studies, 111. 513; The 
Personality of Napoleon, X. 323. 

Rose Castle, by James Wilson, x. 

Rosebery, Earl of, on the aims of 
the Scottish History Society, 1. 
224; The Fiscal Policy of Scot- 
land before the Union, I. 173-190. 

— Mary, Lady, 11. 83. 

Ross, Alexander, Helenore, or the 
Fortunate Shepherdess, 1X. 291- 

——of Balnagown, custodian of 
the relics of St. Duthus, vir. 178. 

— Andrew, The Historic succession 
of the Black Watch; The Perth- 
shire Militia of the 17th and 18th 
Centuries, v. 460. 

— Arthur, archbishop of Glasgow, 
his quarrel with Glasgow Univer- 
sity, XI. 266. 

— David, actor, I. 312. 

— Donald, Earl of, 11. 299. 

— Ferquhar, Earl of, 111. 400. 

—  Gawane, an Ayrshire notary, 
VII. 413. 

— Godfrey de, Iv. 189; IX. 399. 

— Gregory, bishop of, vil. 133. 

— Hugh, Earl of, tv. 186; VI. 134; 
Ix. 289. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Ross, John de, bishop of Carlisle, rx. 
160, 391. 

— — plan of the battle of Glenshiel, 
II. 414-416. 

— Nicholas, abbot of Fearn, vit. 

— Reinald, bishop of, vir. 133, 200. 

— Thomas, review of Gemmell’s 
Story of Provand’s Lordship, viii. 

— William de, II. 16; Ix. 165 
and . 

— — Earl of, 111. 19; I(x. 237-8, 

Rosslyn, battle of, 1302-3, Il. 
223 and u. 

— Sir Thomas de, II. 404; Iv. 190; 
Ix. 280. 

Ross-shire, Old Ross-shire, by W. 
Macgill, vil. 177; VII. 428; 
Place-Names of Rossand Cromarty, 
by W. J. Watson, II. 322. 

Rothes, George, 4th Earl of, Ix. 173. 

Rothesay, a royal burgh, virt. 268 ; 
Rothesay in the 17th century, 
vill. 213; seal of the burgh, vii. 

Roucher, Jean Antoine, translator 
of Smith’s Wealth of Nations, 11. 

Rough Castle, near Falkirk, 1. 106 ; 
Ill. 526. 

Roughead, William, The Real Brax- 
field; Antique Smith, xt. 211; 
The Trial of Mary Blandy, xt. 
94; Twelve Scots Trials, x. 428. 

Round, J. H., The Ruthven of Free- 
land Barony, Ill. 104-107, 194- 
209, 339-353; reply by J. Horne 
Stevenson, 475-494. 

Row, John, teacher of Hebrew and 
Greek in Perth Grammar School, 
Ix. 118. . 

Roxburgh, Hugh de, bishop of 
Glasgow, v. 80. 

— John, Duke of, Iv. 258. 

— Robert, Earl of, x11. 81, 83. 

— Castle, siege of, M1. 220; VIII. 
382. a . 

Roy, Bessie, a witch, 1. 243. 

Royal African Company, I. 182; 
VIII. 288. 


Index 1903-1916 107 

Royal Burghs, The Municipal In- 
stitutions of Scotland, I. 124-135; 
The Influence of the Convention 
of the Royal Burghs of Scotland 
on the Economic Development of 
Scotland before 1707, X. 250-271 ; 
the trading privileges of Scottish 
royal burghs, x1. 328. 

Royal Commission on the Ancient 
Monuments of Scotland, v. 376; 
XII. 238-246. 

Royal Fishery Company, vitl. 289. 

Royal Philosophical Society of 
Glasgow, II. 341; Il. 255. 

Royal Scots marching tune, XII. 
231 and n. 

Royal Scottish Academy, xX. 233- 

Royal Stewaris, by T. F. Henderson, 
XII. 195. 

Royal Stuarts in their Connection 
with Art and Letters, by W. G. 
Blaikie Murdoch, vi. 425. 

Royal Swedish Academy, Tyvans- 
actions, 1914, XII. 423. 

Ruberslaw, Roman remains at, II. 

Ruddiman’s Weekly Magazine, U. 
145- ¢ ‘ 

Ruglen, John, in St. Andrews, vit. 

Rullion Green. See Pentland Rising. 
Runic Inscriptions, Layamon’s 

knowledge of Runic inscriptions, 
XI. 370-375; Runic inscriptions 
in Sweden, XII. 423. 

Ruppin, Arthur, The Jews of To- 
Day, X1. T10. 

Rushen Abbey, vii. 29. 

Russell, C. H., Surveys of History, 
XII. 103. 

—E., Maitland of Lethingion, x. 

— Israel C.; North America, 11. 
231. . 

— Jeremy, Franciscan friar, burn 
for heresy, 11. 185. 

Russia, Scottish Influences in Russian 
History, by A. F. Steuart, xt. 

Russia Company charter, 1555, VIII. 

Russian Conquest of the Caucasus, 
by John F. Baddeley, vi. 301. 
Rustic Speech and Folk-Lore, by 
Elizabeth Mary Wright, xt. 224. 
Rutheiford, Andrew, review of 

Trevelyan’s Clio, XI. 312. 

— Christian, I. 328. 

— Samuel, Samuel Rutherford, by 
Robert Gilmour, II. 324. 

— Thomas, vil. 357. 

— — of Wells, v. 265. 

— William, notary, VII. 357, 362. 

Rutherglen, a royal burgh under 
David I., virt. 268-9. 

Ruthven Family Papers, x. 108. 

Ruthven of Freeland Peerage Con- 
troversy, III. 104-108, 194-209, 
339-353, 475-494, 521; IX. 172. 

— Archibald, of Forteviot, in the 
service of Sweden, I. 192. 

— Sir Fr., x11. 80. 

— Sir Patrick, in the service of 
Sweden, I. 193; IX. 42-44; XI. 
232 and nu. 

Ruthwell Cross, vil. 400-402; I[X. 

— Savings Bank, vit. 402. 

Rymour Club, m1. 528. 

Rynd. See Rhind. 

Rhys, Sir John H., The Celtic In- 
scriptions of France and Tialy, 
v. 466; Ix. 206. 

Sabbath breaking, Iv. 64-67, 69; 
VI. 384. 

Sacrobosco, Johannes de, XI. 125. 

Sadler, Christian, a witch, 1. 243. 

Sadoleto, Jacopo, bishop of Car- 
pentras, X. 131-4. 

Saemund’s Edda, by Olive Bray, 
VI. 306. 

Sagas, vI. 109; XII. 197; Eir- 
spennill ; Néveg’s Konunga Ségur, 
XII. 428. 

Sail-cloth manufactory in Leith, m. 

Sainsbury, Ethel Bruce, Calendar 
of the Court Minutes of the East 
India Company, 1635-1654, V. 
478; VIl. 412; X. 204; XI. 300. 

St. Alban’s shrine, restoration of, 
X. 223. 


St. Andrews, The Altar of St. 
Fergus, 11. 260-7, 478; Ill. 108; 
fragment of altar tomb in York 
Museum, Iv. 238; The Andreas 
and St. Andrews, Ill. 522-3; St. 
Andrews destroyed by the English 
under Edward I., 111. 221; papal 
letter appointing Henry Wardlaw 
to the bishopric, vill. 246; The 
Archbishops of St. Andrews, v. 
346; VI. 403; armorial stone, I. 
337; establishment of Augus- 
tinian friars, vil. 141; Baxter 
Books, 1. 210; Celtic cross-slab, 
I. 42-453; XII. 443 ; crafts, Il. 334; 
description of,in the 15thcentury, 
VIII. 25-228 ; grammar school in 
the 15th century, VIII. 228; 
Student life in St. Andrews before 
1450, IX. 347-360; discovery 
of sculptured stones, I. 238; 
Howkings in St. Andrews Cathedral, 
by D. Hay Fleming, 1. 342; 
recent diggings in the cathedral, 
I. 107, 242; collection in Gask 
for the harbour, 11. 34; the Kirk 
Session and the delinquencies of 
its members, Ix. 256-7; the 
Priory, 1x. 8 ; Temple Tenements, 
Vill. 227; Bishop Wardlaw and 
the Grey Friars, Ix. 219-223; 
Handbook to the City and Univer- 
sity of St. Andrews, by J. Maitland 
Anderson, tx. 204; Sanct Androis 
and other Scottish Ballads, by H. 
A. Wood, XII. 429. 

— Abel, bishop of, viI. 134. 

— Eadmer, bishop of, vil. 131. 

— Hugh of, vil. 134. 

— William, bishop of, vir. 278, 284. 

St. Andrews University, The Be- 
ginnings of St. Andrews Univer- 
sity, VIII. 225-248, 333-360; 
founded by Bishop Wardlaw, Ix. 
117; foundation charter of the 
University, vill. 229; Early 
University Institutions at St. 
Andrews and Glasgow, XI. 266- 
283 ; St. Salvator’s College burnt, 
1x. 9; The College of St. Leonard, 
111. 84; Statutes of the Faculty of 
Arts and the Faculty of Theology, 

Scottish Historical Review 

VIII. 431; James I. of Scotland 
and the University of St. Andrews, 
Ill. 301-315; Matriculation Roll, 
1747-1897, IIl. 360. 

St. Bathans, vi. 176. 

Saint Bernard’s [Edinburgh], by 
J. Turnbull Smith, tv. 473. 

Saint Cecilia’s Hall in the Niddry 
Wynd [Edinburgh], by D. F. 
Harris, Ix. 202. 

St. Clair, Thomas, Jacobite agent, 
v. 182 and nu. 

— William de, III. 19. 

St. Cuthbert’s Church, Edinburgh, by 
George Lorimer, XII. 419. 

St. Fergus’ altar, St. Andrews, 1. 
260-7, 478; 111. 108. 

Saint Germain-en-Laye registers, 
VIII. 209; X. 215. 

St. Giles’ altars maintained by 
Edinburgh Crafts, viii. 270. 

St. Gregory’s College, Paris, v. 501 ; 
VI. 103. 

Saint-John, Sir John de, taken 
prisoner in Gascony, VIII. 33 and #. 

Saint-Méry, Moreau de, Voyage aux 
Etats Unis de lV Amerique, 1793- 
1798, XI. 324. 

St. Paul, Colonel, of Ewart, 1x. 325. 

Saint-Pol, Le Comte de, Corre- 
spondance de la Famille des Essars, 
II. 326. 

St. Thomas’ hospital, Canongate, 
Edinburgh, 1. 65. 

St. Trond, Henry de, treasurer of 
Rhodes, 1x. 55. 

St. Vigeans, cross-slab at, I. 61; 
Pictish stone, 11. 384. 

Saintsbury, George, History of Eng- 

lish Prosody, tv. 214; review of 
Kastner’s History of French Versi- 
fication, 11. 193. 

Salanhac, Stephen de, prior of Tou- - 
louse, IX. 5. 

Salisbury, John Montagu, Earl of, 
XI. 55-56, 73- 

— Robert, Marquis of, as he appears 
in Paul’s History of Modern 
England, tv. 333-4- : 

— William de Montacute, Earl of, 
II. 484; Ul. 408; IV. I9I-2, 195, 
197-198; IX. 403; X. 77-78. 

Index 1903-1916 

Salkeld, Richard de, rx. 159. 

Salmon, S., Introductory Economic 
History of England, x. 208. 

— T. J., Borrowstounness and Dis- 
trict, 1550-1850, XI. 298. 

Salter, H., Subsidy collected in the 
Diocese of Lincoln in 1526, VII. 95. 

“Salvo ker meo,’ 111. 518. 

Sampson, Agnes, a witch, II. 243. 

Samuel, George, at Padua Univer- 
sity, 111. 58. 

Sanct Androis and other Scottish 
Ballads, by H. A. Wood, XII. 429. 

Sanctuary rights, vII. 225-231. 

Sandeman, G. A. C., Calais under 
English Rule, vi. 310. 

Sanders, George, silk manufacturer, 
II. 291. 

— Lloyd C., The Reign of Victoria, 
1837-1901, V. 353- 

— Robert, bookseller and printer, 
I. 457- 

— — of Auldhouse, 1. 458. 

Sanderson, William, biographer of 
Charles I., 11. 166-7. 

Sandilands, Alice, wife of Sir John 
Cockburn of Ormiston, Iv. 280. 
— Sir William, of St. Monans, 1. 


Sands, William, bookseller, 11. 137. 

Sandson, Agnes, IV. 157. 

Sandys, J. E., review of George 
Buchanan: Glasgow Quater- 
centenary Studies, Vv. 220. 

— Patrick, in Padua University, 
Ill. 55. 

Saracen mercenaties of Richard I., 
‘VIII. 104. 

Sarkar, Benoy Kumar, The Science of 
History, X. 219. 

Sarpi, Paolo, attacked by an alleged 
Scot, m1. 57. 

Sarrazin, Gregor, Aus Shakespeares 
Meisterwerkstatt, tv. 227. 

Satow, Sir Ernest, An Austrian 
Diplomatist in the Fifties, v1.213. 

Sauchie Castle, 1. 451. 

Saunders, Robert, printerin Glasgow, 
VI. 424. 

Savage, Ernest A., Old English 
Libraries, 1x. 187. 

— family in Ulster, Iv. 219. 


Savile, Sir Henry, 1. 7-8. 

Savings banks in Scotland, vit. 402. 

Scalacronica, of Sir Thomas Gray, 
translated bySirHerbert Maxwell, 
Ill. 6-19, 218-224, 327-338, 453- 
479 ; IV. 24-39, 185-204, 262-273, 
417-429; Vv. 26-40; the battle 
of Bannockburn as told in the 
Scalacronica, XI. 242; review of 
the Scalacronica, by Sir James 
Balfour Paul, v. 95. 

Scandinavia, the influence of 
western countries upon ancient 
Scandinavia, 111. 370-4; Scandi- 
navian Settlements in Scotland, 
Ill. 395-402; Scandinavian Bal- 
lads on Caithness Soldiers, Iv. 
374-383 ; On the Danish Ballads, 
I. 357-378; Vv. 385-401; Scandi- 
navian personal names used in 
England, vir. 99; Scandinavian 
place-names in Sutherland, vit. 
204; The Elder or Poetic Edda, 
VI. 306. 

See also under Norse. 

- Schelandre, Jean de, tv. 480. 

Scheves, John, rector of St. Andrews 
University, vil. 235. 

— — canon of Aberdeen, vimr. 242. 

—  — canon of Glasgow, VIII. 242. 

Schmidt, Karl, Margareta von Anjou 
vor und bei Shakespeare, v. 234. 

Schofield, W. H., Symbolism, vit. 

Schola Salernitana, by Dr. Norman 
Mootle, v. 379. 

Schools, Old Schools and Univer- 
sities in Scotland, 1x. 113-138. 

* Schott out,’ I. ro2. 

Schulenburg, Melusina von, Duchess 
of Kendal, and mistress of George 

I., vit. 251. 

Sclater, Andrew, in Newstead, vit. 

Scone, abbots of, mI. 332; Vit. 

— charters, II. 429-431. 

— coronation stone, VIII. 223. 

— priory. See Nostell. 

Scot. See Scott. 

Scot (A) in France in 1751, vi. 362- 


Scotland, Accounts of the Lord 
High Treasurer of Scotland, tv. 84; 
V. 219}; VII. 309; IX. 319; XI. 
436; Early Chronicles relating to 
Scotland, by Sir Herbert Maxwell, 
Ix. 418; The moulding of the 
Scottish nation, I. 245-259; 
Lang’s Short History of Scotland, 
IX. 434; The Making of the 
Nations :; Scotland, by R. S. Rait, 
Ix. 308 ; Scotland and the Papacy 
during the great schism, 1378- 
1418, Iv. 144-158; Scotland and 
the Spanish Armada, XII. 1-23; 
History of Scotland, by P. Hume 
Brown, 1x. 316; Scotland under 
James IV., by Eric Stair-Kerr, 
IX. 334; Our Native Land, by 
Duncan Macgillivray, vil. 317; 
The Scottish progress of James 
VI. in 1617, X. 21-28; Scotland 
in the 18th century, VI. 343-356. 

Scotland and the French Revolution, 
by H. W. Meikle, x. 306. 

Scotland and the Union, by W. L. 
Mathieson, III. 501. 

Scotland described for Queen Mag- 
dalene, 1. 27-38. 

Scotland in the Time of Queen Mary, 
by P. Hume Brown, Il. 443. 

Scotland’s Work and Worth, by C. 
W. Thomson, vil. 205, 318. 

Scots Army, 1661-1688, by Charles 
Dalton, VII. 195. 

Scots at Leffingen, 1600, 11. 268-274. 

Scots Dialect Dictionary, by A. 
Warrack, VIII. 423. 

Scots in Eastern and Western Prussia, 
by T. A. Fischer, 1. 208. 

Scots in France, VII. 325. 

Scots in Poland, Ill. 524. 

Scots in Rome in 1597, I. 219. 

Scots in Russia, IX. 215. 

Scots in Sweden, by T. A. Fischer, 
V. 240. 

Scots Linen Manufacture Company, 
I. 180; II. 53-60. 

Scots Peerage, edited by Sir J. 
Balfour Paul, Ill. 79; vV. I01; 
VI. 408; IX. 172; XII. QI. 

Scots prisoners among the Turks, 
II. 34. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Scots White Paper Manufactory, 
Ill. 73. 

Scotsmen serving the Swede, 1x. 

Scott, Adam, minister to the Darien 
expedition, I. 417. 

— Archibald Black, Nynia in 
Northern Pictland, 1. 378-388 ; 
Saint Maolrubha, vi. 260-280; 
review of Williamson’s St. Boni- 
face, Il. 324. 

— Elizabeth, wife of Sir William 
Binning, x11. 386. 

— Elspet, incest, 111. 26. 

— Captain George, the scourge of 
the Turks, I. 103. 

— Hew, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, 
vol: i. (Lothian and Tweeddale), 
XII. 428. 

—— Lady John, 1. 436. 

— Sir John, of Scotstarvet, 11. 29; 
his True Relation, XI. 164-191,” 
284-296, 395-403; XII. 76-83, 
174-183, 408-412. 

— Laurence, of Bavelaw, XII. 370, 

— Margaret, wife of Robert Steven, 
schoolmaster and poet, II. 258. 
— Matthew, bishop of Dunkeld, 

I. 201. 

— Sir Michael, of Balwearie, 1x. 
283; XI. 123. 

— Walter, in Renfrew, vi. 381. 

— Sir Walter, account for books 
and binding, 1790-93, v. 380; 
Sir Walter Scott and the Border 
ballads, VII. 419; VIII. 108, 220; 
Siyv Walter Scott and the Border 
Minsirelsy, by Andrew Lang, 
vill. 190; Roderick Dhu: his 
poetical pedigree, vill. 61-69; 
Sir Walter Scott’s Friends, by 
Florence MacCunn, vit. 176; Sir 
Walter Scott and golf, xl. 215; 
Literary Blunders of the Author 
of Waverley, by George Watson, 
XII. 108. 

— William, of Ardross, x11. 80. 

— — in Carmuurrie, II. 29. 

— Sir William, of Ardross, 

— — of Elie, xu. 76. 


Scott, William Robert, The Constitu- 
ion...of ... Joint-Stock Com- 
panies, vill. 286; Ix. £78; xX. 
196; The Records of a Scottish 
Cloth Manufactory at New Mills, 
1681-1703, Il. 435; The fiscal 
policy of Scotland before the 
Union, 1. 171-190; Scottish In- 
dustrial Undertakings before the 
Union, I. 407-415; Il. 52-60; 
287-297, 406-411; Il. 71-76; 
The Trade of Orkney at the end 
of the 18th century, x. 360-368. 
Reviews of Foster’s English Fac- 
tories in India, 1618-1650, Iv. 
463 ; VI. 206; vil. 83; VIII. 304; 
IX. 94; X. 205; XI. 223; XII. 
195; Giffen’s Economic Inquiries 
and Studies, 1. 432; Lannoy and 
Vander Linden’s Histoire de 
VExpansion colonial des Peuples 
Européens, 1X. 90; Sainsbury’s 
Court Minutes of the East India 
Company, 1640-1654, Vv. 478; 
VII. 412; X. 204; XI. 300; 
Stirling’s Sketch of Scottish In- 
dustrial and Social History in the 
18th and 19th centuries, Iv. 331. 

Scotticisms of the 17th century, 
Ill. 433-4. 

Scottish Alliterative Poems, 1. 296-9. 

Scottish Annals from English Chron- 
iclers, 500-1286, by Alan O. 
Anderson, vI. 292. 

Scottish Armorial Seals, by W. Rae 
Macdonald, 11. 205. 

Scottish Church Militant of 1640-3, 
III. 385. 

Scottish College in Paris, 1v. 399- 


Scottish East India and Greenland 
Company, VIII. 288. 

Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1. 

Scottish Education, by John Kerr, 
VII. 415. 

Scottish Ethnology, 11. 275-286. _ 

Scottish Exhibition of 1911, rx. 225. 

Scottish Flags, by C. Cleland Harvey, 
XII. 105. 

Scottish Grey Friars, by W. Moir 
Bryce, vii. 84. 

Index 1903-1916 


Scottish Heraldry Made Easy, by 
G. Harvey Johnston, 1. 212. 
Scottish History as a subject for 
teaching in Schools, v. 41-51, 255. 
Scottish History in our Schools, ed. 

by David Macrae, Iv. 239. 

Scottish History Society, 1. 224; 
1. 87; m1. 128. 

Scottish Industrial and Social His- 
tory in the 18th and 19th Centuries, 
by Amelia H. Stirling, tv. 331. 

Scottish Industrial Undertakings 
before the Union, I. 407-415; I. 
52-60, 287-297, 406-411; Ill. 

Scottish Influences in Russian His- 
tory, by A. F. Steuart, x1. 214. 
Scottish Islands in the Diocese of 

Sodor, vil. 258-263. 

Scottish Language, Mutschmann’s 
Phonology of the North-Eastern 
Scotch Dialect, vit. 208; Colville’s 
Studies in Lowland Scots, vit. 179. 

Scottish Liturgy, 1X. 430. 

Scottish Monasteries of Old, by 
Michael Barrett, x1. 227. 

Scottish Nobility and their part in 
the National History, 111. 157-170. 

Scottish Officers in Sweden, I. 191- 

Scottish Parliament, 1560-1707, by 
W. Law Mathieson, Iv. 49-62. 

Scottish Parliament, 1603-1707, by 
C. S. Terry, Il. 497. 

Scottish Prose of the 17th and 18th 
Centuries, by J. H. Millar, x. 88. 

Scottish Record Society, petition 
to the Royal Commission on 
Historical MSS. on the calender- 
ing of charters, Iv. 359. 

Scottish soldiers of fortune, XII. 

Scottish Staple at Veere, by John 
Davidson, vI. 405. 

Scottish Staple in the Netherlands, 
by M. P. Rooseboom, vill. 70. 
Scottish students at English uni- 
versities in the r4th century, I. 
266 ; Scottish students in Heidel- 
berg, 1386-1662, v. 67-75, 250; 
Scottish students at Padua 

University, 111. 53-62. 


Scottish Text Society, 1. 224, 237, 
260, 296-299 ; II. 441. 

Scottish Trade with the Plantations 
before 1707, vi. 32-48. 

Scottish War of Independence, by 
E. M. Barron, x11. 185. 

Scrope, Sir Galfrid de, justiciar, rx. 
— Sir Henry de, x. 178, at the 
battle of Neville’s Cross, 182. 
Scrymgeour, John, printer to Glas- 
gow University, v. 369, 500. 

— Matilda, wife of Graham of 
Strathcarron, Il. 72. 

Sculptured Stones of Edinburgh, 
VIII. 424. 

Sea inroads, VII. 346-354. 

Seabury, Samuel, viii. 318. 

Seafield, Earls of, 1x. 92. 

ss ja Correspondence, 1685-1708, 

X. 47-59. 

Seaforth, William, Earl of, 11. 414, 
416, 420-422 ; V. 140-147. 

Seaham, Sir William de, vi. 27. 

Seals, Scottish Armorial Seals, by 
W. Rae Macdonald, 1. 205; 
History of Scottish Seals, by 
Walter de Gray Birch, Iv. 326; 
Seal of the Burgh of Rothesay, 
VII. 263-270; Ivish Seal Matrices 
and Seals, by E. C. R. Armstrong, 
xi. 8x7. 

Sealy, Lucy, The Champions of the 
Crown, VIII. 419. 

Seaton, A. A., Theory of Toleration 
under the Later Stuarts, VuIl. 414. 

—R. C., Napoleon’s Captivity, 1. 


Second Chambers, 
Marriott, VII. 405. 

Second Prayer Book of Edward VI., 
III. 97. 

Secondary education in Scotland, 
VII. 313. 

Secretary of State, office of, 111. ror. 

Sedley, Sir Charles, m1. 48. 

by J. A. R. 

Seebohm, Frederic, Customary Acres, 

XII. 207. 

Segrave, Sir John de, Ill. 222-3; 
VIII. 281, 383-387. 

— Sir Nicholas, viii. 279. 

Seguier, Pierre, x11. 276. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Seigniorial System in Canada, by 
W. B. Munro, v. 112. 

Seine floods, viil. 25. 

Selby, Sir Walter de, Iv. 200; x. 

Selden, John, 1. 8. 

Selkirk abbey founded, v. 78. 

Selsey sea-wall, vit. 350 and #., 351. 

Sempill of Foulwood, 11. 63 ». 

— Sir James, of Beltree, 1. 371. 

— John, son of Lord Sempill, 1. 

— Robert, v. 17, 23. 

— Colonel William, x1I. 20 and m., 
22 and n. 

Separation of Church and State in 
France in 1795, IV. 298-308. 
Sepulchral cross-slabs, I. 42-45, 211. 

Serfdom in Durham, VI. 219. 

Servetus’ Christianismi Restitutio, 
IX. 422. 

Seton, Alexander, guardian of the 
house of S. John of Jerusalem at 
Torphichen, Ix. 62. 

— Sir Alexander, 11. 460 and 2.; 
Iv. 186 and x. 

— Alexander [son], 
and . 

— — Lord Kilcruich, x1. 186. 

— — of Tullibody, 11. 104. 

— Christopher, John and Humph- 
rey, hanged by the English as 
supporters of Robert Bruce, II. 
332 and m.; vitl. 168. 

— George, Lord Seton, 11. 68; Iv. 
285-7, 291 ; VIII. 127. 

— — advocate, The Law and Prac- 
tice of Heraldry in Scotland, Xt. 

— John, . 311. 

— — of St. Germans, Il. 105. 

— Mary, I. 348-9, 363-371. 

Setons in Sweden, Ix. 274. 

Seton-Watson, R. W., Southern 
Slav Question and the Habsburg 
Monarchy, 1X. 315; review of 
Michael’s Cromwell, v. 216. 

Seward, Anna, VII. 177. 

Shadwell, Lionel Lancelot, Enact- 
ments in Parliament specially con- 
cerning the Universities of Oxford 

and Cambridge, x. 89. 

Iv. 35, 186 

Shakespeare (William), Burbage and 
Shakespeare’s Stage, by Mrs. 
Stopes, xI. 102, 231; Kréger’s 

Die Sage von Macbeth bis zu 
Shakspere, 11. 461 ; Life in Shakes- 
peare’s England, by J. D. Wilson, 
IX. 437; Somesupposed Shakespeare 
Forgeries, by Ernest Law, 1x. 88 ; 
More about Shakespeare ‘ For- 
geries,’ by Ernest Law, XII. 320; 
eighteenth century estimates of 
Shakespeare, I. 291-5; Shake- 
speare’s sources, II. 461. 
Shakespeare Apocrypha, ed. by C. 
F. T. Brooke, vi. 93. 
Shakespeare and the Supernatural, 
by Margaret Lucy, II. 515. 
Shakespeare as a Groom of the 
Chamber, by Ernest Law, vitt. 
Shakespeare’s Books, by H. R. D. 
. Anders, Il. 215. 
Shakespeare’s Environment, by Mrs. 
Stopes, XII. 319. 
Shakespeares (Aus) Meisterwerkstatt, 
von Gregor Sarrazin, Iv. 227. 
Sharp, John, lawyer, x1. 281. 
Sharpe, Horatio, governor of Mary- 
land, 1753-1773, XI. 109. 
Shaw, A. E., Michel de l’Hospital 
and his policy, tt. 377. 
— Sir John, of Greenock, 1. 410. 
Shaw-Stewart, Hugh, review ot 
Auld’s Greenock and its Early 
Social Environment, v. 343. 
Shearer, John E., The Battle of Dun- 
blane Revised, 1x. 211; The 
Battlefields around Stirling, xt. 
308; Fact and Fiction in the 
Story of Bannockburn, vu. 190; 
IX. 21£; Allustrated Historical 
Handbook to Stirling, 1x. 21:; 
Old Maps and Map Makers of 
Scotland, 11. 377; The Site of the 
Battle of Bannockburn, xu. 207. 
Sheep scab introduced from the 
Holy Land, 11. ro. 
stealing by Carmichael, the Cap- 
tain of Crawford Castle, rv. 181-2. 
Sheill, James, fined for assaulting 
the provost of Peebles, vim. 

Index 1903-1916 


Shelia: The Cairds’ Language, by 
David MacRitchie, 1. 467; 11. 

Sherburne tenantries, x. 222; 

Sheriff, office of, in Scotland, vim. 
100; Sheriff Court of Aberdeen- 
shive Records, Il. 93. 

Shetland, Jakobsen’s Etymologisk 
Ordbog over det Norréne Sprog 
pa Shetland, vi. 205; VIII. 422. 
‘See also Orkney. 

Shield, Alice, Henry Stuart, Car- 
dinal of York, vi. 187; Shield 
and Lang’s The King over the 
Water, v. 465. 

Shields, Alexander, minister to the 
Darien expedition, 1. 417-8. 

Shiels, Robert, reputed author of 
Cibber’s Lives of the Poets, 1. 15-16. 

Shipbuilding of the Norsemen, 111. 



Shirburn Ballads, 1585-1616, edited 
by Andrew Clark, v. 334. 

Shoriswood, George, rector of Culter, 
XII. 116. 

Short History of Europe, by C. S. 
Terry, IX. 435- 

Shorter Catechism, its importance 
in Scottish education, 1x. 133. 
Shrines of S. Margaret and S. 
Kentigern, by P. Macgregor 

Chalmers, I. 340. 

Sibaud, Sir Duncan, II. 174. 

Sibbald, Andrew, prebendary of 
Renfrew, 1. 185. 

— George, III. 59. 

— James, bookseller in Edinburgh, 
II. 139. 

— Sir Robert, on the contents of the 
royal vault in Holyrood, Iv. 458. 

Sibilet, Thomas, xu. 276. 

Siciliana, by F. Gregorovius, XI. 326. 

Siddons, Mrs., in Edinburgh, 1. 309, 
311. ’ 

Sidgwick, M., The Pentland Rising, 
and the Battle of Rullion Green, 
Ill. 449-452. 

Sidney, Philip, Headsman of White- 
hall, 11. 514; A History of Gun- 
powder Plot, 1. 450; The Subject 
of all Verse, Iv. 476. 


Sidney, Sir Philip, Siv Philip Sidney, 
by Percy Addleshaw, vil. 312. 

Siegfried, A., Democracy in New 
Zealand, XI. 326. 

Sievwright, Colin, 11. 100. 

Sieyés, abbé, x. 212. 

Sigurd, killed at Clontarf, 111. 397. 

Silchester explorations, II. 95. 

Silk manufactory in 1697, Il. 291. 

Silver map of the world, Ill. 519; 
V. 135- 

Silverton Hill, 1. 189. 

Simancas archives, v. 513. 

Simpson or Symsoun, Henry, VII. 

— Patrick, minister of Stirling, 111. 
21-22, 25. 

Simsons of Islay, vi. 218. 

Sinclair, Sir David, of Sumburgh, 
Il. 374 VIII. 317. 

— George, in the service of Sweden, 
I. 194; IV. 374, 376. 

— Hon. George A., The Inroads of 
the Sea, vit. 346-354; Periodical 
literature of the 18th century, 
11. 136-149 ; Scandinavian ballads 
on Caithness soldiers, Iv. 374-383 ; 
The Scots at Solway Moss, 1, 
372-7; Scotsmen serving the 
Swede, 1x. 37-51; The Scottish 
Progress of James VI., x. 21-28 ; 
A Successor of David Garrick 
[John Henderson], I. 306-313. 
Reviews of Rait’s The Making of 
the Nations: Scotland, 1X. 308; 
Steuart’s Scottish Influences in 
Russian History, Xi. 214. 

—— Henry, bishop of Ross, I. 374-5 ; 
IV. 435. 

— Isabel G., The Thistle and the 
Fleur de Lys, i. 216. 

— James, claims the earldom of 
Caithness, III. 201. 

— John, bishop of Brechin, II. 

— — of Stevinstoun, VII. 357. 

— —in the service of Sweden, Ix. 

— Sir John, of Ulbster, 1. 396. 

— Major Malcolm, assassinated by 
Russians in 1739, IV. 374, 379- 

Scottish Historical Review 

Sinclair, Oliver, defeated at Solway 
Moss, Il. 372-7. 

— Robert, bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 

— William, bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 
316-7 and x., 318 and m. ; 1. 374. 

— Sir William, 11. 374. 

Sinclairs in Sweden, 1x. 275. 

Singewald, Karl, The Doctrine of 
Non-Suability of the State in the 
United States, vitl. 212. 

Sintie, George, of Balgony, x11. 125. 

Sion College and Library, by E. H. 
Pearce, XI. 104. 

Siy Gawain and the Green Knight, 
by Isaac Jackson, x1. 448. 

Sir Tristvem, The Romance of Sir 
Tristrem, V1. 58-62. 

Siward, Sir Richard, 111. 19; vit. 

Six Town Chronicles of England, 
by Ralph Flenley, rx. 196. 

Sixtus V., Pope, xtl. ro. 

Skeat, Walter W., The Past at our 
Doors, 1x. 96; editor of The Lay 
of Havelok the Dane, 1. 446; The 
author of Lancelot of the Latk, 
VIII. I-4; 
Tristvem, vi. 58-62; Scottish 
Alliterative Poems, 1. 296-299; 
notes on the Andreas and St. 
Andrew, 11. 383; ‘corn-bote,’ 
I. 232; The Court of Love, vit. 
438; authorship of The Quair 
of Jelousy, Vill. 324; Provincial 
orthography in the 17th century, 
VI, 108. 

Skelton, Sir John, 1. 436. 

Skene, Sir James, of Curriehill, x1. 
186, 288, 290. 

— John, King’s Advocate, x1. 175. 

Sketches of Rulers of India, by G. 
D. Oswell, vi. 304. 

Skilbeck, Clement O., Illustrations 
of the Liturgy, IX. 417. 

Skinners’ Incorporation, Edinburgh, 
XII. 326. 

Skotlands Rimur : Icelandic Ballads 
on the Gowrie Conspiracy, VI. 191. 

Skye, The Misty Isle of Skye, by 
J. A. Macculloch, m. 465; vil. 

The Romance of Si 

“es eS 

Index 1903-1916 

Slains, petrifying well at, 1. 35-36. 
eo D. A., The Poetry of Catullus, 
_ XX. 215. 

— 7. Herbert, How to Collect Books, 
III. 357. 

Slav expansion, x1. 210; The 
Southern Slav Question, by R. W. 
Seton-Watson, Ix. 315. 

Slavery, The Negro in Pennsylvania, 
by E. R. Turner, x. 109. 

Slavonic Europe, 1447-1796, by R. 
Nisbet Bain, v. 489. 

Slingsby’s Diary, x. 335. 

Slyeth, William, of Temple, v. 17, 
20, 22. 

Small Landowners’ disappearance, 
VII. 311. 

Smeaton, Margaret, 11. 30-31. 

— Thomas, jesuit, Iv. 293. 

Smedt, Charles de, 1x. 447. 

Smith, A. L., Church and State in 
the Middle Ages, XI. 213; 
Frederick William Maitland. v1. 

— Adam, French translations of 
The Wealth of Nations, m1. 115- 

— Charles, Jacobite, m1. 122. 

— D. Nichol, The Functions of Criti- 

cism, V1. 430; Eighteenth Century 
Essays on Shakespeare, edited by 
D. Nichol Smith,1.291. Reviews 
of Courthope’s History of English 
Poetry, il. 194; Wl. 374; Vil. 
406; Waller and Glover’s edition 
of Hazlitt’s Collected Works, 1. 
331; Iv. 226; Law’s Some 
supposed Shakespeare Forgeries, 
1x. 88; Law’s More about Shake- 
speare Forgeries, X11. 319; Stopes’ 
Burbage and Shakespeare’s Stage, 
XI. 102; Stopes’ Shakespeare’s 
Environment, XII. 319. 

— David Baird, John Barclay, x11. 
37-59; William Barclay, x1. 136- 
163 ; Sir Thomas Craig, feudalist, 
XII. 270-302; The reformers and 
Divorce, rx. 10-36. Reviews of 
Atkinson’s History of Germany, 
1715-1815, VI. 192; Brown’s 
Studies in the History of Venice, 
Vv. 355; Figgis’ Churches in the 


Modern State, x1. 433; Firth’s 
Last Days of the Protectorate, v1. 
174; Fisher’s Bonapartism, v. 
480; Gougaud’s Les Chrétientés 
Celtiques, vil. 410; The Roman 
Journals of Ferdinand Gre- 
gorovius, 1852-1874. Vv. 227 
Kennedy’s ‘ Interpritations’ of 
the Bishops and their Influence on 
Elizabethan Episcopal Policy, v1 

312; Lecky’s Historical and Poli- 
tical Essays, Vi. 209; Lyon’s 
Diego de Sarmiento de Acwhia, 
Conde de Gondomar, Vil. 403; 
M‘Killiam’s Chronicle of the Popes, 
IX. 435; Mackinlay’s Ancient 
Church Dedications in Scotland, 
(Scriptural Dedications), vit. 86 ; 
Mirbt’s Quellen zur Geschichte des 
Papsthums, x. 104; Murray’s 
Lawyers’ Mervriments, X. 190; 
Quesette’s L’ Administration finan- 
ciéve des Etats de Bretagne, 1689- 
1715, 1X. 318; The Records of the 
Commissions of the General As- 
semblies of the Church of Scotland, 
1650-52, VII. 79; Romier’s Les 
Origines politiques des guerves de 
Religion, X1. 105, 315; Trevelyan’s 
Garibaldi’s Defence of the Roman 
Republic, tv. 465; Garibaldi and 
the Thousand, vii. 187 ; Garibaldi 
and the Making of Italy, tx. 201. 
Notes on the Armour worn by 
James IV. at Flodden, x11. 332; 
Cardinal Bellarmine, xII. 331. 

Smith, G. Gregory, review of Fynes 
Moryson’s Travels, v. 462. 

— Hugh, minister at Eastwood, 
VI. 374- 

— John, in Dowlor, x. 301. 

— Lucy Toulmin, editor of Leland’s 
Itinerary, 111. 375; V- 98, 478; 
VI. 294; VIII. 195. 

— Patrick, advocate, XII. 143. 

— Preserved, Luther’s Table Talk: 
@ ovitical study, V. 342. 

— Robert, in St. Andrews, I. 261. 

— Thomas, vil. 357, 359- 

— Vincent A., The Early History 
of India, vi. 89; The Oxford 
Student's History of India, v1. 212. 


Smith, William, minister of Money- 
die, XII. 144. 

Smithson, Edward, at Padua Uni- 
versity, III. 61. 

Smuggling in the American Colonies, 
by W. S. M‘Clellan, x. 324. 

Smuggling in Galloway, Iv. 211. 

Smyth. See Smith. 

Snell, F. J., The Age of Transition, 
Til. 358. 

Snorri Sturlason, 1X. 149. 

Snowden’s Brief Survey of British 
History, 111. 100. 

Soap works of Glasgow, I. 408. 

Social life in England in the 11th 
century, vi. 76; Social life in the 
Low Countries during the 15th 
century, v. 381, 515; Social life 
in Scotland in the 17th century, 
V. 239. 

Society of the Fishery of Great 
Britain and Ireland, vii. 288. 
Society of Jesus, History of the 
Society of Jesus in North America, 
by Thomas Hughes, v. 229, 362; 

VII. 308. 

Society of Mineral and Battery 
works, II. 405. 

Society of the Mines Royal, v. 245. 

Society of the White-Writing and 
Printing Paper Manufactory of 
Scotland, 111. 71. 

Sodor, bishops of, 111. 403, 407; the 
diocese founded, 11. 402 and u. ; 
Scottish islands in the diocese, 
VIII. 258-263 ; IX. 107. 

Solomon, an Arabian Christian, 
II. 34. 

Solomon’s Even, I. 350; Il. 524. 

Soltau, Roger H., The Duke de 
Choiseul, VII. 303. 

Solway Moss, battle of, 11. 372-7; 
III. 500. 

Somerled, lord of Argyll, 111. 398-9 ; 
VII. 32-33. 

Somers, John, v. 351. 

Somerville, George, captain in the 

_ Argyllshire Highlanders, 111. 37. 

— Thomas, at Padua University, 
Ill. 56n. 

Songs of a Buried City, by H. Lang 
Jones, XI. 327. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Sophia Dorothea, wife of George I., 
Vir. 82. 

Sorcery, La Magie et la Sovrcellerie 
en France, par Th. de Cauzons, 
x. 309; Sorcery trials of the 15th 
to the 17th century, x1. 438. 

Soulis, John de, 111. 18, 224 and m. ; 
VII. 76, 278; Vill. 386. 

— Sir John, of Eskdale, 111. 469. 

— Nicholas de, 111. 15-16. 

— William de, a prisoner in Dun- 
barton Castle, 111. 463. 

Sources of the British Chronicle His- 
tory in Spenser's Faerie Queene, 
by C. A. Harper, vill. 315. 

Souter, Robert, tailor in Dundee, tv. 


South America, by W. A. Koebel, 
XY. $23. 

South Leith Records, 1588-1700, by 
D. Robertson, Ix. 428. 

South Sea Company, Ix. 179. 

Southampton, A Short History of 
Southampton, by Hearnshaw and 
Clarke, VIII. 211. 

Southdean church, Roxburghshire, 

Southern Slav Question, by R. W. 
Seton-Watson, IX. 315. 

Southesk, James, Earl of, kills the 
Master of Gray in a duel, Il. I-5. 

Sovereignty of the Sea, by T. W. 
Fulton, 1X. 174. 

Spalding, Peter de, 111. 462 and m., 
468 ; VIII. 392. 

— William de, 11. 16. 

Spanish Armada, The Tobermory 
Argosy ; a Problem of the Spanish 
Armada, by R. P. Hardie, x. 94; 
Scotland and theSpanish Armada, 
XII. I-23; Spanish wreck at 
Tobermory, I. 110}; VIII. 400-4. 

Spanish Inquisition. See Inquisition. 

Speed, Thomas, in Dundee, Iv. 75. 

Spence, John, of Condie, King’s 
Advocate, XI. £75. 

Spencer, C. L., review of Ffoulkes’ 
Armour and Weapons, vit. 189. 
— J. J., notes on Turnbull’s Darien 
letters, x1. 404 ; review of Grant’s 
The Old Scots Navy, 1689-1710, 

XI. 420. 

Index 1903-1916 

“Spencer, Charles, v. 351-2. 

Spens of Wormiston, 11. 17. 

— Sir James, of Wormiston, 1. 194- 
5; V. 240. 

— Thomas, bishop of Aberdeen, 
I. 426. 

— family in Sweden, Ix. 276. 

Spenser’s Faerie Queene and its 
historical sources, VIII. 315. 

Spirit (The) of Jacobite Loyalty, by 
W. G. Blaikie Murdoch, v. 36r. 

Spittal, Robert, builder of the 
Bannock bridges, vii. 192. 

— — court tailor, vir. 310. 

Spoon lore, I. 344. 

Spot, Ninian, priest of St. Andrews, 
I. 425. 

Spottiswood, John, advocate, vit. 
251, 261-2. 

—-— Archbishop of St. Andrews, 
XI. 170, 184. 

— Sir Robert, x1. 186. 

Sprat’s Life of Cowley, 1. 6. 

Spreul, John, importer of wool- 
cards, 11. 408. 

Sprott, Rev. Dr., m1. 98. 

Squire, Charles, The Mythology of the 
British Islands, 11. 457. 

— Laurence, v. 20. : 

Stafford, John, attorney in Maccles- 
field, v1. 226 and ., 231, 235-6; 
letter on the Highland army at 
Macclesfield in 1745, v. 285-296. 

— Ralph, Earl of, rv. 199; 1x. 281 
and n., 282. 

Stahlin, Karl, Sir Francis Walsing- 
ham, V1. 398. 

Stair-Kerr, Eric, Scotland under 
James IV., 1X. 334; Stirling 
Castle, X1. 304 ; review of Fletcher 
and Kipling’s History of England, 
IX. 324; Fothergill’s British Fire- 
Marks from 1680, vitt. 415. 

Staley, Vernon, editor of The First 
Prayer Book of King Edward VI., 
1. 88; Hierurgia Anglicana, u. 


Stanford, John, x. 222. 

Stanhope, Charles, 3rd Earl, Life, 
x11. 89. 

Stanley, Sir John, prior of Whit- 
horne, III. 407 ”. 


Stanley, Dame Venetia, 1. 7. 

Stapleton, Sir Brian de, v. 30. 

— Mrs. Brian, A History of the 
Post-Reformation Catholic Mis- 
sions in Oxfordshire, 111. 509. 

Stavely parish church struck by 
lightning, viI. 64. 

Steam engines in Scotland, Iv. 231. 

Steele, Robert, Mediazval Lore from 
Bartholomew Anglicus, 11. 466. 

Steiner, Bernard C., Life of Reverdy 
Johnson, xl. 206; Maryland 
under the Commonwealth, 1649- 
1658, IX. 337. 

Stenhouse, Stirlingshire, vi. 186, 
281 n. 

Stephen, William, bishop of Dun- 
blane, III. 310 ”.; VIII. 235, 243. 

Stephens, Alex. H., x11. 99. 

Steuart, Archibald Francis, The 
Exiled Bourbons in Scotland, vt. 
86; News Letters of 1715-16, vu. 
86 ; Scottish Influences in Russian 
History, xt. 214; Gilbert Balfour 
of Westray, Ix. 215; Miss Kathe- 
rine’ Read, court paintress, m. 
38-46; Scotland and the Papacy 
during the Great Schism, Iv. 144- 
158; A Scot in France in 1751, 
VI. 362-372; Scots in Russia, rx, 
215. The Scottish ‘Nation’ at 
Padua, II. 53-62; Scottish officers 
in Sweden, I. 191-6; notes on 
Jenny Cameron of the ’45, vit. 
439; Information against Jaco- 
bites and Papists, mr. 121; 
Walter Johnstone’s letter to Sir 
James Johnstone of Westerhall, 
1. 449; Scots in Poland, mI. 524 ; 
Scots in Rome in 1597, I. 219. 
Reviews of Abell’s Prisoners of 
War in Britain, 1756-1815, x1. 
423; Airy’s Charles II., u. 84; 
Bagot’s George Canning and his 
Friends, vi. 425; Bain’s Slavonic 
Europe, v. 489; The Berry 
Papers, 1763-1852, XI. 441; 
Boughton Leigh’s Memorials of 
a@ Warwickshire Family, tv. 229; 
Burns’s Church Property, 11. 377 ; 
Butler’s Colonel St. Paul of Ewart, 
IX. 325; Butler’s Passing of the 

118 Scottish Historical Review 

Steuart, Archibald Francis—cont. a Brief Account of the War in 

Great Reform Bill, x1. 427; The 
Cambridge Modern History (The 
Latest Age), vitt. 418; Cassillis’ 
Rulers of Strathspey, 1X. 92; 
Coquelle’s Napoleon and England, 
II. 315; Cory’s Rise of South 
Africa, XI. 316; Cowan’s Royal 
House of Stuart, v. 491; Fea’s 
The Real Captain Cleveland, 1x. 
427; Fischer’s Scots in Eastern 
and Western Prussia, 1. 208; 
Fischer’s Scots in Sweden, v. 240 ; 
Gordon’s Saint George, IV. 474; 
Green’s East Lothian, v. 116; 
Guilday’s English Colleges and 
Convents in the Catholic Low 
Countries, XII. 101; Henderson’s 
The Royal Stewarts, xt. 195; 
Jacobite Extracts of St. Germain- 
en-Laye, VIIl. 209; X. 215; 
Knox’s Historical Relation of 
Ceylon, 1X. 95; Lang’s Prince 
Charles Edward Stuari, 1. 91; 
Lang’s History of Scotland, vol. 3, 
11. 308; Lawtor’s History of 
the Family of Cairnes, IV. 341; 
MacLehose’s From the Monarchy 
to the Republic in France, 1788- 
1792, 11. 218; Memoir of the 
Right Hon. Siy John M‘Neiil, 

Iveland, 1689-1691, X. 321. 

Stevenson or Graham, Euphanel, 

I. 103. 

— G. H., review of Macdonald’s 

Roman Wall in Scotland, vit. 405. 

— (Stenson) Janet, in St. Andrews, 

II. 262. 

— John Horne, The Arms of the 

Baronial and Police Burghs of 
Scotland, 1. 96; Heraldry in 
Scotland, x1. 409; The Teinds, 
whose and what are they ? X. 111; 
A contract of mutual friendship 
in the ’45, Iv. 159-163; The 
Ruthven of Freeland Controversy, 
III. 104-107, 194-209, 339-353, 
475-494; The Scottish Peerage, 
II. I-13. Reviews of The Ancestry 
of Randall Thomas Davidson, D.D., 
I. 327; Birch’s History of Scottish 
Seals : the Royal Seals of Scotland, 
IV. 326; v. 313; Johnston’s 
Heraldry of the Douglases, Iv. 340 ; 
Johnston’s Scottish Heraldry Made 
Easy, 1. 212; The Official Guide 
to . . . Holyroodhouse, Iv. 455-461; 
Turnbull Smith’s Sketch of Saint 
Bernard's [Edinburgh], Iv. 473; 
Watkin’s Ochterloney Family of 
Scotland, 1. 98. 

vul. 94; Millar’s Mary Queene of 
Scots, 1. 96; Mumby’s Elizabeth 
and Mary Stuart, x1. 434; Mur- 
doch’s Spirit of Jacobite Loyalty, 
v. 361;  Ochtertyre Booke of 
Accomps, 1737-1739, V. 236; 
Reade’s Johnsonian Gleanings, 
part 2, x. 105; The Reades of 
Blackwood Hill, tv. 101; Roug- 
head’s Trial of Mary Blandy, xt. 
94; Swift’s Correspondence, VIII. 
312; XII. 324; Vitelleschi’s A 

— Samuel, merchant in Edinburgh, 
I. 234. ; 

— Thomas, lieut. in the Royal 
Scottish Lowlanders, I. 103. 

— William, The Kirk and Parish of 
Auchtertool, vi. 309. 

— —in St. Andrews, I. 261. 

— William Henry, editor of Asser’s 
Life of King Alfred, 1. 205. 

— family, I. 103. 

Stewart, A. A. Grainger, Portraits 
in Parliament House, Edinburgh, 

Court in Exile, 1. 443; Walis- V. 242. 
zewski’s Paul the First of Russia, _— Adam,canonofOrkney Cathedral, 
X. 322; Wrong’s The Fail of VII. 355, 362. 

Canada, Xi. 189. 

Steven (Stene), Robert, schoolmaster 
in the Canongate, and supposed 
author of Rob Stene’s Dream, I1. 
253-9, 480; VIII. 271. 

Stevens, John, Journal containing 

— Alan, canon of Menmuir, Iv. 153. 
— Alexander, archbishop of St. 
Andrews, 1. 85; vil. 12, 138. 

— — of Garlies, m1. 118. 
— Andrew, bishop of Dunkeld, 1. 
61, 63; Vv. 316-7. 

a — 

. = -  - = © ° bead * 
f “» : Oo J ah a) 1 he : 
4 11a : < 7 yy 
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« 2 ? . 

Index 1903-1916 

Stewart, Lady Arabella, Arbella 
Stuart, by B. C. Hardy, x. 428. 
— Sir Archibald, of Castle Milk, 

INI. 122. 

— Charles, in the ’45, VI. 232 and m. 

— — receiver-General of Customs 
in British North America, X. 435. 

— Christian, a witch, I. 243. 

— Daniel, I. 420. 

— Donald, at Loch Achray, x. 118. 

— Duncan, trooper, VI. 245 . 

— — in Baad of Bochasteal, x. 118. 
— James, Duke of Ross, and Arch- 
bishop of St. Andrews, vil. 12. 
— -w— murderer of Lord Kilpont, 

Il. 50. 

—Lord James, letter from, to 
Mary, Queen of Scots, II. 150-162. 

— Sir James, killed in a duel, vi. 114. 

— Janet, a witch, I. 243. 

— John, of Ardsheal, 11. 31. 

—-— of Baldynneis, XII. 303-310. 

— — of Ladywell, 1. 52. 

— — Lord of Lorn, Iv. 157. 

— John Roy, poet and soldier, vi. 
239 and n. 

— Sir John, of Bonkill, killed at 
Falkirk in 1298, 111. 221 and n. 

— — of Minto, provost of Glasgow, 
189, 192. : 

— Sir Lewis, Iv. 390; XI. 289-290. 

— Robert, seneschal of Scotland, 
Ill. 403. 

— Sir Robert, of Middleton, I. 195 
and n. 

— Thomas, archdeacon of St. 
Andrews and one of the founders 
of the University, vim. 230, 233. 

— — lord of Badenoch, vi. 63. 

— —scutifer, St. Andrews, VIII. 

— Walter, dean of Glasgow, Iv.157. 

— William, The Rae Press at Kirk- 
bride and Dumfries, Iv. 346; 
notes on printers to the University 

_ of Glasgow, I. 457; V. 369; Te- 
views of Aldis’s List of Books 
printed in Scotland before 1700, 
m1. 305;  Couper’s Edinburgh 
Periodical Press, vi. 204; and 
Williams’ History of English 
Journalism, V1. 410. 


Stewart, William, bishop of Aber- 
deen, IV. 435. 

— — in the service of Sweden, rx. 

—-— rector of Quodquan parish, 
Lanarkshire, I. 145-7, 151. 

— — of Egilshay, in the service of 
Sweden, I. 193 and n. 

— Sir William, letter to the Regent 
Moray, 3 August, 1569, I. 39-41. 
— Family, The Royal Stewarts, by 
T. F. Henderson, xu. 195. See 

also Stuart. 

Stirling, The Battlefields around 
Stirling, by J. E. Shearer, xt. 
308; Shearer’s Illustrated Hand- 
book to Stirling, 1X. 211. 

—- Castle, 11. 224, 458-9; Stirling 
Castle, by Eric Stair-Kerr, X1. 304. 

Stirling, Amelia Hutchison, A Sketch 
of Scottish Industrial and Social 
History in the 18th and 109th 
centuries, IV. 331. 

— Gilbert, bishop of Aberdeen, vit. 


— Hugh de, bishop of Dunkeld, 
I. 315. 

— James, lord provost of Edin- 
burgh, VII. 21-22, 24, 26-27. 

— Sir John de, tv. 187; VI. 135; 
Ix. 400, 408; X. 76. 

— William, minister of Kincardine, 
Ill. 22. 

Stjerna, Knut, 1x. 197; Essays on 
...the Old English Poem of 
Beowulf, X. 224. 

Stobo, Alexander, minister to the 
Darien expedition, I. 416-9. 

Stockings, manufacture of, I. 295. 

Stoddart, Jane T., The Girlhood of 
Mary Queen of Scots, VI. 200. 

Stolen Waters, a page in the Conquest 
of Ulster, by T. M. Healy, X. 424. 

Stone Age in Blekinge, XII. 325. 

— circle at Garrol Wood, Durris, 
111. 128. 

— monuments in history and geo- 
graphy, XI. 446. 

Churchyard Epitaphs, 
by R. Murdoch-Lawrance, vi. 96. 

Stool (The) of Repentance, by W. 

Cramond, I. 112. 

120 Scottish Historical Review © 

Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael, Bur- 
bage and Shakespeare's Stage, 
XI. 102, 231; Shakespeare’s En- 
vironment, XII. 319; notes on 
Irish praises of King James VI., 
XII. 331; and concerning Marie 
Stuart, XII. 217. 

Stormonth of Pitscandlie, a prisoner 
in Perth, v. 185. 

Siory and Song from Loch Ness-side, 
XII. 326. 

Story, The, of Conal Grund, I. 300-5. 

Story (The) of the Forth, by H. M. 
Cadell, x. 424. 

Stow’s Survey of London, ed. by 
C. L. Kingsford, vi. 294. 

Strachan, Sir Al., of Thorntoun, 
xI. 172. 

— David, in Earlsferry, 11. 26. 

— John, in Dundee, Iv. 79. 

Strachan-Davidson, J. L., Problems 
of the Roman Criminal Law, x. 


Strachey, Edward, x. 163, 166. 

Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl 
of, v1. 408. 

Stra’lachlan church, vi. 264 and n. 

Strange, Sir Robert, engraver, II. 
39, 44- 

Stratford, John de, archbishop of 
Canterbury, Ix. 165; x. 79, 84. 
Strathallan, Lady, v. 185; letter 
from, to Lady Nairne, tv. 18. 

Strathclyde, 111. 395. 

Strathearn, David, Earl of, XI. 
395-7, 400. 

— Duncan de, bishop of Dunkeld, 
I. 319. 

— Malise, Earl of, vil. 76; Ix. 

— Maurice, Earl of, slain at Neville’s 
Cross, IV. 200; xX. 183. 

— Earls of, v. 441-5; XI. 285, 395- 

Strathmore, Charles, Earl of, 11. 19. 

Strath Naver, vI. 272 and n. 

Stratton, Adam de, Il. 11. 

— David, x. 157. 

Straus, Ralph, Robert Dodsley, vi. 

Strike of labourers in Paris in 1786, 
VIII. 217. 

‘ Striking the flag,’ rx. 174-6. 

Strong, John, A History of Secondary 
Education in Scotland, vu. 313. 

Stronreistill, 11. 301. 

Stuart, Charles Edward, 1. 443; 
IV. 452-455; V. 287; vi. 187; 
Lang’s Prince Charles Edward 
Stuart, 1. 90. 

— Henry, Cardinal of York, Iv. 223; 
vi. 187; Henry Stuart, Cardinal 
of York, and his Times, by Alice 
Shield, vi. 187. 

— James Francis Edward, The 
King over the Water, by Shield 
and Lang, and James Francis 
Edward, the Old Chevalier, v. 465. 

— Family, The Royal Stuarts in 
their Connection with Art and 
Letters, by W.G. Blaikie Murdoch, 
vi. 425; The Sobieski Stuarts, by 
Hugh Beveridge, vi. 428. See 
also Stewart. 

Stubbs, William, Studies and Notes 
supplementary to the Constitutional 
History, v1. 296; Germany in the 
Early Middle Ages, v1. 79; Lec- 
tures on Early English History, 
111. 501; Lectures on European 
History, 1. 431; Select Charters, 
revised by H. W. C. Davis, XI. 
418; Studies and Notes, supple- 
mentary to Stubbs’ Constitutional 
History, by Charles Petit-Dutaillis, 
VI. 296. 

Studies in Biblical Law, by Harold 
M. Wiener, Il. 312. 

Studies in English Official Docu- 
ments, by Hubert Hall, vi. 181. 
Studies in the History of Venice, by 

Horatio F. Brown, v. 355. 

Studies in Roman History, by E. G. 
Hardy, Ill. 514. 

Studies in Taxation under John and 
Henry III., by S. K. Mitchell, 
XII. 205. 

Siudies on Anglo-Saxon Institutions, 
by H. M. Chadwick, 11. 89. 

Sturges, Kenneth, American Cham- 
' bers of Commerce, XII. 430. 

Stury, Sir Richard, x1. 55-56, ris 

—William, vit. 238 shih n., sane 

a Sap ee ee 


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Index 1903-1916 


Stuteville, Robert de, bishop of 
Dunkeld, 1. 315; Vil. 134. 

Styan, K. E., History of Sepulchral 
Cross-slabs, 1. 211. 

Stykelaw, Weland de, canon of 
Dunkeld, 1. 315. 

Suckling, Sir John, I. 7. 

Suffolk, Robert, Earl of, Iv. 191; 
195-6, 198; IX. 403. 

Sugar-refining and rum-distilling 
companies at Glasgow, I. 411. 

Sule, Sir W. de, killed at Borough- 
bridge, Ix. 71. 

Sunderland, William, 4th Earl of, 
111. 83. 

Sunniva, St., dedications to, ll. 

Superstition in Scotland of to-day, 
IX. 263-267. 

Superstitions of the Scottish High- 
lands, by John G. Campbell, 11. 

Surgeon’s fees in 1611, II. 102. 

Surrey, John de Warenne, Earl of, 
Ill. 219 and n., 220; IX. 236 and 
n., 238-9. 

Surveys of History, by C. H. Russell, 
XII. 103. 

Sussex, Earl of, rv. 288-9. 

Sutherland, James, rector of Killern, 
I. 460. 

— Kenneth, Earl of, tv. 186; Ix. 

— William, 2nd Earl of, Iv. 197, 
267 ; IX. 240. 

——1t7th Earl of, contract of 
mutual friendship with Lord 
Reay in 1745, Iv. 159-163. 

— Earldom, x. 49 n. 

Sutherlandshire, Bibliography of 
Caithness and Sutherland, by 
John Mowat, vil. 426; Inventory 
of Monuments, by A. O. Curle, 
vu. 428; Scandinavian place- 
names in, VII. 204. 

Sutor, David, of Arnaldistoun, v. 

— Patrick, v. 17, 21. 

Sutton, B. H., The Growth of Modern 
_ Britain, X. 431. 

— Oliver, bishop of Lincoln, vt. 
28; vill. 161. 

Suttrington, Thomas de, vi. 27. 

Swan, William, prof. in St. Andrews, 
IX. 440. 

Sweden, Antikvarisk Tidshrift for 
Sverige, X. 105; Fornvdnnen: 
Meddelanden fran K. Vitterhets 
Historie och Antikvitets Akada- 
mien, X. 419; XI. 307; Christi- 
anity in Sweden, x. 227; Runic 
inscriptions and rune-stones, XII. 
423; Scotsmen serving the Swede, 
IX. 37-51; Scottish officers in 
Sweden, I. 191-6. Seealso Norse, 

Swedo-Scottish families, rx. 268- 

Sweyn, Elyas, I. £74. 

Swift, Jonathan, Correspondence, 
edited by E. Ball, vim. 312; rx. 
205; X. 108; XII. 324; Journal 
to Stella, X. 333. 

Swinburne, Adam de, It. 463. 

Swinewood (Svinewde), Patrick de, 
II. 175, 177: 

Swinnerton, Roger de, Iv. 36. 

Swinton, Alan de, 1. 178, 174-6, 
179, 180. 

— Cospatric de, 11. 174, 176, 180. 

— George S. C., Six early charters, 
II. 173-180; note on ‘ Graham’ 
as a Northumbrian taboo, 461 ; 
review of Lawrie’s Early Scottish 
Charters, 1. 475. 

— Henry, at Padua University, 
III. 60 

— Hugh de, 11. 180. 

— Sir John, killed at Homildon, 
Xx. 206. 

— charters, Il. 475-8; If. 390. 

Sword, John and Benjamin, mer- 
chants in Glasgow, VIII. 149-158. 

Sword Blade Company, Ix. 180. ~ 

Sydserff, Thomas, student at Heidel- 
berg, aftw. bishop of Galloway, 

V. 73- 

Symbolism, Allegory and Autobio- 
graphy, by W. H. Schofield, vit. 

Symson, Matthias, minister of Stir- 
ling and expert witch-finder, rv. 
4°, 47, 48. 

Symunburne church, vil. 275. 

122 Scottish Historical Review 

Synopsis of the Leading Movements 
in Modern History, by F. R. A. 
Jarvis, 1x. 98. 

Tables of European History Litera- 
ture, by John Nichol, vit. 194. 

Taill of Rauf Coilyear, 11. 458. 

Tain burgh records, vIII. 428; early 
history, VIII. 213. 

Tait, James, Mediaeval Manchester, 
I. 320; editor of Chronica 
Johannis de Reading, x11. 85. 

Talbot, Richard, Iv. 35, 187. 

Tales of Madingley, by Col. T. W. 
Harding, x. 108. 

Tanay, Lucas, vi. 183. 

Tankerville, Comte de, v. 28. 

Tapestry in Orkney in the 12th 
century, IX. 151-2. 

Tarbert erected into a burgh by 
Robrrt I., vit. 270. 

Tarlogan, St., vi. 266 and nu. 

Tartans of the Lowlands, v. 367; 

VI. 105. 
Tas, Adam, Diary (1705-1706), XII. 
Tasker, James and William, in 

Cotter Toun of Craigie, Iv: 80. 

Tasso’s Godfrey of Bulloigne com- 
pared with Scott’s Roderick Dhu, 
VIII. 61-69. 

Tatham, G. B., The Puritans in 
Power: a Study in the History 
of the English Church, 1640-1660, 
XII. 192. 

Taxation by Parliament in England, 
vill. 417; Macbeth’s Rationale 
of Rates, x. 218; Mitchell’s 
Studies in Taxation under John 
and Henry III., Xi. 205. 

Tawney, R. H., The Agrarian Pro- 
blem in the Sixteenth Century, x. 

Taylor, Alistair and Henrietta, 
The Book of the Duffs, xi1. 86. 
—I.A., The Life of James IV., xt. 

— Jeremy, Bishop of Down, 11. 

— Joseph, Journey to Edenborough, 
I. 441. 
— Margaret, a witch, Iv. 43-47. 

Taylor, Rupert, The Political Pro- 
phecy in England, x. 421. 

— Thomas, in Craigenduntan, 1. 

— W. Caird, Scottish Students in 
Heidelberg, v. 67-75. 

Teaching of Scottish History in 
Schools, v. 41-51. 

Teampull, Lochcarron, vi. 269. 

— Strath Naver, VI. 270, 273, 278-9. 

Teinds, by J. H. Stevenson, x. 111. 

Templars, VII. I0I, 320, 425; 
Templars in Scotland, 1. 103; 
Templars in Scotland in the 13th 
century, V. 13-25; their posses- 
sions transferred to the Hospi- 
tallers, x. 61 ; Templars profane 
the image of our Lord, vill. 279, 
283; the order abolished by 
Clement V., 285; studies on the 
Templars by John Edwards, Iv 
361 ; Temple lands of Tucheen, 
Inchinnan, 1472, X11. 330; Temple 
tenements in St. Andrews, vuit. 

Temple, Sir William, vI. 213, 311. 

Tennand, John, Franciscan, 111. 185. 

Tennyson, by W. P. Ker, vil. 201. 

Tenure‘by drengage, 1. 66 u. 

Terry, Charles Sanford, A Biblio- 
graphy of Aberdeen writers, Iv. 
240; Catalogue of the Publications 
of Scottish Historical Club, etc., 
vil. 73; john Graham of Claver- 
house, 11. 453 ; Index to the Papers 
velating to the 
Historical MSS. Commission’s 
Reports, vi. 73; The Pentland 
Rising and Rullion Green, 11. 448 ; 
The Scottish Parliament, 1603- 
1707, 111. 497; A Short History 
of Europe, VII. 314; IX. 434; 
Treitschke, Bernhardi and some 
Theologians, XU. 327; Allan 
Cameron’s Narrative, 1716, Vv. 
137-150; The Battle of Glen- 
shiel, 11. 412-423; Claverhouse’s 
Last Letter, vi. 63-65; The 
Homes of the Claverhouse 
Grahams, I. 72-76; The Pent- 
land Rising, ul. 449-452; The 
Siege of Edinburgh Castle in 1689, 


eee eee 

- - yo 

11. 163-172 ; note on the Pentland 

Rising and Rullion Green, tv. 114. 

Reviews of Elcho’s Short account 

of the Affairs of Scotland, 1744- 

1746, Iv. 451; Lang’s Valet’s 

Tragedy, 1. 210; Mathieson’s 

Scotland and the Union, 111. 501 ; 

Vaughan’s Last of the Royal 

Stuarts, Iv. 223. 

Terry, Schuyler B., The Financing 
of the Hundred Years’ War, 1337- 
1360, XII. IQI. 

Teutonic Conquest of Britain, 1x. 

Teviot flood, vil. 273. 

Teviotdale Regiment, 1. 345. 

Teviotdale, William, archdeacon of, 
I. 316. 

Tewkesbury annals, x1. 438. 

Texas diplomatic correspondence, 
1835-1845, VII. 197; IX. 333- 

Thackthwait, v. 252. 

‘ The,’ note on the Honorific ‘ The,’ 
by Sir Herbert Maxwell, x. 230. 

Thekar, John, 11. 262. 

Theological controversy an im- 
portant feature of Scottish educa- 
tion, IX. 133-4. 

Theory of Tolevation under the Later 
Stuarts, by A. A. Seaton, vim. 414. 

Thevet, Etienne, master chirurgeon 
at Poitiers, 1586-1618, VII. 321. 

Thomas, son of Edward I., viii. 

Thomas the Rhymer, by W. M. 
Dixon, IX. 195. 

—E. C., his edition of Richard de 
Bury’s Philobiblon, 1. 86. 

— Edward, Oxford, 11. 88. 

—Emile, Histoire des 
Nationaux, X. 426. 

— James, poet, xI. 133. 

Thomason collection of Civil War 
tracts, VI. 410. 

Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde, 
ed. of Chronicon Ad@ de Usk, U1. 

—R. Campbell, The Devils and 

Evil Spirits of Babylonia, 1. 440. 


_ — Silvanus P., The Origin and 

cine ecnetes! ead 

XII. 107. 

Index 1903-1916 


Thomson, A., Coldingham Parish 
and Priory, vu. 89; Lauder and 
Lauderdale, t. 436. 

—C. L., English History in Con 
temporary Poetry: the Eighteenth 
Century, XII. 209. 

—C. W., Scotland’s Work and 
Worth, Vil. 205. 

— James, in Williamlaw, vu. 362. 
— James Pringle, Alexander Hen- 
derson, the Covenanter, x. 218. 

— John, transcriber of Scot’s True 
Relation, X1. 164. 

— John Maitland, Charters... of 
Inchaffray, v. 440-446 ; the Ruth- 
ven of Freeland Peerage contro- 
versy, III. 104-108, 194-209, 341-4, 
346-7, 351-2, 490, 492-4, 521; 
A Roll of the Scottish Parliament, 
1344, IX. 235-240; notes on Lady 
Anne Bothwell, mu. 108; the 
muniments of Coupar and Citeaux, 
vill. 326; the Scottish trial by 
Combat Charter of 1167, v. 93; 
Bishop Wardlaw and the Guiey 
Friars, IX. 222; on ‘ Wrawes,’ 
1.235. Reviews of Hume Brown’s 
History, vol. 3, vit. 294 ; Gibson’s 
Larbert and Dunipace, vi. 305; 
Gibson’s The Wardlaws in Scot- 
land, IX. 420; Johnson’s Folk- 
Memory, v1. 293; Lawrie’s Annals 
of the veigns of Malcolm and 
William, 1153-1214, vu. 189; 
Lawrie’s Early Scottish Charters, 
11. 428; Mackenzie’s edition of 
Barbour’s The Bruce, vit. 75; 
Ogle’s Canon Law in Mediaeval 
England, x. 185; Renwick’s 
Glasgow Memorials, v. 482; Sal- 
ter’s Subsidy collected in the 
Diocese of Lincoln in 1526, vit. 
95; Thoyts’ Key to the Family 
Deed Chest, 1. 332. 

— Thomas, I. 220. 

— William, review of Lupton’s 
Life of John Colet, D.D., v1. 417. 

Thoresby, 1. 67 n. 

Thorfynn Mac Thore, I. 67 and n. 

Thou, Christophle de, xm. 276. 

Thoyts, E. E., Key to the Family 
Deed Chest, 1. 332. 


Three-mile-limit, 1x. 177. 

Thrie Tales of the Thrie Priests of 
Peblis, X1. 192-202. 

Thrifty Scots on the Continent, 
VIII. 72. 

Through the Dolomites, by Alex. 
Robertson, 11. 89. 

Thursby, 1x. 159. 

Tickhill Castle, 111. 468. 

Tilting in Tudor times, Iv. 111. 
Tindale, William, inquisition pro- 
ceedings for his burning, x1. 438. 

Tippermuir, battle of, 11. 50. 

Tiptoft, Margaret, wife of Sir John 
Cheyne, x1. 82. 

Tiree legend, I. 113, 352. 

— rental of 1662, IX. 343. 

Tobermory, wreck of a Spanish ship 
at, I. 110}; VIII. 400-4. 

Tobermory Argosy: a Problem of 
the Spanish Armada, by R. P. 
Hardie, x. 94. 

Tod, Beigis, a witch, II. 243. 

— John, v. 20. 

— Richard, town officer of Glasgow, 
III. 192. 

— William, v. 21. 

Tolevation under the Later Stuarts, 
by A. A. Seaton, vIII. 414. 

Toll, Hans, Count Florent V. of 
Holland, competitor for the Scot- 
tish Crown, Vv. 304-312. 

Tongue presbytery records, 1744- 
1776, XII. 210. 

Toombs, Robert, correspondence of, 
XII. 99. 

Toothill excavations, VII. 304. 

Torbrex standing stones, XII. 61, 

Torpenhow, I. 67. 
Torphichen, Preceptory of the 

Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, 
V. 22; v1I.226; Torphichen and the 
Knights Hospitallers, 1x. 52-68. 
Torphichen and the Hospitallers, by 
John Edwards, Iv. 361. 
Torphichen, James, 7th Lord, x1. 
34 and m., 35. 
Torture. See Judicial Torture. 
Tosheoch, David, of Monzievaird, 
slain by Bruce of Cultmalundie, 
Iv. 87. 

Scottish Historical Review 

Totnes Visitation in 1342, vil. 318. 

Totti, Thomas, 11. 102. 

Touchet, Sir William, 1x. 74 and m. 

‘ Touching for the Evil,’ x1. 438. 

Tournay, siege of, Iv. 195-7. 

Tours, Garcia de, Ix. 56. 

Tout, T. F., Fivearms in England in 
the 14th century, IX. 214; Flint- 
shive, IX. 334; The Place of the 
Reign of Edward II. in English 
History, x11. 318. Reviews of 
Fisher’s Frederick William Mait- 
land, vi11. 73; M‘Kechnie’s Magna 
Carta, XI. 427; #Mackenzie’s 
Battle of Bannockburn, Xi. 93; 
The Collected Papers of Frederic 
William Maitiland, tx. 81 ; Wade- 
Evans’ Welsh Medieval Law, vit. 
78; Wrylie’s Reign of Henry the 
Fifth, X1. 413. 

Tower of London, 1722-1747, XI. 

Town Chronicles of England, by 
Ralph Flenley, 1x. 196. 

Town clerks, 1. 129. 

— names duplicated, I. 22. 

— Planning,A ncient Town-Planning, 
by F. Haverfield, x1. 302. 

Townsend, James, History of Abing- 
don, VIII. 204. 

Towny, Lucas de, I11. ro. 

Towson, John, in Dundee, Iv. 81. 

Trading Companies’ charters, 1530- 
1707, XI. 111; Trading Com- 
panies of Scotland, 111. 210-217. 

Trafalgar, The Campaign of Tra- 
falgar, by Julian S. Corbett, vit. 



Trafford, Robert de, 11. 174. 

Trail, Walter, bishop of St. Andrews, 
IV. 146-7 ; VIII. 232. 

— David, book-binderin Edinburgh, 
IV. 434. 

Tvans-Atlantic Historical Solidarity, 
by C. F. Adams, XI. 435. 

Transportation to the Colonies, vi. 

Traquair, John, rst Earl of, x1. 291. 

Travel and Description, 1765-1865, | 
by S. J. Buck, x11. roo. 

Traver, Hope, Four Daughters of 
God, v. 476. 

ball ee ee So ieee 


Treasure Trove, 1. 74-80, 99, 214. 

Treitschke, Bernhardi, and some 
Theologians, by Prof. Terry, x11. 

Trenholme, Edward Craig, Story of 
Iona, vit. 99. 

Trevelyan, George Macaulay, Clio, 
a Muse, and other essays, XI. 312; 
Garibaldi’s Defence of the Roman 
Republic, tv. 465; Garibaldi and 
the Thousand, vu. 187 ; Garibaldi 
and the Making of Italy, tx. 201. 

— Sir George Otto, The American 
Revolution, 1. 434; Wl. 97; V. 
359; George the Third and Charles 
Fox, 1X. 313; XII. 200. 

Trial by combat, v. 39; VI. Ior; 
Trial by combat charter of 1167, 
Iv. 481 ; v. 89-94. 

Trial by Combat, by William Brown, 
XII. 209. f 

Trial of Eugene Aram, edited by 
Eric R. Watson, XII. 94. 

Trial of Mary Blandy, edited by 
William Roughead, x11. 94. 

Trial of Peers, v. 112. 

Triduana, St., her well at Restalrig, 
VI. 334- 

Tripoli, tales of the siege, v1. 385-7. 

Tron Kirk of Edinburgh, by Dugald 
Butler, tv. 329. 

Trot of Turriff, v1. 253. 

Trotter, James E., The Royal High 
School, Edinburgh, 1x. 99. 

— John, in Reidpeth, vir. 362. 

Trotternish bailliary, 11. 357. 

Troutbeck, 1. 67 n. 

True Loyalist, vit. 133, 328. 

Trussell, Sir John, x1. 55, 86-87. 

Trustworthiness of Border Ballads, by 
the Hon. FitzWilliam Elliot, rv. 87. 

Truteau, Jean Baptiste, x1. 444. 

Truth in history, x1. 444. 

Tucheen or Tochquhone temple 
lands, XII. 330. y 
Tullibardine, Marchioness of, A 
Military History of Perthshire, 

V. 459. 

— William, Lord, tv. 21, at the 

battle of Glenshiel, 11. 415, 419- 
421; dies a prisoner in the Tower, 
IV. 22. 

Index 1903-1916 


Tullich, church of the Hospitallers 
at, Ix. 62 n. 

Tullilum, Perthshire, 1. 426 n. 

Tunderle, Sir Warin de, m. 174. 

Tunno, Sir William, vicar of Men- 
nare, II. 463. 

Turbane, George, in St. Andrews, 
Il. 262. 

Turberville, A. S., The House of 
Lords in the Reign of William III., 
XI. 221. 

— Sir Thomas de, a French spy in 
England, vit. 283 and n. 

Turenne, Henri, Vicomte de, 
Marshal Turenne, V. 357- 

Turgot, bishop of St. Andrews, vi. 
182; vu. 2; his Life of St. 
Margaret, X. 351. 

Turnbull, John, abbot of Peebles, 
III. 103. 

— Robert, Some Darien Letters, 
XI. 404-408. 

— William, bishop of Glasgow, Ll 
425; V. 319-321; VII. 172; VII. 
244; XI. 252. 

Turnbulls of Strickcathrow, Iv. 

Turner, Edward Raymond, The 
Negro in Pennsylvania, X. 109. 
—G. J., A Calendar of the Feet 
of Fines relating to the County 
of Huntingdon, 1194-1603, X. 


— George, The Ancient Forestry, x. 

— Henry Gyles, The First Decade 
of the Australian Commonwealth, 

— Sir James, XII. 223, 227, 235. 

— Josiah, The Romance of British 
History, X. 431. 

— Thomas, at Padua University, 
Ir. 58. 

— William, imprisoned in the Tol- 
booth for adultery, rx. 31. 

— — History of Philosophy, t. 87. 

Turpington, Hugh de, Iv. 34. 

Tweeddale, John, rst Marquess of, 
Overtour for setling ye Highlands, 
1664, XII. 218. 

Twigge, R. W., Jacobite papers at 
Avignon, X. 60-75. 



Two Voices: Verses in Scots and 
English, by Stewart A. Robertson, 
IX. 210. 

Tyes, Sir Henry de, 1x. 74 and n. 

Tylless, John, in St. Andrews, 1. 

Tylloyl, Peter de, canon of Dunkeld, 
I. 315. 

Tynemouth Benedictine Monastery, 
1. 348. 

Tynto, John, in Southwood, Iv. 

Typtoft, Sir Pagan de, killed at 
Bannockburn, vitl. 383, 385. 

Tyrie, James, S.J., I. 219. 

Tyrol, its people and castles, v. 110. 

Tytler, James, editor of The Weekly 
Mirror, 1. 147. 

. Uddart, Nathaniel, soap manu- 
facturer in Leith, 1. 408. 

Uffenbach, Z. C. von, tx. 318. 

Ufforthe, Robert de, created Earl 
of Suffolk, q.v. 

Uimieris (Hume or Weymss), Robert, 
student at Heidelberg, v. 68. 

Ulster, civil war of 1641, VI. 434; 
Stolen Waters: a Page in the 
Conquest of Ulster, by T. M. 
Healy, x. 424; dialect of Ulster, 
II. 95. 

Ulster Journal of Archeology, 1. 
226-7; I. 95, 186. 

Umfraville, Ingram de, 111. 222 and 
N.; VII. 278; Vill. 167, 383, 385-6. 

Union Flag, iis History and Design, 
by John A. Stewart, xl. 432. 

Union of the Parliaments of England 
and Scotland, 1707, Iv. 121-134. 

Union Roll of 1707, Il. 482-3; 
Union of 1707 a constitutional 
necessity, v. 52-66; Union of 
1707: its story in outline, Iv. 
249-261; The Early History of 
the Scottish Union Question, by 
G. W. T. Omond, Iv. 345. 

Union of South Africa, by the Hon. 
R. H. Brand, vii. 200, 

United East India Co., viii. 287. 

Universities founded during the 
Great Schism, vill. 356; Uni- 
versity Enactmentsin Parliament, 

Scottish Historical Review 

x. 89; The Old Schools and 
Universities in Scotland, rx. 113- 
138; The Universities of Scot- 
land and the Order of Black 
Friars, 1x. 1-9. See also under 
Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, 
St. Andrews. 

Unwin, George, The Gilds and Com- 
panies of London, VI. 411. 

Urban VI., Pope, Iv. 144-147. 

Urquhart parish, vi. 269.. 

Urri, Adam, a notorious Glasgow 
lawyer, VI. 289. 

Ury, Captain John, I. 193. 

Usher, Roland J., The Rise and 
Fall of the High Commission, 
XII. 208. 

Usk, Adam of, Chronicon, 11. 214. 

Vadencourt, Pelerin de, v. 28. 

Valence, Sir Aymer de, See Pem- 
broke, Earl of. 

Valentine, Easton S., Forfarshire, 
x. 218. 

Vallibus [Vaus], Sir John de, v1. 
27 and n. 

Valoniis, Philip de, 11. 175. 

Van de Velde, William, painter, 
III. 43. 

Vandyke, Sir Anthony, Ix. 192. 

Vane, Sir Henry, the younger, Life, 
by John Willcock, x. 431. 

Vans (Vaus), Patrick, of Barn- 
barroch, XI. 163. 

Vath, Thomas, vil. 357. 

Vaughan, Arthur Owen, The Matter 
of Wales, X. 427. 

—C., The Influence of English 
Poetry upon the Romantic Revival 
on the Continent, XII. 107. 

— Herbert M., The Last of the Royal 
Stuarts, IV. 223. 

Vauson, Hadrian, Flemish painter, ~ 

VII. 113. 

Venezuelan early history, VII. 197. 

Venice, Studies in the History of 
Venice, by Horatio F. Brown, 
V. 355 

Venice inthe Thirteenth and Four-- 

teenth Centuries, by F.C. Hodgson, 
VIII. 420. 
Verney Memoirs, IV. 344. 

ne i 

Index 1903-1916 

Vernon, H. M., and K. D., A History 
of the Oxford Museum, vit. 198. 
Vertie, James, a witch torturer, 

IV. 47. 

Vesci, John de, 111. 10, 15; VI. 287. 

— William de, m1. 15; vil. 280. 

Viano, San, a Scottish saint, Ix. 

Vickers, K. H., England in the Later 
Middle Ages, 1272-1485, XI. 325; 
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 
VI. 208. 

Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 
The Reign of Queen Victoria, by 
Low and Sanders, v. 353. 

Vienna College regulations in 1550, 
VII. 429. 

Viking Club, 1. 465; I. 329; Iv. 
342; V. 246; VI. 109, 434; VII. 
204; VIII. 213, 316; IX. 445; 
X. 223-4, 435; XI. 113, 329; 
XII. 203. 

Vikings, coinage, commerce, dress, 
etc., II. 370-374; Vikings slay 
St. Maolrubha, vi. 273, 274, 276; 
plunder Applecross, 278; Some 
medieval house-burnings by the 
Vikings of Orkney, XII. 157-165 ; 
Vikingerne, by Alex. Bugge, Iv. 
216. See also Norse: Scandi- 

Villanova, Elyan de, Grand Master 
of the Knights Hospitallers, rx. 

Villari, Pasquale, v. 264. 

Villey, Pierre, Les Sources Italiennes 
de la ‘ Deffense et Illustration de 
la Langue Francois,’ de Joachim 
du Bellay, vi. 97. 

Vindicta Salvatoris, 1. 345. 

Vinogradoff, Paul, English Society 
in the Eleventh Century, vi. 76; 
The Growth of the Manor, 11. 431 ; 
Vinogradoff and Morgan’s Records 
of the Social and Economic History 
of England and Wales, vol. 1., 
XII. 184. 

Vipont, Ivo de, tv. 429. 

Virginia Company, vii. 289. 

Virginia under the Stuarts, 1607- 
1688, by T. T. Wertenbaker, x1. 


‘Vision of the Cross of Christ’: 
an Early Northumbrian Poem, 
IX. 139-147. 

Visitation Articles of the Period of 
the Reformation, vi1l. 299. 

Vitelleschi, Marchesa, A Court in 
Exile, 1. 443. 

Vivisection of criminals, 1. 356. 

Voltaire’s political ideas, v1. 98. 

Volunteer movement in Ireland, 
1779-1793, VII. 427. 

Volunteering, Fifty years of it, by 
J. H. A. Macdonald, vir. 183. 

Volusenus. See Wilson, Florence. 

‘Vows of the Sparrowhawk,’ Iv. 

Voyages of Drake and Gilbert, edited 
by Payne and Beazley, VI. 429. 

Waberthwaite, I. 69 n. 

Wade-Evans, A. W., Welsh Medieval 
Law, vit. 78. 

Wadham, Dorothy, Letters, 1609- 
1618, II. 314. 

Wake, Thomas de, Ix. 279 and ., 

‘ Waking’ the dead in Banffshire, 
VI. 318. 

Waldbouf, John, Iv. 418-9. 

Waldeve of Allerdale, 11. 331. 

—son of Gospatric of Allerdale, 
1. 64 and n., 69 n. 

Wales, Bibliotheca Celtica, 1x. 444; 
Catalogue of Tracts of the Civil 
War .. . relating to Wales, 1x. 
322; A History of Wales... 
to the Edwardian Conquest, by J. 
E. Lloyd, vit. 415; Welsh 
revolt in 1294, VII, 273-4; Welsh 
Medieval Law, by A. W. Wade- 
Evans, vii. 78; Leland’s Itinerary 
in Wales, 1536-9, Ul. 375; 
The Matter of Wales, A. QO. 
Vaughan, X. 427. 

— National Library, charter of 
incorporation and report, vil. 

Waliszewski, K., Paul the First of 
Russia, X. 322. 

Walker, Robert, Librarian of Aber- 
deen University, x. 221. 

Walkinshaw, Clementina, II. 177. 


128 Scottish Historical Review 

Walkinshaw, John, of Barrowfield, 
Ill. 61. 

— Lieut. William, 1. 103. 

Wall Atlas of Modern History, x1. 

Wallace of Craigie, 1v. 79. 

— James, minister at Inchinnan, 
VI. 374. . 

—-— minister of Kirkwall, vir. 
442 and n. 

— James J. G., notes on a 
notarial instrument from _ the 
burgh charter room, Haddington, 
IX. 345, and on the Order of the 
Star of Bethlehem, 1x. 109. 

— Sir John, a prisoner in London, 
VIII. 171. 

— Ralph, forger, 1. 243. 

— Thomas, vil. 358. 

— William, gains a victory at 
Stirling Bridge, 111. 219; defeated 
at Falkirk, 111. 221; VIII. 159; exe- 
cution, III. 222; vit. 166; his 
baldrick made of the skin of Hugh 
de Cressingham, vill. 37; Early 
Days of Sir William Wallace, by 
John, Marquess of Bute, x. 

Waller and Glover’s edition of 
Hazlitt’s Collected Works, 1. 331. 

— Edmund, II. 50. 

Wallington, Nehemiah, Diary, x. 

Wallyford, near Musselburgh, x11. 

Walpole, Sir Spencer, The History 
of Twenty-Five Years, 1. 439; 

* VI. 207. 

Walsingham und seine Zeit, von 
Karl Stahlin, Bd. I., vi. 398. 

Walther, Andreas, Geldwert in der 
Geschichte, X. 429. 

Walton, Izaak, 1. 4-5, 342. 

Wanles, Thomas, in Gask, 11. 36. 

Wamphrayflett, 11. 105. 

War, The University and the study 
of War, by Prof. Wilkinson, vu. 

War and Misrule, ed. by A. A. 
Locke, 1307-1399, X. 432.- 

War of Independence ; a new view, 
VI. 129-139. 

War Office papers in the Record 
Office, XII. 434. 

War-Pictures from Clarendon, 1x. 

Ward, A. W., The End of the Middle 
Ages (Cambridge History of Eng- 
lish Literature), vil. 93; James 
VI. and the Papacy, 11. 248-252. 

— John, Roman Eva in Britain, 
and Romano-British Buildings and 
Earthworks, 1x. 183. 

— T.A., Peeps into the Past, v1. 416. 

— William, King’s Messenger, v. 

Warde, Simon, of Bonington, as- 
saulted by Knights Hospitallers 
when trying to serve a summons, 
Ix. 60. 

Wardell, John, review of Falkiner’s 
Illustrations of Irish History, u 

Wardlaw, Alexander, archdeacon 
of Argyll, Iv. 148. 

—— student at Paris University, 
VIII. 231. 

— Henry, bishop of St. Andrews, 
III. 302-3, 306-7, 310, 313; IV. 
148, 150, 153, 157; VII. 12; 
VIII. 230-232 and ”., 246-7 and #., 
333; IX. 117; notes on Bishop 
Wardlaw and the Grey Friars, by 
W. M. Bryce and J. Maitland 
Thomson, 219-223 ; Henry Ward- 
law, by John C. Gibson, Ix. 208. 

— Sir Henry, of Pitreavie, 11. 105; 
VII. 116. 

— John, of Alden, x11. 80. 

— Walter, bishop of Glasgow, II. 
179; IV. 147; V. 115, 207. 

Wardiaws in Scotland, by J. C. 
Gibson, IX. 420. 

Ware, S. L., The Elizabethan Parish, i 
VI. 212. 

Warenne, Earl of, vitr. 281-2. 

Wark Castle, VIII. 393. 

Warrack, Alexander, Scots Dialect — 
Dictionary, VII. 423. 

Warrander, Thomas, painter in 
Haddington, vi. 149. 

Warrick, John, Moderators of the 
Church of Scotland, 1690-1740, 

X. 413. 

Index 1903-1916 

Warwick, Guy, Earl of, 111. 221 and 
m.; VIII. 284. 

— Richard, Earl of, Pageant of the 
Birth, Life, and Death of Richard 
Beauchamp, Eavri of Warwick, 
1389-1439, XII. 103. 

Warwickshire, Memorials of a War- 
wickshive Family, by B. G. F. C. 
W. Boughton-Leigh, Iv. 229. 

Washington, George, Life, by Very 
Rev. James O’Boyle, x1. 429. 

Waterford trade, vi. 196, 322-3. 

Waterstoun, Patrick, x1. 136. 

Watkins, Walter Kenall, The Ochter- 
loney Family of Scotland, 1. 98. 

Watson, Alexander, printer in Edin- 
burgh, vil. 247. 

— Eric R., The Trial of Eugene 
Aram, XII. 94. 

— Frederick, Shallows, x1. 326. 

— George, The Coronation Stone of 
Scotland, vit. 223; The Story of 
Maiden Lilliard, 11. 338. 

— James, King’s Printer, 1. 306; 
VII. 244-262. 

— Patrick, printer in Edinburgh, 
VII. 247. 

— Robert, in Dundee, tv. 75. 

—T., review of W. R. Scott’s 
Records of a Scottish Cloth Manu- 
factory at New Mills, 11. 435. 

— W. J., Place-Names of Ross and 
Cromarty, 11. 322. 

Watt, J. Crabb, Dunnottar and its 
barons, 1. 389-405. 

Wauchope, Robert, ‘ the blind theo- 
logian,’ parson of Pennycuik, 
XI. 7. 

——— presbyter of the diocese of 
St. Andrews, 11. 66. 

Waugh, W. T., The Lollard Knights, 
XI. 55-92; review of Gairdner’s 
Lollardy and the Reformation in 
England, 1. 226. 

Waus, Alexander, prebendary of 
Turriff, v1. 250. 

Weapon-shaw rioting in Edinburgh 
in 1677, XII. 378. 

Weardale, 1x. 167 and n. 

Weaver, J. R. H., editor of the 
JF peigeg of John of Worcester, 
‘VI. 50. 



Weavers from the Continent brought 
to Edinburgh, 1. 175. 

Webster, C. K., The Study of Nine- 
teenth Century Diplomacy, X11. 431. 

— William Clarence, A General 
History of Commerce, 1. 92. 

Wedale, Adam de, v. 20-22. 

— Alan de, v. 20. 

Wedderburn of Blackness, Iv. 79. 

— James, of Dundee, poet, I. 152, 

— John, at Padua University, 111. 

—-—M.D., in Dundee, tv. 79. 

— — priest, I. 156. 

— Sir John, Jacobite, 1. 38 n. 

— Margaret, in Dundee, Iv. 79. 

~~ Mary, Il. 103. 

— Robert, vicar of Dundee, 1. 155. 

Weddersbie, or Wester Collessie, 11. 

Wedderspoon, Jonet, earns the 
stool of repentance, II. 35. 

Weekly Magazine, Ul. 145. 

Weigher of the Exchequer, Ix. 214. 

Weights and measures, inspectors 
of, I. 129. 

Weir, Katherine, 5th wife of Sir 
Patrick Murray of Elibank, rv. 

— Robert, sentenced to be broken 
on the wheel for the murder of 
Kincaid of Warriston, U. 242. 

— T. H., review of Smith’s Early 
History of India, v1. 89. 

— Major Thomas, Il. 243. 

Weittit, Jeannett, 11. 30. 

Welford, Richard, review of Dendy’s 
Jesmond, 1. 310. 

Wells mansion house, Roxburgh- 
shire, in 1729, V. 265-272. 

Wells, J., The Oxford Degree Cere- 
mony IV. 103. 

Welsford, J. W., The Strength of 
England, vu. 411. 

Welsh Literature, Bibliotheca Celtica, 

IX. 444. 
Welsh Medieval Law, by A. W. 
Wade-Evans, vil. 78. 
Welsh revolt in 1294, VII. 273-4. 
Welwood, William, A 
all Sea-Lawes, 1X. 176. 


130 Scottish Historical Review 

Wemyss, Alexander, at Padua Uni- 
versity, 111. 62. 

— David, Earl of, 111. 81. F, 

— — minister of Glasgow, II. 111. 

— Sir David de, 1x. 283. 

— Henry, bishop of Candida Casa, 
Vv. 455- 

— Michael de, 1x. 283. 

Wentz, W. Y. Evans, Fairy-Faith 
in Celtic Countries, 1x. 186. 

Werkele, Richard, Hospitaller, rx. 

Wertenbaker, T. T., Virginia under 
the Stuarts, 1607-1688, XI. 439. 

Weekly Magazine, 11. 145. 

West, Sir Edward, Memoirs, v. 484. 
—G. H., Gothic Architecture in 
England and France, 1X. 203. 
Westminster Abbey, The Abbot's 
House at Westminster, by J. 
Armitage Robinson, 1x. 426; The 
History of Westminster Abbey, by 
John Flete, v1. 418; Manuscripts 
of Westminster Abbey, by Robin- 

son and James, vi. 418. 

Westmylne of Kirkcaldy, x1. 82. 

Weyland, Thomas de, banished, 11. 

Whales at Tiree, 1. 300 m. 

Wharton, Sir George, killed in a 
duel, VI. 114-115. 

— Thomas, v. 351-2. 

Whatmore, A. W., Insule Britan- 
nic@, XI. 314. 

Whelpdale, Roger, bishop of Car- 
lisle, XI. 50. 

Whetham, C. D., and W. C. D., 
Life of Colonel Nathaniel Whetham, 
V. 490. 

“ Whig,’’ note on, x. 328. 

Whig Party in the South, [U.S.A.], 
by A. C. Cole, x11. 204. 

White, Herbert M., Old Ingleborough, 
II. 222. 

— Peter, schoolmaster in Water- 
ford, vi. 197. 

Whitehall fire, 1. 362. 

‘White Horse Hill, x. 223. 

Whitehouse, John Howard, National 
System of Education, X1. 304. 

Whitekirk, Haddingtonshire, 111. 

Whitelaw, Archibald, Latinist, x1. 

Whitgreave, Thomas, of Mosely, 
III. 42. 

Whithorn or Candida Casa, 1. 83, 
379, 383, 385-7; Il. 394, 403, 407. 

Why we are at War, by James 
Douglas, x11. 428. 

Whytes of Bennochy, Iv. 296. 

Wicht, Henry, falconer, 11. 102. 

Wiener, Harold M., Studies in 
Biblical Law, 1. 312. 

Wiggonby, Cumberland, 1. 69 n. 

Wightman, Joseph, major-general, 
Il. 412, 417-8. 

Wigtown, Malcolm, Earl of, 1x. 239, 
240; xX. 181 and n., 183. 

Wigtownshire, Report and Inventory 
of Monuments, X. 189, 325. 

Wilkie, Elizabeth, 11. 106. 

— John, of Broomhouse, II. 105. 

— Sir John, of Foulden, 11. 106-7. 

— Mariota, II. 106. 

— Robert, minister of Douglas, 11. 

— William, burgess of Edinburgh, 

— — burgess of Lanark, Il. 105. 

— — of Haghill, minister of Govan, 
II. 106-7. 

— Zacharias, minister of Ellemford, 
II. 106. 

Wilkies of Foulden, 1. 105. 

Wilkinson, Maurice, The Last Phase 
of the League in Provence, 1588- 
1598, VII. 309. 

Willcock, John, Life of Sir Henry 
Vane the Younger, X. 431; A 
Scots Earl in Covenanting Times : 
being Life and Times of Archibald 
oth Earl of Argyll, v. 492. 

William the Conqueror, Regesta 
Regum Anglo-Normannorum, XI. 

William the Lion, king of Scotland, 
Annals of the Reigns of Malcolm 
and William, 1153-1214, by Sir 
A. C. Lawrie, vit. 189; charter 
of, Il. 175, 177; VU. 160; a 
Scottish Trial-by-Combat chartei 
of 1167, Iv. 481; notes on the 
charter, v. 89; note on the Great 


Index 1903-1916 

Seal of William the Lion, x1. 
337; portrait, v. 360. 

William Rufus, Regesta Regum A nglo- 
Normannorum, X1. 205. 

William III., x. 56; The House of 
Lords in the Reign of William III., 
by A. S. Turberville, x1. 221. 

Williams, A. M., The Andreas and 
St. Andrew, III. 245-253, 523; 
Sir David Lindsay, 1490-1555, 
XII. 166-173 ; note on the desira- 
bility of a new Scots Dictionary, 
X. 326. Reviews of Hume Brown’s 
History of Scotland, 1x. 316; 
Fraser’s Bridge of Dee, XI. 320; 
Fraser’s Historical Aberdeen, 111. 
513; Egerton’s Canada, vi. 210; 
Lucas’s Canadian War of 1812, Iv. 
224; Miscellany of the Scottish 
History Society, vol. 2, 1. 87; 
Rogers’ Australasia, Vv. 117; 
Whitehouse’s National System of 
Education, X1. 304. 

— Basil, The Life of William Pitt, 
Earl of Chatham, x1. 318. 

—J. B. A History of English 
Journalism, vi. 410. 

Williamson, Adam, The Official 
Diary of Lt.-Genl. Adam William- 
SOM, 1722-1747, XI. 224. 

— David, minister of St. Cuthbert’s 
Church, Edinburgh, tv. 472; xu. 

— James M., The Life and Times of 
St. Boniface, 11. 324. 

— Nicholas, vit. 357. 

Willison, George, of Dundee, artist, 
Il. 46 n. 

Willock, John, moderator of the 
General Assembly, x1. 264. 

Willoughby (Willubi), Francis, at 
Padua University, 11. 58. 

Willson, Beckles, Ledger and Sword 
(1599-1874), I. 437. 

Wilmot, William, rx. 103. - 

Wilson, Elizabeth, second wife of 
Sir John M‘Neill, virt. 94. 

— [Volusenus], Florence, tutor in 
Wolsey’s household, 111. 432; XI. 
127-8; Florence Wilson, a for- 

_ gotten Scottish scholar of the 
16th century, x. 122-137. 


Wilson, Frederick William, The Im- 
portance of the Reign of Queen Anne 
in English Church History, 1X. 433: 

— James, Rose Castle, x. 200; An 
English letter of Gospatrick, 1. 
62-69, 105; II. 353; The Author- 
ship of the Chronicle of Lanercost, 
X. 138-155; Charter of the abbot 
and convent of Cupar, 1220, VIII. 
172-176; the first historian of 
Cumberland, vill. 5-21; Foun- 
dation of the Austin Priories of 
Nostell and Scone, VII. 141-159; 
x. 228; Medieval Education at 
Carlisle, x1. 39-53; Original char- 
ters of the abbey of Cupar, 
1219-1448, X. 272-286; Peculiar 
ordination of a Cumberland 
benefice, v. 297-303. Notes on 
Aconeuz, I. 351; thecession of the 
Isle of Man to Scotland in 1266, 
xm. 440; ‘clobest,’ I. 350; the 
identity of Waldeve, brother of 
Dolfin, 11. 331; Salvo Ker Meo, 
mI. 518; the Scottish Trial-by- 
Combat charter of 1167, Iv. 481 ; 
v. 89; the site of the battle of 
Brunanburh, vil. 212. Reviews 
of Ballard’s Domesday Boroughs, 
1. 209; Bear’s Iveland under 
Elizabeth, t. 335; Birt’s Eliza- 
bethan Religious Settlement, v. 
344; Blundell’s Kilcumein and 
Fort-Augustus, Xl. 91; The 
Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the 
Exchequer of the Jews, 1273-1275, 
vil. 301; Canfield’s Early Per- 
secutions of the Christians, XI. 
307; Chalmers’ Dalmeny Kirk, 
I. 445; Clemesha’s History of 
Preston, x. 104; Cook’s Some 
Accounts of the Bewcastle Cross, 
x11. 198; Cox’s Parish Registers 
of England, vu. 89;  Craster’s 
History of Northumberland, v. 
214; vil. 185; Craster’s Parish 
of Corbridge, x1. 186; Davis's 
England under the Normans and 
Angevins, 1. 362; Dowden’s 
Bishops of Scotland, 1X. 411; 
Gasquet’s England under the Old 
Religion, xX. 421; Gasquet’s 

132 Scottish Historical Review 

Wilson, James—cont. 
Henry the Thivd and the Church, 
Ill. 226; Gasquet’s Henry VIII. 
and the English Monasteries, iv. 
102; Gasquet’s Last Abbot of 
Glastonbury, vi. 92; Hughes’ 
History of the Society of Jesus in 
North America, V. 229, 362; VII. 
' 308; Smith’s edition of Leland’s 
Itinerary, v. 98, 478; VIII. 195; 
Maclagan’s Religio Scotica, vi. 
308 ; Munro’s Seigniorial System 
in Canada, Vv. 112; Nightingale’s 
The Ejected of 1662 in Cumber- 
land and Westmorland, 1X. 429; 
Pollard’s England under the Tudors, 
by Innes, and Henry VIII., m1. 
499; Smith’s Church and State 
in the Middle Ages, and The 
Dominican Order and Convoca- 
tion, XI. 213; Stubbs’s Germany 
in the Early Middle Ages, vi. 79. 

— John Dover, Life in Shake- 
spearve’s England, 1X. 437. 

Wimund, bishop of Sodor and Man, 
VII. 26-36; claims the earldom of 
Moray, II. 398. 

Winchelsea, Robert, archbishop. of 
Canterbury, vul. 67, 170, 283; 
VIII. 381. 

Winchester, Hugh le Despenser, 
Earl of, Iv. 26; VIII. 279, 385; 
IX. 74, 163 and 2. 

Windebank, Francis, surrenders 
Bletchingdon House to Cromwell, 
III. 509. 

Wine, drinking of, on the night of 
a death, vi. 141, 318. 

Wine gaugers, I. 129. 
Wingfield-Stratford, Esmé, History 
of English Patriotism, X1. 308. 
Winstanley, D. A., Lord Chatham 
and the Whig Opposition, X. 213 ; 
Personal and Party Government, 

- 1760-1766, VII. 421. 

— William, 1. 6. 

Winstone, Thomas, at Padua Uni- 
versity, III. 58. 

Winterhop, Thomas, principal of the 
Scottish College in Paris, Iv. 400. 

Winton, Roger de Quincy, East of, 
I. 174, 178. 

Winwidfield, site of the battle of, 
Ix. 180-1. 

Winzet, Ninian, II. 347-8. 

Wise, B. R., The Making of the 
Austvalicne Commonwealth, 1889- 
1900, XI. 325. 

Wiseman, Sir William, sheriff of 
Elgin, vi. 135, 137- 

Wishart, George, Memoirs of Mon- 
tvosé, I. 50-52. 

—or Wischard, John, bishop of 
Glasgow, v. 206; Ix. 406. 

— John, of Pittarro, x. 160. . 

— Robert, bishop of Glasgow, II. 
36, 220, 332; Vv. 86, 203; VI. 
25 and .; Vill. 168, 387. 

— William, bishop of St. Andrews, 
v. 86; vi. 15, 28 ; VII. 136. 

Witchcraft, 11. 235-9, 243 ; II. 370; 
Iv. 182, 462; VI. 396, 423-4; VII. 
315; x1. 85, 104; witchcraft 
and witching-stones, IX. 263-5; 
witches of Alloa, Iv. 40-48; 
witchcraft in Campbeltown in 
1848, IX. 259; witchcraft sermon 
by James Hutchison, vil. 390- 
399; witchcraft and sorcery in 
France, Iv. 477; witchcraft and 
the Spanish Inquisition, vII. 297 ; 
A History of Witchcraft in England 
from 1558 to 1718, by W. Note- 
stein, x. 409; La Magie et. la 
Sorcellevie en France, by Th. de 
Cauzons, X. 309. 

Witherspoon, James, provost of 
Linlithgow, X. 159. 

Wolfram, Georg, Die Metzer Chronih 
des Jaique Dex, Iv. 468. 

Wolsey, Thomas, The Life of Car- 
dinal Wolsey, by George Caven- 
dish, VI. 95. 

Wolves in Ireland, x1. 223. 

Woman Ancient Greece and 
Rome, by James Donaldson, tv. 

Women and the law of property in 
the Jus Feudale, xu. 282-3; 
women students of the 16th 
century, xu. 319; The Status of 
Women in New England and New 
France, by James Douglas, 1x. 

Index 1903-1916 133 

Wood, Alexander, of Grange, 11. 24. 

— Andrew, of Largo, 1. 20. 

— Anthony a, 1. 6, 11-12; Life and 
Times of Anthony Wood, edited 
by Andrew Clark, x. 337. 

— Harry Alexander, Sanct Androis 
and other Scottish Ballads, xt. 

— Helen, scourged and banished 
for stealing honey, 1. 481. 

— James, Song Gems, VII. 423. 

— L. Ingleby, Scottish Pewter Ware 
and Pewterers, 11. 438. 

— Patrick, at Padua University, 
Ill. 61. 

— Walter, Mary Queen of Scots, 
Iv. 338. 

— William, student at Heidelberg, 
v. 67. 

Wool-card manufactory at Leith, 
ll. 406; export of wool, I. 177, 
181, 183; woollen manufacture 
in Scotland, 1. 287-297 ; woollen 
and linen trade in Scotland and 
Ireland, vi. 103, 439. 

- Woolf, Cecil N. Sidney, Bartolus of 

Jassoferrato, X11. 194. 
Worcester, John of, Chronicle, vi. 
80 ° 

Workman, H. B., Methodism, 1x. 


Wotherspoon, H. J., 111. 98. 

Wotton, Sir Henry, 1. 4. 

“Wrawes of bule and of auhne,” 
I. IOI, 352; I. 108, 235. 

Wren, Sir Christopher, 111. 43. 

Wrestling matches and dances in 
churches forbidden, vir. 222. 

Wright, Elizabeth Mary, Rustic 
Speech and Foik-Love, x1. 224. 

— H. B., The Campaign of Plataea, 
Iv. 464. 

— Joseph, English Dialect Diction- 
ary, I. 112. 

— Robert, minister of Clackmannan, 
IV. 41, 44. 

— Thomas, in Gattonside, vir. 362. 

Wrong, George M., The Fall of 
Canada, x11. 189. 

Wtyn, St., 11. 330. 

Wyclif, John, 1. 266. 

Wyclifites, 1. 272-3. 

Wykeham, William of, archbishop 
of York, vi. 27, 284. 

Wylie, James Hamilton, The Reign 
of Henry the Fifth, vol. 1, X1. 413; 
notes on the portrait of James L., 
Ix. 106; and on ‘ Wrawes,’ I. 

Wynd, Henry, beheaded for forgery, 
Il. 243. 

Wyntoun’s Chronicle, 1. 237; Iv. 
364; V. 263; VI. 112. 

Yeaman, Agnes, Iv. 77. 

— Robert, Iv. 81. 

Yoleta, queen of Alexander IIL., 
vi. 183, 185. 

Yonge, Griffin, bishop of Ross, vu. 

York, Thomas, archbishop of, v. 77. 

— Thurstin, archbishop of, vit. 

York and Lancaster, by W. Garmon 
Jones, 1399-1485, XII. 107. 

Yorkistoun, Alan de, v. 20. 

— Richard de, v. 17, 21. 

Yorkshire Dialect Society, 1. 348. 

Young (Zung), Andrew, minister of 
Dunblane, Ill. 24-25. 

— Arthur, Annals of Agriculture, 
II. 146. 

— Bernard, in St. Andrews, I1. 261. 

— James, apothecary in Dundee, 
IV. 75- 

— Sir John, of Leny, x11. 383. 

— Thomas Pettigrew, Histoive de 
lV’ Enseignement Primaire et Secon- 
daire en Ecosse, v. 361. 

Yule, Alexander, of Garmilton, x. 
377 and x., 381. 

— John, of Garmilton, x. 377 %. 

Yusuf Khan, by S. C. Hill, x11. 189. 

Ythan Wells, Aberdeenshire, xu. 

Zasius, Udalricus, German jurist, 
XII. 272 and n. 

Zeaman. See Yeaman. 

Zetland rents in 1743, XI. 210. 


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